Has Obama Made Us Into a Banana Republic?

Investors put their own money at risk. Investing isn't gambling. Investing is using the available data to determine what the consumers are going to want in the future and then providing the capital to make it possible. There is risk involved, but there is risk in everything we do in life. This function needs to be performed, and only a moron would imagine the government is capable of doing a competent job of it.

Government does a better job of it than private industry does. It's why customers of Medicare are more satisfied than customers of Cigna.
If the 18,000 DOW wasn't a propped up number made to look better than it is, prosperity would be happening because the number would be real.

So you could have a job if someone you despise didn't provide you the opportunity to do so? So jobs are created then people invest? That's like saying the house comes before the pile of lumber used to build it. No wonder you'll never amount to anything.

Yes, the 18000 Dow is a conspiracy, and all those rich people are just taking it on the chin to make Obama look good. uh, huh. It must take a real effort to remain as nuts as you are.

I have a job because there is consumer demand for the products my company makes. Nothing more. Nothing less. THe rich aren't a vital organ to that, they are parasites.

Sure they are. That you don't think so makes you a parasite.
I despise people who thing that because I have more that they should be able to have what I do even if it means the government taxing me and giving it to them. Having less than me doesn't make them a lesser person. Thinking someone having more owes them some of it makes them a lesser person.

Education, translated to more money, makes me someone with more education and more money than you'll ever know or ever have the ability to learn. I'm a better person than you because I'm willing to earn it for myself not expect someone else to earn it for me.

Guy, once again, a real rich person wouldn't be telling us how rich he is any more than a guy with a 12 inch prick would be here telling us how well hung he is.

People who need to brag about their success on the internet are the worst kind of pathetic.
Investors put their own money at risk. Investing isn't gambling. Investing is using the available data to determine what the consumers are going to want in the future and then providing the capital to make it possible. There is risk involved, but there is risk in everything we do in life. This function needs to be performed, and only a moron would imagine the government is capable of doing a competent job of it.

Government does a better job of it than private industry does. It's why customers of Medicare are more satisfied than customers of Cigna.
Those that run the government couldn't find a hooker in a whore house.

The government's done a good job with the war on poverty. Trillions spent and still the same percentage in poverty as prior to the spending.
I despise people who thing that because I have more that they should be able to have what I do even if it means the government taxing me and giving it to them. Having less than me doesn't make them a lesser person. Thinking someone having more owes them some of it makes them a lesser person.

Education, translated to more money, makes me someone with more education and more money than you'll ever know or ever have the ability to learn. I'm a better person than you because I'm willing to earn it for myself not expect someone else to earn it for me.

Guy, once again, a real rich person wouldn't be telling us how rich he is any more than a guy with a 12 inch prick would be here telling us how well hung he is.

People who need to brag about their success on the internet are the worst kind of pathetic.

People who expect the government to do for them what they should be doing for themselves are the worst kind of pathetic.

I don't see where I used the word rich to describe myself. I said having more. That's an accurate statement when it comes to the welfare leeches. If I didn't have more, I wouldn't be paying the taxes that fund what someone that has less gets for nothing and that I have to earn. If you can show me where I said I was RICH, please do.
Sure they are. That you don't think so makes you a parasite.

Most of the world doesn't have CEO's who make 7 figures. Most of the world taxes the rich at very high rates.

The rich are parasites. The sooner we expunge them, the better.

Someone that hates something because he knows he'll never be that is a parasite. Someone that support taxing the rich in order to give it to someone else is a parasite.

You should be careful who you call parasite. Some of those corporations where the CEO's make 7 figures are big contributors to politicians whose ideas you support.
Sure they are. That you don't think so makes you a parasite.

Most of the world doesn't have CEO's who make 7 figures. Most of the world taxes the rich at very high rates.

The rich are parasites. The sooner we expunge them, the better.

They don't. Many of the countries you lefties, I'm sorry you Independents to gutless to admit you're lefties, admire do pay their CEOs 7 figures.
Those that run the government couldn't find a hooker in a whore house.

