has black live matter change the world?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

No! It has created hate ,violence and racial separation and it made blacks more dangerous then ever. It taught their young to be terrorists. Now their younger generation is flash mobbing stores and disrespecting authority. Nothing more then the Black kkk terorist clan.

No! It has created hate ,violence and racial separation and it made blacks more dangerous then ever. I
When Americans state it so plainly and accurately, regardless of it being motivated by hate and racism, there is value in it being said!

Even though the reason for America's decline into racism and hating isn't being admitted as being white America's refusal to accept people of different skin colour from whites being perceived as the only real Americans.

And now, a knock on a neighbour's door could result in death by gun.

No! It has created hate ,violence and racial separation and it made blacks more dangerous then ever. It taught their young to be terrorists. Now their younger generation is flash mobbing stores and disrespecting authority. Nothing more then the Black kkk terorist clan.
BLM did change my life. They made me realize that blacks are way more "racist" than any other race on earth. It made me realize that the lives of white people are in jeopardy based solely on the color of their skin. It made me realize that the names Shaliqwa and Dequan are more common that I thought. I learned that entitled crybabies are willing to burn down their own communities if they don't get what they want -- waaaaaaaaaa. I learned that ignorant, white liberals are so incredibly stupid that they'll erect a statue for a career criminal (George Floyd) just to appease their whimpering "gods."
When Americans state it so plainly and accurately, regardless of it being motivated by hate and racism, there is value in it being said!

Even though the reason for America's decline into racism and hating isn't being admitted as being white America's refusal to accept people of different skin colour from whites being perceived as the only real Americans.

And now, a knock on a neighbour's door could result in death by gun.
its not us is black people hating on us .we are in danger of blacks. blacks are doing the judging and looking for reasons to get rid of us.
BLM did change my life. They made me realize that blacks are way more "racist" than any other race on earth. It made me realize that the lives of white people are in jeopardy based solely on the color of their skin. It made me realize that the names Shaliqwa and Dequan are more common that I thought. I learned that entitled crybabies are willing to burn down their own communities if they don't get what they want -- waaaaaaaaaa. I learned that ignorant, white liberals are so incredibly stupid that they'll erect a statue for a career criminal (George Floyd) just to appease their whimpering "gods."

No! It has created hate ,violence and racial separation and it made blacks more dangerous then ever. It taught their young to be terrorists. Now their younger generation is flash mobbing stores and disrespecting authority. Nothing more then the Black kkk terorist clan.
It never ceases too amaze me how you start these racist threads and bring no substance to back up any of that racist drivel you spew.
Even though the reason for America's decline...
America's decline began with the 1954 Brown vs Board of Education Supreme Court decision. Even white liberals send their children to private schools when the alternatives are black majority public schools.
If black lives matter, why do so many black men kill other blacks? Why do so few black men marry the mothers of their children, and raise those children properly?
The mystery to me is why you care.

This thread asks a question to which the answer is obviously "no". There are 8 billion people in the world and the vast majority have never even heard of BLM. Humans in general don't care about race while for some reason Americans are obsessed w/ it.

Americans are unique tho...
America's decline began with the 1954 Brown vs Board of Education Supreme Court decision. Even white liberals send their children to private schools when the alternatives are black majority public schools.
Yea because America was great before 1954, only if you were white.
Yea because America was great before 1954, only if you were white.
What have blacks achieved since? A lot of sports rewards and popular songs. That's about it. Achievements due to affirmative action are undeserved. Black rates of crime and illegitimacy have gone way up. Many blacks do not know who their fathers are. A lot of their mothers are not sure either.

Since 1954 and certainly since 1963 the behavior of many blacks has reverted to behavior that enhanced survival in the African jungle.

No! It has created hate ,violence and racial separation and it made blacks more dangerous then ever. It taught their young to be terrorists. Now their younger generation is flash mobbing stores and disrespecting authority. Nothing more then the Black kkk terorist clan.
Black racism has changed America, then. The first thing to do to reverse this KKK is to get the absurd joke now in the WH, out of it. Besides boycotting blacks for not having to pay for the destruction of the infrastructure blm has done. In that way, no doubt, the culprits also get boycotted.

It's not that bright to be racist in America. Boycott black racism. duh
The mystery to me is why you care.

This thread asks a question to which the answer is obviously "no". There are 8 billion people in the world and the vast majority have never even heard of BLM. Humans in general don't care about race while for some reason Americans are obsessed w/ it.

