Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

Why The Other Ranchers Support Cliven Bundy

Statement from Kena Lytle Gloeckner, Nevada rancher

There have been a lot of people criticizing Clive Bundy because he did not pay his grazing fees for 20 years.
The public is also probably wondering why so many other cowboys are supporting Mr. Bundy even though they paid their fees and Clive did not.
What you people probably do not realize is that on every rancher’s grazing permit it says the following:

Why The Other Ranchers Support Cliven Bundy : The Jack Blood Show

In 1976 there were approximately 52 ranching permittees in this area of Nevada.
Presently, there are 3. Most of these people lost their livelihoods because of the actions of the BLM.
Clive Bundy was one of these people who received extremely unfair and unreasonable TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Keep in mind that Mr. Bundy was required to sign this contract before he was allowed to pay. Had Clive signed on the dotted line, he would have, in essence, signed his very livelihood away. And so Mr. Bundy took a stand, not only for himself, but for all of us.
He refused to be destroyed by a tyrannical federal entity and to have his American liberties and freedoms taken away. Also keep in mind that all ranchers financially paid dearly for the forage rights those permits allow – – not rights to the land, but rights to use the forage that grows on that land.
Many of these AUMS are water based, meaning that the rancher also has a vested right (state owned, not federal) to the waters that adjoin the lands and allow the livestock to drink. These water rights were also purchased at a great price. If a rancher cannot show beneficial use of the water (he must have the appropriate number of livestock that drinks and uses that water), then he loses that water right. Usually water rights and forage rights go hand in hand.
Contrary to what the BLM is telling you, they NEVER compensate a rancher for the AUMs they take away. Most times, they tell ranchers that their AUMS are “suspended,” but not removed. Unfortunately, my family has thousands of “suspended” AUMs that will probably never be returned. And so, even though these ranchers throughout the course of a hundred years invested thousands(and perhaps millions) of dollars and sacrificed along the way to obtain these rights through purchase from others, at a whim the government can take everything away with the stroke of a pen. This is the very thing that Clive Bundy single-handedly took a stand against.
Thank you, Clive, from a rancher who considers you a hero.
It's just way over your head because you don't know what I know and you're not willing to learn.

Just answer this question to the best of your ability: why did they dress up like Natives?

Why? Let me tell you why, they saw the Mohawk or Indian as a symbol of Liberty. They also frequently corresponded with Iroquois Indians , they believed themselves oppressed like the Indian, they also recognized the Indian was oppressed.

The Sons of Liberty had different units, one of units of the Boston Sons of Liberty was named “Mohawk River Indians”.

When Paul Revere depicted the Liberty Pole on the obelisk, (celebrating the event at the end of the Stamp Act) guess who he depicted as the oppressed American at the base of the pole, an Indian.


And the obelisk erected under Liberty-tree, when everyone celebrated the repel? ? It had four sides, look at it and tell me who he honored along with others....

Underneath, is a long dedication to “every lover of Liberty,”



The first of four panels depicts an oppressed American; the Indian, dejected, lies under a pine tree as his oppressors approach him -- the prime minister (carrying a chain) and Lord Bute (caricatured as a flying devil in tartan with the Stamp Act in his claw) -- trying to crowd out the angel of liberty.

On the second panel of the obelisk, as Liberty raises her trumpet, the victorious Indian, who has already risen to one knee, points over his shoulder to the retreating British lords, the victims of a cloudburst. On the third panel, an eagle (another national symbol adopted from Native American cultures) feeds her young atop yet another borrowed symbol, the Liberty Tree (the Great White Pine of the Iroquios), as the angel looks on and blesses the scene. The final panel finds King George III at last introducing America (the Indian figure) to the Goddess of Liberty.


Boston Tea Party Historical Society
Bundy's family started ranching about 8 years after the BLM was started.

Sorry, but this sorry welfare cowboy owes my government (and myself as a taxpayer) about one million dollars.

If he doesn't pay, put the fucker in jail.

And............if you would take time to notice, none of the people who showed up to support him weren't local ranchers, they were all right wing lunatics who wanted to take down the government.

You are wrong about when they started ranching. His great-grandparents were living in Nevada in 1901. Additionally, in 1901 his grandmother was born in Mesquite, Nevada, his grandmother helped settle Bunkerville. Given his mother was also born in Mesquite, in 1924, its a pretty good bet his great-grandparents were in Nevada before 1901.

