has anyone changed their mind/view because of a forum?

I've over time, from this forum and other outside sources, had my opinion of christians modified so that I now tend to see them in a better light.

The biblical end-times prophecizing blunts that to a certain degree however.
Hmmm, nope, still the same views I always had. Just some of them have been more solidified by some of the threads on this board.
I used to think the UN, though far from perfect, was an OK well-inentioned organization. From this board and another, I've now come to the conclusion that it should be moved to Paris or Hanoi or the moon or somewhere. It's bad enough that every country has it's own gaggle of self-serving politicians to deal with without having the overburden of the UN where criminals, thieves and murderers can meet in the spirit of "world peace."

I also used to think that liberals (the rabid ones anyhow) actually cared about their causes. I've learned that it has much more to do with some meglomaniacal need to feel morally superior - despite what mountain of contradicting facts are laid before them. I used to worry about the intolerance and religious zealotry of some on the right but I now find that the intolerance and zealotry from the left is much more irrational and frightening. (This applies to hard core libs only, the couch potato libs just haven't done their research yet.)
nakedemperor said:
Nah. As much as I don't like being called a fag and whatnot, its really funny to watch Pale blow his stack and sputter and curse for a while for no apparent reason. Kind of like watching Johnny Macenroe back in the day. Or a WWF wrestler.

"For no apparent reason"..... you truely are beyond hope.
Pale Rider said:
"For no apparent reason"..... you truely are beyond hope.

Yeah. We are talking about stuff we've learned, changed views, and joking around a little bit, and your head explodes.


nakedemperor said:
Yeah. We are talking about stuff we've learned, changed views, and joking around a little bit, and your head explodes.


Oooooh... I see. So playing little miss fresh and innocent is going to be your new m.o..

Well miss fresh, I said this board had some cool and intelligent people, and some not so cool and intelligent people... not mentioning any names.

Then you came along and started in with some crap, mocking me, about the meek inheriting the earth.

No... my head didn't explode, YOUR head had a melt down.
Pale Rider said:
Oooooh... I see. So playing little miss fresh and innocent is going to be your new m.o..

Well miss fresh, I said this board had some cool and intelligent people, and some not so cool and intelligent people... not mentioning any names.

Then you came along and started in with some crap, mocking me, about the meek inheriting the earth.

No... my head didn't explode, YOUR head had a melt down.

Oh PLEASE, get off your own jock, man. You were the FURTHEST thing from my mind when I wrote that. It was a JOKE. I was playing the INSECT in JEST, a little witty repoire with people who aren't you. I was in no way shape or form hinting at you or anything you've ever said.
nakedemperor said:
Oh PLEASE, get off your own jock, man. You were the FURTHEST thing from my mind when I wrote that. It was a JOKE. I was playing the INSECT in JEST, a little witty repoire with people who aren't you. I was in no way shape or form hinting at you or anything you've ever said.

You fucking lying piece of shit.

If you were ignoring what I had said, THEN WHY WAS IT QUOTED IN YOUR POST??!!

You're just digging yourself deeper and deeper asswipe. You might as well shut the fuck up and move on.
My poor thread has been invated by fags and bikers... :( (sigh)

Pale Rider said:
You fucking lying piece of shit.

If you were ignoring what I had said, THEN WHY WAS IT QUOTED IN YOUR POST??!!

You're just digging yourself deeper and deeper asswipe. You might as well shut the fuck up and move on.

Temper, temper. The first bit was refering to how I similarly liked annoying conservatives, the 'meek shall inherit the earth' stemmed from my own original sentiment that I sometimes felt like a gnat, and gnats are about as meek as they come. Jeez man, other people got it...
-=d=- said:
My poor thread has been invated by fags and bikers... :( (sigh)


Sorry -=d=-... you're right. I hate it when others do that.

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