Harvey Milk Stamp Commemorated Today May 22nd 2014 At The Whitehouse

Does LGBT embracing Harvey Milk & forcing gay marriage on states affecting your vote?

  • I'm a gay advocate and no, I'll vote democrat

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • I'm ambivalent and no, I'll probably still vote democrat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a middle voter and yes, I'm thinking of voting more conservative because of it.

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • I'm a middle voter democrat and thinking of switching parties now.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Only the highest standards for rainbow warriors.... Lol

Another reason the postal service should be allowed to self destruct.
That's not what he's being celebrated for. He probably stole a cookie as a child as well, maybe even cheated on a test? Let's mush on.

Birds of a feather, chickadee?

When I was 19 years old, I was fucking a 16-year-old. Her parents knew, my parents knew, humanity survived. Let's mush on.

A. The law allows as to age span affects the crime of preying sexually on minors. You weren't, for instance, 33 years old while you were fucking a 16-year old. Like Harvey Milk was. That boy was homeless and had no family to supervise the situation. Exactly as Milk liked them... What do you suppose the 16 year old's parents would have thought if you were 33 at the time? Milk actually tried to coerce a minor boy away from his parents too. He wrote him letters, told hiim he should leave his parents and run away with him. [Until his "use by" date expired and Milk would replace him with another victim]

B. A family that is being negligent towards their 16 year old daughter's wellbeing is not a family to hold out to "mush on" after..

C. You were warned by staff here at UM not to discuss your illegal personal sexual encounters that involved underaged people. Knock it off. You have once again been reported, for what it's worth...
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Birds of a feather, chickadee?

When I was 19 years old, I was fucking a 16-year-old. Her parents knew, my parents knew, humanity survived. Let's mush on.

A. The law allows as to age span affects the crime of preying sexually on minors. You weren't, for instance, 33 years old while you were fucking a 16-year old. Like Harvey Milk was. That boy was homeless and had no family to supervise the situation. Exactly as Milk liked them... What do you suppose the 16 year old's parents would have thought if you were 33 at the time?

B. A family that is being negligent towards their 16 year old daughter's wellbeing is not a family to hold out to "mush on" after..

C. You were warned by staff here at UM not to discuss your illegal personal sexual encounters that involved underaged people. Knock it off. You have once again been reported, for what it's worth...
She wasn't underage, and I was keeping her sane and in school. Report away. And in rational terms, he wasn't underage either. And why was he homeless, because they kicked him out for being a faggot I suspect.

Milk should have kept his pants on, like Clinton, but it hardly makes him a monster either.
She wasn't underage, and I was keeping her sane and in school. Report away. And in rational terms, he wasn't underage either. And why was he homeless, because they kicked him out for being a faggot I suspect.

Milk should have kept his pants on, like Clinton, but it hardly makes him a monster either.

So if a child is mentally ill, and kicked out by his family, he's "fair game" to abuse sexually, even if he is still a minor...OK, just trying to keep up with the dogma of LGBT.. *scribbles in notebook* "Ok, LGBT-Bible says damaged-goods minors are fair game to fuck because they're already ruined....and it's OK to lure them in to this by promising to be a longed-for parental figure to them...check..."

"in rational terms" according to the LGBT community then a 16 year old minor is fair game to have sex with. Even when that minor was being presided over by his sodomizer as "father figure". As Harvey Milk presided over Jack McKinley, calling himself the boy's "legal guardian" while he sodomized him until the boy grew too old for Milk's appetite for young teens. The boy, then a man, pining for his father/lover jumped from a tall building in New York where the two met; and so killed himself over the ordeal.

And that's cool with the LGBT crowd.

So right there I can see a problem allowing gays to marry. Utah is right. Perhaps LGBTs who iconize this type of sexuality [thingifying troubled minor children for sex] shouldn't have access to orphans to adopt...one of the priveleges assigned when one is married in that state...
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She wasn't underage, and I was keeping her sane and in school. Report away. And in rational terms, he wasn't underage either. And why was he homeless, because they kicked him out for being a faggot I suspect.

Milk should have kept his pants on, like Clinton, but it hardly makes him a monster either.

So if a child is mentally ill, and kicked out by his family, he's "fair game" to abuse sexually, even if he is still a minor...OK, just trying to keep up with the dogma of LGBT.. *scribbles in notebook* "Ok, LGBT-Bible says damaged-goods minors are fair game to fuck because they're already ruined....and it's OK to lure them in to this by promising to be a longed-for parental figure to them...check..."