The station reported census records show Bundy’s maternal grandmother, Christena Jensen, was born in Nevada in 1901, and records suggest she later helped settle Bunkerville, where her grandson lives.

No Bundys lived in Bunkerville according to 1930 and 1940 U.S. Census records, but the rancher’s maternal grandparents, John and Christena Jensen, homesteaded a few miles away, in Mesquite, where his mother was born in 1924

Mesquite is a just few miles away from Bunkerville. A shame they did not report how long his great-grandparents lived in Nevada, I'll bet it would give even more proof that they were there in the 1800's. I wonder why they did not bother to tell us when his great-grandparents arrived and started ranching in Nevada, just like his grandma?

Property records cast doubt on Cliven Bundy?s ancestral claims to disputed federal land | The Raw Story

Bundy claims rights to the Virgin Valley, Mesquite, where his grandmother and mother were born is smack dab in the middle of the Virgin Valley.


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CaféAuLait;8979335 said:
Just a simple quick question.................

Bundy has stated repeatedly that he doesn't think that the Federal government has any jurisdiction over him.

If that is so, then why was he shown riding a horse and displaying the American flag?

If he only recognizes the state of Nevada, shouldn't he be flying their flag?

I mean................if you don't believe in the federal government, why fly their flag?

No, he never said they don't have any jurisdiction over him, he said they have no jurisdiction over his land.

If he believed the Feds had no jurisdiction over him, he probably would have never paid federal taxes... there is no claim he does not pay his federal taxes.

Okay.................he said they have no jurisdiction over his land.

Still doesn't answer the question of why he's flying a FEDERAL Flag (which he doesn't recognize) over his land?

I mean..............the Stars and Stripes (which I spent over 20 years of my life for, even in 4 different war zones) was flying, and it was done while he was riding.

Like I said.................if he doesn't recognize the federal government, why is he flying their flag?

I thought that the basic flag of the Tea Party was the Gadsden Flag (which is the "don't tread on me") flag.

Why is he flying the Stars and Stripes?

Again, he never said he doesn't recognize the federal government, he does not recognize the federal governments right to manage the land his cattle graze on. There is a difference. A big one. One flies the flag of America on land that is owned by Nevada, yes? Or are you suggesting the American flag is not flown on lands which the state of Nevada owns?
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CaféAuLait;8979423 said:
CaféAuLait;8979335 said:
No, he never said they don't have any jurisdiction over him, he said they have no jurisdiction over his land.

If he believed the Feds had no jurisdiction over him, he probably would have never paid federal taxes... there is no claim he does not pay his federal taxes.

Okay.................he said they have no jurisdiction over his land.

Still doesn't answer the question of why he's flying a FEDERAL Flag (which he doesn't recognize) over his land?

I mean..............the Stars and Stripes (which I spent over 20 years of my life for, even in 4 different war zones) was flying, and it was done while he was riding.

Like I said.................if he doesn't recognize the federal government, why is he flying their flag?

I thought that the basic flag of the Tea Party was the Gadsden Flag (which is the "don't tread on me") flag.

Why is he flying the Stars and Stripes?

Again, he never said he doesn't recognize the federal government, he does not recognize the federal governments right to manage the land his cattle graze on. There is a difference. A big one. One flies the flag of America on land that is owned by Nevada, yes? Or are you suggesting the American flag is not flown on lands which the state of Nevada owns?

Actually, he HAS said (and even on record with videotape and audio) that he doesn't recognize the federal government.

My question is, how can you live (and get rich off of land) that belongs to the government?

Yes.........the American flag is flown over the States. My question is, why doesn't Bundy recognize the federal government as well as the BLM?

BTW.......................you might wanna check when Bundy and his family became ranchers. It was a few years AFTER the BLM was started.

Sorry............but he's a welfare rancher.

The GOP seems to have a lot of vitriol for those who suck off the government teat in the form of welfare, and they also seem to think that those people who suck off the government teat don't pay taxes as well.

Why is the right wing in such support of Bundy? He doesn't pay for what he gets, and hopes that the government is going to support him.

Just goes to show you, most of the right wing is nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites.
CaféAuLait;8979423 said:
Okay.................he said they have no jurisdiction over his land.

Still doesn't answer the question of why he's flying a FEDERAL Flag (which he doesn't recognize) over his land?

