has black live matter change the world?

and how many centuries were they slaves? Or living under terrible Jim Crow or discrimination like today. the Reagan Revolution has been hard on all the non rich. So of course the blacks do the worst
more then blacks. whires were in salved by blacks for well over 500 years. Not to mention blacks are still enslaving their own in some parts of africa even today.

No! It has created hate ,violence and racial separation and it made blacks more dangerous then ever. It taught their young to be terrorists. Now their younger generation is flash mobbing stores and disrespecting authority. Nothing more then the Black kkk terorist clan.
The founders all got their 5 million dollar houses so I think when more corperations donate bank accounts to them the group will vanish. They organize to steal, loot, burn, and beat as do most Black organization. Which make it just that much harder for Black law abiding Americans. democRats have bought their votes since Johnson's great soicity. That's why he said "Those Ni**ers will be voting democRats for the next 200 years." In another 140 years it may be over but by then America will be over.
E pluribus unum; out of many, one, refers to the union of the many states into one nation. It has nothing to do with race/ethnicity.
Ah, you either have some source for that or u just made that up.

Regardless, you might want to consider that the Latin motto was adapted by a committee at the signing of the Declaration of Independence --a document that does not mention E Pluribus Unum. The motto can refer to the unity of the colonies as states, and it can also refer to the unity of the various religious beliefs, the economic classes, ages, cultures, races, and all the divergent positions into which people may divide themselves.

These positions are not mentioned, that's up to us to fill in. What is significant is that we must be unified as a people. Yeah, i know I made that last part up, but there are a lot of folks who'll agree w/ me that this take is based on historical fact.
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Ah, you either have some source for that or u just made that up.

Regardless, you might want to consider that the Latin motto was adapted by a committee at the signing of the Declaration of Independence --a document that does not mention E Pluribus Unum. The motto can refer to the unity of the colonies as states, and it can also refer to the unity of the various religious beliefs, the economic classes, ages, cultures, races, and all the divergent positions into which people may divide themselves.

These positions are not mentioned, that's up to us to fill in. What is significant is that we must be unified as a people. Yeah, i know I made that last part up, but there are a lot of folks who'll agree w/ me that this take is based on historical fact.
The prophetic/Biblical aspect is the more important meaning, one that few know about. The similarity of the founding to Joseph in Egypt is remarkable.
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That is not what I said. Since 1954, and especially since 1963 black rates of crime and illegitimacy have risen. Black academic performance has risen very little. The early hopes of the civil rights movement have been disappointed.
Why is that? See everyone else that has come to this country has been given the opportunity of attaining wealth, something black folks have never been given.

Hell Dr. King saw it and talked about it.

Why is that? See everyone else that has come to this country has been given the opportunity of attaining wealth, something black folks have never been given.

Hell Dr. King saw it and talked about it.

For two generations blacks have had the same opportunity to attain wealth as other demographics. With affirmative action they actually have better opportunities.
Why is that? See everyone else that has come to this country has been given the opportunity of attaining wealth, something black folks have never been given.

Hell Dr. King saw it and talked about it.

I'm white but I never got nuttin' from the gummint. :(
The founders all got their 5 million dollar houses so I think when more corperations donate bank accounts to them the group will vanish. They organize to steal, loot, burn, and beat as do most Black organization. Which make it just that much harder for Black law abiding Americans. democRats have bought their votes since Johnson's great soicity. That's why he said "Those Ni**ers will be voting democRats for the next 200 years." In another 140 years it may be over but by then America will be over.
The founders all got their 5 million dollar houses so I think when more corperations donate bank accounts to them the group will vanish. They organize to steal, loot, burn, and beat as do most Black organization. Which make it just that much harder for Black law abiding Americans. democRats have bought their votes since Johnson's great soicity. That's why he said "Those Ni**ers will be voting democRats for the next 200 years." In another 140 years it may be over but by then America will be over.
How about they dont get damn cent and get hell out if they dont like it here.

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