Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

Why did white people dress up like "Indians" to throw tea into the harbor? That doesn't seem necessary to the task.

It was considered necessary to throw others off the track. It was a different time and information correction was slow.


A group of Southern Democrats...how appropriate! Pogo...Oh Pogo???:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Why did white people dress up like "Indians" to throw tea into the harbor? That doesn't seem necessary to the task.
I was taught the reason why in first year American History class...apparently the RACIST ***** were cowards, and I quote!
Okay, dingleberry. You learned the answer in 8th grade social studies or whenever. So explain it now. What was the point of dressing up like Native Americans to throw tea in the harbor?
Why did white people dress up like "Indians" to throw tea into the harbor? That doesn't seem necessary to the task.

It was considered necessary to throw others off the track. It was a different time and information correction was slow.

So the Teabaggers in 1773 were the same as Klans"men"? Please explain.

The ENTERTAINMENT value of KNoB JOB is starting to become MONUMENTAL! Please other liberals, join in, and help this lost soul! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Why did white people dress up like "Indians" to throw tea into the harbor? That doesn't seem necessary to the task.
I was taught the reason why in first year American History class...apparently the RACIST ***** were cowards, and I quote!
Okay, dingleberry. You learned the answer in 8th grade social studies or whenever. So explain it now. What was the point of dressing up like Native Americans to throw tea in the harbor?

Ask your 5th grade teacher to teach you how to use a search engine! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Why did white people dress up like "Indians" to throw tea into the harbor? That doesn't seem necessary to the task.

It was considered necessary to throw others off the track. It was a different time and information correction was slow.

So the Teabaggers in 1773 were the same as Klans"men"? Please explain.

The KKK were also protesting external government control. They also created a standard for dealing with a (considered) lesser people and in the same controlled movement.
I hope you choke and die from laughing so hard, because that would make the world better.
I hope you choke and die from laughing so hard, because that would make the world better.

More typical hate and death wishes from the left.... they just can't help themselves....they are so TOLERANT! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
No, I'm just testing your reading skills. It's like I said before, you're not actually retarded. So why do you act this way?

How old are you? Where did you go to college? Why don't you have a job? What's your IQ? If you can read, why don't you read the phenomenal book that inspired your profile picture? Why are you incapable of learning? Why do you support the use of human shields? What the fuck is wrong with you?
I hope you choke and die from laughing so hard, because that would make the world better.

More typical hate and death wishes from the left.... they just can't help themselves....they are so TOLERANT! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
No, I'm just testing your reading skills. It's like I said before, you're not actually retarded. So why do you act this way?

How old are you? Where did you go to college? Why don't you have a job? What's your IQ? If you can read, why don't you read the phenomenal book that inspired your profile picture? Why are you incapable of learning? Why do you support the use of human shields? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Wrong with me? Where are the liberals to help this child?

And the Teabaggers of 1773 were some racist *****' dressed up like Natives, hiding their identities like cowards, trying to make someone else face the consequences for their actions. In other words, pussies just like the American Talibaggers today.
Bundy supporters took up sniper positions on a bridge and aimed their military assault weapons at officers of the law.

You bet they are terrorists.


seems more like a personal fight between the hatfields and mccoys to me.

apparently everyone throws anything they dont like into the terrorist camp LOL
Racists who dressed up like "Indians". It'd be the same if they dressed up in blackface or wore white sheets. Cowards hide who they are. Especially today when the NSA already knows who you are and where you live and where you work and who your friends are on facebook.

But it takes a very special kind of coward to use women as human shields.
CaféAuLait;8978633 said:
Harry Reid is an idiot.
Cliven Bundy is a habitual liar.
He was born in Arizona and his claims that his family owned that land since the 1800s are lies.
His parents bought that ranch in 1948 and the first cattle started grazing in 1954.

And his grandparents who owned land next to the Virgin River, you know the place Bundy claims rights to? The Virgin River Valley...


I usually don't read past a page or two of a thread because the rest is mainly a pissing match...but sometimes I check, like page 58--just to see what could still be going on at page 58.

Here I find that---How long Bundy's family has been on the land is up for debate.

I don't care.

It is clear that this old man has violated the Law of the Land.

It was clear that Samuel Adams and his bunch had violated the Law of the Land when they dumped all that Tea in the harbor at Boston.

It is clear to my satisfaction, anyway, that this old man in Nevada is violating the law, out of conscience and principal, not avarice, for the least that will come of this is that the Government will break him financially.

He doesn't seem to care. He seems to have the attitude of Samuel Adams...that the law ought to be violated because it is unfair and oppressive. Ole Bundy may be wrong,..but many thought Samuel Adams was wrong way back...and a lot think today that the Federals Laws are becoming oppressive.

So, the bottom line, Sirs...and there probably aren't but three of us reading this...I can't see where yalls discussion gets to the meat of the issue.

well when people wise up and realize that they only way the law can be just is when they force government courts to acknowledge the FULLY EMPOWERED JURY (a jury judging both the law and facts) for any dispute what so ever then and only then will we see the dawn of justice in this country. until then it will will remain the the black robed high priests and the just-us club.
Racists who dressed up like "Indians". It'd be the same if they dressed up in blackface or wore white sheets. Cowards hide who they are. Especially today when the NSA already knows who you are and where you live and where you work and who your friends are on facebook.

But it takes a very special kind of coward to use women as human shields.


And the Teabaggers of 1773 were some racist ***** dressed up like Natives, hiding their identities like cowards, trying to make someone else face the consequences for their actions. In other words, pussies just like the American Talibaggers today.
It's okay, Teabagger. I know you're not serious. But you should at least try once in a while to engage in a real conversation like an adult, just out of basic respect for yourself.

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