has black live matter change the world?

Anyone who looks at the data, and who has extensive experience with the various racial groups can tell that they differ in average characteristics that must be widespread if a society is to thrive. These are intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy.
all equal for all races according to science, brainwashed functional moron racist. Differences are environmental.
all equal for all races according to science, brainwashed functional moron racist. Differences are environmental.
The only science you are talking about is coerced science. By every objective, measurable criterion blacks tend to be much less intelligent than whites. They have higher illegitimacy rates, and much higher crime rates. T this remains true, despite the civil rights legislation, affirmative action, and billions of welfare money paid for by whites and given to blacks.

Because black social pathology has become worse since 1963, it should be clear that this is genetic, not environmental.
The only science you are talking about is coerced science. By every objective, measurable criterion blacks tend to be much less intelligent than whites. They have higher illegitimacy rates, and much higher crime rates. T this remains true, despite the civil rights legislation, affirmative action, and billions of welfare money paid for by whites and given to blacks.

Because black social pathology has become worse since 1963, it should be clear that this is genetic, not environmental.
i'll go with science and every expert there is, brainwashed functional moron racist. of course they have one tenth the wealth of whites because of discrimination, and poverty causes crime and everything else you go on about, Ding Bat. And God will not be amused by your willful ignorance.

No! It has created hate ,violence and racial separation and it made blacks more dangerous then ever. It taught their young to be terrorists. Now their younger generation is flash mobbing stores and disrespecting authority. Nothing more then the Black kkk terorist clan.

Blm caused the deaths of about 9,000 more young black men in democrat party controlled cities.........
i'll go with science and every expert there is, brainwashed functional moron racist. of course they have one tenth the wealth of whites because of discrimination, and poverty causes crime and everything else you go on about, Ding Bat. And God will not be amused by your willful ignorance.
those are news from every respected journalist in the world. While you have one channel that is a laughing stock propaganda POS... From proven scumbag Murdoch and his scumbag pundits OMG. wake up and smell the coffee for crying out loud.

take your own advice democrat. msnbc and cnn are falling ratings. most news channels are democratic hog wash. the only one brain washed are you demorcrats., people who voted an invaled into oiffice, lol
The only science you are talking about is coerced science. By every objective, measurable criterion blacks tend to be much less intelligent than whites. They have higher illegitimacy rates, and much higher crime rates. T this remains true, despite the civil rights legislation, affirmative action, and billions of welfare money paid for by whites and given to blacks.

Because black social pathology has become worse since 1963, it should be clear that this is genetic, not environmental.
because blacks choose too.
francoHFW said:
i'll go with science and every expert there is, brainwashed functional moron racist. of course they have one tenth the wealth of whites because of discrimination, and poverty causes crime and everything else you go on about, Ding Bat. And God will not be amused by your willful ignorance.

uh huh is that why so many blacks are rich and famous. stop telling bed time stories.
i'll go with science and every expert there is, brainwashed functional moron racist. of course they have one tenth the wealth of whites because of discrimination, and poverty causes crime and everything else you go on about, Ding Bat. And God will not be amused by your willful ignorance.

francolHFW, you accuse me of ignorance. What don't I know that if I agreed with you would cause me to agree with you?

Here is some information for you:


Poverty and Crime

The notion that economic deprivation necessarily leads to lawlessness is widely believed but is not supported by empirical evidence. Human history is replete with examples of impoverished people—of all racial and ethnic backgrounds—who have endured extreme poverty without descending into criminal activity. During the 1960s, for instance, the residents of San Francisco’s Chinatown were among America’s poorest people—with the most unemployment, the worst housing conditions, the least education, and the highest rate of tuberculosis in their city. Yet despite such hardships, only five people of Chinese ancestry went to jail in the entire state of California in 1965.[1]

Similarly, Jewish immigrants to America during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries also repudiated criminality despite having to face extreme economic deprivation. Historian Max Dimont describes them:

“The majority of these immigrants had arrived penniless, all their worldly belongings wrapped in a bundle…. Most of [them] arrived in New York. Some made their way into other cities,… but the majority remained in New York, settling in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, [which was] a neighborhood of the poor. Sociologists, with their impressive charts showing the number of toilets (or lack of the), the number of people per room, the low per capita income, paint a dismal picture of the Lower East Side Jewish slum. But their charts do not capture its uniqueness. Though it bred tuberculosis and rheumatism, it did not breed crime and venereal disease. It did not spawn illiteracy, illegitimate children, or deserted wives. Library cards were in constant use.”[2]
The late political scientist James Q. Wilson debunked the theory that crime results from poverty, or that redistributive government programs can reduce crime rates by alleviating poverty, by pointing out that “crime rose the fastest in this country at a time when the number of persons living in poverty or squalor was declining.” He added: “I have yet to see a ‘root cause’ or to encounter a government program that has successfully attacked it.”

