Has Obama Made Us Into a Banana Republic?

As always, Obama haters don't pass up ANY opportunity to show both their animosity AND stupidity....The author of the article (Bialosky) is a renowned Zionist whose loyalty is much more toward Israel than the U.S. and such folks cannot stomach any individual who challenges the supremacy of the Israeli lobby.....In other words, it is another example of demanding that the "tail" must wag the "dog."

Sounds more like you are a little Nazi boy who can't stomach the fact that a Republican American who happens to be Jewish has the temerity to question the direction he believes this country is headed under this President.

Brilliant, if you criticize Israel.........idiots call you a "Nazi boy"............
However, criticize Obama........and you are a_________???????
Come on, dingbat, fill in the blank.

But you didn't criticize Israel, Adolph. You castigated the article's author - without a lick of evidence - as one whose loyalty is much more toward Israel than the U.S. .....

Moronic......and biased...The author of the article, Bialosky, created the L.A. GOP Jewish coalition ....writes for the Jewish Journal, and is drinking buddy with Rumsfeld....
Did you really expect this guy to be an objective American first and NOT showing his allegiance to the Zionist movement????
Only for people whose value actually means something. You aren't one of them.

Bummer. Hey, how about now?
View attachment 39110

Interesting how your profile says male yet you post a picture of a female. I got it now. You're a pussy.

So you're gay.
Well, that's OK. I didn't know. Otherwise I would have posted this:
View attachment 39112

Well, I have early meetings tomorrow morning. But let's do this again. OK Con 65?
No but you must be posting a female's picture as a male.

Any guy who doesn't appreciate Kate Upton is either dead or gay. At least that's what Ted Nugent said and I know the far right loves Ted or was that Rosie O'Donnell? I always get those two mixed up. :alcoholic:

I appreciate my wife. That's the only one that matters.
Woo. The irony is strong there. You seem to be in desperate need of some humanization.

Not at all. Nearly everyone I know is still digging their way out from the recession of 2008 because a few rich people got too greedy, and not a fucking one of them went to prison for it.

Although I disagree about greed, show me where a law says it's a crime.
In this matter - between the worker and his employer - your highly predictable anti-biz opinion means absolutely nothing.

i was specifically talking about a company where i worked at where they ROUTINELY fired employees who got injured, sick or pregnant.
Do try to keep up.
It is the main reason I am anti-business...

You seem intent on poking your nose into others biz. Regardless of what seems to be bad (or illegal) company policy, the fired workers either received all the medical benefits to which they were entitled or have the right to sue for them. They have no reason to expect any employer to provide more than that which was contracted for when they agreed to employment. Your anti-biz stance is far more pernicious than what you allegedly experienced at one company.
Brilliant, if you criticize Israel.........idiots call you a "Nazi boy"............
However, criticize Obama........and you are a_________???????
Come on, dingbat, fill in the blank.

But you didn't criticize Israel, Adolph. You castigated the article's author - without a lick of evidence - as one whose loyalty is much more toward Israel than the U.S. .....

Moronic......and biased...The author of the article, Bialosky, created the L.A. GOP Jewish coalition ....writes for the Jewish Journal, and is drinking buddy with Rumsfeld....
Did you really expect this guy to be an objective American first and NOT showing his allegiance to the Zionist movement????

You are going back and forth but getting nowhere. First you bitched about the (Jew) author. Then you whined you were just criticizing Israel. Now you are back to bitching about the (Jew) author who is just as American - if not more so - than you.
Although I disagree about greed, show me where a law says it's a crime.

well, we can start with the consumer fraud that went on when they took sub-prime mortgages and sold them as 'investments". That actually WAS a crime.

But our leaders listened to folks in the Banking industry that said widespread prosecutions would panic the system.
Right wingers will bitch and moan for the next 2 years without any real basis except for what they hear on FOX......Let them !!!

They've now become powerless to ever gain the WH....oh, they'll hold on to the House. especially since they're so hate filled that they will show up en masse for congressional seats' elections....but the WH is a bridge too far.

Prompted by tacit racism or simple stupidity, right wingers are destined to be the "party" of dis-unity, obstruction, discord and perpetual ulcers.
You seem intent on poking your nose into others biz. Regardless of what seems to be bad (or illegal) company policy, the fired workers either received all the medical benefits to which they were entitled or have the right to sue for them. They have no reason to expect any employer to provide more than that which was contracted for when they agreed to employment. Your anti-biz stance is far more pernicious than what you allegedly experienced at one company.

No, actually, my attitudes about business are perfectly appropriate. We need to stop letting these people get away with murder.

I'd have been happy if they lived up to their agreements. I wasn't asking them to "exceed" them. I paid for health insurance, or worked for it, I had a reasonable expectation to get the treatment.
Although I disagree about greed, show me where a law says it's a crime.

well, we can start with the consumer fraud that went on when they took sub-prime mortgages and sold them as 'investments". That actually WAS a crime.

