Has anyone noticed there are no pro-Biden threads?

I'm starting to think nobody likes that guy...and that's gotta be hard on his ego.

Say something nice about Joe.

I'll start.

Joe has nice teeth. :lol:

Sincerely, with everything going on, do you really think that most of us are,

1) Thinking about a guy who would be a quantum upgrade over the abortion we have in the White House now?
2) The guy who's up huge in 3 of the 6 swing states and just about drawn even in Florida? That leaves Ohio and Texas. Either one of those go and it's game over.
I'd say yes.

Hillary was up too if I remember correctly. And liberals here liked her...hundreds of threads.

How'd that work out?

Would have worked out good for her if she just would have 1) Campaigned hard in the swing states until the end. 2) If the Sanders crowd would have come out and voted. 3) If James Comey hadn't given Trump a last minute assist with the whole emails non-story, thereby affecting all the early voting. 3 states, 77,000 votes. 46 swing electoral votes. About a 1% margin of victory. Which all of the polls called.

Not gonna happen this time around. :)

If only...if only...if only pigs had wings, they could fly.

Enjoy your next four years of MAGA.

Keep hope alive. You better pray that Trump doesn't take the majority of the Republican Party with him. Because if he does, they ain't getting up off the mat for at least a decade.
The demographics are moving away from the right hand side of the aisle. Only a matter of time before the right moves into obsolescence. Unless they can find a way to bring back real conservatives.
I'm starting to think nobody likes that guy...and that's gotta be hard on his ego.

Say something nice about Joe.

I'll start.

Joe has nice teeth. :lol:

Sincerely, with everything going on, do you really think that most of us are,

1) Thinking about a guy who would be a quantum upgrade over the abortion we have in the White House now?
2) The guy who's up huge in 3 of the 6 swing states and just about drawn even in Florida? That leaves Ohio and Texas. Either one of those go and it's game over.
I'd say yes.

Hillary was up too if I remember correctly. And liberals here liked her...hundreds of threads.

How'd that work out?

Would have worked out good for her if she just would have 1) Campaigned hard in the swing states until the end. 2) If the Sanders crowd would have come out and voted. 3) If James Comey hadn't given Trump a last minute assist with the whole emails non-story, thereby affecting all the early voting. 3 states, 77,000 votes. 46 swing electoral votes. About a 1% margin of victory. Which all of the polls called.

Not gonna happen this time around. :)
I seriously doubt the progressives are coming out this time either.

If I were a progressive, I would want a blowout landslide Trump victory. Then they'll push out the moderates and take over the party like the populists have the republican party. If Joe wins, the establishment claims victory and reassert an ironclad grip on the party for years. That is not in the best interests of progressives.
I'm starting to think nobody likes that guy...and that's gotta be hard on his ego.

Say something nice about Joe.

I'll start.

Joe has nice teeth. :lol:

I think a lot of PROGS have come to realize their methods cannot be defended. Figure most of those refuse to change anyway.
The left talking smack after Trump whooped ass in 2016 then whooped their ass on impeachment. :auiqs.jpg:

Whooped what revisionist history ass in 2016? LOL. Barely a 1% margin of victory. 77,000 votes across three states. All three of which, he's running behind by more than the margin of error.
He has to recreate this in November to even have a snowball's chance in hell of winning. Well, good luck with that.
Joe Biden is the Walter Mondale of this election season. He has no enthusiastic support. Anywhere.

He is a Democrat who has been around forever, and after months of Democrats sifting through the worst group of hopefuls in recent memory, he dropped out of the sieve as the "Survivor."

Can you even IMAGINE a Joe Biden rally with the same level of enthusiasm as the spontaneous cheering at essentially every Trump event?
I'm starting to think nobody likes that guy...and that's gotta be hard on his ego.

Say something nice about Joe.

I'll start.

Joe has nice teeth. :lol:

Sincerely, with everything going on, do you really think that most of us are,

1) Thinking about a guy who would be a quantum upgrade over the abortion we have in the White House now?
2) The guy who's up huge in 3 of the 6 swing states and just about drawn even in Florida? That leaves Ohio and Texas. Either one of those go and it's game over.
I'd say yes.