In modern America, the correlation between high crime rates and poverty has a great deal to do with the proliferation of single-parent, father-absent households. According to the U.S Census, in 2008 the poverty rate for single parents with children was 35.6%; the rate for married couples with children was 6.4%. For white families in particular, the corresponding two-parent and single-parent poverty rates were 21.7% and 3.1%, respectively. For Hispanics, the figures were 37.5% and 12.8%, and for blacks, 35.3% and 6.9%. According to Robert Rector, a senior research fellow with the Heritage Foundation, “the absence of marriage increases the frequency of child poverty 700 percent” and thus constitutes the single most reliable predictor of a self-perpetuating underclass.

Children in single-parent households are burdened not only with profound economic disadvantages, but are also far likelier to eventually get into trouble with the law. As a Heritage Foundation analysis notes, youngsters raised by single parents, as compared to those who grow up in intact married homes, are much more likely to be physically abused; to be treated for emotional and behavioral disorders; to smoke, drink, and use drugs; to behave aggressively and violently; to engage in criminal activity; and to be arrested for a juvenile crime. According to the National Fatherhood Initiative, 60% of rapists, 72% of adolescent murderers, and 70% of long-term prison inmates are men who grew up in fatherless homes.


  1. James Q. Wilson and Richard Herrnstein, Crime and Human Nature (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1985), p. 473.
  2. Max I. Dimont, Jews, God, and History (New York: Penguin USA, 1994), pp. 373-374. (This book was originally published in 1962.)
i'll go with science and every expert there is, brainwashed functional moron racist. of course they have one tenth the wealth of whites because of discrimination, and poverty causes crime and everything else you go on about, Ding Bat. And God will not be amused by your willful ignorance.
francoHFW, why has black illegitimacy soared since 1963? Whites have not been forcing blacks to have all those illegitimate children that we white folks are expected to support on welfare.

Speaking of experts, here is one who was not coerced by the Woke Inquisition:



by Professor J. Philippe Rushton, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2

Modern science shows a three-way pattern of race differences in both physical traits and behavior. On average, Orientals are slower to mature, less fertile, less sexually active, less aggressive, and have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the other pole. Whites fall in the middle, but closer to Orientals than to Blacks...

Race differences start in the womb. Blacks are born earlier and grow quicker than Whites and Orientals. The three-way race pattern occurs in milestones such as sexual maturity, family stability, crime rates, and population growth...

IQ tests measure intelligence and predict real life success. The races differ in brain size and on IQ tests. On average Orientals have the largest brains and highest IQs. Blacks average the lowest, and Whites fall in between. The brain size differences explain the IQ differences both within groups and between groups.

Yea because America was great before 1954, only if you were white.
Before 1954 most black children were raised to adulthood by both biological parents living together in matrimony. Children raised that way tend to have many fewer problems in life than other children.

Blacks were less likely to die violently too. I have not found it on the internet, but I have read Jesse Jackson saying that the number of blacks murdered by blacks every year is less than the number of blacks lynched since the end of the Civil War.
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That may be true, but at the same time a core American belief is "One out of Many" --it's the idea that we start w/ many types, kinds, sizes, flavors of people and the mix itself is totally different than any one constituent.

The problem is when any constituent tries to keep their own identity as somehow being important. Black, white, Mexican, Scots-Irish, man/woman, young/old --that's all nice but it's the mix that counts.
E pluribus unum; out of many, one, refers to the union of the many states into one nation. It has nothing to do with race/ethnicity.
i'll go with science and every expert there is, brainwashed functional moron racist. of course they have one tenth the wealth of whites because of discrimination, and poverty causes crime and everything else you go on about, Ding Bat. And God will not be amused by your willful ignorance.
Blacks have been enjoying equal rights, including good employment, since the 1960's. Many have indeed built wealth. Others not so much. When they tired of spending their money on the appearance of wealth, they'll get down to business creating real wealth for themselves.
Before 1954 most black children were raised to adulthood by both biological parents living together in matrimony. Children raised that way tend to have many fewer problems in life than other children.

Blacks were less likely to die violently too. I have not found it on the internet, but I have read Jesse Jackson saying that the number of blacks murdered by blacks every year is less than the number of blacks lynched since the end of the Civil War.
Yea the black family was living a life of luxury before 1954, we had all the best opportunities back then.
BLM terrorism has changed the world enormously.

It helped install a meat puppet in the White House who now serves the globalist technocrats -- technocrats who don't give a damn about black people while the meat puppet replaced the President whose policies led to the highest employment rates for black people ever.
Yea the black family was living a life of luxury before 1954, we had all the best opportunities back then.
That is not what I said. Since 1954, and especially since 1963 black rates of crime and illegitimacy have risen. Black academic performance has risen very little. The early hopes of the civil rights movement have been disappointed.

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