Harvey Milk Stamp Commemorated Today May 22nd 2014 At The Whitehouse

Does LGBT embracing Harvey Milk & forcing gay marriage on states affecting your vote?

  • I'm a gay advocate and no, I'll vote democrat

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • I'm ambivalent and no, I'll probably still vote democrat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a middle voter and yes, I'm thinking of voting more conservative because of it.

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • I'm a middle voter democrat and thinking of switching parties now.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The USPS spent over $240,000 on the special glue for those stamps. The had a perfectly good glue that, even tho intended to be self-stick, would withstand concerted licking. It was the sucking that was spoiling them but now that's fixed. Best public spending in an entire administration!
Lucky you can just stick the stamps today without having to lick the backside.

Yeah..cause those gay stamps are SCARY!!!!

LGBT cultees venerating a documented predator of vulnerable teen boys as their sexual icon is SCARY!!! Only I'm not being sarcastic. When do any of the LGBT advocate posters here begin advocating for the rights of Milk's victims to not have had their precarious mental health further damaged by a sexual predator upon them? I thought you guys were for protecting the sexual autonomy of people.. Or are "damaged goods" minors "not really people"..?
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She wasn't underage, and I was keeping her sane and in school. Report away. And in rational terms, he wasn't underage either. And why was he homeless, because they kicked him out for being a faggot I suspect.

Milk should have kept his pants on, like Clinton, but it hardly makes him a monster either.

So if a child is mentally ill, and kicked out by his family, he's "fair game" to abuse sexually, even if he is still a minor...OK, just trying to keep up with the dogma of LGBT.. *scribbles in notebook* "Ok, LGBT-Bible says damaged-goods minors are fair game to fuck because they're already ruined....and it's OK to lure them in to this by promising to be a longed-for parental figure to them...check..."

"in rational terms" according to the LGBT community then a 16 year old minor is fair game to have sex with. Even when that minor was being presided over by his sodomizer as "father figure". As Harvey Milk presided over Jack McKinley, calling himself the boy's "legal guardian" while he sodomized him until the boy grew too old for Milk's appetite for young teens. The boy, then a man, pining for his father/lover jumped from a tall building in New York where the two met; and so killed himself over the ordeal.

And that's cool with the LGBT crowd.

So right there I can see a problem allowing gays to marry. Utah is right. Perhaps LGBTs who iconize this type of sexuality [thingifying troubled minor children for sex] shouldn't have access to orphans to adopt...one of the priveleges assigned when one is married in that state...

Your ignorance of the law is exceeded only by your delusional paranoia.
Lucky you can just stick the stamps today without having to lick the backside.

Yeah..cause those gay stamps are SCARY!!!!

LGBT cultees venerating a documented predator of vulnerable teen boys as their sexual icon is SCARY!!! Only I'm not being sarcastic. When do any of the LGBT advocate posters here begin advocating for the rights of Milk's victims to not have had their precarious mental health further damaged by a sexual predator upon them? I thought you guys were for protecting the sexual autonomy of people.. Or are "damaged goods" minors "not really people"..?

He was involved with one sixteen year old who was more sexually experienced than he was.

there's a reason why they call them "hustlers'.
Yeah..cause those gay stamps are SCARY!!!!

LGBT cultees venerating a documented predator of vulnerable teen boys as their sexual icon is SCARY!!! Only I'm not being sarcastic. When do any of the LGBT advocate posters here begin advocating for the rights of Milk's victims to not have had their precarious mental health further damaged by a sexual predator upon them? I thought you guys were for protecting the sexual autonomy of people.. Or are "damaged goods" minors "not really people"..?

He was involved with one sixteen year old who was more sexually experienced than he was.

there's a reason why they call them "hustlers'.

So a 16 year old runaway was more "sexually-experienced" than a self-avowed promiscuous 33 year old gay man [who himself had been molested by men since he was 11 or 12 according to his biography] who advocated for 'loving' as many men as he could fit into a given week?

By your argument and logic then, a four year old who was repeatedly raped as she grew up to be 16 would be more "sexually-experienced" than most men in their 30s or 40s and therefore would be labelled by you a "hustler" and, according to your inferred conclusions "deserving of being further used sexually by men" to her mental demise?

