Has Obama Made Us Into a Banana Republic?

95% of new wealth goes to the richest, and we have the worst rich/poor gap and upward mobility in the history of our country. Also per cent homeless and in prison, highest college costs and infrastructure going to hell. Great job, Pubbies.

Our tax system is basically a flat tax, and if you count government fees, the poorest are closer to the rich in % paid. We're all going to hell for the sake of your megarich brainwashers...

Wow. I can't believe how dense you loony leftist whiners are. YOUR OWN SOURCE says you are a liar. This is from the article you linked:
The bottom 40% of American earners face an avg of 19% in total tax burden while the top 60% pay 29% of their earnings in taxes.
Those earning $30,000/yr pay $5,800.
Those earning $200,000/yr pay $58,000.
Does that really seem like a "flat tax" to you?
Sorry to disillusion you, turd, but economic growth is lower in Europe and Japan, and unemployment is higher. So who's going down the road to being a third world country?

Hmmm, why doesn't that work for Venezuela or Russia or Brazil? They all have abundant natural resources. Sweden also has abundant natural resources.
Corruption, bad education and training. Sweden did snap back- also skipped the Pubscam carnival.

Sweden's economy has never been robust ever since it adopted the welfare state.
Oh BS. I suppose only GOP economies are robust. Just before the corrupt bubble bursts, causing a scandal and a world recession or ANOTHER Great Depression.

The idea that Bush is responsible for the credit bubble that popped in 2008 is utterly absurd. Credit bubble's normally take over a decade to develop. The bubble that popped in 1929 started in 1913 when the federal reserve was created. It promptly began pumping excess credit into the market. After the war Germany had war debts to repay so the federal reserve facilitated that by further inflating the supply of credit. The 2008 bubble began during the Clinton administration when enforcement of the CRA began in earnest.
You seem determined to impose your idea of "fair" on the rest of us. Here's a clue: life ain't "fair" and you struggle to absorb the facts. According to Franco's source, the bottom 40% of American earners pay an avg of 19% in total tax burden while the top 60% pay 29% of their earnings in taxes.

Here's an idea. We go back to the Pre-Reagan tax structure.

Problem solved.

ROFL! No, that would create a bigger problem.
95% of new wealth goes to the richest, and we have the worst rich/poor gap and upward mobility in the history of our country. Also per cent homeless and in prison, highest college costs and infrastructure going to hell. Great job, Pubbies.

Our tax system is basically a flat tax, and if you count government fees, the poorest are closer to the rich in % paid. We're all going to hell for the sake of your megarich brainwashers...

Wow. I can't believe how dense you loony leftist whiners are. YOUR OWN SOURCE says you are a liar. This is from the article you linked:
The bottom 40% of American earners face an avg of 19% in total tax burden while the top 60% pay 29% of their earnings in taxes.
Those earning $30,000/yr pay $5,800.
Those earning $200,000/yr pay $58,000.
Does that really seem like a "flat tax" to you?
As you say, the top 60% pay the same, which a flat tax and UNFAIR when the top 5% get 95% of new wealth. Hell the 5 WALTONS earn as much as thye bottom 42% in this new Pub USA. Count fees, and it's worse. AND most dupes think half the country pays nothing. You're a gd genius for a dupe lol.
You said that almost everyone you know is still digging their way out of the 2008 recession because the rich were greedy and not one when to jail for it. That's an argument that they should go to jail for greed when greed isn't a crime.

NO, it's an argument they should go to jail for wrecking the economy. Convict them of economic treason with a prompt and brutal execution. Done.

There's no crime called "wrecking the economy." Furthermore, if anyone is guilty of it, it's some Democrat politicians who forced banks to grant mortgages to people who couldn't pay them.
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95% of new wealth goes to the richest, and we have the worst rich/poor gap and upward mobility in the history of our country. Also per cent homeless and in prison, highest college costs and infrastructure going to hell. Great job, Pubbies.

Our tax system is basically a flat tax, and if you count government fees, the poorest are closer to the rich in % paid. We're all going to hell for the sake of your megarich brainwashers...

