Has Obama Made Us Into a Banana Republic?

We have the same percentage because the concept that handing money to people will motivate them to do better and strive to get out of poverty is a false premise.

I've never been part of a union and my household is prosperous. It damn sure had nothing to do with the unions.

Since when it is your place to determine what someone other than yourself needs?

Ah, the "I got mine, fuck you", mentality, eh, Cleetus?

You do realize most people on assistance are not on it for life, right? That most of them eventually earn more and get off assistance? Or do you just listen to what Rush or whatever local hate radio guy says about them there city folk?
What abolished slavery and freed the slaves was the 13th Amendment. It wasn't ratified until 8 months after Lincoln died moron. The last shot of the War of Northern Aggression was fired in June, 1865 although the official declaration was May 9, 1865. Both were after Lincoln died. The Emancipation Proclamation wasn't recognized by the south as they didn't recognize Lincoln as President. If what you said were true, from the time it was issued in 1863, no more slaves would have been slaves. The north winning the war and the 13th amendment was what freed the slaves. Funny thing is you and many like you are still slaves to the same overbearing government that produced such a war in the first place.

You can come up with all sorts of excuses, but the point was, the South revolted because Lincoln became president and would free the slaves, and at the end of the day, that's exactly what he did.

When he made ending slavery a war goal, he set up the end of slavery.

Everything else is legal paperwork.
We have the same percentage because the concept that handing money to people will motivate them to do better and strive to get out of poverty is a false premise.

I've never been part of a union and my household is prosperous. It damn sure had nothing to do with the unions.

Since when it is your place to determine what someone other than yourself needs?

Ah, the "I got mine, fuck you", mentality, eh, Cleetus?

You do realize most people on assistance are not on it for life, right? That most of them eventually earn more and get off assistance? Or do you just listen to what Rush or whatever local hate radio guy says about them there city folk?

Anyone who spouts the "I got mine, so fuck you" smear is really saying that he thinks he's entitled to what you've earned.
What abolished slavery and freed the slaves was the 13th Amendment. It wasn't ratified until 8 months after Lincoln died moron. The last shot of the War of Northern Aggression was fired in June, 1865 although the official declaration was May 9, 1865. Both were after Lincoln died. The Emancipation Proclamation wasn't recognized by the south as they didn't recognize Lincoln as President. If what you said were true, from the time it was issued in 1863, no more slaves would have been slaves. The north winning the war and the 13th amendment was what freed the slaves. Funny thing is you and many like you are still slaves to the same overbearing government that produced such a war in the first place.

You can come up with all sorts of excuses, but the point was, the South revolted because Lincoln became president and would free the slaves, and at the end of the day, that's exactly what he did.

When he made ending slavery a war goal, he set up the end of slavery.

Everything else is legal paperwork.

I come up with history. You come up with retarded outlooks. Perhaps that why you couldn't keep a job.

The war had to be won by the north for what you say he did to happen. If you call that a goal, you are a fool. It's wishful thinking. Since G. Bush set up ending the war in Iraq as a goal and created the process by which it would happen, do you give him credit or do you Obama teabag you into believing he did it? If you say Lincoln freed the slaves because of what he put into motion despite being dead when it happened, you have to say Bush ended Iraq because of what he did despite being out of office. You can prove whether or not you're a hypocrite and ass licker or apply the concept you apply Lincoln equally to Bush. Your choice.
We have the same percentage because the concept that handing money to people will motivate them to do better and strive to get out of poverty is a false premise.

I've never been part of a union and my household is prosperous. It damn sure had nothing to do with the unions.

Since when it is your place to determine what someone other than yourself needs?

Ah, the "I got mine, fuck you", mentality, eh, Cleetus?

You do realize most people on assistance are not on it for life, right? That most of them eventually earn more and get off assistance? Or do you just listen to what Rush or whatever local hate radio guy says about them there city folk?

Anyone who spouts the "I got mine, so fuck you" smear is really saying that he thinks he's entitled to what you've earned.

