Harry Reid is the Worst Living Human Being on The Planet

Harry Reid funneled $17k to his daughter's business? Well, that's certainly worse than lying the country into a torture war.

Republicans have seriously mangled belief systems.

WoW !! here we are at post 15 and not one liarberal has said the "B" word, but we have another dumbass dumbocRAT who is trying to deflect the topic towards those nasty Republicans.

"mangled belief systems"..., haaaaaa ! you never should have brought that up you fucking clown :lmao: Harry :Whorehouse" Reid is master at fucking up belief systems, just like his mulatto puppet master, whom is also a puppet controlled by Daddy BIG Buck$$$$$$$$$ $oro$.
Harry Reid funneled $17k to his daughter's business? Well, that's certainly worse than lying the country into a torture war.

Republicans have seriously mangled belief systems.

And Obuma's drones in Yemen killing civilians? And his supporting Al Qaeda rebels in Syria, beheading Christians, and innocent citizens? And, his and her thigness Hillary being under indictment in Egypt for helping the muslim Brotherhood, murder hundreds, perhaps thousands of Christian Copts, and freedom wanting students.And.... I have more, want me to continue, moron?
Do you want to talk indictments?
Bush Convicted of War Crimes in Absentia | Foreign Policy Journal

Do you really want to get into this, bud? I can draw a straight line from Operation Ajax to the Russian invasion of Crimea. Do you really want to get into this?

Your assertion that "Harry Reid is the worst person alive today" is utterly retarded when compared to what Obama and Bush have done (and Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan, Carter, Ford, Kennedy, Nixon, etc. etc.)


Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction

aaaaaaah !! i knew it..., post 18.., BOOOOOOOOOOSH !!
When a Democrat does something crooked, all they have to do is apologize and pay the money. We saw that over and over with the tax cheats in Obama's cabinet. Nothing has changed. Reid just says he'll pay the money back and the press and the Dems will forget the fact that he misused those funds to begin with.
Harry Reid "LIES" about Lying!!! You just can't make this shit up!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nefN-QvOPXY]Harry Reid Says He Never Called ObamaCare Stories Lies - YouTube[/ame]
Sen. Harry Reid is the worst living human being on this planet today. I think it’s time that someone finally acknowledges it.

Now, I realize that’s quite a statement to make, given the fact that Robert Mugabe continues to draw breath. Not to mention Kim Jung Un. And yes, you could also make a case that Vlad Putin isn’t one of Earth’s nicer creatures. Still, bear with me for a minute as I lay out some of the evidence.

Reid has asserted that the stories of Americans who lost coverage, or had to pay more, or had to find new doctors under the Affordable Care Act are all lies. Even for Harry Reid, that’s absolutely preposterous. No one has lost coverage, had to pay more or find new doctors under Obamacare? Really?

Harry, it’s been amazingly well documented, even by your allies in the media.

Anyway, from the Senate floor, Reid called all of the ads that are being run, lies. Every one of the ads that AFP had run, were lies? Obviously then, not just the Koch brothers you despise, but all of the people in those ads, were liars?

Later that day however, he returned to the floor, and said: “I can’t say that every one of the Koch brothers’ ads are a lie, but I’ll say this … the vast, vast majority of them are.”

For the unaware, both Reid and Romney are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (as am I), whose members are commonly referred to as “Mormons” or “LDS.”

Harry Reid is a man who claims to be pro-life, yet in 2001, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2012 he received 100 percent ratings from the radical abortion activist group, NARAL Pro-Choice America. Now, his rating with NARAL has fluctuated over the years, but that’s at least six years of perfect scores with this fanatical abortion organization.

Now, if you really are pro-life, shouldn’t you always get a zero percent rating from an organization like NARAL? His NARAL rating last year was still a healthy 70 percent. For context, Sen. Dean Heller, also of Nevada and Republican, received a zero percent rating from NARAL.

Also Reid’s last three Planned Parenthood Action Center ratings have been 83, 89 and most recently, 88 percent. Really Harry? You’re pro-life? How is that possible? How can you be pro-life but vote with the interests of those groups so often? And that’s just one issue of concern, there are many.

