Has any WH Admin ever been more obsessed/infuriated with 2 private citizens?

With each passing month, I can't help but notice how obsessed and infuriated the Obama Admin and left wing in general are with two PRIVATE citizens, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin.

One would think their biggest enemies would be Iran, China, N Korea, the corrupt Mexican druglords..........and to a lesser extent, sitting Republicans as political opponents.

But no, it seems the left cannot get over it's fascination and obsession with private, conservative citizens:

Glenn Beck
Sarah Palin
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Mark Levine
Michael Savage
Bill O'Reilly
etc, etc, etc

I for one look at their left wing counterparts like Olberdork and the She-Man Rachael Maddow as sort of whiny teeny-boppers to not take that seriously. I know Bush looked at them that way, because thats basically what they are.

But I'm very suprised at just how much influence and fear ONE private citizen, Glenn Beck, and not even his words, but the POTENTIAL for his words caused the United States Federal Government in one simple morning with one simple online video.

Why is Obama letting the fear of what Beck MIGHT say bully him around on a Monday morning when so much more important stuff is going on in the world???????

Bucs, quit talking stupidly. Your far right fools are going to get hammered by Dems and RINOs in the election this fall. You guys are such losers.
With each passing month, I can't help but notice how obsessed and infuriated the Obama Admin and left wing in general are with two PRIVATE citizens, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin.

One would think their biggest enemies would be Iran, China, N Korea, the corrupt Mexican druglords..........and to a lesser extent, sitting Republicans as political opponents.

But no, it seems the left cannot get over it's fascination and obsession with private, conservative citizens:

Glenn Beck
Sarah Palin
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Mark Levine
Michael Savage
Bill O'Reilly
etc, etc, etc

I for one look at their left wing counterparts like Olberdork and the She-Man Rachael Maddow as sort of whiny teeny-boppers to not take that seriously. I know Bush looked at them that way, because thats basically what they are.

But I'm very suprised at just how much influence and fear ONE private citizen, Glenn Beck, and not even his words, but the POTENTIAL for his words caused the United States Federal Government in one simple morning with one simple online video.

Why is Obama letting the fear of what Beck MIGHT say bully him around on a Monday morning when so much more important stuff is going on in the world???????

i've no idea why or even if the obama admin is obsessed with a couple of asshats like palin and beck, but this kind of stupid shit's been going on forever. BFD. i remember when people bragged about being on nixon's list. :lol:

Master list of Nixon's political opponents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I just missed making Nixons list by this much
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With each passing month, I can't help but notice how obsessed and infuriated the Obama Admin and left wing in general are with two PRIVATE citizens, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin.

One would think their biggest enemies would be Iran, China, N Korea, the corrupt Mexican druglords..........and to a lesser extent, sitting Republicans as political opponents.

But no, it seems the left cannot get over it's fascination and obsession with private, conservative citizens:

Glenn Beck
Sarah Palin
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Mark Levine
Michael Savage
Bill O'Reilly
etc, etc, etc

I for one look at their left wing counterparts like Olberdork and the She-Man Rachael Maddow as sort of whiny teeny-boppers to not take that seriously. I know Bush looked at them that way, because thats basically what they are.

But I'm very suprised at just how much influence and fear ONE private citizen, Glenn Beck, and not even his words, but the POTENTIAL for his words caused the United States Federal Government in one simple morning with one simple online video.

Why is Obama letting the fear of what Beck MIGHT say bully him around on a Monday morning when so much more important stuff is going on in the world???????

Bucs, quit talking stupidly. Your far right fools are going to get hammered by Dems and RINOs in the election this fall. You guys are such losers.

If Republicans gain control of Congress, will you come out of the closet and admit you're a Dem?
you'll have to ask rightwinger that question. he suggested it be done with Fox news at the Obama press meetings.

Show where I said they should be shut down

I only said Fox News should not be treated like a legitimate news agency.

yeah right, and you suggested they shouldn't be ALLOWED at the Press meeting with the boyking Obama. so what else do you call that, but shutting them down.

There are lots of media outlets that don't get into the WH press briefings, etc. Fox is not a news channel, it's a conservative commentary channel that occasionally does some news segments.
Show where I said they should be shut down

I only said Fox News should not be treated like a legitimate news agency.

yeah right, and you suggested they shouldn't be ALLOWED at the Press meeting with the boyking Obama. so what else do you call that, but shutting them down.

There are lots of media outlets that don't get into the WH press briefings, etc. Fox is not a news channel, it's a conservative commentary channel that occasionally does some news segments.

What's the name of a type of government that stifles dissenting opinions? Hmmm, I know it's not a free Republic.
Show where I said they should be shut down

I only said Fox News should not be treated like a legitimate news agency.

yeah right, and you suggested they shouldn't be ALLOWED at the Press meeting with the boyking Obama. so what else do you call that, but shutting them down.

