Has any WH Admin ever been more obsessed/infuriated with 2 private citizens?

people like you do harm to america

stop stealing oxygen from trees

You spelled 'damn! I can't name any real conservative accomplishments in the last 20 years' wrong.

See, to borrow Limbaugh's old lie...

WE'RE winning, folks. Except it's true when a liberal says it.

and you're a liar....accomplishments have been posted numerous times on this board

you're not worth the effort to keep repeating them....further, it is so fucking stupid to claim zero accomplishments in 20 years....only a moron would even try to claim such an obvious lie

In the time it took you to type that you could have listed a few accomplishments.

What conservative causes have advanced in the past 20 years?

Name them. It's a simple task, unless of course you can't think of any.

Start with the big social issues.
OK. It's January 2013, you have a Republican president and a Republican Congress, and 9.5% unemployment.

Balance the budget and get unemployment under 7% in 2 years.


(no, you may not use anything that is politically unfeasible)

Good luck.
First off, make it plain that the government is not hostile to business.

You know, like this government is not doing.

That non-answer proves my point. There is no real life conservative plan to balance the budget.
OK. It's January 2013, you have a Republican president and a Republican Congress, and 9.5% unemployment.

Balance the budget and get unemployment under 7% in 2 years.


(no, you may not use anything that is politically unfeasible)

Good luck.
First off, make it plain that the government is not hostile to business.

You know, like this government is not doing.

This is the key. And then the next step is to freeze spending. Then start cutting government to the bone...slowly...and start weining people off of programs. Next? Tax Cuts.
That's "Democratic." Democrat is not an adjective.
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. :lol:

They're the epitome of futility. However the result they seek is the people on thier collective knees. They are about there if the present course isn't stopped.
That's the goal. Complete control over individual lives.
OK. It's January 2013, you have a Republican president and a Republican Congress, and 9.5% unemployment.

Balance the budget and get unemployment under 7% in 2 years.


(no, you may not use anything that is politically unfeasible)

Good luck.
First off, make it plain that the government is not hostile to business.

You know, like this government is not doing.

That non-answer proves my point. There is no real life conservative plan to balance the budget.
Don't tell my you think the nation can prosper when government makes companies hesitant to expand, do you?

Wow. That's simply not realistic.
Palin and Beck have a few things in common that threaten Obama:

1. They are both smarter than Obama
2. They are both more respected than Obama
3. More people listen to them than Obama
4. Both have higher popularity and approval ratings than Obama (these days, who doesn't?)

You do know that none of these things are true, right?
Clinton was pretty obessed with Monica, but that was only one person. (That they could ID)
Dumb ass right wing lynch mob thinks they should be able to preach their hate and half truths and not be challenged on it

Actually, we would welcome a challenge. Unfortunately, you just want to call names and slander.
To be fair, I am not sure I've ever seen the admin obsessed or infuriated with Sarah Palin.
There are lots of media outlets that don't get into the WH press briefings, etc. Fox is not a news channel, it's a conservative commentary channel that occasionally does some news segments.

lol, funny it's called a news channel.
just like Cnn news, Pmsnbc new, etc etc.
I guess the people in the new business forgot to tell FNc they were not a NEWS CHANNEL.:lol::cuckoo:

FoxNews gave up being a legitimate news channel a decade ago. They realized there was more money to be made being a rightwing mouthpiece than by adhering to journalistic standards

So, far, it has worked well for Fox

Just don't try to pass them off as legitimate news

LMAO on that one RW!!!

MSNBC, CNN and FOX ALL have an opinion side and a hard news side.

If you lean right your gonna listen to FOX.

If you lean left you can take your pick of all the others.

So I guess that make MSNBC and CNN ,since they have hard and opinion sides, just as illegitimate as FOX?? LOL

If I remember correctly the Boy Kings Merry Band went toe to toe with FOX news and got their asses kicked. LOL

Ah well. To each his own. LOL
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Let's get you right, Claudette, before you get left.

Fox News reeled from the whacking given it by the Obama administration.

You are correct that all the TV media is obsessed and biased on one side or the other.
Let's get you right, Claudette, before you get left.

Fox News reeled from the whacking given it by the Obama administration.

You are correct that all the TV media is obsessed and biased on one side or the other.

Can't agree on that one at all there Jake.

I think OL'BO's administration are the ones who went reeling. That was especially true when they tried to exclude FOX news and the other news agencies backed FOX and not OL'BO.

I guess its all in how one looks at things. LOL.
Think you are right! I agree with you. The talk around here is that a Romney/Huckabee ticket could compete with Obama/Biden in 2012. The far lefties disagree, citing the "Huckabee is a loon" because he is a Creationist. I don't think it matters myself, and I think Romney would pull the center and Huckabee would hold the right. If so, GOP victory.
I think your right Jake.

Long time till 2012 though and anything can happen so I guess we just need to wait and see.

Romney/Huckabee?? Yeah. I could vote for that no problem. LOL
Fox News reeled from the whacking given it by the Obama administration.

Yup, Romney/Huckabee, take the Libertarian vote as well then ignore their little butts.
Dumb ass right wing lynch mob thinks they should be able to preach their hate and half truths and not be challenged on it

Actually, we would welcome a challenge. Unfortunately, you just want to call names and slander.

No, that's what you and your pals do. None of you know the meaning of constructive criticism. You wouldn't know it if it kicked you in the ass.

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