Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

Having heard Bundy more than once what I have heard him say is that he does not recognize the government authority over land that should rightfully belong to the state of Nevada.

Just like the government doesn't recognize government ownership of the land in our national forests that drug cartels use for marijuana grows. The BLM isn't sending anyone out to take government land away from them. And those growers sure aren't paying taxes on what they sell.

You left out the fact that you heard he does not recognize government ownership of the land in our national forests because HE SAID DOZENS OF TIMES his family has been using that land since the 1800s BEFORE the BLM was formed.
And that was a lie that you believed and now dismiss.
Because you are a fraud.
Bundy wasn't ignorant of the law, which isn't even a defense anyway, and has lied his way into mega millions for decades.
Down in the deep south we despise liars and those that support them.
Harry Reid is an idiot.
So what else is new.
So he calls names.
I have been called every name in the book and sometimes for hours at a time with a 6'7" 310 lb. man mountain in front of me.
So what.
A bunch of candy asses here that bring up name calling as if an idiot politician has never called anyone bad names.
Geeeeez, what a pack of excuse making milk weak sissified morons here.
Harry Reid is an idiot.
So what else is new.
So he calls names.
I have been called every name in the book and sometimes for hours at a time with a 6'7" 310 lb. man mountain in front of me.
So what.
A bunch of candy asses here that bring up name calling as if an idiot politician has never called anyone bad names.
Geeeeez, what a pack of excuse making milk weak sissified morons here.
This Bundy thing really has you wrapped around the axle doesn't it? You are oversimplifying the issue. Maybe you don't care but Reid does more than run his yap and the feds do more than looking out for our best interests.
Harry Reid is an idiot.
So what else is new.
So he calls names.
I have been called every name in the book and sometimes for hours at a time with a 6'7" 310 lb. man mountain in front of me.
So what.
A bunch of candy asses here that bring up name calling as if an idiot politician has never called anyone bad names.
Geeeeez, what a pack of excuse making milk weak sissified morons here.

Check your meds bro
CaféAuLait;8982663 said:
Bundy said in a radio interview last Thursday. "I abide by all of Nevada state laws. But I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing."

The Irony of Cliven Bundy's Unconstitutional Stand - Matt Ford - The Atlantic

Where is the rest of that quote? He went on after saying "existing ", speaking of grazing fees and he does not recognize them charging him.
If YOU say he went on after the word "existing" the burden is on YOU to back your claim.

Apocalypse Cow - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central

And Obama cited "my Muslim faith". The burden is on you to prove it was taken out of context.
"does not recognize them charging them" speaking of the grazing LEASES.
You good folks must still believe the lies that Bundy's family has been on that land since the 1800s.
The real story is the hero Bundy is a bald faced habitual liar that put at risk the lives of people that believed he was telling the truth.
And anyone that follows someone like that is a dumb ass.
He is telling lies and not paying the grazing fees because he gets a competitive advantage over others in the cattle business.
Those others ranchers in the cattle business being the ones that LOBBIED CONGRESS for the government to pass The Taylor Grazing Act so freeloading liars like Bundy would be stopped from unregulated free over grazing of the lands.
Amazing any conservative that supports small business supports a free loading mooching liar like Bundy because he lies to others and "fights the government".
Nonsense, you folks know you were had same as the liberals were had when they backed the supporters of TRayvon Martin.
Everyone of you are either ignorant or too proud to admit you were had.

You mean the 50 some odd ranchers in the area that were pushed out by the BLM and no longer exist today?
Harry Reid is an idiot.
So what else is new.
So he calls names.
I have been called every name in the book and sometimes for hours at a time with a 6'7" 310 lb. man mountain in front of me.
So what.
A bunch of candy asses here that bring up name calling as if an idiot politician has never called anyone bad names.
Geeeeez, what a pack of excuse making milk weak sissified morons here.

Check your meds bro

Do millions of idiot voters listen to you and vote accordingly?
CaféAuLait;8982663 said:
Where is the rest of that quote? He went on after saying "existing ", speaking of grazing fees and he does not recognize them charging him.
If YOU say he went on after the word "existing" the burden is on YOU to back your claim.

Apocalypse Cow - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central

And Obama cited "my Muslim faith". The burden is on you to prove it was taken out of context.