There are lots of media outlets that don't get into the WH press briefings, etc. Fox is not a news channel, it's a conservative commentary channel that occasionally does some news segments.

lol, funny it's called a news channel.
just like Cnn news, Pmsnbc new, etc etc.
I guess the people in the new business forgot to tell FNc they were not a NEWS CHANNEL.:lol::cuckoo:
yeah right, and you suggested they shouldn't be ALLOWED at the Press meeting with the boyking Obama. so what else do you call that, but shutting them down.

There are lots of media outlets that don't get into the WH press briefings, etc. Fox is not a news channel, it's a conservative commentary channel that occasionally does some news segments.

lol, funny it's called a news channel.
just like Cnn news, Pmsnbc new, etc etc.
I guess the people in the new business forgot to tell FNc they were not a NEWS CHANNEL.:lol::cuckoo:

So anyone who calls themselves a news channel magically earns the right to be considered a news channel?
yeah right, and you suggested they shouldn't be ALLOWED at the Press meeting with the boyking Obama. so what else do you call that, but shutting them down.

There are lots of media outlets that don't get into the WH press briefings, etc. Fox is not a news channel, it's a conservative commentary channel that occasionally does some news segments.

What's the name of a type of government that stifles dissenting opinions? Hmmm, I know it's not a free Republic.

There is no entitlement of any organization that wants to get into WH press conferences to be there. Even you know that.
There are lots of media outlets that don't get into the WH press briefings, etc. Fox is not a news channel, it's a conservative commentary channel that occasionally does some news segments.

What's the name of a type of government that stifles dissenting opinions? Hmmm, I know it's not a free Republic.

There is no entitlement of any organization that wants to get into WH press conferences to be there. Even you know that.

Right. At least that's how it works in Cuba And Venezuela
There are lots of media outlets that don't get into the WH press briefings, etc. Fox is not a news channel, it's a conservative commentary channel that occasionally does some news segments.

lol, funny it's called a news channel.
just like Cnn news, Pmsnbc new, etc etc.
I guess the people in the new business forgot to tell FNc they were not a NEWS CHANNEL.:lol::cuckoo:

So anyone who calls themselves a news channel magically earns the right to be considered a news channel?

wth? I don't consider Pmsnbc a news channel either, but they are still classified as a damn news channel.
Since when did a news channel have to EARN THE RIGHT to be one. I don't think I care to think of where you are going with saying that crap. good grief.
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The cons' obsession with Obama, and Clinton before him, is real insanity.
The cons are content to see America fall in order to see Obama fail, and the same was true of Clinton. Now that's a sickness.
The cons' obsession with Obama, and Clinton before him, is real insanity.
The cons are content to see America fall in order to see Obama fail, and the same was true of Clinton. Now that's a sickness.

To be fair, the left was pretty loud against Bush. I don't think the Democratic politicians had the balls to do what the Republicans are doing now, but the left in general was just as loud and just as ridiculous about Bush (at least the talking heads).
The cons' obsession with Obama, and Clinton before him, is real insanity.
The cons are content to see America fall in order to see Obama fail, and the same was true of Clinton. Now that's a sickness.

yeah yeah, and the lefts Obsession with Ronald Reagan EVEN TODAY, who has passed on by the way, is just dang creepy.

and we all know and saw all the love the lefties had FOR BUSH JR..it sure looked like they were worried about America falling then, and were just rooting for his success.
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yeah right, and you suggested they shouldn't be ALLOWED at the Press meeting with the boyking Obama. so what else do you call that, but shutting them down.

There are lots of media outlets that don't get into the WH press briefings, etc. Fox is not a news channel, it's a conservative commentary channel that occasionally does some news segments.

lol, funny it's called a news channel.
just like Cnn news, Pmsnbc new, etc etc.
I guess the people in the new business forgot to tell FNc they were not a NEWS CHANNEL.:lol::cuckoo:

FoxNews gave up being a legitimate news channel a decade ago. They realized there was more money to be made being a rightwing mouthpiece than by adhering to journalistic standards

So, far, it has worked well for Fox

Just don't try to pass them off as legitimate news
There are lots of media outlets that don't get into the WH press briefings, etc. Fox is not a news channel, it's a conservative commentary channel that occasionally does some news segments.

lol, funny it's called a news channel.
just like Cnn news, Pmsnbc new, etc etc.
I guess the people in the new business forgot to tell FNc they were not a NEWS CHANNEL.:lol::cuckoo:

FoxNews gave up being a legitimate news channel a decade ago. They realized there was more money to be made being a rightwing mouthpiece than by adhering to journalistic standards

So, far, it has worked well for Fox

Just don't try to pass them off as legitimate news

Pfeeeesh. the hardon you all have for FNC is just about as funny as the ones you have for radio and t.v. host.:lol:

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