Has any president ever faced so damn many legal problems?

This is what happens whea one political party plans a coup to overthrow a government that was legally elected. One political party is committing treason and will eventually be tried and convicted.

Light a few candles to make that happen.....That should help your cause.....LMAO
Has anyone seen more bullshit claims brought upon a President. That’s because the Democrats thought they had the election wrapped up til they got there beating.

Sure, defend corruption just because you love licking an orange ass....LOL
Answer. Yes. Obama faced far more. He just had all the media and DOJ on his side to try to suppress it all. But BOY do they ever want to get Trump. Over anything. Want me to list all the shit the Clintons were in? Their list makes the black mackdaddy look like a PIKER.

You're more of an idiot than usual........

There you go again looking in the mirror talking to yourself.
Never in the history of our country has a president had so many forces against him. All the media, the Dems, never trumpers, the bureaucratic state, hell the world. Obama is the most corrupt president in modern times because he weaponized the govt. to delegitimization a duly elected president. Two years ago you all said everything conservatives claimed was just conspiracy theory. It has all come true but you all still won’t admit it. Obama made it kosher for every law office in the country to attack trump for something, go after his family and his supporters. Obama made it legit to use fascist tactics to remove this president. Obama made it cool to abandon American principles to reclaim power. Trump is the only thing standing in the way of us losing our country. You all can be proud of your hate, I’m proud of my country.
Has anyone seen more bullshit claims brought upon a President. That’s because the Democrats thought they had the election wrapped up til they got there beating.

Sure, defend corruption just because you love licking an orange ass....LOL

Says the moron who defended the clinton foundation.
Answer. Yes. Obama faced far more. He just had all the media and DOJ on his side to try to suppress it all. But BOY do they ever want to get Trump. Over anything. Want me to list all the shit the Clintons were in? Their list makes the black mackdaddy look like a PIKER.

You're more of an idiot than usual........

There you go again looking in the mirror talking to yourself.

Why not address the REST of my post (#55)????

If nitwits want to "accuse" Obama of having the same legal problems as the orange turd....BACK IT UP!!!..........Where are the on-going investigations, where are the indictments, where are the pending trials?

(and for you Tooby, where is your Hannity when you need him???............LOL)
Says the moron who defended the clinton foundation.

Nitwit........I KNOW that the Trump Foundation is under multiple investigations.....

What do morons like you have on the Clinton Foundation???
Who is actively investigating it?

Come on, don't be shy, tell us....... WHO is investigating Clinton? ......

(BTW, slow one.....I actually HATE both Clintons......lol)
You rather see a murder and thief in office. Stupid liberal asshole

Now WHO could argue with this moron's well-researched and the irrefutable evidence this low-life presents with that post????

(BTW, the term is murderer, you poorly educated deplorable......LOL)

(Good God I hope these idiots don't breed more idiots into this planet.)
it is a witch hunt but they're going after the wrong witch. Hillary's the witch. OBVIOUSLY!
He got the FBI to illegally spy on his campaign? Amazing.

Moron....The FBI investigated Carter Page......a Trump ass licker wanna-be....WHO, by his own admission......was being recruited by Russian spies......

Stop getting your education from Hannity.
WTF are you babbling about now, you mindless drone? Yeah, I'm sure the FBI wasn't the least bit interested in Trump. What a fucking idiot you are.
Defense explanations for Trump and his gang of liars, thieves, and assorted criminals get lamer every day, but also more entertaining and funny.
I love how this line of attack works: Leftwing douchebags make countless baseless accusations against the Trump administration. These lies are explained for what they are by the administration. The leftwing douchebags accuse the administration of "Defense explanations," that is, pointing out lies.
That MIGHT be a useful defense...if the Trump Administration and Trump himself .. didn't lie so constantly
Having a different opinion than Dim politicians and the fake news media is not lying, dumbass.
Just as a short recap of what Trump is facing in the courts (and courts of public opinion) shows that he is the "perfect" object of why the RICO Act was passed.......We have:

  • Mueller's thorough and effective investigation
  • The NYSD investigating his campaign finance fraud and "hush money" payments
  • The AG of NYS delving into the wrongdoings of the Trump so-called Foundation
  • We all know Trump's outright breaches of the Emolument Clause and the House will investigate
  • Now we have the DOJ investigating Trump's Inauguration Committee scams with foreign donors.
  • We will also soon have the House pursuing an expose of Trump tax returns
  • Finally, we have the Zervos defamation lawsuit for which Trump....under oath...most respond to.

Indeed, the MOST important objective for the orange charlatan is to be re-elected, hoping that the statute of limitations will have some of these lawsuits expire........and, of course, his moronic [but, dwindling] base will vote for him in 2020 just because the cult membership compels them to do so.

But, rest assured that the next two years will be a hell of a lot of fun to watch unfold.......

There are some really dumb OPs in this forum, but this must be one of the dumbest. It's like pounding someone repeatedly with your fists, waiting for the bruises to appear, and then asking, "What's the matter with you, you have leukemia or something? You better go to the dr." And then doing it OVER AND OVER AGAIN and asking the same stupid questions.

It might be even dumber than that, actually. I'd have to think about it.
Have the law enforcement agencies ever been perverted to the degree they are now before?

Just as a short recap of what Trump is facing in the courts (and courts of public opinion) shows that he is the "perfect" object of why the RICO Act was passed.......We have:

  • Mueller's thorough and effective investigation
  • The NYSD investigating his campaign finance fraud and "hush money" payments
  • The AG of NYS delving into the wrongdoings of the Trump so-called Foundation
  • We all know Trump's outright breaches of the Emolument Clause and the House will investigate
  • Now we have the DOJ investigating Trump's Inauguration Committee scams with foreign donors.
  • We will also soon have the House pursuing an expose of Trump tax returns
  • Finally, we have the Zervos defamation lawsuit for which Trump....under oath...most respond to.

Indeed, the MOST important objective for the orange charlatan is to be re-elected, hoping that the statute of limitations will have some of these lawsuits expire........and, of course, his moronic [but, dwindling] base will vote for him in 2020 just because the cult membership compels them to do so.

But, rest assured that the next two years will be a hell of a lot of fun to watch unfold.......

Yeah, because wasting tax dollars on bullshit political Kabuki Theater is much better than getting things that are good for the country done, amirite?

Fuck everybody as long as they get Trump for jaywalking in 1987 or some shit.
Have the law enforcement agencies ever been perverted to the degree they are now before?


I'd say the assassination of JFK by the deep state 'law' agencies was a pretty big perversion...

It would be better to say the swamp creatures have never been exposed to this degree before, they can't cover up their crimes so easily anymore when everyone can post or see the evidence online...

Have the law enforcement agencies ever been perverted to the degree they are now before?


I'd say the assassination of JFK by the deep state 'law' agencies was a pretty big perversion...

It would be better to say the swamp creatures have never been exposed to this degree before, they can't cover up their crimes so easily anymore when everyone can post or see the evidence online...


Good Point! :113:
He got the FBI to illegally spy on his campaign? Amazing.

Moron....The FBI investigated Carter Page......a Trump ass licker wanna-be....WHO, by his own admission......was being recruited by Russian spies......

Stop getting your education from Hannity.
WTF are you babbling about now, you mindless drone? Yeah, I'm sure the FBI wasn't the least bit interested in Trump. What a fucking idiot you are.

Well, you're "correct".....I'm babbling about FACTS.....and for morons....like you....facts are an anathema in the Trump cult membership arena......LOL

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