Isn't that akin to going to all "57 states except Alaska and Hawaii?"
Harry Reid is an idiot.
So what else is new.
So he calls names.
I have been called every name in the book and sometimes for hours at a time with a 6'7" 310 lb. man mountain in front of me.
So what.
A bunch of candy asses here that bring up name calling as if an idiot politician has never called anyone bad names.
Geeeeez, what a pack of excuse making milk weak sissified morons here.
This Bundy thing really has you wrapped around the axle doesn't it? You are oversimplifying the issue. Maybe you don't care but Reid does more than run his yap and the feds do more than looking out for our best interests.

Bundy was not paying to graze his cattle long before Harry Reid was in the Senate.
Reid has nothing to do with Bundy not paying for a lease to graze his cattle.
Harry Reid has you "wrapped around the axle".
I am not "oversimplifying the issue".
Everything I have posted is undisputed fact.
What the Feds do in OTHER cases is not relevant here.
All you have are dodges, slants and distortions away from the issue at hand.
And the issue is Cliven Bundy is a pathological liar, you were conned and when that was exposed you run from that like a monkey on fire.
Much easier to run from the truth than face it.
Man up.
"does not recognize them charging them" speaking of the grazing LEASES.
You good folks must still believe the lies that Bundy's family has been on that land since the 1800s.
The real story is the hero Bundy is a bald faced habitual liar that put at risk the lives of people that believed he was telling the truth.
And anyone that follows someone like that is a dumb ass.
He is telling lies and not paying the grazing fees because he gets a competitive advantage over others in the cattle business.
Those others ranchers in the cattle business being the ones that LOBBIED CONGRESS for the government to pass The Taylor Grazing Act so freeloading liars like Bundy would be stopped from unregulated free over grazing of the lands.
Amazing any conservative that supports small business supports a free loading mooching liar like Bundy because he lies to others and "fights the government".
Nonsense, you folks know you were had same as the liberals were had when they backed the supporters of TRayvon Martin.
Everyone of you are either ignorant or too proud to admit you were had.

You mean the 50 some odd ranchers in the area that were pushed out by the BLM and no longer exist today?

LOL, name one rancher that was "pushed out by the BLM".
Just one.
18,000 ranchers lease land from the BLM to graze their lifestock.
The Taylor Grazing Act of 1934 was lobbied for and written by CATTLE RANCHERS.
We can add you to the list of the naive and gullible here.
Media conned you same as they did the folks that believed Trayvon Martin was a 6th grade choir boy.
Cliven Bundy stated his family had been there grazing cattle on that land since the 1800s numerous times on TV and news conferences.
And you believed 100% of what he said.
How does it feel to now know that you were duped into believing lies?
I am not stupid and search for the truth.
The truth is Bundy's family did not buy the land until 1948, he was born in Arizona and they never had any cattle untli 1954.
Sucker. I have some beach front property in Hahira, Ga. FOR SALE.
Give you a good deal!
Harry Reid is an idiot.
So what else is new.
So he calls names.
I have been called every name in the book and sometimes for hours at a time with a 6'7" 310 lb. man mountain in front of me.
So what.
A bunch of candy asses here that bring up name calling as if an idiot politician has never called anyone bad names.
Geeeeez, what a pack of excuse making milk weak sissified morons here.

Check your meds bro

The truth really hurt you this bad?
Do not eat pills bro. Almost 60.
But I was a maniac coming off the edge years ago!
Harry Reid is an idiot.
So what else is new.
So he calls names.
I have been called every name in the book and sometimes for hours at a time with a 6'7" 310 lb. man mountain in front of me.
So what.
A bunch of candy asses here that bring up name calling as if an idiot politician has never called anyone bad names.
Geeeeez, what a pack of excuse making milk weak sissified morons here.
This Bundy thing really has you wrapped around the axle doesn't it? You are oversimplifying the issue. Maybe you don't care but Reid does more than run his yap and the feds do more than looking out for our best interests.

Bundy was not paying to graze his cattle long before Harry Reid was in the Senate.
Reid has nothing to do with Bundy not paying for a lease to graze his cattle.
I didn't say so.
Harry Reid has you "wrapped around the axle".
Nope, I mentioned him a few times. Unlike your steady stream of tirades.
I am not "oversimplifying the issue".
Everything I have posted is undisputed fact.
What the Feds do in OTHER cases is not relevant here.
All you have are dodges, slants and distortions away from the issue at hand.
And the issue is Cliven Bundy is a pathological liar, you were conned and when that was exposed you run from that like a monkey on fire.
Much easier to run from the truth than face it.
Man up.
You are one stupid asshole. I disagreed with him on my first post, even mentioned it to you earlier. Bundy is not the only example of government overreach and heavy handedness.
"This is Harry Reid's fault"
Same as: "Poor people are poor because of the greedy, evil 1%ers".
Eat up with the dumb ass knows no party affiliation.
This Bundy thing really has you wrapped around the axle doesn't it? You are oversimplifying the issue. Maybe you don't care but Reid does more than run his yap and the feds do more than looking out for our best interests.

