Harry Reid: Everyone wants to pay more taxes

Has anyone informed Harry people can pay more in taxes if they want to even the rich.
Not only does Geezer Reid say something stupid, he's also indicating to everyone that he has no plans on being cooperative when talks begin. His comments basically tell us (and the GOP) "It's my/our way or no way". In other words, same old shit, nothing ain't gonna get done.

So...entitlement cuts are off the table and more taxes are a prerequisite to any deal. Sound familiar to anyone else?
Before Hitler makes such comments, he really needs to pay back the 150-200 Million Legal Working Americans their share of the 100 Billion (more or less) wasted on Green Energy Projects and the Chevy Volt.
(1) No more taxes

(2) Close corporate loop holes

(3) Slash defense by 40% over ten years

(4) Sensibly reform Social Security

(5) Medicare and Medicaid are off limits
the Chevy Volt is doing fine, despite all the Pub fear mongering and bs about it...everything you know is wrong...Only wasted in bizarro Pubworld...

If you include all taxes and fees, the rich pay no more than the nonrich- NOT ENOUGH, dupes. Corps pay 12 per cent a disgrace...

Misconceptions and Realities About Who Pays Taxes ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
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I can't wait until that man is six feet under
This guy is the senate leader, yet never attempts to fix any of the nations crisis's, his bank account and overseas accounts are his only priorities.
the Chevy Volt is doing fine, despite all the Pub fear mongering and bs about it...everything you know is wrong...Only wasted in bizarro Pubworld...

If you include all taxes and fees, the rich pay no more than the nonrich- NOT ENOUGH, dupes. Corps pay 12 per cent a disgrace...

pub fear.

whadda lie. the chevy volt is a dog
the biggest sales in the industry is still pickups
if the chevy volt is doing fine, then where is my check? and the checks due to tax-paying Americans? you borrow 100 or so Billion from Americans, make a product, whether or not it succeeds, The President is obligated to PAYING US BACK !!! and remember when one of the congressman brought this up when they grilled some asain guy about paying back the tax-payers for the solyndra debacle?
SO YOU'RE IN FAVOR OF FOREIGNERS GETTING THE INDUSTRY OF THE FUTURE. You debt cultists have ruined the recovery with phony crises, and refuse to invest in aMERICA. 50K vOLTS SOLD, NOW SALES ARE WHAT WERE HOPED FOR- BUT MANY THANKS TO rUSH, etc for ruining sales for 2 years with total bs....

''The no compromise, un-American TP GOP'' -TIME .........A disaster.
SO YOU'RE IN FAVOR OF FOREIGNERS GETTING THE INDUSTRY OF THE FUTURE. You debt cultists have ruined the recovery with phony crises, and refuse to invest in aMERICA. 50K vOLTS SOLD, NOW SALES ARE WHAT WERE HOPED FOR- BUT MANY THANKS TO rUSH, etc for ruining sales for 2 years with total bs....

''The no compromise, un-American TP GOP'' -TIME .........A disaster.

(1) No more taxes

(2) Close corporate loop holes

(3) Slash defense by 40% over ten years

(4) Sensibly reform Social Security

(5) Medicare and Medicaid are off limits

1. 2% tax increase on capital gains for people making more then a million a year.
2. Agreed. But I'd make a solid floor of 25% on the corporate. ;)
3. I'd end all nation building and remove the troops from the dmz in korea. Maybe go down to 500 billion/year.
4. Good idea....Raise the retirement age to 72.
5. agreed...
SO YOU'RE IN FAVOR OF FOREIGNERS GETTING THE INDUSTRY OF THE FUTURE. You debt cultists have ruined the recovery with phony crises, and refuse to invest in aMERICA. 50K vOLTS SOLD, NOW SALES ARE WHAT WERE HOPED FOR- BUT MANY THANKS TO rUSH, etc for ruining sales for 2 years with total bs....

''The no compromise, un-American TP GOP'' -TIME .........A disaster.

I guess the fact that the Chevy Cruz is a better car and more economical has nothing to do with the volt sales. Never mind the short battery range. Never mind that when on gas it is worse then the Cruz. Who other then someone who has too much money could afford to buy such a loser?
(1) No more taxes

(2) Close corporate loop holes

(3) Slash defense by 40% over ten years

(4) Sensibly reform Social Security

(5) Medicare and Medicaid are off limits

No more taxes? For whom? Obviously your number 2 contradicts your number one.

Defense spending spurs the economy.

Sensible SS reform??? What you mean is change the goal post for what has become a Ponzi scheme.

Why is Medicare and Medicaid off limits? Lots of doctors getting rich off those two programs.
1. Eliminate all tax expenditures.

2. Raise Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward.

There. I just gave you an annual surplus of at least $1 trillion. You can spend it by lowering tax rates for everyone and paying off the federal debt.
Germany has made the most progress with their form of austerity and how they did it was cutting spending and raising taxes.
No one is actually serious about cutting the US debt if they don't want to raise taxes. It's that simple. Ask any economist who isn't kissing some ideology ass.
And yeah, as a side note; Harry Reid is pretty much a slimeball.

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