Harvey Milk Stamp Commemorated Today May 22nd 2014 At The Whitehouse

Does LGBT embracing Harvey Milk & forcing gay marriage on states affecting your vote?

  • I'm a gay advocate and no, I'll vote democrat

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • I'm ambivalent and no, I'll probably still vote democrat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a middle voter and yes, I'm thinking of voting more conservative because of it.

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • I'm a middle voter democrat and thinking of switching parties now.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Come, now, is anyone genuinely surprised that Democrats celebrate the life of a pederast?

Yes! Dammit. I'm a democrat and believe in single payer, green energy and most of the other good and solid pragmatic stuff the middle dems have really fought hard for. It makes me sick to my stomach that my party has been hijacked by the pervert lobby.

It will spell our doom this Fall and 2016. And NOBODY is standing up to them just left of center. Except me it seems. Maybe a handful of others but I can't think of any off the top of my head who would DARE to confront the LGBT cult...
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Come, now, is anyone genuinely surprised that Democrats celebrate the life of a pederast?
If I had to list the names of the men who've fucked a 16-year-old, I'd need another Internet to do so. Grow up.

Yes, but the crucial difference is that those men aren't celebrated for their sexual preference.

Stop playing dumb. We know you know the difference.
Come, now, is anyone genuinely surprised that Democrats celebrate the life of a pederast?
If I had to list the names of the men who've fucked a 16-year-old, I'd need another Internet to do so. Grow up.

Yes, but the crucial difference is that those men aren't celebrated for their sexual preference.

Stop playing dumb. We know you know the difference.

That's not what he's being celebrated for. He probably stole a cookie as a child as well, maybe even cheated on a test? Let's mush on.
If I had to list the names of the men who've fucked a 16-year-old, I'd need another Internet to do so. Grow up.

Yes, but the crucial difference is that those men aren't celebrated for their sexual preference.

Stop playing dumb. We know you know the difference.

That's not what he's being celebrated for. He probably stole a cookie as a child as well, maybe even cheated on a test? Let's mush on.

Birds of a feather, chickadee?
Another example of the left having no moral compass. They want to legitimize every behavior no matter how obscene. You must always understand that liberals hate this country and they want to change it because the nation has rejected their brand of extremist ideas for generations. But since the 1970's after the Marxist took over our public education system and university system everything is acceptable. One big amorphous communist society. Harvey Milk was no hero.

Most Progressives I've known have a dark, amoral stripe down their back. The ones I've known live an immoral lifestyle so they legitimize their lifestyle by supporting the immoral lifestyle of others.

Then you’ve know very few ‘progressives,’ and those you’ve known are not representative of them all.

Indeed, you and many others on the right exhibit your own immorality by seeking to deny gay Americans their civil rights, subjecting them to discriminatory practices solely as a consequence of who they are.

Consequently, many conservatives are in no position to ‘judge’ others’ ‘morality.’

Gays have always had the same rights as any other Americans. I'm simply opposed to redefining the word "marriage" to suit a tiny, special interest group. What sick stuff they do behind closed doors is none of my business and I, quite frankly, don't want to know. If they want "civil unions" that afford them the same benefits that normal, married couples get then so be it. I simply believe that redefining words to make the LGBT community FEEL better is a stupid idea.
If I had to list the names of the men who've fucked a 16-year-old, I'd need another Internet to do so. Grow up.

Yes, but the crucial difference is that those men aren't celebrated for their sexual preference.

Stop playing dumb. We know you know the difference.

That's not what he's being celebrated for. He probably stole a cookie as a child as well, maybe even cheated on a test? Let's mush on.

He wasn't the first "openly cookie eating politician", nor was he the first "openly test taking politician". He was the first openly gay [sexuality] politician. And his open sexuality was sodomizing minor teen boys, mentally ill, on drugs, one after the other as he aged into his 40s. And this is documented in his biography.

Try again.
Yes, but the crucial difference is that those men aren't celebrated for their sexual preference.

Stop playing dumb. We know you know the difference.

That's not what he's being celebrated for. He probably stole a cookie as a child as well, maybe even cheated on a test? Let's mush on.

He wasn't the first "openly cookie eating politician", nor was he the first "openly test taking politician". He was the first openly gay [sexuality] politician. And his open sexuality was sodomizing minor teen boys, mentally ill, on drugs, one after the other as he aged into his 40s. And this is documented in his biography.

Try again.

Your insanity isn't worth much of a response, so, there it is.
Yes, but the crucial difference is that those men aren't celebrated for their sexual preference.

Stop playing dumb. We know you know the difference.

That's not what he's being celebrated for. He probably stole a cookie as a child as well, maybe even cheated on a test? Let's mush on.

Birds of a feather, chickadee?