I mean..............the Stars and Stripes (which I spent over 20 years of my life for, even in 4 different war zones) was flying, and it was done while he was riding.

Like I said.................if he doesn't recognize the federal government, why is he flying their flag?

I thought that the basic flag of the Tea Party was the Gadsden Flag (which is the "don't tread on me") flag.

Why is he flying the Stars and Stripes?

Again, he never said he doesn't recognize the federal government, he does not recognize the federal governments right to manage the land his cattle graze on. There is a difference. A big one. One flies the flag of America on land that is owned by Nevada, yes? Or are you suggesting the American flag is not flown on lands which the state of Nevada owns?

Actually, he HAS said (and even on record with videotape and audio) that he doesn't recognize the federal government.

My question is, how can you live (and get rich off of land) that belongs to the government?

Yes.........the American flag is flown over the States. My question is, why doesn't Bundy recognize the federal government as well as the BLM?

BTW.......................you might wanna check when Bundy and his family became ranchers. It was a few years AFTER the BLM was started.

Sorry............but he's a welfare rancher.

The GOP seems to have a lot of vitriol for those who suck off the government teat in the form of welfare, and they also seem to think that those people who suck off the government teat don't pay taxes as well.

Why is the right wing in such support of Bundy? He doesn't pay for what he gets, and hopes that the government is going to support him.

Just goes to show you, most of the right wing is nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites.

I've already given you my two cents on the matter, if he did not recognize the federal government then he would not pay federal taxes and his business taxes, would he?

As far as when the Bundy's became ranchers, you are mistaken. According to that brief quote ( which we have no context for) it says he and his father both started ranching in Bunkerville. "after the BLM".

It does not mention the land was used for his grandparents and great-grandparents lived on in Mesquite, homesteading, 2 miles from Bunkerville, a place his grand mother helped settle-- all this according to an article which tried to make Bundy sound like a liar. Article below:

Property records cast doubt on Cliven Bundy?s ancestral claims to disputed federal land | The Raw Story

I think it a bit strange they did not list what his grandparents and great-grandparents did, even tho it says they were homesteading in Mesquite. In Nevada, homesteading meant ranching.

Over 80% of the Nevada area is owned by the federal government, as homesteads of maximum 640 acres (2.6 km2) in the arid state were generally too little land for a viable farm. Instead, early settlers would homestead land surrounding a water source, and then graze cattle on the adjacent public land, which is useless without access to water.

History of Nevada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I can't swear this is what his grandparents and great-grandparents were doing, but I'll bet they were ranchers, just like Bundy claims, given that is what was happening with homesteading then, especially in Mesquite 2 miles from Bunkerville. I also think it strange they did not bother to tell us when his great-grandparents arrived.
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CaféAuLait;8979387 said:
It's just way over your head because you don't know what I know and you're not willing to learn.

Just answer this question to the best of your ability: why did they dress up like Natives?

Why? Let me tell you why, they saw the Mohawk or Indian as a symbol of Liberty. They also frequently corresponded with Iroquois Indians, they believed themselves oppressed like the Indian, they also recognized the Indian was oppressed.

The Sons of Liberty had different units, one of units of the Boston Sons of Liberty was named “Mohawk River Indians”.

When Paul Revere depicted the Liberty Pole on the obelisk, (celebrating the event at the end of the Stamp Act) guess who he depicted as the oppressed American at the base of the pole, an Indian.

And the obelisk erected under Liberty-tree, when everyone celebrated the repel? ? It had four sides, look at it and tell me who he honored along with others....

Underneath, is a long dedication to “every lover of Liberty,”
The first of four panels depicts an oppressed American; the Indian, dejected, lies under a pine tree as his oppressors approach him -- the prime minister (carrying a chain) and Lord Bute (caricatured as a flying devil in tartan with the Stamp Act in his claw) -- trying to crowd out the angel of liberty.

On the second panel of the obelisk, as Liberty raises her trumpet, the victorious Indian, who has already risen to one knee, points over his shoulder to the retreating British lords, the victims of a cloudburst. On the third panel, an eagle (another national symbol adopted from Native American cultures) feeds her young atop yet another borrowed symbol, the Liberty Tree (the Great White Pine of the Iroquios), as the angel looks on and blesses the scene. The final panel finds King George III at last introducing America (the Indian figure) to the Goddess of Liberty.


