Harvard students sit 1964 Louisiana Literacy Test for blacks and every person FAILED

It's time people see through the sham that Harvard is. Actually Obama has proven that. Maybe they have been the elite, or some kind of elite, at one point, but that's over. It's just a political institution. The masses should be made aware of this.

Harvard students sit 1964 Louisiana Literacy Test and every person FAILED Daily Mail Online

Seriously? The test is not a accurate measure of anything other than the ability of a elite group to write a test that no one could pass. It is a fraudulent test. Get a grip dude 'cause you just failed the reading comprehension test, the critical thinking test and the general knowledge test. You absolutely passed the dimwitted white supremacist demonstrated ignorance test though....with flying colors!
It's time people see through the sham that Harvard is. Actually Obama has proven that. Maybe they have been the elite, or some kind of elite, at one point, but that's over. It's just a political institution. The masses should be made aware of this.

Harvard students sit 1964 Louisiana Literacy Test and every person FAILED Daily Mail Online

Seriously? The test is not a accurate measure of anything other than the ability of a elite group to write a test that no one could pass. It is a fraudulent test. Get a grip dude 'cause you just failed the reading comprehension test, the critical thinking test and the general knowledge test. You absolutely passed the dimwitted white supremacist demonstrated ignorance test though....with flying colors!
It was a fraudulent test for a good cause!
It's time people see through the sham that Harvard is. Actually Obama has proven that. Maybe they have been the elite, or some kind of elite, at one point, but that's over. It's just a political institution. The masses should be made aware of this.

Harvard students sit 1964 Louisiana Literacy Test and every person FAILED Daily Mail Online

Seriously? The test is not a accurate measure of anything other than the ability of a elite group to write a test that no one could pass. It is a fraudulent test. Get a grip dude 'cause you just failed the reading comprehension test, the critical thinking test and the general knowledge test. You absolutely passed the dimwitted white supremacist demonstrated ignorance test though....with flying colors!
It was a fraudulent test for a good cause!

Fraud committed for the sake of politics is never a "good cause". Wake the fuck up. Anything you can do them....they can do to you when they get into power. Get it....
Some of there are graphic so I have to write them out.

1. Draw a line around the number or letter of this sentence / Circle the number 1.
2. Draw a line under the last word in this line. / line
3. Cross out the longest word in this line. / Cross out the word 'longest'
4. Draw a line around the shortest word in this line./ Circle 'a'
5. Circle the first, first letter of the alphabet in this line./ Circle 'a' in alphabet
6. In the space below draw three circles, one inside (engulfed by) the other./ Draw a circle in a circle in a circle
7. Above the letter X make a small cross./ Self explanatory
8. Draw a line through the letter below that comes earliest in the alphabet. Z V S B D M K Y T P H C / Draw a line through 'B'
9. Draw a line through the two letters below that comes last in the alphabet. Z V B D M K T P H S Y C / Line through 'Z' and 'Y'
10. In the first circle below write the last letter of the first word beginning with “L” / 'T' in circle 1.
11. Cross out the number not necessary, when making the number below one million. 1,000,0000 / Cross out last zero.
12. In the line below cross out each number that is more than 20 but less than 30. 25 31 16 48 29 53 47 22 37 98 26 2 / Self explanatory
13. Draw a line from circle 2 to circle 5 that will pass below circle 3 and above circle 4./ Self explanatory

I could go on but suffice it took me 10 minutes. Whatever the reason for the test most of those folks taking it weren't black. So it is pretty clear who the inferior ones are no? Thanks for pointing it out Steveo.
Political forums give an oversampling of extremist partisan blowhards who look at politics the same way a rabid college football team supporter looks at their colors. Leads to the few really loud irrational retards sounding like more of a majority than they really are.

Thank god.

So...ummm... what are you doing here, blowhard? I'm mean besides making an ass of yourself?[/QUOTE]
Hah did I strike a nerve?

I'm here discussing nation and world events, without much interest in supporting a team and trying to skew everything so that it paints the enemy team in a bad light.
It's time people see through the sham that Harvard is. Actually Obama has proven that. Maybe they have been the elite, or some kind of elite, at one point, but that's over. It's just a political institution. The masses should be made aware of this.

