Harry Reid is the Worst Living Human Being on The Planet

Harry Reid funneled $17k to his daughter's business? Well, that's certainly worse than lying the country into a torture war.

Republicans have seriously mangled belief systems.

Wouldn't you uneed someone to lie the country into a torture war? What on earth is a torture war anyway? Is it when you force people to listen to stupid arguments like this until they go insane and declare victory?
Harry Reid funneled $17k to his daughter's business? Well, that's certainly worse than lying the country into a torture war.

Republicans have seriously mangled belief systems.

And Obuma's drones in Yemen killing civilians? And his supporting Al Qaeda rebels in Syria, beheading Christians, and innocent citizens? And, his and her thigness Hillary being under indictment in Egypt for helping the muslim Brotherhood, murder hundreds, perhaps thousands of Christian Copts, and freedom wanting students.And.... I have more, want me to continue, moron?
Do you want to talk indictments?
Bush Convicted of War Crimes in Absentia | Foreign Policy Journal

Do you really want to get into this, bud? I can draw a straight line from Operation Ajax to the Russian invasion of Crimea. Do you really want to get into this?

Your assertion that "Harry Reid is the worst person alive today" is utterly retarded when compared to what Obama and Bush have done (and Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan, Carter, Ford, Kennedy, Nixon, etc. etc.)


Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Who cares what a foreign court with no jurisdiction says?
Citizens United still a good idea?

All Citizens United did was move the contributions above board and put corporations on the same legal footing as unions and non-profit special interests when it comes to bribing, I mean making campaign contributions, to politicians.

Ok, but the question was Is it still a good idea?

Why are you eager empower the government to silence speech against those in political office? You realize that means when your political enemies get into office, you will be silenced right? Or do you just arrogantly assume that it will never apply to you?
All Citizens United did was move the contributions above board and put corporations on the same legal footing as unions and non-profit special interests when it comes to bribing, I mean making campaign contributions, to politicians.

Ok, but the question was Is it still a good idea?

Why are you eager empower the government to silence speech against those in political office? You realize that means when your political enemies get into office, you will be silenced right? Or do you just arrogantly assume that it will never apply to you?

So is that a yes or what?
Harry Reid funneled $17k to his daughter's business? Well, that's certainly worse than lying the country into a torture war.

Republicans have seriously mangled belief systems.
Wouldn't you uneed someone to lie the country into a torture war? What on earth is a torture war anyway? Is it when you force people to listen to stupid arguments like this until they go insane and declare victory?
What is a torture war? Really? A war with torture. Remember George W. Bush trying to justify beating POWs to death in secret CIA prisons called "black sites" during a war started over lies? Remember that? It wasn't that long ago.
The Zelikow Memo: Internal Critique of Bush Torture Memos Declassified
Q. Is Rotwiner
a. OCD
b. A Partisan Hack
c. Odd, and desperate for attention
d. a & b
e. a, b & c

A. e

And still another Dumbocrat who can't deal with reality. All I did was post facts about Harry Reid - and in your mind that makes me a "partisan hack" or "desperate for attention"?

The fact that you attack someone for posting FACTS about one of your party's leaders is proof that the only "partisan hack" here is little Cum Catcher who can't deal with reality.... :eusa_whistle:

:lol: Man, talk about not dealing with reality. It's the ole pot/kettle thingy we have going here.
And yes, Reid is scum, along with the other 500 plus of all stripes in Washington allegedly representing the people. That is the real dose of reality.
Citizens United still a good idea?

All Citizens United did was move the contributions above board and put corporations on the same legal footing as unions and non-profit special interests when it comes to bribing, I mean making campaign contributions, to politicians.

Ok, but the question was Is it still a good idea?

It was the lesser of two evils by making everything open and putting corporations on the same level as everyone else instead of pretending they weren't writing checks anyways.

The good idea would be to get rid of organizations like corporations, union, and non-profits out of the political arena completely. No lobbying, no campaign contribution, no endorsements.
Ok, but the question was Is it still a good idea?

Why are you eager empower the government to silence speech against those in political office? You realize that means when your political enemies get into office, you will be silenced right? Or do you just arrogantly assume that it will never apply to you?

So is that a yes or what?

If your too stupid to figure it out, no amount of explaining can fix that problem.
And Obuma's drones in Yemen killing civilians? And his supporting Al Qaeda rebels in Syria, beheading Christians, and innocent citizens? And, his and her thigness Hillary being under indictment in Egypt for helping the muslim Brotherhood, murder hundreds, perhaps thousands of Christian Copts, and freedom wanting students.And.... I have more, want me to continue, moron?
Do you want to talk indictments?
Bush Convicted of War Crimes in Absentia | Foreign Policy Journal

Do you really want to get into this, bud? I can draw a straight line from Operation Ajax to the Russian invasion of Crimea. Do you really want to get into this?

Your assertion that "Harry Reid is the worst person alive today" is utterly retarded when compared to what Obama and Bush have done (and Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan, Carter, Ford, Kennedy, Nixon, etc. etc.)


Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Who cares what a foreign court with no jurisdiction says?
Bush does.
George Bush issued travel warning by human rights organisations | World news | The Guardian
Harry Reid funneled $17k to his daughter's business? Well, that's certainly worse than lying the country into a torture war.

Republicans have seriously mangled belief systems.
Wouldn't you uneed someone to lie the country into a torture war? What on earth is a torture war anyway? Is it when you force people to listen to stupid arguments like this until they go insane and declare victory?
What is a torture war? Really? A war with torture. Remember George W. Bush trying to justify beating POWs to death in secret CIA prisons called "black sites" during a war started over lies? Remember that? It wasn't that long ago.
The Zelikow Memo: Internal Critique of Bush Torture Memos Declassified

Except the lack of lies and the lack of torture, you might have a point.
All Citizens United did was move the contributions above board and put corporations on the same legal footing as unions and non-profit special interests when it comes to bribing, I mean making campaign contributions, to politicians.

Ok, but the question was Is it still a good idea?

It was the lesser of two evils by making everything open and putting corporations on the same level as everyone else instead of pretending they weren't writing checks anyways.

The good idea would be to get rid of organizations like corporations, union, and non-profits out of the political arena completely. No lobbying, no campaign contribution, no endorsements.

He funneled $17,000 in campaign funds to his granddaughters business...

Reid gave granddaughter $17K in campaign funds | New York Post

It's now up to $31,000. And this -

Yesterday, RCP reported that several Reid campaign donors from Nevada were also listed as donors to his granddaughter’s Brooklyn-based theater troupe. Several of the foundations later said they did not donate to the group.

Read more: Reid to Reimburse Campaign $31K Paid to Kin for Gifts | RealClearPolitics
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So it now extends beyond just giving to her jewelry company.
He funneled $17,000 in campaign funds to his granddaughters business...

Reid gave granddaughter $17K in campaign funds | New York Post

Slight Update, that total is now up to $31,000, and still looking!

If a Republican did this, The FAGERAL MSM would be making it the opening story!

Reid to Reimburse Campaign $31K Paid to Kin for Gifts | RealClearPolitics
If a republican did that, the gay agenda would have been put on the back burner.

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