Harry Reid: Everyone wants to pay more taxes

''The no compromise, un-American TP GOP'' -TIME .........A disaster.

What a steaming pile of shit!!

DEMOCRAT Geezer Reid admitted (and it's documented in the OP article) that he does not intend to allow entitlement cuts to be part of the budget discussions. That sound like "no compromising" to me, you Libturd LUNATIC!

So quit giving us that "no compromising, Un-American TP GOP" bullshit.
(1) No more taxes

(2) Close corporate loop holes

(3) Slash defense by 40% over ten years

(4) Sensibly reform Social Security

(5) Medicare and Medicaid are off limits

1. No more tax increases of any kind for at least 4 years.

2. Slash budgets of all departments, agencies etc by 5% (except FBI, CIA, FDA/USDA, NOAA and NASA (and any other science related projects or departments).

3. Reform the Big 3 entitlements

4. Reform the welfare system to trim abuse by those receiving welfare benefits such as EBT/SNAP.

5. Halt the EPA's current crippling regulations on the coal industry and replace them with reasonable regulations (including negotations with representatives of the coal industry to involve them in the creation of said regs) while maintaining high standards to preserve the environment in and around coal plants and coal mines.

6. Scrap the current pension plan of the US Postal Service and negotiate a new pension plan that is fair to USPS employees (past, present and future) and is yet easy on the USPS's balance sheet.

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