Harry Reid is the Worst Living Human Being on The Planet

Harry Reid is gutter trash. Nothing more and nothing less. Came into the Senate with a net worth of just over $85,000 now? worth 28 MILLION Dollars. Congratulations Harry! You win "legal thief of the year!"
Harry Reid funneled $17k to his daughter's business? Well, that's certainly worse than lying the country into a torture war.

Republicans have seriously mangled belief systems.

He voted for that too. Read up a bit.
Harry Reid "LIES" about Lying!!! You just can't make this shit up!

Harry Reid Says He Never Called ObamaCare Stories Lies - YouTube

He is such a piece of shit. It's impossible to wrap your mind around how someone can be such a lying piece of shit like this. He literally justifies the title of that article with this one video alone.

I wonder where the subversives are after that video? It's amazing that they can have a "SUSPENSION OF INTELLIGENCE":badgrin: when something like that is shown, and even those :asshole:S can SEE and HEAR that piece of shit LIE outright!
Q. Is Rotwiner
a. OCD
b. A Partisan Hack
c. Odd, and desperate for attention
d. a & b
e. a, b & c

A. e

And still another Dumbocrat who can't deal with reality. All I did was post facts about Harry Reid - and in your mind that makes me a "partisan hack" or "desperate for attention"?

The fact that you attack someone for posting FACTS about one of your party's leaders is proof that the only "partisan hack" here is little Cum Catcher who can't deal with reality.... :eusa_whistle:

Poor Rot Whiner, he is so offended when shown a mirror, all he can come up with is a second grade (albeit a slow second grader) comment, "you too", followed up with an emoticon, a tool used frequently by the barely literate.
Q. Is Rotwiner
a. OCD
b. A Partisan Hack
c. Odd, and desperate for attention
d. a & b
e. a, b & c

A. e

And still another Dumbocrat who can't deal with reality. All I did was post facts about Harry Reid - and in your mind that makes me a "partisan hack" or "desperate for attention"?

The fact that you attack someone for posting FACTS about one of your party's leaders is proof that the only "partisan hack" here is little Cum Catcher who can't deal with reality.... :eusa_whistle:

Poor Rot Whiner, he is so offended when shown a mirror, all he can come up with is a second grade (albeit a slow second grader) comment, "you too", followed up with an emoticon, a tool used frequently by the barely literate.

Now that you've made a fool of yourself, perhaps you can lecture us on the HYPOCRISY of "Dirty" Harry Reid in that video? Waiting for an intelligent reply.
And still another Dumbocrat who can't deal with reality. All I did was post facts about Harry Reid - and in your mind that makes me a "partisan hack" or "desperate for attention"?

The fact that you attack someone for posting FACTS about one of your party's leaders is proof that the only "partisan hack" here is little Cum Catcher who can't deal with reality.... :eusa_whistle:

Poor Rot Whiner, he is so offended when shown a mirror, all he can come up with is a second grade (albeit a slow second grader) comment, "you too", followed up with an emoticon, a tool used frequently by the barely literate.

Now that you've made a fool of yourself, perhaps you can lecture us on the HYPOCRISY of "Dirty" Harry Reid in that video? Waiting for an intelligent reply.

"HYPOCRISY" is not endemic to Leader Reid alone, it seems to be a characteristic of nearly all elected officials. That 'said', and I admit without reservation that Reid was lying in the second part of the video, the first part of the video was spot on. The example, exposed many times, of Hannity and his interviews was a clear example of what Reid was saying - Republicans lied about the PPACA and have been lying since the summer of 2009 with much of the broadcast lies funded by the Koch Brothers.

As for Rot Whiner, he is a partisan hack, a liar and vulgar, as well as a parrot for the Rights propaganda. His posts and threads are nothing more than an echo; I doubt he's ever had an original thought of his own.

