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Has Obama just snatched defeat from victory?

Obama's version of compromise is my way or the highway.
roger that, its called HE WON the election and has the upper hand. Its how politics go. But shoot, keep thinking the GOP will win over America with this nonsense. the polls show Obama will skate through this untouched

Dems wont have to run on the failure of this Congress, the GOP is doing that for them. Everyone and their Grandma knows the GOP has been the party of no. Now Obama has turned the table, hes saying NO, and the GOP has no where to turn but looking like a bunch of complete idiots.
If that helps you sleep at night.

you do realize that Obama cannot control the United States purse or taxation, right? There is another branch of government that is responsible for that. A CO-EQUAL branch of government.

Guess what. They won elections too......

Right now, it is the Democrats in the Senate and the Executive that are obstructing a way forward.

Boner screwed up by offering a tax increase anyway. I'm glad he was snapped back like a plebe on initiation night.

Any tax increase is just posturing and will accomplish nothing.

Spending cuts is the only balanced way out of our mess.

Is the right wing brain so infested with dogmatic propaganda that it can no longer reason?

You simple minded folks on the right love to compare our economy to a household budget. So tell me, is cutting spending the ONLY way to catch up on your household bills and credit cards payments? OR, would adding MORE revenue AND cutting spending be a BALANCED approach???
The President and his advisors may have just made a major mistake in the fiscal cliff and debt ceiling negotiations. In fact, they may have just saved the Republican's bacon.

Obama's "Plan B," the stripped down version he's pushing now, has nothing in it the GOP can't vote against. Oh, some wheeling and dealing might be done which allows them to kick the ball on into next year, but adding in his insistence upon passing some kind of gun legislation immediately has given the GOP leverage they didn't have earlier this week.

By making gun legislation a signature item, attaching his name to it and demanding it be done forthwith, he's handed the GOP a weapon they can beat him to death with. Resisting gun legislation is a no-brainer for the GOP and they lose nothing by refusing to even consider it. Not only that, but they can harvest enormous amounts of political hay because it seems to prove what the Nutter's have been saying all along: "Obama's coming to get your guns!"

Whether or not that's true, it DOES put the House into the position of basically saying, "You want a gun bill? Fine, we'll pass something...BUT you'd better back off on taxing the rich and you'd better offer up some serious budget cuts or your gun bill dies right here." They have nothing to lose and much to gain by holding that position.

Obama never has been a really strong leader and he's not always gotten good political advice from his inner circle. That seems to be the case now and he might have just punked his own hand.

Obama leadership sucks, my only hope he has learned something from 2011.

But I don't think the gun law is a factor here. Obama has a habit of giving up huge concessions even when he has a strong hand. His unpredictable in this respect, and that is the biggest issue.

True enough. He does show a propensity to give away the store in anticipation of soliciting something in return, in spite of the fact that the GOP has shown repeatedly that they have no interest in helping him manage our numerous problems.

He may very well fumble this ball too.
It has now become something everyone can get involved in. MSNBC is starting a movement that focuses on doing good things for our fellow man using Sandy Hook as an inspiration. You're not gonna be a good person unless you show everyone just how you want to do your part. You just watch. They're pushing this bigtime.

I wouldn't ascribe that to another conspiracy theory, but what would be wrong with more of us doing something for our fellow man? Why would that be a bad thing?
roger that, its called HE WON the election and has the upper hand. Its how politics go. But shoot, keep thinking the GOP will win over America with this nonsense. the polls show Obama will skate through this untouched

Dems wont have to run on the failure of this Congress, the GOP is doing that for them. Everyone and their Grandma knows the GOP has been the party of no. Now Obama has turned the table, hes saying NO, and the GOP has no where to turn but looking like a bunch of complete idiots.
If that helps you sleep at night.

you do realize that Obama cannot control the United States purse or taxation, right? There is another branch of government that is responsible for that. A CO-EQUAL branch of government.

Guess what. They won elections too......

Right now, it is the Democrats in the Senate and the Executive that are obstructing a way forward.