"in rational terms" according to the LGBT community then a 16 year old minor is fair game to have sex with. Even when that minor was being presided over by his sodomizer as "father figure". As Harvey Milk presided over Jack McKinley, calling himself the boy's "legal guardian" while he sodomized him until the boy grew too old for Milk's appetite for young teens. The boy, then a man, pining for his father/lover jumped from a tall building in New York where the two met; and so killed himself over the ordeal.

And that's cool with the LGBT crowd.

So right there I can see a problem allowing gays to marry. Utah is right. Perhaps LGBTs who iconize this type of sexuality [thingifying troubled minor children for sex] shouldn't have access to orphans to adopt...one of the priveleges assigned when one is married in that state...
"Milk was 33 when he got together with his next partner – 16-year old Jack McKinley. At one point, Milk tried to “open an investment account as a guardian for a younger man who [he tells the broker] was his ward” – McKinley. The investment broker looks at Milk and says, “What you’re really talking about is opening an account for the boy you’ve got living with you. Right?”

Call me crazy, but I think the law typically frowns upon “guardians” sleeping with their underage “wards.”

McKinley struggled with depression and turned to drugs, alcohol and “sexual promiscuity.” He threatened suicide numerous times and was diagnosed by a psychiatrist as manic-depressive. He attempted to hang himself, but Milk arrived in time to cut him down from the rafters. Another time, he threw himself in front of an oncoming taxi; it’s a sad story of hurt and insecurity.

Milk’s business transferred him from New York to Dallas in 1967. Milk was now 37, and McKinley moved back to Greenwich Village. So Milk turned his attention to Joe Turner, (surprise!) “a handsome, blond twenty-one-year-old.” Shilts writes as if this fixation on youth and litany of partners were normal and healthy."
The Life and Times of Harvey Milk | CitizenLink

And why was he on the streets? Because he was kicked out for being a faggot I suspect. Had his family kept an eye on him, your concerns would have been met.
She wasn't underage, and I was keeping her sane and in school. Report away. And in rational terms, he wasn't underage either. And why was he homeless, because they kicked him out for being a faggot I suspect.

Milk should have kept his pants on, like Clinton, but it hardly makes him a monster either.

So if a child is mentally ill, and kicked out by his family, he's "fair game" to abuse sexually, even if he is still a minor...OK, just trying to keep up with the dogma of LGBT.. *scribbles in notebook* "Ok, LGBT-Bible says damaged-goods minors are fair game to fuck because they're already ruined....and it's OK to lure them in to this by promising to be a longed-for parental figure to them...check..."

"in rational terms" according to the LGBT community then a 16 year old minor is fair game to have sex with. Even when that minor was being presided over by his sodomizer as "father figure". As Harvey Milk presided over Jack McKinley, calling himself the boy's "legal guardian" while he sodomized him until the boy grew too old for Milk's appetite for young teens. The boy, then a man, pining for his father/lover jumped from a tall building in New York where the two met; and so killed himself over the ordeal.

And that's cool with the LGBT crowd.

So right there I can see a problem allowing gays to marry. Utah is right. Perhaps LGBTs who iconize this type of sexuality [thingifying troubled minor children for sex] shouldn't have access to orphans to adopt...one of the priveleges assigned when one is married in that state...
"Milk was 33 when he got together with his next partner – 16-year old Jack McKinley. At one point, Milk tried to “open an investment account as a guardian for a younger man who [he tells the broker] was his ward” – McKinley. The investment broker looks at Milk and says, “What you’re really talking about is opening an account for the boy you’ve got living with you. Right?”

Call me crazy, but I think the law typically frowns upon “guardians” sleeping with their underage “wards.”

McKinley struggled with depression and turned to drugs, alcohol and “sexual promiscuity.” He threatened suicide numerous times and was diagnosed by a psychiatrist as manic-depressive. He attempted to hang himself, but Milk arrived in time to cut him down from the rafters. Another time, he threw himself in front of an oncoming taxi; it’s a sad story of hurt and insecurity.