What they're saying is that someone earning it has less of a right to it than someone that didn't. They say it's wrong for someone to say what's theirs is theirs but perfectly OK for someone to say what theirs is mine although I didn't do what they did to get it. More than one has said wanting to keep what I actually spent time earning is wrong but someone wanting to get what they didn't earn is fine.
I come up with history. You come up with retarded outlooks. Perhaps that why you couldn't keep a job.

I've got a degree in History. Most historians realize that Lincoln was our greatest president and freed the slaves.

I know you are still upset that he did.

I can't get upset about him not doing what you claim.

I've got a degree is Government/Economics with a minor in history with a Master's in education specializing in American Government and Politics. On top of that, mine came from a reputable university not some two year community college like yours.
What they're saying is that someone earning it has less of a right to it than someone that didn't. They say it's wrong for someone to say what's theirs is theirs but perfectly OK for someone to say what theirs is mine although I didn't do what they did to get it. More than one has said wanting to keep what I actually spent time earning is wrong but someone wanting to get what they didn't earn is fine.

again, guy, it isn't who "earns" it, it's how it's distributed.

the 1% didn't do 43% of the labor, they don't deserve 43% of the wealth.
I can't get upset about him not doing what you claim.

I've got a degree is Government/Economics with a minor in history with a Master's in education specializing in American Government and Politics. On top of that, mine came from a reputable university not some two year community college like yours.

Cleetus, how can you have all this education and still be a shit-ignorant bigot?
What they're saying is that someone earning it has less of a right to it than someone that didn't. They say it's wrong for someone to say what's theirs is theirs but perfectly OK for someone to say what theirs is mine although I didn't do what they did to get it. More than one has said wanting to keep what I actually spent time earning is wrong but someone wanting to get what they didn't earn is fine.

again, guy, it isn't who "earns" it, it's how it's distributed.

the 1% didn't do 43% of the labor, they don't deserve 43% of the wealth.

The idea that brute labor determines what something is worth is the equivalent of saying that the services of a brain surgeon are no more valuable than the services of a plumber. It's obviously idiotic. furthermore, most of the wealth of the 1% is tied up in productive investments - that is, factories, capital goods, like airliners and heavy equipment, machinery and the like. If you distributed that to the morons in the bottom 50% you would be destroying the productive capacity of the country.

The bottom line is that you're a moron, Joe.
I can't get upset about him not doing what you claim.

I've got a degree is Government/Economics with a minor in history with a Master's in education specializing in American Government and Politics. On top of that, mine came from a reputable university not some two year community college like yours.

Cleetus, how can you have all this education and still be a shit-ignorant bigot?

That's the problem. I'm not. You simply don't recognize intelligence. You're so stupid you don't realize just how stupid YOU are.
What they're saying is that someone earning it has less of a right to it than someone that didn't. They say it's wrong for someone to say what's theirs is theirs but perfectly OK for someone to say what theirs is mine although I didn't do what they did to get it. More than one has said wanting to keep what I actually spent time earning is wrong but someone wanting to get what they didn't earn is fine.

again, guy, it isn't who "earns" it, it's how it's distributed.

the 1% didn't do 43% of the labor, they don't deserve 43% of the wealth.

The 1% provided 100% of the opportunities to do labor. Since it's their money that produce the opportunities that wouldn't have existed without them, they deserve whatever amount they believe they deserve and you deserve whatever amount they choose to give you. Don't like that. Become one of those that provides opportunities rather than one of the whiney bitches that thinks someone owes you something you don't deserve.
The idea that brute labor determines what something is worth is the equivalent of saying that the services of a brain surgeon are no more valuable than the services of a plumber. It's obviously idiotic. furthermore, most of the wealth of the 1% is tied up in productive investments - that is, factories, capital goods, like airliners and heavy equipment, machinery and the like. If you distributed that to the morons in the bottom 50% you would be destroying the productive capacity of the country.

We aren't talking about "Brain Surgeons", dude. We are talking about investors who really aren't producing anything, they are merely gambling on the value of the work of others.

Frankly, I want the guy who built the airliner to get the money, not the guy who just owns stock in the plane company. I want the guy who put the plane together to be happy with his job.

When you have pilots having to take on second jobs because they don't make enough money, but the investors are making out like bandits, something with that is seriously fucked up.

