Has Joe Biden Really Nominated A Marxist To Regulate Our Banks?

Zero Hedge is a Bulgarian website with ties to the Russian military.

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Media Bias/Fact Check is an American website founded in 2015 by editor Dave Van Zandt. Sites are rated on a 0–10 scale by Van Zandt and his team using categories such as biased wording and headlines, factuality and sourcing, and story choices

David E. Van Zandt is the eighth President of The New School, a legendary, progressive higher education institution inspiring undergraduates, graduate students, and others to catalyze change in an inconstant world
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Beginning to realize you are another Bejing based CCP troll

Nah. He's not that smart. Useless to functional discussion perhaps. And a detriment to it in most cases. But not that smart. Really it's a disservice to legit Bejing based CCP trolls to even make the comparision.
I never mentioned Marxist. I have no responsibility to respond to a reply that did.
See, this is what is so frustrating in here....In the 4th post of this thread you wrote:

"It's a natural progression from all the Socialists that have been running them."

I then asked you what you meant, and the subterfuge started...Can't you just have a conversation? Or does it have to be some giant deflection with you?

I asked becasuse I was curious, I haven't insulted you in any way, yet you approach this like I should play 1,000 questions with you to get to what you are talking about...Well, I'm not going to do it anymore....Answer, or don't answer, I don't really care.
See, this is what is so frustrating in here....In the 4th post of this thread you wrote:

"It's a natural progression from all the Socialists that have been running them."

I then asked you what you meant, and the subterfuge started...Can't you just have a conversation? Or does it have to be some giant deflection with you?

I asked becasuse I was curious, I haven't insulted you in any way, yet you approach this like I should play 1,000 questions with you to get to what you are talking about...Well, I'm not going to do it anymore....Answer, or don't answer, I don't really care.

What I meant has been discussed hundreds of times. You know exactly what I meant.
See, this is what is so frustrating in here....In the 4th post of this thread you wrote:

"It's a natural progression from all the Socialists that have been running them."

I then asked you what you meant, and the subterfuge started...Can't you just have a conversation? Or does it have to be some giant deflection with you?

I asked becasuse I was curious, I haven't insulted you in any way, yet you approach this like I should play 1,000 questions with you to get to what you are talking about...Well, I'm not going to do it anymore....Answer, or don't answer, I don't really care.
I read it as, "this has been developing a long time." Not necessarily that he supports it
I read it as, "this has been developing a long time." Not necessarily that he supports it

When one points out simple facts most jump to the conclusion that you support those facts. What you are supposed to do it seems is to simply make things up to deflect from those facts.
I read it as, "this has been developing a long time." Not necessarily that he supports it
That's great...If he would just discuss it, he may find that we have common ground on some issues. But, I am done with his game of 1,000 questions...

He clearly just wanted to drive by bomb throw, without actually participating....I am not about that today.
When one points out simple facts most jump to the conclusion that you support those facts. What you are supposed to do it seems is to simply make things up to deflect from those facts.
Maybe an explanation of the facts that you are trying to convey would be helpful, but you don't want to do that...Well, I'm not a mind reader, and don't really feel like begging you to explain your positions...So, have a nice day....If you feel like participating in a substantive way come on back...
Maybe an explanation of the facts that you are trying to convey would be helpful, but you don't want to do that...Well, I'm not a mind reader, and don't really feel like begging you to explain your positions...So, have a nice day....If you feel like participating in a substantive way come on back...

We have discussed the Socialist actions of the Fed here endlessly.
We have discussed the Socialist actions of the Fed here endlessly.
Ok, then I assume you are done posting in this thread....Thanks for nuttin....have a nice day.

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