Wow. I can't believe how dense you loony leftist whiners are. YOUR OWN SOURCE says you are a liar. This is from the article you linked:
The bottom 40% of American earners face an avg of 19% in total tax burden while the top 60% pay 29% of their earnings in taxes.
Those earning $30,000/yr pay $5,800.
Those earning $200,000/yr pay $58,000.
Does that really seem like a "flat tax" to you?
As you say, the top 60% pay the same, which a flat tax and UNFAIR when the top 5% get 95% of new wealth. Hell the 5 WALTONS earn as much as thye bottom 42% in this new Pub USA. Count fees, and it's worse. AND most dupes think half the country pays nothing. You're a gd genius for a dupe lol.

Hmmm, why doesn't that work for Venezuela or Russia or Brazil? They all have abundant natural resources. Sweden also has abundant natural resources.
Corruption, bad education and training. Sweden did snap back- also skipped the Pubscam carnival.

Sweden's economy has never been robust ever since it adopted the welfare state.
Oh BS. I suppose only GOP economies are robust. Just before the corrupt bubble bursts, causing a scandal and a world recession or ANOTHER Great Depression.

The idea that Bush is responsible for the credit bubble that popped in 2008 is utterly absurd. Credit bubble's normally take over a decade to develop. The bubble that popped in 1929 started in 1913 when the federal reserve was created. It promptly began pumping excess credit into the market. After the war Germany had war debts to repay so the federal reserve facilitated that by further inflating the supply of credit. The 2008 bubble began during the Clinton administration when enforcement of the CRA began in earnest.

Pure poppycock. Fanny and Freddie's share of the market went from 75% to 25% in 2003 and Booshie pals went nuts lending scams to anyone breathing AROUND THE WORLD. Had NOTHING to do with CRA. 1929 was caused by Pub deregulation that allowed buying on 10% margin. Idiocy.

Pubs also ruined Versailles and the League, allowed militarists in Germany and Japan (rise made possible by chaos of THAT Pub Great Depression) to run wild 1933-41. Sorry to break it to the hater dupes and dingbat Yanks...
95% of new wealth goes to the richest, and we have the worst rich/poor gap and upward mobility in the history of our country. Also per cent homeless and in prison, highest college costs and infrastructure going to hell. Great job, Pubbies.

Our tax system is basically a flat tax, and if you count government fees, the poorest are closer to the rich in % paid. We're all going to hell for the sake of your megarich brainwashers...

Wow. I can't believe how dense you loony leftist whiners are. YOUR OWN SOURCE says you are a liar. This is from the article you linked:
The bottom 40% of American earners face an avg of 19% in total tax burden while the top 60% pay 29% of their earnings in taxes.
Those earning $30,000/yr pay $5,800.
Those earning $200,000/yr pay $58,000.
Does that really seem like a "flat tax" to you?
As you say, the top 60% pay the same, which a flat tax and UNFAIR when the top 5% get 95% of new wealth. Hell the 5 WALTONS earn as much as thye bottom 42% in this new Pub USA. Count fees, and it's worse. AND most dupes think half the country pays nothing. You're a gd genius for a dupe lol.
Does your "think tank" have ANY connection to reality? LOL
Hmmm, why doesn't that work for Venezuela or Russia or Brazil? They all have abundant natural resources. Sweden also has abundant natural resources.
Corruption, bad education and training. Sweden did snap back- also skipped the Pubscam carnival.

Sweden's economy has never been robust ever since it adopted the welfare state.
Oh BS. I suppose only GOP economies are robust. Just before the corrupt bubble bursts, causing a scandal and a world recession or ANOTHER Great Depression.

The idea that Bush is responsible for the credit bubble that popped in 2008 is utterly absurd. Credit bubble's normally take over a decade to develop. The bubble that popped in 1929 started in 1913 when the federal reserve was created. It promptly began pumping excess credit into the market. After the war Germany had war debts to repay so the federal reserve facilitated that by further inflating the supply of credit. The 2008 bubble began during the Clinton administration when enforcement of the CRA began in earnest.

Pure poppycock. Fanny and Freddie's share of the market went from 75% to 25% in 2003 and Booshie pals went nuts lending scams to anyone breathing AROUND THE WORLD. Had NOTHING to do with CRA. 1929 was caused by Pub deregulation that allowed buying on 10% margin. Idiocy.

