Harvey Weinstein Hypocrisy

“Largely, it was an open secret, though, in all these circles, his behavior. And the reality is, California is the biggest and most flush ATM for Democratic politics in this country. He stood at the center of that. Nancy Pelosi, add her name to this list as well. She put out a very short statement on this. But the reality is, most of the leaders of the Democratic Party are beholden to him, have been beholden to him, and she still is the leader of the House Democrats here. Why not get out and give an interview, give a press conference? I mean, they have personal relationships with Harvey Weinstein. This is hypocrisy this week, no doubt. Because this was not a secret.” - CNN's Jeff Zeleny

CNN's Zeleny: 'Most of the Leaders of the Democratic Party Are Beholden To' Weinstein - Breitbart
Quit with this fake Hollywood outrage. The place is a sick fantasyland, void of morals and full of Harvey's.
It is fun watching all these Hollywood libs feign outrage & point fingers at each other. Couldn't happen to a more clueless group of people
"Crooked Hillary says she wants to clean up Wall Street. how about she cleans up Hollywood?" - Jesse Watters
I watched 45 min. of FIX news yesterday, it was amazing how much air time they devoted to Harvey Weinstein. I didn't see much FIX news air time devoted to Mark Sanford, Mark Foley, Richard Curtis, Jim West, Bob Packwood, and countless other prominent Republicans caught with under age boys, girls, cheerleaders, cocktail waitresses and and just about anyone other than their own wives. Let someone from show business or a Liberal step out of line, and FIX News, and others here (are you listening Trump supporters) pounce on the story like a hen on a june bug. Yes, Harvey Weinstein is probably a sexual predator, but what do they say about those who live in glass houses?

19 Republican Politicians Brought Down By Big Gay Sex Scandals

Rating the Greatest GOP Sex Scandals of the Past 20 Years
I suppose you never heard about Trump grabbing you.
"Crooked Hillary says she wants to clean up Wall Street. how about she cleans up Hollywood?" - Jesse Watters
How about getting the Orange sex deviate the help he desperately need s

Seth Rogen destroys Trump Jr. over Harvey Weinstein comments
Hollywood star and comedic actor Seth Rogen once again trolled and slid into Donald Trump Jr.’s direct messages on Twitter Thursday.

View image on Twitter

Seth Rogen @Sethrogen

Sliding in to @DonaldJTrumpJr DMs to remind him his father is a sexual predator like:

11:07 AM - Oct 12, 2017
Just thought I would share this here that I just read in an article. So with this interview, this makes the second sexual predator that Trump has called his friend. Not just said it, but bragged about it.

"In 2004, in a discussion with The New York Times about the success of his show “The Apprentice,” Trump said:

“Harvey Weinstein calls ― he’s a friend of mine; you know, he’s the head of Miramax ― and he says, ‘Donald, you know you’re the biggest star in Hollywood.’”

Patton Oswalt Highlights The Scary Truth About Donald Trump And Harvey Weinstein
"Crooked Hillary says she wants to clean up Wall Street. how about she cleans up Hollywood?" - Jesse Watters

Jesse Waters of all Fucking people...partner in crime with Bill O Reilly the Godfather of Sexual Assault on Female Coworkers LOL Hey Jesse You Piece of shit how come you did not clean Up Fox LOL
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January 2015 a group of Haitians surrounded the New York offices of the Clinton Foundation. They chanted slogans, accusing Bill and Hillary Clinton of having robbed them of “billions of dollars.” Two months later, the Haitians were at it again, accusing the Clintons of duplicity, malfeasance, and theft. And in May 2015, they were back, this time outside New York’s Cipriani, where Bill Clinton received an award and collected a $500,000 check for his foundation. “Clinton, where’s the money?”

Read more at: How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians

Is sociopath and influential DEMOCRAT DONOR Weinstein being rehabilitated at the pony farm that sociopath DEMOCRAT CONGRESSMAN Weiner also received rehabilitation from ! Another question: Are there any DEMOCRATS who are not sociopaths to some degree or another!

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Is sociopath and influential DEMOCRAT DONOR Weinstein being rehabilitated at the pony farm that sociopath DEMOCRAT CONGRESSMAN Weiner also receive rehabilitation from !

Trump went on record a few years ago saying he was friends with Weinstein. And lest we forget he also said he was friends with Jeffrey Epstein. Sounds like birds of a feather...
More hypocrisy is the degree to which the RW'ers are treating every accusation against Weinstein as true,

vs. their treatment of every accusation against Trump as false, lol, vs. their treatment of every accusation against Bill Clinton as true.

I'm sure all of these women are lying about Weinstein, unlike those women who came out against Trump.
The ones who came out against Trump did it only for the election. Then they disappeared.
I watched 45 min. of FIX news yesterday, it was amazing how much air time they devoted to Harvey Weinstein. I didn't see much FIX news air time devoted to Mark Sanford, Mark Foley, Richard Curtis, Jim West, Bob Packwood, and countless other prominent Republicans caught with under age boys, girls, cheerleaders, cocktail waitresses and and just about anyone other than their own wives. Let someone from show business or a Liberal step out of line, and FIX News, and others here (are you listening Trump supporters) pounce on the story like a hen on a june bug. Yes, Harvey Weinstein is probably a sexual predator, but what do they say about those who live in glass houses?

19 Republican Politicians Brought Down By Big Gay Sex Scandals

Rating the Greatest GOP Sex Scandals of the Past 20 Years

Yes the far left Hollywood wants to dictate how they are for women's rights and then knowingly allow this man to abuse women. And all the far left drones that are now suddenly silent and "shocked" about this. Yes it is hypocrisy of the far left at it's best.

Then again you did vote for Hilary who tried to silence and degrade the women who came forward about her sexual deviant husband!

Yes once again the hypocrisy is on the far left and their wanting to show they are better than anyone not far left!

They always prove they are worse than anything they criticize and proving once again voting far left is never the answer!
More hypocrisy is the degree to which the RW'ers are treating every accusation against Weinstein as true,

vs. their treatment of every accusation against Trump as false, lol, vs. their treatment of every accusation against Bill Clinton as true.

I'm sure all of these women are lying about Weinstein, unlike those women who came out against Trump.

Weinstein has indicated his own culpability in a general sense, as did Trump when he bragged about his power to grope women without objection.
Weinstein just proved Trump was correct.
Lewdog, The Donald is friends tons of people good and bad. That is how he makes great deals!

Check it out. MAYGAYN KELLY also wanted to be a Hollywood movie star!


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