Has Obama Made Us Into a Banana Republic?

As always, Obama haters don't pass up ANY opportunity to show both their animosity AND stupidity....The author of the article (Bialosky) is a renowned Zionist whose loyalty is much more toward Israel than the U.S. and such folks cannot stomach any individual who challenges the supremacy of the Israeli lobby.....In other words, it is another example of demanding that the "tail" must wag the "dog."

Sounds more like you are a little Nazi boy who can't stomach the fact that a Republican American who happens to be Jewish has the temerity to question the direction he believes this country is headed under this President.

According to your source the bottom 40% of American earners pay an avg of 19% in total tax burden while the top 60% pay 29% of their earnings in taxes.
Those earning $30,000/yr pay $5,800.
Those earning $200,000/yr pay $58,000.
We all have access to the same gov't services & property but the rich pay 10 times as much for it.
Next time you see one, thank the rich guy.
Obviously yes. Look around. He's pushed us closer to Third World Misery than any other President in history. But it's not surprising. He is a foreign Anti-American Marxist Muslim.

His job was to degrade the Nation and allow it to fall further into the hands of the NWO Globalist Elites. He was the perfect puppet for the ignorant masses. He's done his job. It is very sad, but it is what it is.
As always, Obama haters don't pass up ANY opportunity to show both their animosity AND stupidity....The author of the article (Bialosky) is a renowned Zionist whose loyalty is much more toward Israel than the U.S. and such folks cannot stomach any individual who challenges the supremacy of the Israeli lobby.....In other words, it is another example of demanding that the "tail" must wag the "dog."

Sounds more like you are a little Nazi boy who can't stomach the fact that a Republican American who happens to be Jewish has the temerity to question the direction he believes this country is headed under this President.

Brilliant, if you criticize Israel.........idiots call you a "Nazi boy"............

However, criticize Obama........and you are a_________???????

Come on, dingbat, fill in the blank.
Obviously yes. Look around. He's pushed us closer to Third World Misery than any other President in history. But it's not surprising. He is a foreign Anti-American Marxist Muslim.

His job was to degrade the Nation and allow it to fall further into the hands of the NWO Globalist Elites. He was the perfect puppet for the ignorant masses. He's done his job. It is very sad, but it is what it is.

Hate filled (and clueless) folks like you are going to have 2 more MISERABLE years.......and, with Hillary in the "wings"....should we make it an even miserable decade for you right wingers????
I understand there are other taxes which is why I specified personal federal income taxes, not payroll taxes. See how that works?
According to your article - which you should have read BEFORE claiming I am wrong - "while about 43 percent of all households will pay no federal income tax this year, only 14 percent will pay neither income nor payroll tax." Payroll tax - FICA - is Social Security (retirement insurance), not Federal income tax and despite the fact that we've had conversation you continue to try to blur the line I've clearly delineated.

It's only delineated in YOUR mind. Point is, we make the poor pay taxes. The rich pay more taxes, but they still aren't paying anywhere near their fair share.

And since I honestly doubt you are rich, I really have to wonder why so many of you wingnuts are willing to fall on your swords for rich people who would fuck over your life for week's worth of feed for their Dressage Horses.
I said from the very beginning that the puppet Communist Organizer would make the entire Country resemble his awful Third World Chicago Hellhole. Well, look around people. It's happening.

No, this is not Obama.

This is a culture war, a deep and real division that is growing by the day.

One guy can't do that.

Ignorant tards on one side, Democrats (a coalition party) on the other. Seriously, why don't Republicans get it the entire world is laughing at them? And after all their failures, what do they think they are doing?
Thanks to the Communist in Chief asshole, the Rule of Law is dead. He's obliterated it with his awful IRS abuses, massive NSA spying, Open Border madness, Executive Order attacks, and so on. He was allowed to be a Dictator. But why? Well, i'll have to let people figure that out for themselves.
I understand there are other taxes which is why I specified personal federal income taxes, not payroll taxes. See how that works?
According to your article - which you should have read BEFORE claiming I am wrong - "while about 43 percent of all households will pay no federal income tax this year, only 14 percent will pay neither income nor payroll tax." Payroll tax - FICA - is Social Security (retirement insurance), not Federal income tax and despite the fact that we've had conversation you continue to try to blur the line I've clearly delineated.

It's only delineated in YOUR mind. Point is, we make the poor pay taxes. The rich pay more taxes, but they still aren't paying anywhere near their fair share.
And since I honestly doubt you are rich...