Boner screwed up by offering a tax increase anyway. I'm glad he was snapped back like a plebe on initiation night.

Any tax increase is just posturing and will accomplish nothing.

Spending cuts is the only balanced way out of our mess.

Is the right wing brain so infested with dogmatic propaganda that it can no longer reason?

You simple minded folks on the right love to compare our economy to a household budget. So tell me, is cutting spending the ONLY way to catch up on your household bills and credit cards payments? OR, would adding MORE revenue AND cutting spending be a BALANCED approach???

Yea, you can hear it now; Pragmatic wife of right winger. Honey, you think you might get a job for more income. We already quit paying the electric bill, and the natural gas bill and it's getting real cold outside. Do you think you might get a job for some more income

Right winger whack job to wife; fuk no I am not getting a job. We don't need no more stinking income. I told you to cut spending. Now quit buying food, dammit. And fuk paying the rent. I got me some more guns and ammo to buy. Now quit bitching that you are cold, hungry and about to be homeless..........or I'll shoot your dumb ass.

The end.
Spending cuts is the only balanced way out of our mess.

Which the President has offered to the tune of a trillion dollars over the next few years, but wants to get specific about what to cut, and where, AFTER the fiscal cliff is averted.

The GOP rejects that, preferring instead to negotiate spending cuts in the week or so before the cliff hits. In other words, they're holding out to do in a very few days what nobody has been able to do for 30 years.

That's not a negotiating position: It's an ideological position disguised as negotiation and one which no rational person would accept. It would require taking a meat cleaver to the budget without any idea of what the long term ramifications might be.
Spending cuts is the only balanced way out of our mess.

Which the President has offered to the tune of a trillion dollars over the next few years, but wants to get specific about what to cut, and where, AFTER the fiscal cliff is averted.

The GOP rejects that, preferring instead to negotiate spending cuts in the week or so before the cliff hits. In other words, they're holding out to do in a very few days what nobody has been able to do for 30 years.

That's not a negotiating position: It's an ideological position disguised as negotiation and one which no rational person would accept. It would require taking a meat cleaver to the budget without any idea of what the long term ramifications might be.

It has a lot to do with Republicans being held hostage by Grover Norquist and his no new taxes pledge. Any Republican who even talks about raising taxes will be opposed in the next primary by a new heavily funded candidate who will march in lock step with Norquist.

A very few Republicans have spoken out against Norquist. Sen. Saxby Chambliss is one of them.

See if you can identify the key phrase in Chambliss's statement?

"I care too much about my country -- I care a lot more about it than I do about Grover Norquist," Chambliss told Georgia's WMAZ in acknowledging that he could face repercussions from Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform. "Norquist has no plan to pay this debt down. His plan says you continue to add to the debt..."
Any tax increase is just posturing and will accomplish nothing.

Spending cuts is the only balanced way out of our mess.

:lol: That's not very balanced then, is it?

And that's not what the public wants. If the GOP sends us over the ciff (whether that's ultimately a good or bad thing) the public will lay blame at the feet of the GOP. Polling has shown this clearly.

The public chose their leader in Nov. And they're sticking with him.

The GOP fucked up big time by not even allowing rates to increase on income over 1 million.
Spending cuts is the only balanced way out of our mess.

Which the President has offered to the tune of a trillion dollars over the next few years, but wants to get specific about what to cut, and where, AFTER the fiscal cliff is averted.

The GOP rejects that, preferring instead to negotiate spending cuts in the week or so before the cliff hits. In other words, they're holding out to do in a very few days what nobody has been able to do for 30 years.

That's not a negotiating position: It's an ideological position disguised as negotiation and one which no rational person would accept. It would require taking a meat cleaver to the budget without any idea of what the long term ramifications might be.

You do understand why there is even a fiscal cliff? Because of the very thing Obama is proposing. Back a few years a deal was made to fix the spending/taxing and if they failed in that then we would revert back which is about to happen. Government can't be trusted to do what they say especially when it is in regards to cutting government hand outs and the government taking more of the hard earned money of the working man, regardless of how much they make.