When I was 19 years old, I was fucking a 16-year-old. Her parents knew, my parents knew, humanity survived. Let's mush on.
Indeed, you and many others on the right exhibit your own immorality by seeking to deny gay Americans their civil rights, subjecting them to discriminatory practices solely as a consequence of who they are.

Consequently, many conservatives are in no position to ‘judge’ others’ ‘morality.’

Quick ethics question. I'll be looking for in your answer Clayton either 1 or 2. Which is more moral:

1. The support and promotion of a subculture that celebrates a man who was documented in his biography to have preyed sexually on vulnerable teen boys who were mentally ill and on drugs? or

2. The criticism or censure of a subculture that celebrates a man who was documented in his biography to have preyed sexually on vulnerable teen boys who were mentally ill and on drugs?

Hint: if you get confused or tripped up because of the PC fog you're enveloped in, think "welfare of minor children". That should help your decision.

Pretty simple stuff when you boil it down.

the young man in question was more than capable of making his own decisions.

Seems to me Milk got this guy off drugs and tried to help him.
How sick they are trying to turn him into someone like MLK

he took a bullet for the homosexual cause?

dumb and he was nothing more than a frikken mayor of a city

why the heck he should be celebrated at all is how they spend your TAX DOLLARS and the Obama's are some shallow people
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This is what the left does. Take the most pathetic gutter bound piece of shit person you could possibly imagine an make them a hero.

Ted Kennedy- Murderer, drunk. Lefty hero of the people.
Che- Mass murderer. T-shirt emblem.
Milk- Pedophile, crook. Stamp photo.

Dorn, Ayers, Mao...shit the list goes on forever.

Add Margaret Sanger to your list.
This is what the left does. Take the most pathetic gutter bound piece of shit person you could possibly imagine an make them a hero.

Ted Kennedy- Murderer, drunk. Lefty hero of the people.
Che- Mass murderer. T-shirt emblem.
Milk- Pedophile, crook. Stamp photo.

Dorn, Ayers, Mao...shit the list goes on forever.

Harvey Milk was not a pedophile.

But it seems that some have to lie about him to make their.....er......"point".
Pedophile might be stretching it, but do you acknowledge he had sex with a 16 year old boy?
This is what the left does. Take the most pathetic gutter bound piece of shit person you could possibly imagine an make them a hero.

Ted Kennedy- Murderer, drunk. Lefty hero of the people.
Che- Mass murderer. T-shirt emblem.
Milk- Pedophile, crook. Stamp photo.

Dorn, Ayers, Mao...shit the list goes on forever.

Joe McCarthy

John Birch Society leadership

the KKK conservatives in the South, now the survivors in the GOP

AzMike, you are nothing but a far right wanker.
KKK was founded by democrats and all but one Dixiecrat remained democrats to the day they died.
This is what the left does. Take the most pathetic gutter bound piece of shit person you could possibly imagine an make them a hero.

Ted Kennedy- Murderer, drunk. Lefty hero of the people.
Che- Mass murderer. T-shirt emblem.
Milk- Pedophile, crook. Stamp photo.

Dorn, Ayers, Mao...shit the list goes on forever.

Harvey Milk was not a pedophile.

But it seems that some have to lie about him to make their.....er......"point".
Pedophile might be stretching it, but do you acknowledge he had sex with a 16 year old boy?

NOw that kind of depends, doesn't it.

The right insisted that 17 year old Trayvon Martin totally had it coming when George Zimmerman stalked, followed and shot him.

But this 16 year old who had been sexually active long before Milk ever met him was a sweet innocent lamb being seduced by the evil ghey dude.
Harvey Milk was not a pedophile.

But it seems that some have to lie about him to make their.....er......"point".
Pedophile might be stretching it, but do you acknowledge he had sex with a 16 year old boy?

NOw that kind of depends, doesn't it.

The right insisted that 17 year old Trayvon Martin totally had it coming when George Zimmerman stalked, followed and shot him.

But this 16 year old who had been sexually active long before Milk ever met him was a sweet innocent lamb being seduced by the evil ghey dude.
You forget that Trayvon jumped George and was brutally beating him.
Pedophile might be stretching it, but do you acknowledge he had sex with a 16 year old boy?

NOw that kind of depends, doesn't it.

The right insisted that 17 year old Trayvon Martin totally had it coming when George Zimmerman stalked, followed and shot him.

But this 16 year old who had been sexually active long before Milk ever met him was a sweet innocent lamb being seduced by the evil ghey dude.
You forget that Trayvon jumped George and was brutally beating him.

YOu mean after George followed him first in a vehicle and then on foot, chased him down a blind street, and then refused to identify himself when challenged?

No, I didn't forget that at all.

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