Harvard students sit 1964 Louisiana Literacy Test and every person FAILED Daily Mail Online

Seriously? The test is not a accurate measure of anything other than the ability of a elite group to write a test that no one could pass. It is a fraudulent test. Get a grip dude 'cause you just failed the reading comprehension test, the critical thinking test and the general knowledge test. You absolutely passed the dimwitted white supremacist demonstrated ignorance test though....with flying colors!
It was a fraudulent test for a good cause!
What good cause? More white affirmative action?
Could do it, but not in 10 minutes. :) Knowing if you fail just 1 you fail makes you spend extra time making sure you understood things. Also what any of it has to do with voting I have no idea.

Oh and being at Harvard doesn't mean you're especially bright, just rich and/or well connected. MIT or Cal-Tech means you're brilliant.
Ten minutes to answer 30 questions that includes drawings? I am glad these idiotic tests were thrown on the trash heap of history.
Some of there are graphic so I have to write them out.

1. Draw a line around the number or letter of this sentence / Circle the number 1.
2. Draw a line under the last word in this line. / line
3. Cross out the longest word in this line. / Cross out the word 'longest'
4. Draw a line around the shortest word in this line./ Circle 'a'
5. Circle the first, first letter of the alphabet in this line./ Circle 'a' in alphabet
6. In the space below draw three circles, one inside (engulfed by) the other./ Draw a circle in a circle in a circle
7. Above the letter X make a small cross./ Self explanatory
8. Draw a line through the letter below that comes earliest in the alphabet. Z V S B D M K Y T P H C / Draw a line through 'B'
9. Draw a line through the two letters below that comes last in the alphabet. Z V B D M K T P H S Y C / Line through 'Z' and 'Y'
10. In the first circle below write the last letter of the first word beginning with “L” / 'T' in circle 1.
11. Cross out the number not necessary, when making the number below one million. 1,000,0000 / Cross out last zero.
12. In the line below cross out each number that is more than 20 but less than 30. 25 31 16 48 29 53 47 22 37 98 26 2 / Self explanatory
13. Draw a line from circle 2 to circle 5 that will pass below circle 3 and above circle 4./ Self explanatory

I could go on but suffice it took me 10 minutes. Whatever the reason for the test most of those folks taking it weren't black. So it is pretty clear who the inferior ones are no? Thanks for pointing it out Steveo.

9 is impossible to do.. It says draw a line not 2 lines. No matter what you do it can be interpreted as being wrong. This must have been the catch all.
I'm not a racist, but I'm really tired of blacks, hearing them moan and etc. By the way, the recent study finds that both Caucasian and African Americans agree that anti-black racism has decreased over the last 60 years. At the same time white Americans believe they experience more racism.
I'm not a racist, but I'm really tired of blacks, hearing them moan and etc. By the way, the recent study finds that both Caucasian and African Americans agree that anti-black racism has decreased over the last 60 years. At the same time white Americans believe they experience more racism.
Close your ears and shut your eyes then. Problem solved.
I'm not a racist, but I'm really tired of blacks, hearing them moan and etc. By the way, the recent study finds that both Caucasian and African Americans agree that anti-black racism has decreased over the last 60 years. At the same time white Americans believe they experience more racism.

Newsflash, you ARE a racist.
Some of there are graphic so I have to write them out.

1. Draw a line around the number or letter of this sentence / Circle the number 1.
Wrong. It says "line" not circle.
2. Draw a line under the last word in this line. / line
If your line happens to include the period, you'd be wrong.
3. Cross out the longest word in this line. / Cross out the word 'longest'
You would have to draw a cross, not draw a line through....unless you drew a cross, in which case you should have drawn a line, or note a distinction between a cross and an "x."
4. Draw a line around the shortest word in this line./ Circle 'a'
Line, not circle.
6. In the space below draw three circles, one inside (engulfed by) the other./ Draw a circle in a circle in a circle
But it says ONE inside the other. You drew 2 inside the other.
7. Above the letter X make a small cross./ Self explanatory
a cross or an X?

I could go on but suffice it took me 10 minutes. Whatever the reason for the test most of those folks taking it weren't black. So it is pretty clear who the inferior ones are no? Thanks for pointing it out Steveo.
Well, they would only administer to those who could not show a 5th grade education. What constituted proof would be up to the people at the voting place.

And as I showed, the answers can be ambiguous and it only takes one to fail. It would be very easy to pass those you want to pass and fail those you want to fail.

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