Boston Tea Party Historical Society
Interesting. The revolutionaries saw the merciless Indian Savages as oppressed? It's a possibility since there were different political opinions at that time, as at any time. This is one of those times. I have a different opinion. Please let me explain:

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America....

[King George III] has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

From this simple quote, it's possible that racist slaveowners in the 1770s tried to use the image of merciless Indian Savages throwing tea into the harbor to fuel a war between Britain and Natives. It is possible that the Boston Tea Party was like a bad frat prank that escalated into a revolution but was not actually intended to be the spark that ignited the revolution. Think of a protest that just got out of hand, like Benghazi. :lol:

No, the Founders of the United States of America did not see the Native Americans as oppressed. They labeled them as ruthless murderers in the reasons given for rebelling against England. They did not differentiate between tribes (some Natives were loyal to the colonies against England) and instead painted each and every Native as a bloodthirsty baby-killer in the Declaration of Independence.

There is much of this nation's history that has been (please excuse the term) whitewashed. But that's just my opinion.
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CaféAuLait;8979423 said:
CaféAuLait;8979335 said:
No, he never said they don't have any jurisdiction over him, he said they have no jurisdiction over his land.

If he believed the Feds had no jurisdiction over him, he probably would have never paid federal taxes... there is no claim he does not pay his federal taxes.

Okay.................he said they have no jurisdiction over his land.

Still doesn't answer the question of why he's flying a FEDERAL Flag (which he doesn't recognize) over his land?

I mean..............the Stars and Stripes (which I spent over 20 years of my life for, even in 4 different war zones) was flying, and it was done while he was riding.

Like I said.................if he doesn't recognize the federal government, why is he flying their flag?

I thought that the basic flag of the Tea Party was the Gadsden Flag (which is the "don't tread on me") flag.

Why is he flying the Stars and Stripes?

Again, he never said he doesn't recognize the federal government, he does not recognize the federal governments right to manage the land his cattle graze on. There is a difference. A big one. One flies the flag of America on land that is owned by Nevada, yes? Or are you suggesting the American flag is not flown on lands which the state of Nevada owns?

Wrong. Not only has he said that. He then said he is in line with the constitution and laws of said government he claims does not exist while riding on horseback waving the flag of the government he said does not exist. Where I come from we call that being a nut bag. And that is saying something when the nut bag king Beck ends up sounding sane. If it is about state land rights fine. But he should make that clear. And he should distance himself from the whackadoodles.

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A man disobeys the law. An element of anti social, anti government, armed men come to the law breaker's defense. An element of anti Obama self defined conservatives conflate a simple issue into an hysterical rant based on flawed logic, prejudice and hypocrisy.

That about sums up the current crisis exploited by FOX, Limbaugh and the rest of AM radio 'philosophers'.

What's wrong in America today? A minority of people who wrap themselves in our flag, carrying guns and a cross interpreting law to suit their personal needs.

So did the men at the Boston Tea Party! Yes, morality, and ethics, the very essence of what let us win WW II is almost snuffed out by the likes of you!

The Revolution, which we hold so dear as the very beginning of a ONCE GREAT REPUBLIC was only fought by 15% of the population.... Chew on that for awhile, subversive! :eusa_clap:

10 million Americans were drafted in World War II. That is how we won - the federal government forcibly depriving citizens of their life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...

...presumably the Bundy fans, and their so-called 'principles', are wholeheartedly against the draft, eh?
CaféAuLait;8979387 said:
It's just way over your head because you don't know what I know and you're not willing to learn.

Just answer this question to the best of your ability: why did they dress up like Natives?

Why? Let me tell you why, they saw the Mohawk or Indian as a symbol of Liberty. They also frequently corresponded with Iroquois Indians , they believed themselves oppressed like the Indian, they also recognized the Indian was oppressed.

The Sons of Liberty had different units, one of units of the Boston Sons of Liberty was named “Mohawk River Indians”.

When Paul Revere depicted the Liberty Pole on the obelisk, (celebrating the event at the end of the Stamp Act) guess who he depicted as the oppressed American at the base of the pole, an Indian.


And the obelisk erected under Liberty-tree, when everyone celebrated the repel? ? It had four sides, look at it and tell me who he honored along with others....

