Harvard gun study concludes gun bans don’t reduce the murder rate


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
posted at 3:21 pm on August 28, 2013 by Bruce McQuain

In fact, it appears, bans may actually see them increase. Here’s a summary of the study’s findings:

The Harvard study attempts to answer the question of whether or not banning firearms would reduce murders and suicides. Researchers looked at crime data from several European countries and found that countries with HIGHER gun ownership often had LOWER murder rates.

Duh – ya think? And this comes from HARVARD? What on earth is going on here. Read more @ the above link.
Of course it doesn't.....anyone with half a brain should know that. All it does it make more people victims because they can't protect themselves. A criminal will always find a way to get a weapon.

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