Bundy was not paying to graze his cattle long before Harry Reid was in the Senate.
Reid has nothing to do with Bundy not paying for a lease to graze his cattle.
I didn't say so.
Harry Reid has you "wrapped around the axle".
Nope, I mentioned him a few times. Unlike your steady stream of tirades.
I am not "oversimplifying the issue".
Everything I have posted is undisputed fact.
What the Feds do in OTHER cases is not relevant here.
All you have are dodges, slants and distortions away from the issue at hand.
And the issue is Cliven Bundy is a pathological liar, you were conned and when that was exposed you run from that like a monkey on fire.
Much easier to run from the truth than face it.
Man up.
You are one stupid asshole. I disagreed with him on my first post, even mentioned it to you earlier. Bundy is not the only example of government overreach and heavy handedness.

Right, I am real stupid when I was THE FIRST PERSON here to bring in the fact that Cliven Bundy lied about EVERYTHING he stated about his family history in Nevada.

Real stupid to everyone that is a partisan hack ideologue.
All I see is a boat load of wannabe conservatives.
Bundy supporters are the same as Obama supporters. Bundy and Obama are liars.
Folks that support liars have zero credibility.
CaféAuLait;8982663 said:
Where is the rest of that quote? He went on after saying "existing ", speaking of grazing fees and he does not recognize them charging him.
If YOU say he went on after the word "existing" the burden is on YOU to back your claim.

Apocalypse Cow - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central

And Obama cited "my Muslim faith". The burden is on you to prove it was taken out of context.

That's one of the GOP rule of engagement isn't it? How about "you didn't build that!"?

Now watch the faithful claim that the president really meant the businesses people have built, not the fantastic infrastructure we have built in this country.

But the Atlantic article does have a link to the entire radio interview.
The BLM should take over 100% of the state , this way they dont have to put up with any of those pesky private land owners. For the good of the people you understand. And the environment. Federal agencies know whats best. F---ing imindless thieves...
The BLM should take over 100% of the state , this way they dont have to put up with any of those pesky private land owners. For the good of the people you understand. And the environment. Federal agencies know whats best. F---ing imindless thieves...

Honestly, I think that is the goal of the Obamunists. Put well connected looters like Soros in charge of all lands, and let the peasants rent from them.
The BLM should take over 100% of the state , this way they dont have to put up with any of those pesky private land owners. For the good of the people you understand. And the environment. Federal agencies know whats best. F---ing imindless thieves...

Honestly, I think that is the goal of the Obamunists. Put well connected looters like Soros in charge of all lands, and let the peasants rent from them.
And Soros ...his so-called TAX EXEMPT entities get a PASS from government because HE is pulling the strings. It's clear as daylight.
Right, I am real stupid when I was THE FIRST PERSON here to bring in the fact that Cliven Bundy lied about EVERYTHING he stated about his family history in Nevada.

Real stupid to everyone that is a partisan hack ideologue.
All I see is a boat load of wannabe conservatives.
Bundy supporters are the same as Obama supporters. Bundy and Obama are liars.
Folks that support liars have zero credibility.
Sounds like you want at least a cookie for your detective work. For the umteenth time I don't care who Bundy is as a person and haven't even heard his side of the story yet. Obama has lied much moreso and he affects all of our lives and your panties are in a bunch over a rancher?
Right, I am real stupid when I was THE FIRST PERSON here to bring in the fact that Cliven Bundy lied about EVERYTHING he stated about his family history in Nevada.

Real stupid to everyone that is a partisan hack ideologue.
All I see is a boat load of wannabe conservatives.
Bundy supporters are the same as Obama supporters. Bundy and Obama are liars.
Folks that support liars have zero credibility.
Sounds like you want at least a cookie for your detective work. For the umteenth time I don't care who Bundy is as a person and haven't even heard his side of the story yet. Obama has lied much moreso and he affects all of our lives and your panties are in a bunch over a rancher?

Yeah, but this makes anything they say or do to him justifiable.

They can murder him and his family with a clear conscience.

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