Underneath, is a long dedication to “every lover of Liberty,”



The first of four panels depicts an oppressed American; the Indian, dejected, lies under a pine tree as his oppressors approach him -- the prime minister (carrying a chain) and Lord Bute (caricatured as a flying devil in tartan with the Stamp Act in his claw) -- trying to crowd out the angel of liberty.

On the second panel of the obelisk, as Liberty raises her trumpet, the victorious Indian, who has already risen to one knee, points over his shoulder to the retreating British lords, the victims of a cloudburst. On the third panel, an eagle (another national symbol adopted from Native American cultures) feeds her young atop yet another borrowed symbol, the Liberty Tree (the Great White Pine of the Iroquios), as the angel looks on and blesses the scene. The final panel finds King George III at last introducing America (the Indian figure) to the Goddess of Liberty.


Boston Tea Party Historical Society

The Iroquois confederation was effectively destroyed during the American revolution, by American forces.
CaféAuLait;8979387 said:
It's just way over your head because you don't know what I know and you're not willing to learn.

Just answer this question to the best of your ability: why did they dress up like Natives?

Why? Let me tell you why, they saw the Mohawk or Indian as a symbol of Liberty. They also frequently corresponded with Iroquois Indians, they believed themselves oppressed like the Indian, they also recognized the Indian was oppressed.

The Sons of Liberty had different units, one of units of the Boston Sons of Liberty was named “Mohawk River Indians”.

When Paul Revere depicted the Liberty Pole on the obelisk, (celebrating the event at the end of the Stamp Act) guess who he depicted as the oppressed American at the base of the pole, an Indian.

And the obelisk erected under Liberty-tree, when everyone celebrated the repel? ? It had four sides, look at it and tell me who he honored along with others....

Underneath, is a long dedication to “every lover of Liberty,”


Boston Tea Party Historical Society
Interesting. The revolutionaries saw the merciless Indian Savages as oppressed? It's a possibility since there were different political opinions at that time, as at any time. This is one of those times. I have a different opinion. Please let me explain:

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America....

[King George III] has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

From this simple quote, it's possible that racist slaveowners in the 1770s tried to use the image of merciless Indian Savages throwing tea into the harbor to fuel a war between Britain and Natives. It is possible that the Boston Tea Party was like a bad frat prank that escalated into a revolution but was not actually intended to be the spark that ignited the revolution. Think of a protest that just got out of hand, like Benghazi. :lol:

No, the Founders of the United States of America did not see the Native Americans as oppressed. They labeled them as ruthless murderers in the reasons given for rebelling against England. They did not differentiate between tribes (some Natives were loyal to the colonies against England) and instead painted each and every Native as a bloodthirsty baby-killer in the Declaration of Independence.

There is much of this nation's history that has been (please excuse the term) whitewashed. But that's just my opinion.

Of course there were racists in the Sons of Liberty, heck Paul Revere fought against the French and Indians, but it does not mean he did not realize they were oppressed years later, some 12 years later. . I did not mean to imply they all were some benevolent group. However, the reason for choosing the Mohawk was due to what it symbolized, a fight for freedom. And yes, some history is whitewashed, and other history is twisted by those who wish to paint one group or another as awful or for political gain.
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CaféAuLait;8979423 said:
Okay.................he said they have no jurisdiction over his land.

Still doesn't answer the question of why he's flying a FEDERAL Flag (which he doesn't recognize) over his land?

I mean..............the Stars and Stripes (which I spent over 20 years of my life for, even in 4 different war zones) was flying, and it was done while he was riding.

Like I said.................if he doesn't recognize the federal government, why is he flying their flag?

I thought that the basic flag of the Tea Party was the Gadsden Flag (which is the "don't tread on me") flag.

Why is he flying the Stars and Stripes?

Again, he never said he doesn't recognize the federal government, he does not recognize the federal governments right to manage the land his cattle graze on. There is a difference. A big one. One flies the flag of America on land that is owned by Nevada, yes? Or are you suggesting the American flag is not flown on lands which the state of Nevada owns?