The government's done a good job with the war on poverty. Trillions spent and still the same percentage in poverty as prior to the spending.

We don't have food riots. We don't have race riots. The war on poverty did exactly what it was designed to do, keep the population stable.
Investors put their own money at risk. Investing isn't gambling. Investing is using the available data to determine what the consumers are going to want in the future and then providing the capital to make it possible. There is risk involved, but there is risk in everything we do in life. This function needs to be performed, and only a moron would imagine the government is capable of doing a competent job of it.

Government does a better job of it than private industry does. It's why customers of Medicare are more satisfied than customers of Cigna.

Government does a shitty job compared to private industry. Where has it been demonstrated that customers are more satisfied with Medicare then CIGNA?
Someone that hates something because he knows he'll never be that is a parasite. Someone that support taxing the rich in order to give it to someone else is a parasite.

You should be careful who you call parasite. Some of those corporations where the CEO's make 7 figures are big contributors to politicians whose ideas you support.

I'm sure they do. They've realized you Conservatives are too fucking nuts to run the country, so they are just getting on the wining side.

I do love how they slapped down you CHristian nutters on Baking Cakes, don't you.

HOw does it feel to have outlived your usefulness, tool?
Those that run the government couldn't find a hooker in a whore house.

The government's done a good job with the war on poverty. Trillions spent and still the same percentage in poverty as prior to the spending.

We don't have food riots. We don't have race riots. The war on poverty did exactly what it was designed to do, keep the population stable.

We don't have race riots? Are you serious?

When did we ever have food riots?
They don't. Many of the countries you lefties, I'm sorry you Independents to gutless to admit you're lefties, admire do pay their CEOs 7 figures.

Take a look at the list of the top CEO's. THey' are all Americans.

You said most of the world's CEOs don't make 7 figures. Now you talk about individuals. Many countries do pay their CEOs more than 7 figures since the average compensation for those countries is over $1 million. You don't get that high of an average without paying that amount.
You said most of the world's CEOs don't make 7 figures. Now you talk about individuals. Many countries do pay their CEOs more than 7 figures since the average compensation for those countries is over $1 million. You don't get that high of an average without paying that amount.

The ratio of CEO pay to the median salary for all other employees in the company provides a reference of how high CEO pay is. It's often used to compare CEO pay across countries. U.S. CEOs earn from 400 to 500 times the median salary for workers. For CEOs in the U.K., the ratio is 22; in France, it's 15; and in Germany it's 12.

CEO Compensation in the US Vs. the World Chron.com

Gee, how is it that these companies work just fine without their CEO's getting filthy rich?
Government does a shitty job compared to private industry. Where has it been demonstrated that customers are more satisfied with Medicare then CIGNA?

Any poll of customer satisfaction.
Seems you would have shown one after having made the claim twice.

As a rule, I don't links. Because you conservatards pretend you never saw them.

New Study Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries Most Satisifed with Their Health Insurance Working-Age Adult with Private Coverage Report More Trouble Accessing Care Paying Medical Bills - The Commonwealth Fund

The study finds that Medicare beneficiaries have better access to care and greater financial protection than adults with private coverage. In 2010 about one-fourth (23%) of Medicare beneficiaries went without needed health care because of costs, compared with 37 percent of those with employer coverage. Adults with employer-based insurance (39%) and individual insurance (39%) reported medical bill problems at almost double the rate of Medicare beneficiaries (21%). The study finds that while health care access and medical bill problems worsened for adults with all types of coverage over the past decade, Medicare continued to provide better coverage during that time period.

“Medicare continues to do better than employer-sponsored and individual plans when it comes to providing people with good access to health care and adequate protection from burdensome medical bills,” said Stremikis, senior researcher at The Commonwealth Fund. “Policies designed to move the elderly out of Medicare and into private plans need to be carefully designed, so as not to expose beneficiaries to the poorer access to care currently experienced by many working-age adults with private insurance.”

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