But our leaders listened to folks in the Banking industry that said widespread prosecutions would panic the system.

You provided where fraud is a crime. I agree with that. You still haven't shown where greed is a crime.
While greed may have been the motivation, greed isn't a crime.
Brilliant, if you criticize Israel.........idiots call you a "Nazi boy"............
However, criticize Obama........and you are a_________???????
Come on, dingbat, fill in the blank.

But you didn't criticize Israel, Adolph. You castigated the article's author - without a lick of evidence - as one whose loyalty is much more toward Israel than the U.S. .....

Moronic......and biased...The author of the article, Bialosky, created the L.A. GOP Jewish coalition ....writes for the Jewish Journal, and is drinking buddy with Rumsfeld....
Did you really expect this guy to be an objective American first and NOT showing his allegiance to the Zionist movement????

You are going back and forth but getting nowhere. First you bitched about the (Jew) author. Then you whined you were just criticizing Israel. Now you are back to bitching about the (Jew) author who is just as American - if not more so - than you.

Simply answer the question: Is the author of the original post's article first an American...or is he just another shill for the Israeli lobby?

If an Arab were writing about the US lack of support for Palestinians, would you feel......honestly feel, that, when the author was blasting a sitting president that this individual was an American FIRST and only an Islamist second?
A system like SS can't be fine. It greatly over benefits those of lower income and greatly under benefits those with higher incomes. Someone contributing at 5x the yearly amount because they have a high income doesn't get 5x the yearly distribution as someone with a low income. I know you like that because you think the wealthy owe the poor.

You forgot how Clinton raided it in order to claim he balanced the budget.

except he didn't. Clinton ran surpluses. Had we kept up with his common sense budgeting, we'd have plenty of money in the trust fund right now.

Of course the wealthy owe the poor. Who do you think they got wealthy at the expense of?

Except he did.

I'm not shocked you think someone owes you something. Try earning it for a change instead of demanding it be given to you.
My example did just that. Someone making 10x more paid 10x more. You seem to be saying someone benefitting 10x more should pay 50x more. Coming from someone that amounts to nothing, I can understand why you would pay nothing.

Yes, that works for me. The rich are parasites. They should pay a lot more. and they should be happy to do it.

So it isn't about equality now? Seems you're OK with being a hypocrite when it comes to things.

You should pay some before claiming someone else should pay more.
You provided where fraud is a crime. I agree with that. You still haven't shown where greed is a crime.
While greed may have been the motivation, greed isn't a crime.

Maybe it should be.

Of course, if you are a christian, it is a sin.

Since you can't show where greed is a crime, your original premise is invalid. You wanted to charge someone with something that isn't a crime and for which you admit it isn't. Run along and come back when you have a clue.

Of course, you aren't the one to make the determination whether or not someone else is greedy. You can try but much like your desire to charge someone with something that isn't a crime, you'll fail.
So it isn't about equality now? Seems you're OK with being a hypocrite when it comes to things.

You should pay some before claiming someone else should pay more.

Actually, it's about practicality. If hte country ran well if we taxed the rich at 0%, I'd be for that.

If the country ran well if we lined up all the rich and put bullets in the backs of their heads, I'd be for that.

But neither of those things would work.

You know what does work? Making the rich pay their fair share. It worked under FDR, it worked under Ike, it worked under LBJ and JFK and even Nixon.

We enjoyed our greatest prosperity when the rich paid high taxes AND the working man got a fair wage.

Imagine that.
Hilarious. Under Bush and the Republicans, millions of jobs were moved to China and over 40,000 factories were closed. They block health care, education and the minimum wage.

But it's Obama who makes us a Banana Republic.

Fucking hilarious!
Except he did.

I'm not shocked you think someone owes you something. Try earning it for a change instead of demanding it be given to you.

How about getting what's owed people to be fairly distributed. I'm suspecting the rich wouldnt' like that much. Or people like you who fantasize about being rich.

If someone is being paid what the payer dictates is a fair wage for their skills, it is being fairly distributed. That you don't think it's enough is irrelevant.

I'm not the one claiming that the rich owe me something. You are. That makes you a parasite by definition.
Since you can't show where greed is a crime, your original premise is invalid. You wanted to charge someone with something that isn't a crime and for which you admit it isn't. Run along and come back when you have a clue.

Of course, you aren't the one to make the determination whether or not someone else is greedy. You can try but much like your desire to charge someone with something that isn't a crime, you'll fail.

If you want to keep arguing an argument I didn't make, go ahead.

Here's the thing. Do you really think that if the AG woke up with a hair up her ass tomorrow and decided to charge Wall Street with something, she couldn't find something to charge them with.

And do you think if you put it in front of a jury of 12 working stiffs, they wouldn't get real jail time?

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