There's a reason they call the older sexual partners of these arrangements "predators". "Young hustlers" or "older predators" all depends on which side of the window you're looking at the situation from. The courts look at it from the perspective that the older person by right of the passage of time, should've known better...than to continue the cycle of abuse.

Of course it's kind of hard for any of them caught up in it to recognize that when the cycle of abuse is venerated as the new LGBT dogma...
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This is what the left does. Take the most pathetic gutter bound piece of shit person you could possibly imagine an make them a hero.

Ted Kennedy- Murderer, drunk. Lefty hero of the people.
Che- Mass murderer. T-shirt emblem.
Milk- Pedophile, crook. Stamp photo.

Dorn, Ayers, Mao...shit the list goes on forever.

Joe McCarthy

John Birch Society leadership

the KKK conservatives in the South, now the survivors in the GOP

AzMike, you are nothing but a far right wanker.
KKK was founded by democrats and all but one Dixiecrat remained democrats to the day they died.

KKK moved in to the Republican Party and you can't prove that less than thousands of racists moved into the Republican Party

Step off with your lives
So a 16 year old runaway was more "sexually-experienced" than a self-avowed promiscuous 33 year old gay man [who himself had been molested by men since he was 11 or 12 according to his biography] who advocated for 'loving' as many men as he could fit into a given week?

By your argument and logic then, a four year old who was repeatedly raped as she grew up to be 16 would be more "sexually-experienced" than most men in their 30s or 40s and therefore would be labelled by you a "hustler" and, according to your inferred conclusions "deserving of being further used sexually by men" to her mental demise?

There's a reason they call the older sexual partners of these arrangements "predators". "Young hustlers" or "older predators" all depends on which side of the window you're looking at the situation from. The courts look at it from the perspective that the older person by right of the passage of time, should've known better...than to continue the cycle of abuse.

Of course it's kind of hard for any of them caught up in it to recognize that when the cycle of abuse is venerated as the new LGBT dogma...

Frankly, you seem to be the one going on and on and on about sex.

Again, for those playing along at home, I want you to imagine that Sil is a Vegetarian.

Who just can't stop talking about Steak.
To have Harvey Milk, a known sexual predator, commemorated on a postage stamp is a goddamn disgrace. :cuckoo:

But Elvis isn't?

Elvis sang songs. Harvey Milk was famous for his sexuality. See the difference in which one is celebrated and why when it comes to them having sex with youngsters? People wince when reminded he started dating Priscilla when she was 14. Though they married when she was 22 [from Wikipedia] and had their first child when she was 23. Presley married her. Milk discarded one teen boy after another like kleenex. It's one thing to actually fall in love and wait to marry the girl. It's quite another to prey on minors just for sex and discard them like objects when they grow too old for a predator's sexual tastes.

People wince when reminded of the Elvis/Priscilla age gap, even though he was in love and married her. People who celebrate Milk do not wince about his sexual behavior. It's the reason they celebrate him...

...which is problematic when that same cult [LGBT] wants access to adoptable kids that the privelege of marriage affords..
Twinkies would never have achieved their peak popularity without Dan White yet he gets so little credit.

Oh, you mean that guy, a fellow democrat, who assassinated Harvey Milk and the Mayor of SF at the same time over a political difference that had nothing to do with Milk being a gay pedophile?

Yeah, that whole thing was weird, including the Twinkie Defense. Dianne Feinstein of all people is the person who stumbled in that office and found the bodies first thing. Hence the kneejerk "look the other way" policy the dems are taking towards this whole LGBT/Harvey Milk cult thing...to their own demise.

They'll be wondering of course where all those middle votes went this Fall and Fall 2016 after months of state by state activist judges overturning legitimate state constitutional laws enacted by the people [most of them middle voters]...telling them de facto "your vote doesn't count". Being blind-tied at the hip to the cult of LGBT is going to pan out to be a very unfortunate association for the democratic party. Every state that an activist judge steps on the necks of voters with his jackboot, you can hear a quiet but just audible shuffling of mute feet stepping to the right...millions of them...
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"Where did all those middle votes go?"

That will be the DNC headline in mid-November this year...

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