Wrong. Not only has he said that. He then said he is in line with the constitution and laws of said government he claims does not exist while riding on horseback waving the flag of the government he said does not exist. Where I come from we call that being a nut bag. And that is saying something when the nut bag king Beck ends up sounding sane. If it is about state land rights fine. But he should make that clear. And he should distance himself from the whackadoodles.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvN3luheEe8]Former Sheriff - Women Need To Be The First Ones Shot by Feds in Bundy Ranch Standoff - YouTube[/ame]

I watched the above video and did not hear him say that, unless I missed it, he did not speak. Every time I have seen Bundy speak, he has said he does not believe in the the Feds right to control the grazing rights given his "claim" to the land.

I don't agree with much of what happened on that ranch. I also believe the BLM has overstepped in many a case, especially those involving Native Americans in the same kind of situations. I've also read about the Harrison ranch in TX. The BLM wants to seize that from someone who out and out owns the land and has been paying taxes. They want to seize it because the river has moved the boundary of TX and OK, so now it belongs to OK and not TX. It makes not sense in many a case. The same way BLM doesn't charge 6 million visitors to the land Bundy grazes by. The pick and choose laws and the disagreement with the government over those land has been going on much longer than Bundy.
CaféAuLait;8979387 said:
It's just way over your head because you don't know what I know and you're not willing to learn.

Just answer this question to the best of your ability: why did they dress up like Natives?

Why? Let me tell you why, they saw the Mohawk or Indian as a symbol of Liberty. They also frequently corresponded with Iroquois Indians , they believed themselves oppressed like the Indian, they also recognized the Indian was oppressed.

The Sons of Liberty had different units, one of units of the Boston Sons of Liberty was named “Mohawk River Indians”.

When Paul Revere depicted the Liberty Pole on the obelisk, (celebrating the event at the end of the Stamp Act) guess who he depicted as the oppressed American at the base of the pole, an Indian.


And the obelisk erected under Liberty-tree, when everyone celebrated the repel? ? It had four sides, look at it and tell me who he honored along with others....

Underneath, is a long dedication to “every lover of Liberty,”



The first of four panels depicts an oppressed American; the Indian, dejected, lies under a pine tree as his oppressors approach him -- the prime minister (carrying a chain) and Lord Bute (caricatured as a flying devil in tartan with the Stamp Act in his claw) -- trying to crowd out the angel of liberty.

On the second panel of the obelisk, as Liberty raises her trumpet, the victorious Indian, who has already risen to one knee, points over his shoulder to the retreating British lords, the victims of a cloudburst. On the third panel, an eagle (another national symbol adopted from Native American cultures) feeds her young atop yet another borrowed symbol, the Liberty Tree (the Great White Pine of the Iroquios), as the angel looks on and blesses the scene. The final panel finds King George III at last introducing America (the Indian figure) to the Goddess of Liberty.


Boston Tea Party Historical Society

The Iroquois confederation was effectively destroyed during the American revolution, by American forces.

The 6 nations of the Iroquois split, 2 sided with the colonists, the other 4 with the British. The British-Indian involvement in the Cherry Valley massacre caused destruction, then Washington ordered retribution against British-Indian alliance leaving little in NY.

Of course there were other battles as well. Sometimes, I look at that history and want to vomit. I hate to read of all which was lost for Native Americans.
"Domestic Terrorist" is a good way to describe someone who, after repeated losing in court, decides to us intimidation and the use of fire arms to get what the courts and the rules of law say they should not have.

Yes, I think Harry is right on this one. But it ain't over until its over.
"Domestic Terrorist" is a good way to describe someone who, after repeated losing in court, decides to us intimidation and the use of fire arms to get what the courts and the rules of law say they should not have.

Yes, I think Harry is right on this one. But it ain't over until its over.


A Domestic Terrorist is somebody local who tries to instill fear in the population through threats or violence.

The only entity that feels threatened is the lying Democrats that feel their ability to bully the public slipping away.
"Domestic Terrorist" is a good way to describe someone who, after repeated losing in court, decides to us intimidation and the use of fire arms to get what the courts and the rules of law say they should not have.

Yes, I think Harry is right on this one. But it ain't over until its over.


A Domestic Terrorist is somebody local who tries to instill fear in the population through threats or violence.

The only entity that feels threatened is the lying Democrats that feel their ability to bully the public slipping away.

The pieces of shit left wing hypocrites. So easy for them to call a white man in a cowboy hat as a "domestic terrorist" isn't it?

Of course ask any of these ignorant blow hards if this guy is a domestic terrorist, and....well, he is brown in color isn't he? So........