Milk’s business transferred him from New York to Dallas in 1967. Milk was now 37, and McKinley moved back to Greenwich Village. So Milk turned his attention to Joe Turner, (surprise!) “a handsome, blond twenty-one-year-old.” Shilts writes as if this fixation on youth and litany of partners were normal and healthy."
The Life and Times of Harvey Milk | CitizenLink

And why was he on the streets? Because he was kicked out for being a faggot I suspect. Had his family kept an eye on him, your concerns would have been met.

Yes, his family should've been able to by law take him to counseling to discover who molested and imprinted him to be a homosexual. Then they should've proceeded to have society's support to get him into reparative therapy ASAP before that compulsive behavior caused him greater and greater predictable grief and exposure to the HIV virus...which would have killed him also.

But if he lived in California today or New Jersey he would not have been able to get that help until it was too late and the molestation-imprinting compuslive homosexual drive would be permanently grafted.

And of course this is the intention of the law, championed by homosexuals in that state. They don't want the goods "re tampered-with". So hard for perps to get at those young boys and get them "stamped just right" to have some meddling breeders step in and undo all the handiwork.. Yes, much much better to remove their psychological therapuetic options until they're 18...when they can make that decision for themselves. Meanwhile the same legislators are OKing drugging pre-teens with artificial hormones to get them ready for the transgender amputations/mutilation they're so mature to be able to make a decision on doing at age 9 or 11... I'm going to vote republican. I've made up my mind. I'm going to do it for the simple reason that when they are in power, they can withold CAPTA funding from Calipornia until they comply with standards of inappropriate sexualizing of children in all areas of law there.

Doing a 180 eh? I thought you just posted that "in rational terms", the minor boy was fair game? What made you change your mind, specifically? Again, because the young teen was kicked out so he was fair game? Not sure I understand your evasion and double-talk.
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So if a child is mentally ill, and kicked out by his family, he's "fair game" to abuse sexually, even if he is still a minor...OK, just trying to keep up with the dogma of LGBT.. *scribbles in notebook* "Ok, LGBT-Bible says damaged-goods minors are fair game to fuck because they're already ruined....and it's OK to lure them in to this by promising to be a longed-for parental figure to them...check..."

"in rational terms" according to the LGBT community then a 16 year old minor is fair game to have sex with. Even when that minor was being presided over by his sodomizer as "father figure". As Harvey Milk presided over Jack McKinley, calling himself the boy's "legal guardian" while he sodomized him until the boy grew too old for Milk's appetite for young teens. The boy, then a man, pining for his father/lover jumped from a tall building in New York where the two met; and so killed himself over the ordeal.

And that's cool with the LGBT crowd.

So right there I can see a problem allowing gays to marry. Utah is right. Perhaps LGBTs who iconize this type of sexuality [thingifying troubled minor children for sex] shouldn't have access to orphans to adopt...one of the priveleges assigned when one is married in that state...
"Milk was 33 when he got together with his next partner – 16-year old Jack McKinley. At one point, Milk tried to “open an investment account as a guardian for a younger man who [he tells the broker] was his ward” – McKinley. The investment broker looks at Milk and says, “What you’re really talking about is opening an account for the boy you’ve got living with you. Right?”

Call me crazy, but I think the law typically frowns upon “guardians” sleeping with their underage “wards.”

McKinley struggled with depression and turned to drugs, alcohol and “sexual promiscuity.” He threatened suicide numerous times and was diagnosed by a psychiatrist as manic-depressive. He attempted to hang himself, but Milk arrived in time to cut him down from the rafters. Another time, he threw himself in front of an oncoming taxi; it’s a sad story of hurt and insecurity.

Milk’s business transferred him from New York to Dallas in 1967. Milk was now 37, and McKinley moved back to Greenwich Village. So Milk turned his attention to Joe Turner, (surprise!) “a handsome, blond twenty-one-year-old.” Shilts writes as if this fixation on youth and litany of partners were normal and healthy."
The Life and Times of Harvey Milk | CitizenLink

And why was he on the streets? Because he was kicked out for being a faggot I suspect. Had his family kept an eye on him, your concerns would have been met.

Yes, his family should've been able to by law take him to counseling to discover who molested and imprinted him to be a homosexual. Then they should've proceeded to have society's support to get him into reparative therapy ASAP before that compulsive behavior caused him greater and greater predictable grief and exposure to the HIV virus...which would have killed him also.