Pubs also ruined Versailles and the League, allowed militarists in Germany and Japan (rise made possible by chaos of THAT Pub Great Depression) to run wild 1933-41. Sorry to break it to the hater dupes and dingbat Yanks...

This issue has been debated ad nauseum in this forum already. I realize a brainwashed drone like you is never going to admit the truth, so I'm not going to waste my time with further debate on it.
No, this is not Obama.

This is a culture war, a deep and real division that is growing by the day.

One guy can't do that.

could be I guess. I believe the article is talking more about him abusing his power as President
His presidency is essentially a symptom of the culture war.


true fact. I see what you mean.

I was just reading this if anyone is interested:

This Culture War We're In
Posted by Daniel Greenfield @ the Sultan Knish blog 43 Comments
How are wars won?

To win a war you don't need to kill every soldier on the other side. What you need to do is destroy the other army as an organized force. You destroy the ability of the officers to command and the morale of the men. You destroy their perception of the worth of their side and of their own self-worth.

All wars are culture wars. To win you must destroy the values of the other side. (That is one reason why we're losing to Islam no matter how many times we beat them on the battlefield.) You must destroy their sense of purpose and the values instilled in them to break them as an organization.

That is what the left has been doing to us.

ALL of it here:
Sultan Knish This Culture War We re In
I think this culture war is at the heart of most of our decay.

But there are two sides to every war, both sides commit crimes, and both sides think it's their way or no way.

Too many blind warriors, no peacemakers that I can think of.


I think the people has bent over backwards over the years to try and keep the peace

but today we seeing what we got for it. You give them a inch they want a mile...

who's to say what's going to happen. but it's not looking good. They are out to bring us down
Domestic tranquillity cannot be ensured by giving bread and circuses to the masses, on borrowed money.

Rome proved that.

The PAX LBJ is over, America is going to explode.

Let's just hope it is class warfare and not race warfare.

Without my black friends, I'd be one lonely dude, I outlived all but one of my close white friends.

Hard running took its toll.
95% of new wealth goes to the richest, and we have the worst rich/poor gap and upward mobility in the history of our country. Also per cent homeless and in prison, highest college costs and infrastructure going to hell. Great job, Pubbies.

Our tax system is basically a flat tax, and if you count government fees, the poorest are closer to the rich in % paid. We're all going to hell for the sake of your megarich brainwashers...

Wow. I can't believe how dense you loony leftist whiners are. YOUR OWN SOURCE says you are a liar. This is from the article you linked:
The bottom 40% of American earners face an avg of 19% in total tax burden while the top 60% pay 29% of their earnings in taxes.
Those earning $30,000/yr pay $5,800.
Those earning $200,000/yr pay $58,000.
Does that really seem like a "flat tax" to you?
As you say, the top 60% pay the same, which a flat tax and UNFAIR when the top 5% get 95% of new wealth. Hell the 5 WALTONS earn as much as thye bottom 42% in this new Pub USA. Count fees, and it's worse. AND most dupes think half the country pays nothing. You're a gd genius for a dupe lol.
How much new wealth does the bottom 42% create?

Nobody says they pay nothing anyway, they don't pay Federal Personal Income Tax.

Time for a head tax, payable in cash or labor, on all able bodied, so everyone has "skin in the game".
OK, so you didn't cost them anything. So we are back to they shit canned you for sucking

My medical bills in 2006-2008 were over $70,000. which is why you buy insurance. Supposedly

Incidently, my reviews were exemplary and I got the maximum allowable raise every year.

You are saying insurance paid for it, not your employer, but your employer fired you for the medical bills. That makes no sense, though nothing else you say does either.

So did this cost your employer $70K or not? Stop dancing

And wow, you made your employer money "hand over fist" and they fired you for $70K? Again, that makes no sense. You kept saying it was a lot of money. I thought you were talking hundreds of thousands at least. But $70K for a rainmaker? No freaking way
Corruption, bad education and training. Sweden did snap back- also skipped the Pubscam carnival.

Sweden's economy has never been robust ever since it adopted the welfare state.
Oh BS. I suppose only GOP economies are robust. Just before the corrupt bubble bursts, causing a scandal and a world recession or ANOTHER Great Depression.