A lot more sympathy for him, even though he actually systematically murdered 13 people while severely injuring 32 others all while chanting "allahu akbar!!!"


Do the hypocritical piles of steaming shit show any outrage? Not one fucking word, except of course telling us he needs to be protected by rights.

Same group of cocksucking assholes that get all bent out of shape when a BROWN terrorist is water boarded.

Do they ever show their disgust that our own soldiers are water boarded in training? Not one fucking word from any of these piles of shit about them. Ever wonder why?

Do not get suckered into their bullshit about the ranch situation. They sure as shit do not give one shit about some fucking turtle (tortoise what ever).

They are all bloviated hypocrites. They are all pathetic.
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"Domestic Terrorist" is a good way to describe someone who, after repeated losing in court, decides to us intimidation and the use of fire arms to get what the courts and the rules of law say they should not have.

Yes, I think Harry is right on this one. But it ain't over until its over.


A Domestic Terrorist is somebody local who tries to instill fear in the population through threats or violence.

The only entity that feels threatened is the lying Democrats that feel their ability to bully the public slipping away.

The pieces of shit left wing hypocrites. So easy for them to call a white man in a cowboy hat as a "domestic terrorist" isn't it?

Of course ask any of these ignorant blow hards if this guy is a domestic terrorist, and....well, he is brown in color isn't he? So........

A lot more sympathy for him, even though he actually systematically murdered 13 people while severely injuring 32 others all while chanting "allahu akbar!!!"


Do the hypocritical piles of steaming shit show any outrage? Not one fucking word, except of course telling us he needs to be protected by rights.

Same group of cocksucking assholes that get all bent out of shape when a BROWN terrorist is water boarded.

Do they ever show their disgust that our own soldiers are water boarded in training? Not one fucking word from any of these piles of shit about them. Ever wonder why?

Do not get suckered into their bullshit about the ranch situation. They sure as shit do not give one shit about some fucking turtle (tortoise what ever).

They are all bloviated hypocrites. They are all pathetic.

Careful.......they'll call you a racist for that rant.....
A man disobeys the law. An element of anti social, anti government, armed men come to the law breaker's defense. An element of anti Obama self defined conservatives conflate a simple issue into an hysterical rant based on flawed logic, prejudice and hypocrisy.

That about sums up the current crisis exploited by FOX, Limbaugh and the rest of AM radio 'philosophers'.

What's wrong in America today? A minority of people who wrap themselves in our flag, carrying guns and a cross interpreting law to suit their personal needs.

So did the men at the Boston Tea Party! Yes, morality, and ethics, the very essence of what let us win WW II is almost snuffed out by the likes of you!

The Revolution, which we hold so dear as the very beginning of a ONCE GREAT REPUBLIC was only fought by 15% of the population.... Chew on that for awhile, subversive! :eusa_clap:

10 million Americans were drafted in World War II. That is how we won - the federal government forcibly depriving citizens of their life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...

...presumably the Bundy fans, and their so-called 'principles', are wholeheartedly against the draft, eh?

What a fucking tool.

I'd think someone hacked your account to make you look like a fucking jackoff but I know this is how you really think
"Domestic Terrorist" is a good way to describe someone who, after repeated losing in court, decides to us intimidation and the use of fire arms to get what the courts and the rules of law say they should not have.

Yes, I think Harry is right on this one. But it ain't over until its over.


A Domestic Terrorist is somebody local who tries to instill fear in the population through threats or violence.

The only entity that feels threatened is the lying Democrats that feel their ability to bully the public slipping away.

So you don't believe in the rule of law? The courts and their optionion mean nothing. You feel that if someone is offended that have every right to go out, buy a gun and shoot the offended.

Basically, that is what you are saying. Bundy lost in court on multiple occasions. He has lost every appeal, so when the Feds come to collect, he pulls in some gun totting nuts to defy the courts.

Maybe a single mother on welfare does the same thing. She steals from Social Services and when they come to collect, she gets some friends lined up with guns so that she can keep the money. She would be wrong then, right? You would condemn her, right?

But a rancher with a ranch worth millions steals over a million dollars from taxpayers and he is a hero. Therein lies the problem with the GOP and their way of thinking. They are all about the rich and the powerful and they hide behind a Second Amendment that has been purposefully misinterpreted for years.

That is what the Republican Party is dying s slow and painful death. Just not soon enough....

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