But if he lived in California today or New Jersey he would not have been able to get that help until it was too late and the molestation-imprinting compuslive homosexual drive would be permanently grafted.

And of course this is the intention of the law, championed by homosexuals in that state. They don't want the goods "re tampered-with". So hard for perps to get at those young boys and get them "stamped just right" to have some meddling breeders step in and undo all the handiwork..

Doing a 180 eh? I thought you just posted that "in rational terms", the minor boy was fair game? What made you change your mind, specifically? Again, because the young teen was kicked out so he was fair game? Not sure I understand your evasion and double-talk.
Milk should have waited longer, or passed altogether, but he was no child. And your thoughts on homosexuality are total nonsense.
TheOldSchool... They were lining up in San Francisco CA to buy the Harvey Milk stamps? You don't say. I'm sure you can then generalize to the entire country that this was the case everywhere else. Let me guess, they were lining up in Boy's Town Chicago too? And the Villiage in New York? You don't realize that you're inadvertently making the points of the OP of this thread do you? Or maybe you do and you're against the gay agenda..

Milk should have waited longer, or passed altogether, but he was no child. And your thoughts on homosexuality are total nonsense.
But it's still Ok with you that he buggered this minor teen while officiating as his father? Forgivable at least, yes? And all the other teen boys he buggered? Them too?

Remember Milk's biography said on page 180 "Harvey Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems"

All his other boy-sex-toys who were having mental problems fair game for him to sodomize too? This is the guy the LGBT cult is holding up as their sexuality-poster-boy. What are they telling the world about their being able to access adoptable kids via marriage?
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TheOldSchool... They were lining up in San Francisco CA to buy the Harvey Milk stamps? You don't say. I'm sure you can then generalize to the entire country that this was the case everywhere else. Let me guess, they were lining up in Boy's Town Chicago too? And the Villiage in New York? You don't realize that you're inadvertently making the points of the OP of this thread do you? Or maybe you do and you're against the gay agenda..

Milk should have waited longer, or passed altogether, but he was no child. And your thoughts on homosexuality are total nonsense.
But it's still Ok with you that he buggered this minor teen while officiating as his father? Forgivable at least, yes? And all the other teen boys he buggered? Them too?

Remember Milk's biography said on page 180 "Harvey Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems"

All his other boy-sex-toys who were having mental problems fair game for him to sodomize too? This is the guy the LGBT cult is holding up as their sexuality-poster-boy. What are they telling the world about their being able to access adoptable kids via marriage?
You are a bigger drama queen than all the residents of Castro Street, combined.
Harvey Milk Stamp Commemorated Today May 22nd 2014 At The Whitehouse

That's one stamp I would never ever want to lick.
Harvey Milk Stamp Commemorated Today May 22nd 2014 At The Whitehouse

That's one stamp I would never ever want to lick.
So don't. There are plenty of people in this country who feel that way about MLK Jr. You might be one of those as well.

Only they feel that way about his race, which is wrong. People feel that way about Milk because of his sodomizing vulnerable teen boys on drugs and that type of sexuality being "representative" of the sexual LGBT cult.

See the difference? Of course you do. I'll await your next non sequitor..
Liberals haven't enjoyed licking stamps so much since the JFK commemorative. One possible exception, the Islamic EID stamps our government issued a few Christmases back. Won't be many of those Milk stamps actually used as postage, tho, 'cause the libs won't stop with licking - they'll devour.
Harvey Milk Stamp Commemorated Today May 22nd 2014 At The Whitehouse

That's one stamp I would never ever want to lick.
So don't. There are plenty of people in this country who feel that way about MLK Jr. You might be one of those as well.

Only they feel that way about his race, which is wrong. People feel that way about Milk because of his sodomizing vulnerable teen boys on drugs and that type of sexuality being "representative" of the sexual LGBT cult.

See the difference? Of course you do. I'll await your next non sequitor..
In this example there is no difference. You don't like the stamp, don't buy it.

So if a child is mentally ill, and kicked out by his family, he's "fair game" to abuse sexually, even if he is still a minor...OK, just trying to keep up with the dogma of LGBT.. *scribbles in notebook* "Ok, LGBT-Bible says damaged-goods minors are fair game to fuck because they're already ruined....and it's OK to lure them in to this by promising to be a longed-for parental figure to them...check..."