Americans are unique tho...
Maybe white Americans are tired of being told that 'diversity is our strength' when even an idiot can see that it is our weakness.
Maybe white Americans are tired of being told that 'diversity is our strength' when even an idiot can see that it is our weakness.
The American Conservative
"Fragmented Future" by Steve Sailer, Jan 15, 2007

Multiculturalism doesn’t make vibrant communities but defensive ones.

  1. In the presence of [ethnic] diversity, we hunker down. We act like turtles. The effect of diversity is worse than had been imagined. And it’s not just that we don’t trust people who are not like us. In diverse communities, we don’t trust people who do look like us.—Harvard professor Robert D. Putnam

It was one of the more irony-laden incidents in the history of celebrity social scientists. While in Sweden to receive a $50,000 academic prize as political science professor of the year, Harvard’s Robert D. Putnam, a former Carter administration official who made his reputation writing about the decline of social trust in America in his bestseller Bowling Alone, confessed to Financial Times columnist John Lloyd that his latest research discovery—that ethnic diversity decreases trust and co-operation in communities—was so explosive that for the last half decade he hadn’t dared announce it.

Fragmented Future - The American Conservative


It is always daring to dispute the lies and delusions of the Woke Theology. Those who claim "Diversity is our strength" cannot point to any tangible benefits.

Now, as I happens I like diversity, but only with minorities I admire. During the early 1980's I lived in the downtown of a city that was engulfed by Vietnamese war refugees. Most were very poor. They were also good people. They took any job they could find and obeyed the law. Vietnamese teenagers did not spend their days harassing their teachers. They respected their teachers, even though many had problems with English. Vietnamese teenagers did not spend their nights getting into trouble. They did their home work.

Vietnamese teenagers had spent their lives in war zones and refugee camps. They had every alibi for the dysfunctional behavior we are expected to forgive in teenagers of another color. Vietnamese teenagers did not need alibis.

I enjoyed shopping at Vietnamese stores, dining in Vietnamese restaurants, and I dated a Vietnamese woman.

I would often get off work at 10:00 pm, and walk three miles through what was becoming "Little Saigon" to get home. I would risk my life walking through a neighborhood inhabited by people of (another) color that late. Jesse Jackson agrees with me.


The American Conservative
"Fragmented Future" by Steve Sailer, Jan 15, 2007

Multiculturalism doesn’t make vibrant communities but defensive ones.

  1. In the presence of [ethnic] diversity, we hunker down. We act like turtles. The effect of diversity is worse than had been imagined. And it’s not just that we don’t trust people who are not like us. In diverse communities, we don’t trust people who do look like us.—Harvard professor Robert D. Putnam

It was one of the more irony-laden incidents in the history of celebrity social scientists. While in Sweden to receive a $50,000 academic prize as political science professor of the year, Harvard’s Robert D. Putnam, a former Carter administration official who made his reputation writing about the decline of social trust in America in his bestseller Bowling Alone, confessed to Financial Times columnist John Lloyd that his latest research discovery—that ethnic diversity decreases trust and co-operation in communities—was so explosive that for the last half decade he hadn’t dared announce it.

Fragmented Future - The American Conservative


It is always daring to dispute the lies and delusions of the Woke Theology. Those who claim "Diversity is our strength" cannot point to any tangible benefits.

Now, as I happens I like diversity, but only with minorities I admire. During the early 1980's I lived in the downtown of a city that was engulfed by Vietnamese war refugees. Most were very poor. They were also good people. They took any job they could find and obeyed the law. Vietnamese teenagers did not spend their days harassing their teachers. They respected their teachers, even though many had problems with English. Vietnamese teenagers did not spend their nights getting into trouble. They did their home work.

Vietnamese teenagers had spent their lives in war zones and refugee camps. They had every alibi for the dysfunctional behavior we are expected to forgive in teenagers of another color. Vietnamese teenagers did not need alibis.

I enjoyed shopping at Vietnamese stores, dining in Vietnamese restaurants, and I dated a Vietnamese woman.

I would often get off work at 10:00 pm, and walk three miles through what was becoming "Little Saigon" to get home. I would risk my life walking through a neighborhood inhabited by people of (another) color that late. Jesse Jackson agrees with me.

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Even in nature "birds of a feather flock together". The only time I see different birds together is at my feeder, and then squabbles often break out. In the wild different animals may share a waterhole, but for many it's a dangerous place.
Even in nature "birds of a feather flock together". The only time I see different birds together is at my feeder, and then squabbles often break out. In the wild different animals may share a waterhole, but for many it's a dangerous place.

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