Harvey Milk Stamp Commemorated Today May 22nd 2014 At The Whitehouse

Does LGBT embracing Harvey Milk & forcing gay marriage on states affecting your vote?

  • I'm a gay advocate and no, I'll vote democrat

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • I'm ambivalent and no, I'll probably still vote democrat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a middle voter and yes, I'm thinking of voting more conservative because of it.

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • I'm a middle voter democrat and thinking of switching parties now.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Where did all those middle votes go?"

That will be the DNC headline in mid-November this year...

^ Honestly believes the Milk stamp will even be remembered in November. :lol: :lol: :lol:


When The DNC is stockpiling them to put on their October campaign literature in honour of one of their heroes?

They won't only be remembered - they'll be hard to forget.
Elvis sang songs. Harvey Milk was famous for his sexuality. See the difference in which one is celebrated and why when it comes to them having sex with youngsters? People wince when reminded he started dating Priscilla when she was 14. Though they married when she was 22 [from Wikipedia] and had their first child when she was 23. Presley married her. Milk discarded one teen boy after another like kleenex. It's one thing to actually fall in love and wait to marry the girl. It's quite another to prey on minors just for sex and discard them like objects when they grow too old for a predator's sexual tastes.

People wince when reminded of the Elvis/Priscilla age gap, even though he was in love and married her. People who celebrate Milk do not wince about his sexual behavior. It's the reason they celebrate him...

...which is problematic when that same cult [LGBT] wants access to adoptable kids that the privelege of marriage affords..

No more problematic than when desperate women marry pedophiles and let them adopt kids they had from a previous marriage.

Incidentally, Elvis did get tired of Priscilla after a while. We still don't hear you whining about his stamp.
Twinkies would never have achieved their peak popularity without Dan White yet he gets so little credit.

Oh, you mean that guy, a fellow democrat, who assassinated Harvey Milk and the Mayor of SF at the same time over a political difference that had nothing to do with Milk being a gay pedophile?

Yeah, that whole thing was weird, including the Twinkie Defense. Dianne Feinstein of all people is the person who stumbled in that office and found the bodies first thing. Hence the kneejerk "look the other way" policy the dems are taking towards this whole LGBT/Harvey Milk cult thing...to their own demise.

They'll be wondering of course where all those middle votes went this Fall and Fall 2016 after months of state by state activist judges overturning legitimate state constitutional laws enacted by the people [most of them middle voters]...telling them de facto "your vote doesn't count". Being blind-tied at the hip to the cult of LGBT is going to pan out to be a very unfortunate association for the democratic party. Every state that an activist judge steps on the necks of voters with his jackboot, you can hear a quiet but just audible shuffling of mute feet stepping to the right...millions of them...

Um, no, you really don't.

You know how i can tell.

Not a single Republican is talking about this issue.





they are talking about ObamaCare and Benghazi and the VA and the IRS and anything else they think they can drum up into a scandal.

But the gay marriage thing. For the love of Jesus, they hope it just goes away.
So...you also disapprove of MLB's retiring of Jackie Robinson's number?

It never ceases to amaze me how pathetic you people are. You boil down Robinson's career to him being black. What made him a hall of famer wasn't being some token quota filler. What got him his shot wasn't his skin color. What made him a legend was his skill at playing baseball. If he hadn't done that we would never have spoken about him again.

So now go ahead and give me a list of what Milk did compared to Robinson. Butt fucked little boys? Was the most flamboyant of homo he could possibly be? Yeah I don't think so. The best thing Milk did for his legend and the community was get shot. He got you idiots to make him some great achiever of nothing important and the kids in the neighborhood got to save their assholes from being stretched.

Don't ever compare the two again.

I don't...but tell us why Robinson's number got retired...he wasn't the best out there...he wasn't even the best Dodger at that time....and he had to learn 1st base, a position he'd never played before.....ok, maybe Hall of Fame....but EVERYONE retiring his number? Why?

edited to add: I know why....I'm just waiting for any of you to admit out loud why. :D

Has Bodecea ever Condemned Milk for going after 15 year old boys when he was in his 30's?...


Has Bodecea ever Condemned Milk for going after 15 year old boys when he was in his 30's?...



Not to my knowledge mal. In fact, I've been bringing up the Harvey Milk sodomizing of the minor orphaned boy Jack McKinley for some six or seven years, debating it with gays. At first they try to say that it's a lie. Then when I point out in Milk's biography where it was documented by the scrupulously-honest auther Randy Shilts [gay also, died of AIDS in the 1980s], they shift gears. Then it's "the age of consent should be lowered anyway".