The main reason I don't fly unless I have to.
The 1% provided 100% of the opportunities to do labor. Since it's their money that produce the opportunities that wouldn't have existed without them, they deserve whatever amount they believe they deserve and you deserve whatever amount they choose to give you. Don't like that. Become one of those that provides opportunities rather than one of the whiney bitches that thinks someone owes you something you don't deserve.

The one percent do nothing of the sort. They are no more necessary to an economy than the slaveholder or the feudal lord.

what makes an economy work is consumer demand. The reason why this "recovery" has been so weak is that frankly, people are afraid to spend money, even if they have jobs. It's why there's a disconnect between an 18,000 Dow and what people on main street are feeling.

If what you say is correct, an 18,000 Dow would translate into prosperity for everyone. Like we had under LBJ or Clinton.
The 1% provided 100% of the opportunities to do labor. Since it's their money that produce the opportunities that wouldn't have existed without them, they deserve whatever amount they believe they deserve and you deserve whatever amount they choose to give you. Don't like that. Become one of those that provides opportunities rather than one of the whiney bitches that thinks someone owes you something you don't deserve.

The one percent do nothing of the sort. They are no more necessary to an economy than the slaveholder or the feudal lord.

what makes an economy work is consumer demand. The reason why this "recovery" has been so weak is that frankly, people are afraid to spend money, even if they have jobs. It's why there's a disconnect between an 18,000 Dow and what people on main street are feeling.

If what you say is correct, an 18,000 Dow would translate into prosperity for everyone. Like we had under LBJ or Clinton.
If the 18,000 DOW wasn't a propped up number made to look better than it is, prosperity would be happening because the number would be real.

So you could have a job if someone you despise didn't provide you the opportunity to do so? So jobs are created then people invest? That's like saying the house comes before the pile of lumber used to build it. No wonder you'll never amount to anything.
That's the problem. I'm not. You simply don't recognize intelligence. You're so stupid you don't realize just how stupid YOU are.

No, you're a piss ignorant bigot who hates people who are less well off than you are. Education does not make you a good person.

I despise people who thing that because I have more that they should be able to have what I do even if it means the government taxing me and giving it to them. Having less than me doesn't make them a lesser person. Thinking someone having more owes them some of it makes them a lesser person.

Education, translated to more money, makes me someone with more education and more money than you'll ever know or ever have the ability to learn. I'm a better person than you because I'm willing to earn it for myself not expect someone else to earn it for me.
The idea that brute labor determines what something is worth is the equivalent of saying that the services of a brain surgeon are no more valuable than the services of a plumber. It's obviously idiotic. furthermore, most of the wealth of the 1% is tied up in productive investments - that is, factories, capital goods, like airliners and heavy equipment, machinery and the like. If you distributed that to the morons in the bottom 50% you would be destroying the productive capacity of the country.

We aren't talking about "Brain Surgeons", dude. We are talking about investors who really aren't producing anything, they are merely gambling on the value of the work of others.

Frankly, I want the guy who built the airliner to get the money, not the guy who just owns stock in the plane company. I want the guy who put the plane together to be happy with his job.

When you have pilots having to take on second jobs because they don't make enough money, but the investors are making out like bandits, something with that is seriously fucked up.

The main reason I don't fly unless I have to.

Investors put their own money at risk. Investing isn't gambling. Investing is using the available data to determine what the consumers are going to want in the future and then providing the capital to make it possible. There is risk involved, but there is risk in everything we do in life. This function needs to be performed, and only a moron would imagine the government is capable of doing a competent job of it.
If the 18,000 DOW wasn't a propped up number made to look better than it is, prosperity would be happening because the number would be real.

So you could have a job if someone you despise didn't provide you the opportunity to do so? So jobs are created then people invest? That's like saying the house comes before the pile of lumber used to build it. No wonder you'll never amount to anything.

Yes, the 18000 Dow is a conspiracy, and all those rich people are just taking it on the chin to make Obama look good. uh, huh. It must take a real effort to remain as nuts as you are.

I have a job because there is consumer demand for the products my company makes. Nothing more. Nothing less. THe rich aren't a vital organ to that, they are parasites.

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