Has a new precedent been set? When Trump runs in 2024 will foolish suburban women expect him to run with someone with a vagina?

And if Trump is successful with his audits and stop the steal lawsuits. The results would reach the supreme court just in time for then to declare Trump the winner of the 2020 election.
And then add that he is thus disqualified from the 2024 election by the 22nd amendment.
In which case Biden and all his Democrat government worker minions are going to prison on multiple felonies, extortion, blackmail, murder for hire, promoting and compelling prostitution, dealing illegal drugs, controlled substances, and mind altering medications, etc., etc.
In which case Biden and all his Democrat government worker minions are going to prison on multiple felonies, extortion, blackmail, murder for hire, promoting and compelling prostitution, dealing illegal drugs, controlled substances, and mind altering medications, etc., etc.
You don't even know how it was done, or who did it. How are you going to convict anybody of anything?
Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse

75 million that voted for Trump definitely voted for a incompetent Nazi.
Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Is that what your skills of observation and deduction have told you? You have Trump saying it was stolen and slinging all kinds of false accusations yet you think people believe it because they can't believe that more people voted for an ex VP?! Come on AZ you are embarrassing yourself. At least you are admitting that Trump is out there lying to his supporters. Thats a start and its a main reason why he lost... People don't tend to enjoy being lied to so consistently and blatantly like Trump does.
Truth over Facts. Biden didn't take any kick backs and didn't get the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine cause of Burisma and his kid. Politicians are dirty. I prefer that conniving Biden. This Biden is a shell of his former self. Anyone who voted for that idiot is a moron. Don't talk down to me leftist. People believe it was stolen because they can't believe 81mil voted for that moron. Not because of what Trump says.
Biden got the prosecutor fired because it was US policy, signed off by Congress members of both parties. Your spin is pathetic. If What Biden did was criminal then Barr could have prosecuted him. He didn't. Yes Biden is a shell of his former self and should be retired, be it as it is, he is much much much better than another 4 years of the disaster called Trump and unfortunately our system only gave us 2 competitive candidates to choose from.
Pay for play. There wasn't enough time. Election was over. Criminal IDK. In American you're innocent until proven guilty but the action helped his son. You cannot argue that point honestly. If you believe Biden is squeaky clean you're naive. Not a surprise. Trump was way better than the walking corpse but if he truly signs the reported executive orders, I will give him kudos. It is about time.
You moron, it did nothing to help his son. Had it done anything, it could have hurt his son; but it didn't do that either.
So now I am not entitled to have an opinion? OCD ridden fat fuck, why are you so obsessed with me that you stalk me on this board?

You're deranged, ShortBus. I never said you can't have an opinion. I am saying it's a retarded opinion based on bullshit.
Really? You are one OCD ridden fat fuck stalker. Don't say shit here you would not say to my face. I am not saying I am 100% convinced but it looks shaky. Hunter had zero experience in O&G, didn't speak Russian or Ukrainian and got a sweet gig with high $$$ in payments. He admitted that the name has helped him garner such gigs. So please spare me your outrage you fat loser. If this were Trump and Don Jr., you would be singing a different tune. This is my OPINION. I am not stating this as a fact. So you are telling my opinion is wrong. You are one dumb mother fucker. Thankfully you won't be alive that much longer. You're 64 and a complete idiot.

Former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin — who was fired after then-Vice President Joe Biden pressured the president of Ukraine to fire him as he investigated a company, Burisma, that employed Biden’s son, Hunter — says that he was told to back off the investigation into the company before he was fired.

There is nothing shady about it. members of the Board are often chosen for names. Warren Buffet sat on the board of Heinz for a long time. What does he know about ketchup? Board members are not required to run the company. Hunter Biden only resigned from the board last year because his father was running. It is clear they were not trying to curry favor with Biden as Biden had no influence in the Trump Administration.

Shokin has no credibility as he was a corrupt prosecutor. The IMF, most world governments and Republicans wanted Shokin removed for corruption.
And if Trump is successful with his audits and stop the steal lawsuits. The results would reach the supreme court just in time for then to declare Trump the winner of the 2020 election.
And then add that he is thus disqualified from the 2024 election by the 22nd amendment.
In which case Biden and all his Democrat government worker minions are going to prison on multiple felonies, extortion, blackmail, murder for hire, promoting and compelling prostitution, dealing illegal drugs, controlled substances, and mind altering medications, etc., etc.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen. You will be dead before that happens.
Will he run with someone like Noem / Haley or the far better choice in DeSantis?

Noem and Haley will not attract female voters. Female voters are more moderate than Noem or Haley.
You would know…weirdo.

You are the sicko Trump supporter. In 2008. McCain did not win the female vote despite having a woman on the ticket.
2008 is a lifetime ago. You’re a sicko leftist.

You are the sicko Nazi. I suppose 82 million Americans are left wingers. Biden won the moderate vote.
You stalk cause you’re a stalker and you didn’t respond. Would you treat this differently if it were Trump and Don Jr? Answer is “yes”. Why? You’re a hypocrite. And you’re a bitch.
Your point fails because Biden had no authority to carry out what he threatened. If Biden was acting on his own, he was bluffing. And the Ukraine president even pointed that out.