"in rational terms" according to the LGBT community then a 16 year old minor is fair game to have sex with. Even when that minor was being presided over by his sodomizer as "father figure". As Harvey Milk presided over Jack McKinley, calling himself the boy's "legal guardian" while he sodomized him until the boy grew too old for Milk's appetite for young teens. The boy, then a man, pining for his father/lover jumped from a tall building in New York where the two met; and so killed himself over the ordeal.

And that's cool with the LGBT crowd.

So right there I can see a problem allowing gays to marry. Utah is right. Perhaps LGBTs who iconize this type of sexuality [thingifying troubled minor children for sex] shouldn't have access to orphans to adopt...one of the priveleges assigned when one is married in that state...

Or they just have a sense of perspective.

Jack McKinley was a street hustler who had been having sex with older men for money for a while before Harvey Milk met him.

SO your historonics aside, it's not like you really care how this young man would have ended up, although it probably would have been badly.

He just needed to get some Jay-a-zus into his soul.

So if a child is mentally ill, and kicked out by his family, he's "fair game" to abuse sexually, even if he is still a minor...OK, just trying to keep up with the dogma of LGBT.. *scribbles in notebook* "Ok, LGBT-Bible says damaged-goods minors are fair game to fuck because they're already ruined....and it's OK to lure them in to this by promising to be a longed-for parental figure to them...check..."

"in rational terms" according to the LGBT community then a 16 year old minor is fair game to have sex with. Even when that minor was being presided over by his sodomizer as "father figure". As Harvey Milk presided over Jack McKinley, calling himself the boy's "legal guardian" while he sodomized him until the boy grew too old for Milk's appetite for young teens. The boy, then a man, pining for his father/lover jumped from a tall building in New York where the two met; and so killed himself over the ordeal.

And that's cool with the LGBT crowd.

So right there I can see a problem allowing gays to marry. Utah is right. Perhaps LGBTs who iconize this type of sexuality [thingifying troubled minor children for sex] shouldn't have access to orphans to adopt...one of the priveleges assigned when one is married in that state...

Or they just have a sense of perspective.

Jack McKinley was a street hustler who had been having sex with older men for money for a while before Harvey Milk met him.

SO your historonics aside, it's not like you really care how this young man would have ended up, although it probably would have been badly.

He just needed to get some Jay-a-zus into his soul.
I care how he ended up because a family friend was molested as a boy just like Jack Mckinley was, went on to be compulsively homosexual like a prostitute, sans the cash, got HIV and died of AIDS as a result. I never considered him a hustler by choice. He was compulsive, like Jack McKinley was. Mentally ill like Jack McKinley was. And a minor when the original exacerbating crimes kept piling up on his fragile mental state....the original crime and imprinting of childhood molestation so common among "gay" men.

Duly noted that you consider minor boys with mental issues "hustlers" that are "fair game" for male predators in their 30s and 40s.. So now you can clearly see why I have a problem with gays marrying and thereby accessing via that institution, vulnerable kids to adopt... The insidious, addictive and generational illness of imprinted deviant sexuality on children is endemic in the "gay" male population. It is a behavioral disease with a behavioral vector. And the focus always seems on finding the youngest sexual partners they can. It simply isn't compatible with a safe family environment for children to grow up in...that value system that celebrates "Harvey Milk's socio-sexual achievements"...
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So if a child is mentally ill, and kicked out by his family, he's "fair game" to abuse sexually, even if he is still a minor...OK, just trying to keep up with the dogma of LGBT.. *scribbles in notebook* "Ok, LGBT-Bible says damaged-goods minors are fair game to fuck because they're already ruined....and it's OK to lure them in to this by promising to be a longed-for parental figure to them...check..."

"in rational terms" according to the LGBT community then a 16 year old minor is fair game to have sex with. Even when that minor was being presided over by his sodomizer as "father figure". As Harvey Milk presided over Jack McKinley, calling himself the boy's "legal guardian" while he sodomized him until the boy grew too old for Milk's appetite for young teens. The boy, then a man, pining for his father/lover jumped from a tall building in New York where the two met; and so killed himself over the ordeal.

And that's cool with the LGBT crowd.

So right there I can see a problem allowing gays to marry. Utah is right. Perhaps LGBTs who iconize this type of sexuality [thingifying troubled minor children for sex] shouldn't have access to orphans to adopt...one of the priveleges assigned when one is married in that state...