So saying they will fix it later is just pure political BS. Like passing Obamatax without anyone knowing what was in the bill (Pelosi's words)

This situation didn't just develop it has been festering for a few years. True leadership would have taken care of this long ago. But no it is better not to waste a crisis. Of course the majority party will blame the minority party because the minority party wants a little say in what happens, it is all BS. How such a fail of a leader got reelected makes me really wonder about the integrity of the election process. Screw it let's go over the cliff. The democrats shouldn't care they always have the republicans to blame for their lack of ability to work together and the total lack of leadership.
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If that helps you sleep at night.

you do realize that Obama cannot control the United States purse or taxation, right? There is another branch of government that is responsible for that. A CO-EQUAL branch of government.

Guess what. They won elections too......

Right now, it is the Democrats in the Senate and the Executive that are obstructing a way forward.

Boner screwed up by offering a tax increase anyway. I'm glad he was snapped back like a plebe on initiation night.

Any tax increase is just posturing and will accomplish nothing.

Spending cuts is the only balanced way out of our mess.

Is the right wing brain so infested with dogmatic propaganda that it can no longer reason?

You simple minded folks on the right love to compare our economy to a household budget. So tell me, is cutting spending the ONLY way to catch up on your household bills and credit cards payments? OR, would adding MORE revenue AND cutting spending be a BALANCED approach???

Yea, you can hear it now; Pragmatic wife of right winger. Honey, you think you might get a job for more income. We already quit paying the electric bill, and the natural gas bill and it's getting real cold outside. Do you think you might get a job for some more income

Right winger whack job to wife; fuk no I am not getting a job. We don't need no more stinking income. I told you to cut spending. Now quit buying food, dammit. And fuk paying the rent. I got me some more guns and ammo to buy. Now quit bitching that you are cold, hungry and about to be homeless..........or I'll shoot your dumb ass.

The end.

Yea, you can hear it now; Pragmatic wife of left winger. Honey, you think you might get a raise for more income? We already quit paying the electric bill, and the natural gas bill but are making payments on the wide screen TV, and it's getting real cold outside. Do you think you might get a raise doing the same job for some more income? I realize that it is the right wings fault that after 4 years of Obama economics there are no better jobs but maybe you could just ask for a raise before your company goes chapter 11?
His plan says you continue to add to the debt..."

That's what leapt out at me.

You got it! and: "Norquist has no plan to pay this debt down."

After 22 years with no tax increases, NOW we find out that the Republican plan is "no plan to pay this debt down"

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.
Any tax increase is just posturing and will accomplish nothing.

Spending cuts is the only balanced way out of our mess.

:lol: That's not very balanced then, is it?

And that's not what the public wants. If the GOP sends us over the ciff (whether that's ultimately a good or bad thing) the public will lay blame at the feet of the GOP. Polling has shown this clearly.

The public chose their leader in Nov. And they're sticking with him.

The GOP fucked up big time by not even allowing rates to increase on income over 1 million.

The public wants free shit. They proved that by re-electing the biggest failure in the Oval Office ever. Obama fucked up by insisting on a bunch of stuff he knew the GOP would never go for. Now he's stuck with the fiscal cliff. People blame the man in charge when things go south.
His plan says you continue to add to the debt..."

That's what leapt out at me.

You got it! and: "Norquist has no plan to pay this debt down."

After 22 years with no tax increases, NOW we find out that the Republican plan is "no plan to pay this debt down"

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

Receipts to the Federal government are higher than ever. And the deficit is higher than ever. It's the spending, idiot.
Spending cuts is the only balanced way out of our mess.

Which the President has offered to the tune of a trillion dollars over the next few years, but wants to get specific about what to cut, and where, AFTER the fiscal cliff is averted.

The GOP rejects that, preferring instead to negotiate spending cuts in the week or so before the cliff hits. In other words, they're holding out to do in a very few days what nobody has been able to do for 30 years.

That's not a negotiating position: It's an ideological position disguised as negotiation and one which no rational person would accept. It would require taking a meat cleaver to the budget without any idea of what the long term ramifications might be.