As for my making a fool of myself, it is my opinion that you too lack integrity, much like Rot Whiner. You might have made an intelligent post of criticism, that you did not (could not?) is telling.
Last edited:
Poor Rot Whiner, he is so offended when shown a mirror, all he can come up with is a second grade (albeit a slow second grader) comment, "you too", followed up with an emoticon, a tool used frequently by the barely literate.

Now that you've made a fool of yourself, perhaps you can lecture us on the HYPOCRISY of "Dirty" Harry Reid in that video? Waiting for an intelligent reply.

"HYPOCRISY" is not endemic to Leader Reid alone, it seems to be a characteristic of nearly all elected officials. That 'said', and I admit without reservation that Reid was lying in the second part of the video, the first part of the video was spot on. The example exposed many times of Hannity and his interviews was a clear example of what Reid was saying - Republicans lied about the PPACA and have been lying since the summer of 2009 with much of the broadcast lies funded by the Koch Brothers.

As for Rot Whiner, he is a partisan hack, a liar and vulgar, as well as a parrot for the right's propaganda. His posts and threads are nothing more than an echo; I doubt he's ever had an original thought of his own.

But as you subversives keep reminding us, this THREAD is about Harry Reid, and his lies. Please try to stay on topic and be somewhat civil, thank you, in advance!
Now that you've made a fool of yourself, perhaps you can lecture us on the HYPOCRISY of "Dirty" Harry Reid in that video? Waiting for an intelligent reply.

"HYPOCRISY" is not endemic to Leader Reid alone, it seems to be a characteristic of nearly all elected officials. That 'said', and I admit without reservation that Reid was lying in the second part of the video, the first part of the video was spot on. The example exposed many times of Hannity and his interviews was a clear example of what Reid was saying - Republicans lied about the PPACA and have been lying since the summer of 2009 with much of the broadcast lies funded by the Koch Brothers.

As for Rot Whiner, he is a partisan hack, a liar and vulgar, as well as a parrot for the right's propaganda. His posts and threads are nothing more than an echo; I doubt he's ever had an original thought of his own.

But as you subversives keep reminding us, this THREAD is about Harry Reid, and his lies. Please try to stay on topic and be somewhat civil, thank you, in advance!

"As for my making a fool of myself, it is my opinion that you too lack integrity, much like Rot Whiner. You might have made an intelligent post of criticism, that you did not (could not?) is telling" (it seems you left this out [by accident or ?])

I suggest you buy a dictionary, unless of course you have proof that I have ever posted anything - which even remotely - might be taken as subversive. And if you actually understand the meaning of the word and called me out as subversive provide the evidence or be proved a liar.
And Obuma's drones in Yemen killing civilians? And his supporting Al Qaeda rebels in Syria, beheading Christians, and innocent citizens? And, his and her thigness Hillary being under indictment in Egypt for helping the muslim Brotherhood, murder hundreds, perhaps thousands of Christian Copts, and freedom wanting students.And.... I have more, want me to continue, moron?
Do you want to talk indictments?
Bush Convicted of War Crimes in Absentia | Foreign Policy Journal

Do you really want to get into this, bud? I can draw a straight line from Operation Ajax to the Russian invasion of Crimea. Do you really want to get into this?

Your assertion that "Harry Reid is the worst person alive today" is utterly retarded when compared to what Obama and Bush have done (and Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan, Carter, Ford, Kennedy, Nixon, etc. etc.)


Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction

aaaaaaah !! i knew it..., post 18.., BOOOOOOOOOOSH !!
Are you fucking retarded? Seriously. Are you mentally retarded?

Your assertion that "Harry Reid is the worst person alive today" is utterly retarded when compared to what Obama and Bush have done (and Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan, Carter, Ford, Kennedy, Nixon, etc. etc.)

Are you fucking retarded? You had to read the name "Obama" before you got to the name "Bush".

Are you fucking retarded?
"HYPOCRISY" is not endemic to Leader Reid alone, it seems to be a characteristic of nearly all elected officials. That 'said', and I admit without reservation that Reid was lying in the second part of the video, the first part of the video was spot on. The example exposed many times of Hannity and his interviews was a clear example of what Reid was saying - Republicans lied about the PPACA and have been lying since the summer of 2009 with much of the broadcast lies funded by the Koch Brothers.