The idea that Bush is responsible for the credit bubble that popped in 2008 is utterly absurd. Credit bubble's normally take over a decade to develop. The bubble that popped in 1929 started in 1913 when the federal reserve was created. It promptly began pumping excess credit into the market. After the war Germany had war debts to repay so the federal reserve facilitated that by further inflating the supply of credit. The 2008 bubble began during the Clinton administration when enforcement of the CRA began in earnest.

Pure poppycock. Fanny and Freddie's share of the market went from 75% to 25% in 2003 and Booshie pals went nuts lending scams to anyone breathing AROUND THE WORLD. Had NOTHING to do with CRA. 1929 was caused by Pub deregulation that allowed buying on 10% margin. Idiocy.

Pubs also ruined Versailles and the League, allowed militarists in Germany and Japan (rise made possible by chaos of THAT Pub Great Depression) to run wild 1933-41. Sorry to break it to the hater dupes and dingbat Yanks...

This issue has been debated ad nauseum in this forum already. I realize a brainwashed drone like you is never going to admit the truth, so I'm not going to waste my time with further debate on it.
Yup- don't let facts get in the way of your ideological propaganda...
Sweden's economy has never been robust ever since it adopted the welfare state.
Oh BS. I suppose only GOP economies are robust. Just before the corrupt bubble bursts, causing a scandal and a world recession or ANOTHER Great Depression.

The idea that Bush is responsible for the credit bubble that popped in 2008 is utterly absurd. Credit bubble's normally take over a decade to develop. The bubble that popped in 1929 started in 1913 when the federal reserve was created. It promptly began pumping excess credit into the market. After the war Germany had war debts to repay so the federal reserve facilitated that by further inflating the supply of credit. The 2008 bubble began during the Clinton administration when enforcement of the CRA began in earnest.

Pure poppycock. Fanny and Freddie's share of the market went from 75% to 25% in 2003 and Booshie pals went nuts lending scams to anyone breathing AROUND THE WORLD. Had NOTHING to do with CRA. 1929 was caused by Pub deregulation that allowed buying on 10% margin. Idiocy.

Pubs also ruined Versailles and the League, allowed militarists in Germany and Japan (rise made possible by chaos of THAT Pub Great Depression) to run wild 1933-41. Sorry to break it to the hater dupes and dingbat Yanks...

This issue has been debated ad nauseum in this forum already. I realize a brainwashed drone like you is never going to admit the truth, so I'm not going to waste my time with further debate on it.
Yup- don't let facts get in the way of your ideological propaganda...

Nothing you posted is a fact. It's all liberal myth.
95% of new wealth goes to the richest, and we have the worst rich/poor gap and upward mobility in the history of our country. Also per cent homeless and in prison, highest college costs and infrastructure going to hell. Great job, Pubbies.

Our tax system is basically a flat tax, and if you count government fees, the poorest are closer to the rich in % paid. We're all going to hell for the sake of your megarich brainwashers...

Wow. I can't believe how dense you loony leftist whiners are. YOUR OWN SOURCE says you are a liar. This is from the article you linked:
The bottom 40% of American earners face an avg of 19% in total tax burden while the top 60% pay 29% of their earnings in taxes.
Those earning $30,000/yr pay $5,800.
Those earning $200,000/yr pay $58,000.
Does that really seem like a "flat tax" to you?
As you say, the top 60% pay the same, which a flat tax and UNFAIR when the top 5% get 95% of new wealth. Hell the 5 WALTONS earn as much as thye bottom 42% in this new Pub USA. Count fees, and it's worse. AND most dupes think half the country pays nothing. You're a gd genius for a dupe lol.
How much new wealth does the bottom 42% create?

Nobody says they pay nothing anyway, they don't pay Federal Personal Income Tax.

Time for a head tax, payable in cash or labor, on all able bodied, so everyone has "skin in the game".
Remember, you're a genius among Pub dupes- actually interested! Another flat tax? Yikes. EVERYONE IS ALREADY PAYING At least 20%, 60% at the top ALL pay 29%, 55% of giant corps pay nothing, and the richest get 95% of new wealth. THINK!!
They try to make it where you actually have something because they know you damn well can't earn that much.