They don't care about "long-term ramifications" of the cuts they want. The nutters hate SS, Medicare and Medicaid and would eliminate them altogether if they could. It doesn't matter how many people voted to keep these programs going as they are.
Spending cuts is the only balanced way out of our mess.

Which the President has offered to the tune of a trillion dollars over the next few years, but wants to get specific about what to cut, and where, AFTER the fiscal cliff is averted.

The GOP rejects that, preferring instead to negotiate spending cuts in the week or so before the cliff hits. In other words, they're holding out to do in a very few days what nobody has been able to do for 30 years.

That's not a negotiating position: It's an ideological position disguised as negotiation and one which no rational person would accept. It would require taking a meat cleaver to the budget without any idea of what the long term ramifications might be.

They don't care about "long-term ramifications" of the cuts they want. The nutters hate SS, Medicare and Medicaid and would eliminate them altogether if they could. It doesn't matter how many people voted to keep these programs going as they are.

The right wing solutions are always fantastic, as long as some group of citizens just evaporate.
Which the President has offered to the tune of a trillion dollars over the next few years, but wants to get specific about what to cut, and where, AFTER the fiscal cliff is averted.

The GOP rejects that, preferring instead to negotiate spending cuts in the week or so before the cliff hits. In other words, they're holding out to do in a very few days what nobody has been able to do for 30 years.

That's not a negotiating position: It's an ideological position disguised as negotiation and one which no rational person would accept. It would require taking a meat cleaver to the budget without any idea of what the long term ramifications might be.

They don't care about "long-term ramifications" of the cuts they want. The nutters hate SS, Medicare and Medicaid and would eliminate them altogether if they could. It doesn't matter how many people voted to keep these programs going as they are.

The right wing solutions are always fantastic, as long as some group of citizens just evaporate.

Yes. We want poor people dependent on the gov't to disappear into the ranks of the working middle class. That's the difference.
Receipts to the gov't are higher than ever. Why is the deficit also high?
Spending cuts is the only balanced way out of our mess.

Which the President has offered to the tune of a trillion dollars over the next few years, but wants to get specific about what to cut, and where, AFTER the fiscal cliff is averted.

The GOP rejects that, preferring instead to negotiate spending cuts in the week or so before the cliff hits. In other words, they're holding out to do in a very few days what nobody has been able to do for 30 years.

That's not a negotiating position: It's an ideological position disguised as negotiation and one which no rational person would accept. It would require taking a meat cleaver to the budget without any idea of what the long term ramifications might be.

They don't care about "long-term ramifications" of the cuts they want. The nutters hate SS, Medicare and Medicaid and would eliminate them altogether if they could. It doesn't matter how many people voted to keep these programs going as they are.

Another example, you can't sustain them...

Is this a bitter moment too?
Which the President has offered to the tune of a trillion dollars over the next few years, but wants to get specific about what to cut, and where, AFTER the fiscal cliff is averted.

The GOP rejects that, preferring instead to negotiate spending cuts in the week or so before the cliff hits. In other words, they're holding out to do in a very few days what nobody has been able to do for 30 years.

That's not a negotiating position: It's an ideological position disguised as negotiation and one which no rational person would accept. It would require taking a meat cleaver to the budget without any idea of what the long term ramifications might be.

They don't care about "long-term ramifications" of the cuts they want. The nutters hate SS, Medicare and Medicaid and would eliminate them altogether if they could. It doesn't matter how many people voted to keep these programs going as they are.

Another example, you can't sustain them...

Is this a bitter moment too?

No, it's a stupid moment. I don't buy the wingnut crap that says they have to destroyed to be saved and there are good economists out there that support that view.

Ain't it nice to know, btw, that a majority appears to believe that, too?
Yes. We want poor people dependent on the gov't to disappear into the ranks of the working middle class.

Great idea! Now...if you can convince your "job creators" to quit sending all the good jobs to China to maximize their short-term bottom line, you might have a point.
Receipts to the gov't are higher than ever. Why is the deficit also high?

I wonder where have you heard about the receipts higher than ever? Faux News? Or this is one of those thing that are self-evident to any right-winger?

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