As for Rot Whiner, he is a partisan hack, a liar and vulgar, as well as a parrot for the right's propaganda. His posts and threads are nothing more than an echo; I doubt he's ever had an original thought of his own.

But as you subversives keep reminding us, this THREAD is about Harry Reid, and his lies. Please try to stay on topic and be somewhat civil, thank you, in advance!

"As for my making a fool of myself, it is my opinion that you too lack integrity, much like Rot Whiner. You might have made an intelligent post of criticism, that you did not (could not?) is telling" (it seems you left this out [by accident or ?])

I suggest you buy a dictionary, unless of course you have proof that I have ever posted anything - which even remotely - might be taken as subversive. And if you actually understand the meaning of the word and called me out as subversive provide the evidence or be proved a liar.

Are you a democrat or left leaning? If not, let me know.
Harry Reid is the Worst Living Human Being on The Planet
At least he's human, which is more than can be said for any in the GOP. But of course the GOP propaganda machine would say that. That's the nazi's for ya.
But as you subversives keep reminding us, this THREAD is about Harry Reid, and his lies. Please try to stay on topic and be somewhat civil, thank you, in advance!

"As for my making a fool of myself, it is my opinion that you too lack integrity, much like Rot Whiner. You might have made an intelligent post of criticism, that you did not (could not?) is telling" (it seems you left this out [by accident or ?])

I suggest you buy a dictionary, unless of course you have proof that I have ever posted anything - which even remotely - might be taken as subversive. And if you actually understand the meaning of the word and called me out as subversive provide the evidence or be proved a liar.

Are you a democrat or left leaning? If not, let me know.

I'm a registered Democrat, socially liberal and fiscally responsible.

The Republican Party offers nothing. It is not fiscally responsible and actively recruits bigots and racists while exploiting the vast majority of our citizens.
"As for my making a fool of myself, it is my opinion that you too lack integrity, much like Rot Whiner. You might have made an intelligent post of criticism, that you did not (could not?) is telling" (it seems you left this out [by accident or ?])

I suggest you buy a dictionary, unless of course you have proof that I have ever posted anything - which even remotely - might be taken as subversive. And if you actually understand the meaning of the word and called me out as subversive provide the evidence or be proved a liar.

Are you a democrat or left leaning? If not, let me know.

I'm a registered Democrat, socially liberal and fiscally responsible.

The Republican Party offers nothing. It is not fiscally responsible and actively recruits bigots and racists while exploiting the vast majority of our citizens.

The Republican Party offers nothing. It is not fiscally responsible and actively recruits bigots and racists while exploiting the vast majority of our citizens.

How many pieces of leglislature have the republicans in the House sent to the Senate
only to have your buddy Harry Reid sit on? :evil:
"As for my making a fool of myself, it is my opinion that you too lack integrity, much like Rot Whiner. You might have made an intelligent post of criticism, that you did not (could not?) is telling" (it seems you left this out [by accident or ?])

I suggest you buy a dictionary, unless of course you have proof that I have ever posted anything - which even remotely - might be taken as subversive. And if you actually understand the meaning of the word and called me out as subversive provide the evidence or be proved a liar.

Are you a democrat or left leaning? If not, let me know.

I'm a registered Democrat, socially liberal and fiscally responsible.

The Republican Party offers nothing. It is not fiscally responsible and actively recruits bigots and racists while exploiting the vast majority of our citizens.

If you're so fiscally RESPONSIBLE how can you back a president that has put us $7+ trillion further in debt since he took office? Here's the Manchurian muslim in his own words about the $4 trillion in debt added by Bush during the Iraq and Afghanistan war, calling Bush UNPATRIOTIC, and IRRESPONSIBLE!.... Even you, as a Democrat must see that this man, and the enabling Democratic party is going to bankrupt America...That's what he wants, but do you?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyLmru6no4U"]Senator Obama calls Bush "unpatriotic" for adding trillions to debt www.RightFace.us - YouTube[/ame]

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