Hillary was up too if I remember correctly. And liberals here liked her...hundreds of threads.

How'd that work out?

Would have worked out good for her if she just would have 1) Campaigned hard in the swing states until the end. 2) If the Sanders crowd would have come out and voted. 3) If James Comey hadn't given Trump a last minute assist with the whole emails non-story, thereby affecting all the early voting. 3 states, 77,000 votes. 46 swing electoral votes. About a 1% margin of victory. Which all of the polls called.

Not gonna happen this time around. :)
I seriously doubt the progressives are coming out this time either.

If I were a progressive, I would want a blowout landslide Trump victory. Then they'll push out the moderates and take over the party like the populists have the republican party. If Joe wins, the establishment claims victory and reassert an ironclad grip on the party for years. That is not in the best interests of progressives.

I don't see the more radical left element cooperating with Babblin' Joe. Remember how Pelosi almost lost control when the "squad" asserted their radicalism?

Biden is not a strong leader. They would walk all over him.
I'm starting to think nobody likes that guy...and that's gotta be hard on his ego.

Say something nice about Joe.

I'll start.

Joe has nice teeth. :lol:

Sincerely, with everything going on, do you really think that most of us are,

1) Thinking about a guy who would be a quantum upgrade over the abortion we have in the White House now?
2) The guy who's up huge in 3 of the 6 swing states and just about drawn even in Florida? That leaves Ohio and Texas. Either one of those go and it's game over.
I'd say yes.

Hillary was up too if I remember correctly. And liberals here liked her...hundreds of threads.

How'd that work out?

Would have worked out good for her if she just would have 1) Campaigned hard in the swing states until the end. 2) If the Sanders crowd would have come out and voted. 3) If James Comey hadn't given Trump a last minute assist with the whole emails non-story, thereby affecting all the early voting. 3 states, 77,000 votes. 46 swing electoral votes. About a 1% margin of victory. Which all of the polls called.

Not gonna happen this time around. :)

If only...if only...if only pigs had wings, they could fly.

Enjoy your next four years of MAGA.

Keep hope alive. You better pray that Trump doesn't take the majority of the Republican Party with him. Because if he does, they ain't getting up off the mat for at least a decade.
The demographics are moving away from the right hand side of the aisle. Only a matter of time before the right moves into obsolescence. Unless they can find a way to bring back real conservatives.
I'm starting to think nobody likes that guy...and that's gotta be hard on his ego.

Say something nice about Joe.

I'll start.

Joe has nice teeth. :lol:

Sincerely, with everything going on, do you really think that most of us are,

1) Thinking about a guy who would be a quantum upgrade over the abortion we have in the White House now?
2) The guy who's up huge in 3 of the 6 swing states and just about drawn even in Florida? That leaves Ohio and Texas. Either one of those go and it's game over.
I'd say yes.

Hillary was up too if I remember correctly. And liberals here liked her...hundreds of threads.

How'd that work out?

Would have worked out good for her if she just would have 1) Campaigned hard in the swing states until the end. 2) If the Sanders crowd would have come out and voted. 3) If James Comey hadn't given Trump a last minute assist with the whole emails non-story, thereby affecting all the early voting. 3 states, 77,000 votes. 46 swing electoral votes. About a 1% margin of victory. Which all of the polls called.

Not gonna happen this time around. :)

If only...if only...if only pigs had wings, they could fly.

Enjoy your next four years of MAGA.

Keep hope alive. You better pray that Trump doesn't take the majority of the Republican Party with him. Because if he does, they ain't getting up off the mat for at least a decade.
The demographics are moving away from the right hand side of the aisle. Only a matter of time before the right moves into obsolescence. Unless they can find a way to bring back real conservatives.
Been hearing that demographics thing for years. Bad news. This is from April 10th.

Let it go Joe....please let it go.....you know this is all too sad...


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