You have a problem with someone keeping more of what they earned yet none with someone that didn't earn it getting it. The latter is far more greedy than the former ever could be.

but you see, with your fucked upthinking, the thing is the wealth WAS earned by the people who did the work, not the people who invested in it. That's where you are seriously suffering from some fucked up thinking.

Here. We can try an expirament. We'll take 100 investors and put them on a desert island, and 100 laborers and put them on another desert island. Guess which group is probably going to end up surviving?

Now while it would be amusing to film Investors resorting to cannibalism, because that's probably what they end up doing given their natures, I think it proves a point.

Labor is more important than capital, and therefore deserves the higher consideration, to paraphrase Abe Lincoln.

(That would be the guy who freed the Darkies. I'm sure you're still mad at him.)
Oh BS. I suppose only GOP economies are robust. Just before the corrupt bubble bursts, causing a scandal and a world recession or ANOTHER Great Depression.

The idea that Bush is responsible for the credit bubble that popped in 2008 is utterly absurd. Credit bubble's normally take over a decade to develop. The bubble that popped in 1929 started in 1913 when the federal reserve was created. It promptly began pumping excess credit into the market. After the war Germany had war debts to repay so the federal reserve facilitated that by further inflating the supply of credit. The 2008 bubble began during the Clinton administration when enforcement of the CRA began in earnest.

Pure poppycock. Fanny and Freddie's share of the market went from 75% to 25% in 2003 and Booshie pals went nuts lending scams to anyone breathing AROUND THE WORLD. Had NOTHING to do with CRA. 1929 was caused by Pub deregulation that allowed buying on 10% margin. Idiocy.

Pubs also ruined Versailles and the League, allowed militarists in Germany and Japan (rise made possible by chaos of THAT Pub Great Depression) to run wild 1933-41. Sorry to break it to the hater dupes and dingbat Yanks...

This issue has been debated ad nauseum in this forum already. I realize a brainwashed drone like you is never going to admit the truth, so I'm not going to waste my time with further debate on it.
Yup- don't let facts get in the way of your ideological propaganda...

Nothing you posted is a fact. It's all liberal myth.
Yup, the GOP supported Versailles and the League, were all over Hitler in the 30's, made sure Wall St. was tightly regulated in the 20's, fought in Spain, Lindbergh retired quietly after flying to Paris. People simply realized the CRA existed only in 2003, Booshie regulators made sure there were no private scam mortgages. It was all those gd ni**ers again lol...
There's no crime called "wrecking the economy." Furthermore, if anyone is guilty of it, it's some Democrat politicians who forced banks to grant mortgages to people who couldn't pay them.

The government didn't force them to do that. It just simply said you can't refuse loans to borrowers in neighborhoods because of the neighborhood. You really need to education yourself on what the CRA actually is.

The economy didn't crash because poor people were buying houses. It crashed because middle class people were buying McMansions hoping to flip them, and the banks sold those loans off as "investments" when they were actually worthless.
You are saying insurance paid for it, not your employer, but your employer fired you for the medical bills. That makes no sense, though nothing else you say does either.

I can explain this to you six ways to sunday, and you STILL won't understand it.

Okay, try to make it simple for you. In 2007, I had two operations, costing a total of $70,000, of which I had to pay something like $20,000 out of my own pocket. And lo and behold, after six years of exemplary reviews, they tried a bunch of schemes to get me off the payroll. When those failed, they simply paid me $10,000 in "Please don't sue us" money.

They also fired two pregnant girls, and another fellow who had the same kind of surgery. There was a 20 year employee who was let go after he snapped a tendon in his arm, and another fellow who was injured on the job with a back problem. (He actually got a $300,000 settlement.)

And wow, you made your employer money "hand over fist" and they fired you for $70K? Again, that makes no sense. You kept saying it was a lot of money. I thought you were talking hundreds of thousands at least. But $70K for a rainmaker? No freaking way

It would make sense in a sensible world. But here's the thing, most of the fixes I put in were at the beginning of my career, not the end of it. This company saw employees who made medical claims as a liability, it didn't matter how long they had been with the company. (Again, I owuld point out the 20 year employee they let go.)

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