Has anyone noticed....not one conservative on USMB has celebrated tax reform?

Did Piglosi say they needed to pass the bill to see what was in the bill?

Nope. She said "we have to pass it so you know what's in it, outside the fog of controversy".

So when you lop off the second half of that statement, you prove her entire statement true.
My thoughts-
  • Permanently cutting the corporate tax rate to 20% is excellent. 15% would have been better.
  • Getting rid of the Obamacare "mandate" is great news.
  • Doubling the standard deduction will save a lot of low income taxpayers money. Both in tax preparation costs and in taxes
  • Getting rid of the SALT deduction is a mistake.
  • Capping mortgatge interest at $1,000,000 is fair, $500,000 is too low.
  • Permanently cutting the corporate tax rate to 20% is excellent. 15% would have been better.they don't pay taxes anyway so what the fuck was the point?
  • Getting rid of the Obamacare "mandate" is great news.Okay, so when the er's and clinics start to fill and people pass the bill onto you, don't whine about it,
  • Doubling the standard deduction will save a lot of low income taxpayers money. Both in tax preparation costs and in taxes Whoopie....a extra hundred is really nice....get the fuck outta here
  • Getting rid of the SALT deduction is a mistake.
  • Capping mortgatge interest at $1,000,000 is fair, $500,000 is too low.
So you aren't happy with another 100 dollars in your pocket?

Then you aren't poor like you claim to be.

Half of Americans don't pay a single DIME of income tax. 100 dollars back would be huge for those who DO pay it.

How much do you want to get back when you don't pay anything in?
My thoughts-
  • Permanently cutting the corporate tax rate to 20% is excellent. 15% would have been better.
  • Getting rid of the Obamacare "mandate" is great news.
  • Doubling the standard deduction will save a lot of low income taxpayers money. Both in tax preparation costs and in taxes
  • Getting rid of the SALT deduction is a mistake.
  • Capping mortgatge interest at $1,000,000 is fair, $500,000 is too low.
  • Permanently cutting the corporate tax rate to 20% is excellent. 15% would have been better.they don't pay taxes anyway so what the fuck was the point?
  • Getting rid of the Obamacare "mandate" is great news.Okay, so when the er's and clinics start to fill and people pass the bill onto you, don't whine about it,
  • Doubling the standard deduction will save a lot of low income taxpayers money. Both in tax preparation costs and in taxes Whoopie....a extra hundred is really nice....get the fuck outta here
  • Getting rid of the SALT deduction is a mistake.
  • Capping mortgatge interest at $1,000,000 is fair, $500,000 is too low.

Permanently cutting the corporate tax rate to 20% is excellent. 15% would have been better.

they don't pay taxes anyway so what the fuck was the point?

So this won't save them any money, so what are you bitching about, moron?
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The biggest tell tell sign of complete failure.....is when members here never ever comment on the shit their GOP leaders sign off on........that's when you know in your gut, Trump and the GOP are failures....they'll talk about BLM, guns, gays, transgenders, etc...but never do they come here to tout these new laws or celebrate anything.....cause in their guts, they know its time to bend over boys!!

Because we are smart enough to wait until there is actually a complete bill agreed to by both the House and the Senate.

You do know they have to agree on a bill before it is presented to the President...don't you?
Doubling the standard deduction will save a lot of low income taxpayers money. Both in tax preparation costs and in taxes Whoopie....a extra hundred is really nice....get the fuck outta here

The standard deduction for a married couple today is $12,700. A married couple earning $75,301 to $151,900 are in the 25% tax bracket. They would pay 25% on all their earnings above $75,301. Which means with a deduction of $24,700 instead of $12,700, the tax on $12,700 would be a savings of $3,175.

That may amount to $100.00 to you but I know of no one who would refuse to have it in THEIR checking rather than the governments, do you?


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Doubling the standard deduction will save a lot of low income taxpayers money. Both in tax preparation costs and in taxes Whoopie....a extra hundred is really nice....get the fuck outta here

The standard deduction for a married couple today is $12,700. A married couple earning $75,301 to $151,900 are in the 25% tax bracket. They would pay 25% on all their earnings above $75,301. Which means with a deduction of $24,700 instead of $12,700, the tax on $12,700 would be a savings of $3,175.
Triggered am not able to do them maths.
An income tax is unconstitutional and the 16th amendment was never ratified by enough states to begin with. The SCOTUS ruled on four different occasions that the 16th amendment did not give the "guberment" new taxing powers as it pertains to the graduated income tax by the stealing of one's labor. A graduated income tax is one of the planks of the communist manifesto.

I barter my labor in one hour increments in exchange for something that I can barter with (federal reserve notes of debt) in order to eek out an existence... how and the hell does this corporate entity we call the federal "gubermint" get off by claiming that they are entitled to proceeds from my labor? Explain that to me, Tigerred.........bring some REAL game.
Well, maybe you should stop flipping burgers, and get a real job. I work to maintain a standard of living that I enjoy. I live, I don't just exist.
An income tax is unconstitutional and the 16th amendment was never ratified by enough states to begin with. The SCOTUS ruled on four different occasions that the 16th amendment did not give the "guberment" new taxing powers as it pertains to the graduated income tax by the stealing of one's labor. A graduated income tax is one of the planks of the communist manifesto.

I barter my labor in one hour increments in exchange for something that I can barter with (federal reserve notes of debt) in order to eek out an existence... how and the hell does this corporate entity we call the federal "gubermint" get off by claiming that they are entitled to proceeds from my labor? Explain that to me, Tigerred.........bring some REAL game.
Well, maybe you should stop flipping burgers, and get a real job. I work to maintain a standard of living that I enjoy. I live, I don't just exist.

I have a real job and a great job at that and I have stopped "da gubermint" from sucking off of the proceeds of my labor by getting out from under the UCC and no longer "contracting" with them. It's a topic that you couldn't even fathom.
An income tax is unconstitutional and the 16th amendment was never ratified by enough states to begin with. The SCOTUS ruled on four different occasions that the 16th amendment did not give the "guberment" new taxing powers as it pertains to the graduated income tax by the stealing of one's labor. A graduated income tax is one of the planks of the communist manifesto.

I barter my labor in one hour increments in exchange for something that I can barter with (federal reserve notes of debt) in order to eek out an existence... how and the hell does this corporate entity we call the federal "gubermint" get off by claiming that they are entitled to proceeds from my labor? Explain that to me, Tigerred.........bring some REAL game.

I agree with Dale Smith that income tax is based on voluntary compliance.
Otherwise it would be unconstitutional based on "no taxation without representation"
or "involuntary servitude" taking the income of one's labor by force of law without consent of the taxpayer.

if people AGREE to the terms of taxation, and AGREE to pay for military defense and veteran benefits,
that's one thing. if they DON'T agree to terms to pay for the health care or welfare of others, that's different.

This is why I urge that we consider the best way to divide taxpayers choice of which plans to pay
for under what terms or reps. I suggest doing this by party. And at this point, I'm considering
ways to refine and expand on the Electoral college system of reps per district to redistribute
taxes under the political representation chosen by the people themselves, per district and state
to govern social programs and policies that become too diverse, individualized and divided for federal govt to manage.

You are nuts! Goodbye!
Permanently cutting the corporate tax rate to 20% is excellent. 15% would have been better.

they don't pay taxes anyway so what the fuck was the point?

So this won't save them any money, so what are you bitching about, moron?

It will make the corporation more competitive. Oh, right, nasty word for progressives!


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