When that fails they launch into comparisons of Elvis Presley and Priscilla. Which of course is a case of two young people near each other's age [not 15 years apart] with parental consent where Elivis married her. He bought the cow. No, in Milk's case he sodomized one teen orphaned boy after another, discarding them as they aged past his "preference" for "young waifs with substance abuse problems". So he preyed upon and sodomized mentally-compromised boys, addled on drugs and incapable of consent, with not one whit of committing to their wellbeing for the long haul. They were for his jollies. His sexual use.

One gay defended Milk by saying that his victim, 16 year old Jack McKinley was a "street hustler". As if his being homeless and needing to feed himself was some type of insidious crime that made him as a minor, fair game for Milk to prey upon sexually...

On and on. But as yet, not one single member of the cult has lined up to denounce what Milk did. None of them expressed shock. Instead, their affect was one of "yeah, you're just now getting around to understanding that we like 'em young as we age into our 40s"? [gays and lesbians both have that attitude and arrogance].

Which all of the above taken together spells a very poor prognosis for gay marriage and the legal loophole it offers these predators and predator-apologists to access orphaned kids to bring home behind closed doors. You've seen what they do as a matter of sober "pride" in front of them on main street parades. Imagine what goes on with their adopted kids behind closed doors?...

Fun fact: Harvey Milk while sodomizing the minor Jack McKinley was also officiating as his "father figure/legal guardian"...until he booted him out the door for fresher meat. McKinley jumped to his death in New York where the two met; having never gotten over Harvey Milk's use of him.. Go buy those stamps folks!!
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Harvey Milk, imperfect as he was, took a bullet for the gay civil rights in America...just like Martin Luther King Jr., imperfect as he was, took a bullet for black civil rights in America.

Was MLK Molesting 15 year old boys when he was 33?...

Bet you're too much of a fucking creepy coward to answer. :thup:


A man in love with another man's butthole is a bit depraved. It's certainly not worthy of Government praise and promotion. It's not a Government issue. This is wrong. Just my opinion anyway.
A man in love with another man's butthole is a bit depraved. It's certainly not worthy of Government praise and promotion. It's not a Government issue. This is wrong. Just my opinion anyway.

A man in love with another BOY'S butthole even moreso... I think this is the first time the US has issued a stamp for a man famous for his sexual depravity and preference for underaged boys on drugs...

No wonder the Senate is going GOP this Fall...
It takes courage to stick your penis into another man's asshole, and of course it takes courage and sacrifice to versa visa.
Did I say it before? Thanks to the USPO's shift to self adhering stamps at least you don't have to lick Harvey Milk's ass.
A couple of our regulars are pleased to learn that the self-stick adhesive on those stamps is defective so, to use some, it's necessary to lick Harve's backside. They LIKE it that way!
A man in love with another man's butthole is a bit depraved. It's certainly not worthy of Government praise and promotion. It's not a Government issue. This is wrong. Just my opinion anyway.

A man in love with another BOY'S butthole even moreso... I think this is the first time the US has issued a stamp for a man famous for his sexual depravity and preference for underaged boys on drugs...

No wonder the Senate is going GOP this Fall...

I thought it was because we had a bunch of contests in backwards Red States.

But anyway, the GOP is running away from this issue faster than Rev. Hagee from a Boy Hooker.
Harvey Milk, imperfect as he was, took a bullet for the gay civil rights in America...just like Martin Luther King Jr., imperfect as he was, took a bullet for black civil rights in America.

No, he didn't. Was he killed because of his being gay?

Harvey Milk, imperfect as he was, took a bullet for the gay civil rights in America...just like Martin Luther King Jr., imperfect as he was, took a bullet for black civil rights in America.

No, he didn't. Was he killed because of his being gay?


She seriously compared MLK to a Child Molester to try to make one of her Hero's "for the Cause" look better...

Fucking Miserable piece of Shit.


A couple of our regulars are pleased to learn that the self-stick adhesive on those stamps is defective so, to use some, it's necessary to lick Harve's backside. They LIKE it that way!

You stayed up awfully late to think of that bad joke?
Anita Bryant did more for gay rights than anyone else I can think of.
Harvey Milk, imperfect as he was, took a bullet for the gay civil rights in America...just like Martin Luther King Jr., imperfect as he was, took a bullet for black civil rights in America.

No, he didn't. Was he killed because of his being gay?


No, he and the mayor of San Francisco I think it was were shot dead by a fellow democrat angry over some other non-related political issue. Dianne Feinstein was the one who found their bodies if memory serves.

It would be like celebrating how Dr. Martin Luther King "took a bullet for the black civil rights movement" if he accidentally shot himself while out hunting. The church of LGBT needed a Messiah/martyr though to look legit so they picked a gay pedophile fond of "young waifs with substance abuse problems"...naturally...you know..."to represent"... [there's your sign..]

It's like a guy named Richard insisting you calling him "Dick". When he turns out to be an asshole after your guard is down, should you really be surprised?....
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