Has anyone noticed there are no pro-Biden threads?

I'm starting to think nobody likes that guy...and that's gotta be hard on his ego.

Say something nice about Joe.

I'll start.

Joe has nice teeth. :lol:

He’s not the blob...so he’s got my vote. Beyond that...zero expectations or love for Biden.
Who were you supporting in the primary, if you don't mind saying.
I'm starting to think nobody likes that guy...and that's gotta be hard on his ego.

Say something nice about Joe.

I'll start.

Joe has nice teeth. :lol:

Sincerely, with everything going on, do you really think that most of us are,

1) Thinking about a guy who would be a quantum upgrade over the abortion we have in the White House now?
2) The guy who's up huge in 3 of the 6 swing states and just about drawn even in Florida? That leaves Ohio and Texas. Either one of those go and it's game over.
A guy who doesn't know where he is at given moment which is why Obama kicked his ass into the shadows after 2 weeks of showing everyone what a bozo he was?
I'll say something. Biden will be a significant upgrade over the pathetic fuckup currently in office. I cant wait until Nov.

Explain how and why. Be specific.
Biden is a proven leader. Drumpf is a proven con artist, child molester, liar and pussy grabber.
Biden has been there and done that. Drumpf is floundering fuckup as POTUS.
Do you want me to go on?
Fake poll, fake news. You’re gullible as fuck :rofl:

Um...it said "Democratic Socialists of America refuse to endorse Biden."


Link is in the article.

Now be gone substandard troll. Returneth not until ye hath mastered thy craft.
Joe Biden is the Walter Mondale of this election season. He has no enthusiastic support. Anywhere.

He is a Democrat who has been around forever, and after months of Democrats sifting through the worst group of hopefuls in recent memory, he dropped out of the sieve as the "Survivor."

Can you even IMAGINE a Joe Biden rally with the same level of enthusiasm as the spontaneous cheering at essentially every Trump event?

None of that shit matters anymore. You can take a house plant, paint it blue if you must. Give it the nomination, and I'll vote for it over the sad useless sack of shit currently stinking up the WH all day, every day. 100 times a day.
I'll say something. Biden will be a significant upgrade over the pathetic fuckup currently in office. I cant wait until Nov.

Explain how and why. Be specific.
Biden is a proven leader. Drumpf is a proven con artist, child molester, liar and pussy grabber.
Biden has been there and done that. Drumpf is floundering fuckup as POTUS.
Do you want me to go on?
A leader?
Biden was a leader and Obama was an asshole.
Obama kicked him into the shadows 2 weeks into the first term.
I'm saving this thread for November.

Something tells me I'll be laughing my black ass off on the floor some day early in that month.

Thank GOD you're Black!
Black people were made in Gods image.
The word is not "Image", the King James got it wrong again.
The word is "Shadow".
Interesting. Never heard that before. Are you sure thats right? I mean man was made from the earth and there is no such thing as pink or white earth.
I'm saving this thread for November.

Something tells me I'll be laughing my black ass off on the floor some day early in that month.

Thank GOD you're Black!
Black people were made in Gods image.
The word is not "Image", the King James got it wrong again.
The word is "Shadow".
Your purpose in life is to Shadow God by following His commands.
The word "Image" made no sense and makes no sense; no one is made in God's "Image".
I'll say something. Biden will be a significant upgrade over the pathetic fuckup currently in office. I cant wait until Nov.

Explain how and why. Be specific.
Biden is a proven leader. Drumpf is a proven con artist, child molester, liar and pussy grabber.
Biden has been there and done that. Drumpf is floundering fuckup as POTUS.
Do you want me to go on?
A leader?
Biden was a leader and Obama was an asshole.
Obama kicked him into the shadows 2 weeks into the first term.
The GREAT OBAMA would still be POTUS if they hadnt edited the constitution. Biden simply had to make way for a better leader.

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