So why did Ukraine take Biden seriously?
Because he was the VP and put in charge by the President. If it were Trump and Don Jr. you would react differently. Just admit it.

Obama made the final decisions on foreign policy not Biden.
Correct question: are Republicans so mind-numbingly stupid as to nominate Trump in 2024.
Trump brought new voters to the Republican party. Trump should be and like is the favorite to win the nomination in 2024.

Trump brought new voters to the Democrat Party, Gwinnett and Cobb counties in Georgia voted Republican in 2014. In 2016 they went for Clinton by 5. They went for Abrams by 11 in 2018. In 2020, they went for Biden by nearly 20.
NOBODY sane believes Trump lost a straight-up election...NOBODY

Would you like a tissue? :itsok:

No wetbacks = No almost dead dude
No scamdemic = No almost dead dude
No George Floyd = No almost dead dude

Face it bud....no bullshit = no Mexicrat win...EVER
Soo...tissue then?

Hahaha...The truth scares you doesn’t it?
Face it, you’re affiliated with the party of filth and foreigners...you can’t win core Americans.

You realize Biden got 81 million votes from Americans, right?

NO he didn't---no fucking way. Not a chance in hell...... He couldn't even get people to show up at his rallies---no way he got a record number of voters.
Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen. You will be dead before that happens.
I don't vote for gun-grabbing murderers-for-hire.
You are the sicko Nazi. I suppose 82 million Americans are left wingers. Biden won the moderate vote.
"Moderates" aren't out to contract Mob hits like you and your fellow Dems are.
Obama made the final decisions on foreign policy not Biden.
Federal agents went rogue under Obama, entrenched themselves in byzantine government bureaucracy deep undercover in sleeper cells to ride out the Trump administration, came out under Biden, and are now finding themselves in deep shit because of their own incompetency and idiocy, not to mention unmitigated evil. Liars from the beginning.
You are the sicko Nazi. I suppose 82 million Americans are left wingers. Biden won the moderate vote.
Although it can be endlessly argued, but a significant number of people didn't vote for Biden, but instead voted against Trump.

They saw how badly Trump screwed up the coronavirus pandemic. Constantly saying it was no worse than the flu, and would disappear on it's own. Well after 6 months of seeing the results of Trumps lies, they said they would rather have the guy hiding in his basement in charge.
Although it can be endlessly argued, but a significant number of people didn't vote for Biden, but instead voted against Trump.

They saw how badly Trump screwed up the coronavirus pandemic. Constantly saying it was no worse than the flu, and would disappear on it's own. Well after 6 months of seeing the results of Trumps lies, they said they would rather have the guy hiding in his basement in charge.
Nice fairy tale.
Because he was the VP and put in charge by the President. If it were Trump and Don Jr. you would react differently. Just admit it.
Obama made the final decisions on foreign policy not Biden.
As I pointed out, Trump put Pence in charge of the coronavirus task force. But Pence couldn't invoke the defense production act, or any other executive acts without Trumps signature.

The only thing the vice president can do is certify the EC vote count on January 6th, and break a tie in the senate.
Ummm...aren't we ignoring Godzilla in the room here? That election was fuckin rigged...no way 80M people voted for that babbling hair plug.
Probably a majority voted against Trump instead of for Biden. Trump was so loathsome that more people voted than ever before.

The Godzilla in the room is your gullibility and you believing in a pathological liar because you lack critical thinking skills.
Actually a lot of them have been pleasantly surprised how competent the Biden Administration has been.

It has just been getting on it's job with out the endless snide remarks and childish behaviour.

Biden doesn't wake up in the morning thinking how do i piss off Conservatives (that is real Conservatives), he just trys to do his best for all Americans and majority of Americans agree with him, that is why he has higher approval ratings...

The GOP is the mess... They are kissing the ring of a guy who looks like he is facing serious tax fraud crimes... I am sure McConnell has some sort of exit plan as he seemed to start a wave in 2009 which he lost control off...

What seems to piss off the Trumpsters, is how effective this admin is at getting things done... Just look at the Florida disaster, Feds and State working together Governor and President putting way there differences for the common good. Sure they will be back to politics as usual but it shows unlike Trump, Biden can be a very effective leader...

US Allies have been overwhelming at welcoming the US back to table and taking their role as the leader of the world's only superpower... Putin suddenly knows this guy won't be whipped by boosting his ego,
They saw how badly Trump screwed up the coronavirus pandemic. Constantly saying it was no worse than the flu, and would disappear on it's own. Well after 6 months of seeing the results of Trumps lies, they said they would rather have the guy hiding in his basement in charge.
Nice fairy tale.
It was a tale told by 81 million people. And 306 presidential electors.
They saw how badly Trump screwed up the coronavirus pandemic. Constantly saying it was no worse than the flu, and would disappear on it's own. Well after 6 months of seeing the results of Trumps lies, they said they would rather have the guy hiding in his basement in charge.
Nice fairy tale.
It was a tale told by 81 million people. And 306 presidential electors.
No it’s a fake tale that’s why I called your post a FAIRY tale.

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