Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll: Trump Would Crush Biden in an Election Right Now

that sounds like a rilly rilly bad case of butthurt.
It's sad that every time I think I have firm grasp of just how stupid the right is you all say: "Hold my beer". Wanting a man for President that will be neck deep in legal battles is stupid. Don't you have anyone else? It's also stupid to put all your hopes on one man.
It's sad that every time I think I have firm grasp of just how stupid the right is you all say: "Hold my beer". Wanting a man for President that will be neck deep in legal battles is stupid. Don't you have anyone else? It's also stupid to put all your hopes on one man.

you mean how you did with biden? with clintoon? With Bronco Bama? LOLOL My hope is in Christ. He removes kings and sets up others.

Look i get it. You're in the first stages of grief. You see what's coming. Let me recommend something that will help. Turn off TV news. See if you can't get a little stability going there. Read, think, use your head. The left is not what you think it is. Walk away.
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you mean how you did with biden? with clintoon? With Bronco Bama? LOLOL

Look i get it. You're in the first stages of grief. You see what's coming. Let me recommend something that will help. Turn off TV news. See if you can't get a little stability going there. Read, think, use your head. The left is not what you think it is. Walk away.
There is pretty good chance Trump will be under indictment for several crimes in differnt jurisdictions from NY to GA. Still going to vote for him?
81 million votes.
Yeah, riiiiight……
Not that many would have buyers remorse so quickly.

Or would they?

Where in that article do you see mention that your Orange Baboon-God would crush Sleepy Old Uncle Joe?

False advertising in your thread banner?


There is a reason why the newly-victorious Virginia GOP governor-elect held Rump at arm's length during his gubernatorial campaign.

Your Orange Flim-Flam Man is toxic with vast legions of the voting public at-large, including vast numbers of Independents and Moderates.

Many looking forward to the day when they can safely vote Republican again without risking another coup attempt by your Orange Piece-of-$hit.
The world's tiniest 🎻.

Playing just for you....
So most people don’t want those things? Or you’re just happy to say fuck off pay double the gas price, deal with unemployment and inflation, an open border and fuck off. That’s your plan. You may have missed what happened last night.
It's sad that every time I think I have firm grasp of just how stupid the right is you all say: "Hold my beer". Wanting a man for President that will be neck deep in legal battles is stupid. Don't you have anyone else? It's also stupid to put all your hopes on one man.

That you people sic lawyers on him, just shows that you fear him. You would do that to ANYONE who threatens your agenda.
Is it mean that I enjoy the Dems pain and suffering?
It's weird when some of them make it sound like they get sexual pleasure from it. I don't want to be part of anyone's masturbatory fantasies. That's just sick.

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