Or they just have a sense of perspective.

Jack McKinley was a street hustler who had been having sex with older men for money for a while before Harvey Milk met him.

SO your historonics aside, it's not like you really care how this young man would have ended up, although it probably would have been badly.

He just needed to get some Jay-a-zus into his soul.
I care how he ended up because a family friend was molested as a boy just like Jack Mckinley was, went on to be compulsively homosexual like a prostitute, sans the cash, got HIV and died of AIDS as a result. I never considered him a hustler by choice. He was compulsive, like Jack McKinley was. Mentally ill like Jack McKinley was. And a minor when the original exacerbating crimes kept piling up on his fragile mental state....the original crime and imprinting of childhood molestation so common among "gay" men.

Duly noted that you consider minor boys with mental issues "hustlers" that are "fair game" for male predators in their 30s and 40s.. So now you can clearly see why I have a problem with gays marrying and thereby accessing via that institution, vulnerable kids to adopt... The insidious, addictive and generational illness of imprinted deviant sexuality on children is endemic in the "gay" male population. It is a behavioral disease with a behavioral vector. And the focus always seems on finding the youngest sexual partners they can. It simply isn't compatible with a safe family environment for children to grow up in...that value system that celebrates "Harvey Milk's socio-sexual achievements"...
Sil, one of my girlfriends was raped by her father and her older brother. It really screwed her up. What should we do about that?

Maybe men are the problem, .............................and not just, .........................gay men?

She wasn't the only one I dated who was raped or molested BTW. And in all cases, they were straight "relationships", so, now what?
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I care how he ended up because a family friend was molested as a boy just like Jack Mckinley was, went on to be compulsively homosexual like a prostitute, sans the cash, got HIV and died of AIDS as a result. I never considered him a hustler by choice. He was compulsive, like Jack McKinley was. Mentally ill like Jack McKinley was. And a minor when the original exacerbating crimes kept piling up on his fragile mental state....the original crime and imprinting of childhood molestation so common among "gay" men.

Duly noted that you consider minor boys with mental issues "hustlers" that are "fair game" for male predators in their 30s and 40s.. So now you can clearly see why I have a problem with gays marrying and thereby accessing via that institution, vulnerable kids to adopt... The insidious, addictive and generational illness of imprinted deviant sexuality on children is endemic in the "gay" male population. It is a behavioral disease with a behavioral vector. And the focus always seems on finding the youngest sexual partners they can. It simply isn't compatible with a safe family environment for children to grow up in...that value system that celebrates "Harvey Milk's socio-sexual achievements"...

Has it ever occurred to you that your friend was just gay and promiscuous?

Sorry, McKinley was 16. He was a big boy and he made his own decisions. He was still making his own decisions when he was 18 and still with Milk and he was still making his own decisions when he threw himself off a building at 33.

So do you also think Lesbians are seducing young girls?
Sil, one of my girlfriends was raped by her father and her older brother. It really screwed her up. What should we do about that?

Maybe men are the problem, .............................and not just, .........................gay men?

She wasn't the only one I dated who was raped or molested BTW. And in all cases, they were straight "relationships", so, now what?

Ah, another non sequitor. You must have a swimming pool full of them...

Your intellectual dishonesty is rampant, blatant and repugnant.

The difference, which you know, of course, is that no groups that we know of have gathered around a rapist of girls and venerated him specifically for his "sexuality" and "socio-sexual achievements"...knowing full well from his graphic biography what those are....

The cult of LGBT KNOW THAT MILK'S SEXUALITY WAS A PENCHANT FOR "YOUNG WAIFS WITH SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROBLEMS" and they choose to iconize him for "his sexual openness" and holding a public office while doing that.

One of his young waifs with substance abuse problems was a minor who he lured in with the promise of being a father to, while simultaneously sodomizing him. Thus he exacerbated a mental condition in the boy which was pre-existing, used him for young sexual meat and then cast him aside for one after another boy at or near the same age. That minor that grew up killed himself by jumping off a tall building in New York where he met Milk, aged 33, the minor, 16 at the time they met.

So this "open sexuality" is what is celebrated and put on a postage stamp as representative of the LGBT cult.

As to your question "what should we do about that"? I say, forbid anyone who belongs to the cult from marrying and thereby accessing adoptable minors.

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