Not their "fair share" according to you but according to Franco's source the bottom 40% of American earners pay an avg of 19% in total tax burden while the top 60% pay 29% of their earnings in taxes.
Those earning $30,000/yr pay $5,800.
Those earning $200,000/yr pay $58,000.
We all have access to the same gov't services & property but the rich pay 10 times as much for it.
Next time you see one, thank the rich guy.
BTW, I may not be rich but I'm certainly very comfortable and grateful to the nation that gave me the opportunities. You, on the other hand...
As always, Obama haters don't pass up ANY opportunity to show both their animosity AND stupidity....The author of the article (Bialosky) is a renowned Zionist whose loyalty is much more toward Israel than the U.S. and such folks cannot stomach any individual who challenges the supremacy of the Israeli lobby.....In other words, it is another example of demanding that the "tail" must wag the "dog."

Sounds more like you are a little Nazi boy who can't stomach the fact that a Republican American who happens to be Jewish has the temerity to question the direction he believes this country is headed under this President.

Brilliant, if you criticize Israel.........idiots call you a "Nazi boy"............
However, criticize Obama........and you are a_________???????
Come on, dingbat, fill in the blank.

But you didn't criticize Israel, Adolph. You castigated the article's author - without a lick of evidence - as one whose loyalty is much more toward Israel than the U.S. .....
Non responsive. They agreed to pay a certain amount for your medical insurance. They did not agree to pay an unlimited amount. Obviously they paid the insurance they agreed to. Why did it become their problem to pay unlimited medical bills? That was the question

I think they resented paying ANY medical bills. They fired girls when they got pregnant, for instance. The only reason I got this job in the first place was because the guy who they had picked initially had cancer only two weeks into the position.

Incidentally, I was nowhere near the theoretical limit of what health insurance would cover. They in fact, waited until after the major treatment was done to even try to pull what they pulled.
Not their "fair share" according to you but according to Franco's source the bottom 40% of American earners pay an avg of 19% in total tax burden while the top 60% pay 29% of their earnings in taxes.
Those earning $30,000/yr pay $5,800.
Those earning $200,000/yr pay $58,000.
We all have access to the same gov't services & property but the rich pay 10 times as much for it.
Next time you see one, thank the rich guy.

The only way I want to thank the rich is by sending their asses to a gulag to turn them into decent human beings.

The rich are parasites. What makes a strong economy is a strong working class.
Non responsive. They agreed to pay a certain amount for your medical insurance. They did not agree to pay an unlimited amount. Obviously they paid the insurance they agreed to. Why did it become their problem to pay unlimited medical bills? That was the question

I think they resented paying ANY medical bills...

In this matter - between the worker and his employer - your highly predictable anti-biz opinion means absolutely nothing.
Ignorant tards on one side, Democrats (a coalition party) on the other. Seriously, why don't Republicans get it the entire world is laughing at them? And after all their failures, what do they think they are doing?
Yes, those who don't agree with you are "ignorant tards", and those who do really have it all together.

I absolutely believe that it's absolutely possible that someone like you absolutely believes that.

Thanks to the Communist in Chief asshole, the Rule of Law is dead. He's obliterated it with his awful IRS abuses, massive NSA spying, Open Border madness, Executive Order attacks, and so on. He was allowed to be a Dictator. But why? Well, i'll have to let people figure that out for themselves.

Obviously, this idiot is typing away from some concentration camp...where the "rule of law is dead..."
Hey, dingbat, do you want a cake with a file in it?
Thanks to the Communist in Chief asshole, the Rule of Law is dead. He's obliterated it with his awful IRS abuses, massive NSA spying, Open Border madness, Executive Order attacks, and so on. He was allowed to be a Dictator. But why? Well, i'll have to let people figure that out for themselves.

Obviously, this idiot is typing away from some concentration camp...where the "rule of law is dead..."
Hey, dingbat, do you want a cake with a file in it?

Yes, you go on defending your Criminal in Chief. Whatever floats your boat. You certainly wouldn't be the first moron to worship evil. It's been done before.
Not their "fair share" according to you but according to Franco's source the bottom 40% of American earners pay an avg of 19% in total tax burden while the top 60% pay 29% of their earnings in taxes.
Those earning $30,000/yr pay $5,800.
Those earning $200,000/yr pay $58,000.
We all have access to the same gov't services & property but the rich pay 10 times as much for it.
Next time you see one, thank the rich guy.

The only way I want to thank the rich is by sending their asses to a gulag to turn them into decent human beings.
The rich are parasites...

Woo. The irony is strong there. You seem to be in desperate need of some humanization.
In this matter - between the worker and his employer - your highly predictable anti-biz opinion means absolutely nothing.

i was specifically talking about a company where i worked at where they ROUTINELY fired employees who got injured, sick or pregnant.

Do try to keep up.

It is the main reason I am anti-business. I've seen so much bullshit in the last 23 years that I simply never give business the benefit of the doubt.

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