Has Obama Made Us Into a Banana Republic?

Hey, Transformation baby. and just think...... some of you voted for it. yeehaaa

When I was growing up we used to make fun of countries in Central and South America for the flimsy governments that were run by two-bit dictators who made up the script as they went along. In fact, we made so much fun of these operations that Woody Allen made a movie in 1971 called Bananas which parodied the governments and their haphazard operations. It is probably considered insensitive today to even refer to our southern friends in such terms. More importantly, the question is: How much are we becoming a similar operation?

This is not to state that the root cause of this problem is President Obama. Presidents have been at odds with Congress regarding the powers of the presidency since time began (1789). Early on it was more a process of defining who could do what. In recent times, it has seemed to people and scholars on both sides of the aisle that executive power has expanded at the expense of the Congress with a short turnaround in the mid 1970’s in the aftermath of Watergate. However, the current president has exerted executive power to the 10th degree bringing us the edge of a constitutional crisis.

Since January 2011 when Mr. Obama no longer had a majority in both houses of Congress, he has told the Congress on too many occasions that he will do what he wants and they cannot stop him.

Instead of attempting to negotiate a deal with the Republicans who very actively want to structure a multi-faceted immigration reform program, Mr. Obama told them to stick it in their ear and “legalized” five million people here in America illegally.

That caused 26 states to sue him and have the program put on hold. He followed that up by negotiating an agreement with a dangerous adversary, Iran, and made blatant he intends to circumvent the Congress.

ALL of it here:
Has Obama Made Us Into a Banana Republic - Bruce Bialosky - Page 1

You consider dictatorships flimsy gov'ts?
Oh fuck off. Your country my ass.
Exactly who in the hell do you think you are?
I'll tell you what I think you are based on your posts, you claim to love the Constitution, yet seem ignorant of the fact that the Constitution was written with diversity of ideas/opinions in mind.
And you have the ignorance to tell people to get the fuck out of your country, I mean, who in the hell are you?

I'm one of those that funds this country unlike the parasite and leeches you think should get for nothing what you demand I pay for.

I'm the one that said get the hell out. Don't like it, you fuck off.

You fund the country, says you! What makes you think you "funds this country" more than I or any other poster? Because you say so? I doubt you do, I highly doubt you do.

I never claimed I funded it more than someone else. I claimed I funded it which is more than almost half of the country can say when it comes to income taxes, the biggest funding source.

Doubt what you want motherfucker. What you think means nothing because your existence means nothing. I'm tired of paying for the leeches that won't work and tramps that spread their legs for any dick that comes their way.

Well, that post was an illustration of poor sentence structure.
Actually, my existence does mean something, All existence means something. I suggest you read the Bible.

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31

Are going to continue to "wow us" with more posts? :biggrin: I sure hope so. :popcorn:

Only to an idiot that can't understand simple English.

Interesting how you relate your value to sparrows. Since sparrows aren't worth much, neither are you. I do stand corrected. Everyone is worth something. You are a good source for which to make fun and that's worth something.

:clap: Bravo! Bravo!
Do you have anymore? :laugh:
I'm one of those that funds this country unlike the parasite and leeches you think should get for nothing what you demand I pay for.

I'm the one that said get the hell out. Don't like it, you fuck off.

You fund the country, says you! What makes you think you "funds this country" more than I or any other poster? Because you say so? I doubt you do, I highly doubt you do.

I never claimed I funded it more than someone else. I claimed I funded it which is more than almost half of the country can say when it comes to income taxes, the biggest funding source.

Doubt what you want motherfucker. What you think means nothing because your existence means nothing. I'm tired of paying for the leeches that won't work and tramps that spread their legs for any dick that comes their way.

Well, that post was an illustration of poor sentence structure.
Actually, my existence does mean something, All existence means something. I suggest you read the Bible.

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31

Are going to continue to "wow us" with more posts? :biggrin: I sure hope so. :popcorn:

Only to an idiot that can't understand simple English.

Interesting how you relate your value to sparrows. Since sparrows aren't worth much, neither are you. I do stand corrected. Everyone is worth something. You are a good source for which to make fun and that's worth something.

:clap: Bravo! Bravo!
Do you have anymore? :laugh:
Only for people whose value actually means something. You aren't one of them.
Now we see what type of traitor you are. I guess the only thing that would make it better is if it were written to suit you.

A bit off topic, but if I were rewriting the constutition, it would look like this.

1) No Gerrymandering.
2) Eliminate the Senate.
3) Eliminate the Electoral College.
4) Public Funding of elections and STRICT limits on any and all campaign financing. No more legal bribery.
5) Rich people trying to weasel their way around #4 will get STIFF prison fines and sent to big-boy prison for the rest of their lives.

It's a good thing commies like you didn't exist when the Constitution was written.

BTW, how do rich people "weasel around the 4th Amendment?" Why should the amount of money you have justify imposing steeper sentences? That would be a clear violation of the 14th Amendment.
You fund the country, says you! What makes you think you "funds this country" more than I or any other poster? Because you say so? I doubt you do, I highly doubt you do.

I never claimed I funded it more than someone else. I claimed I funded it which is more than almost half of the country can say when it comes to income taxes, the biggest funding source.

Doubt what you want motherfucker. What you think means nothing because your existence means nothing. I'm tired of paying for the leeches that won't work and tramps that spread their legs for any dick that comes their way.

Well, that post was an illustration of poor sentence structure.
Actually, my existence does mean something, All existence means something. I suggest you read the Bible.

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31

Are going to continue to "wow us" with more posts? :biggrin: I sure hope so. :popcorn:

Only to an idiot that can't understand simple English.

Interesting how you relate your value to sparrows. Since sparrows aren't worth much, neither are you. I do stand corrected. Everyone is worth something. You are a good source for which to make fun and that's worth something.

:clap: Bravo! Bravo!
Do you have anymore? :laugh:
Only for people whose value actually means something. You aren't one of them.

Bummer. Hey, how about now?
Great idea... drive the US directly down the Social Democracy drain.

LOL! A form of governance that had been thoroughly discredited by the 18th Century.

Actually, europe and Japan do better than we do. We wallow in pigshit clinging to our guns and bibles while the 1%ers turn us into a third world country.

Sorry to disillusion you, turd, but economic growth is lower in Europe and Japan, and unemployment is higher. So who's going down the road to being a third world country?
I never claimed I funded it more than someone else. I claimed I funded it which is more than almost half of the country can say when it comes to income taxes, the biggest funding source.

Doubt what you want motherfucker. What you think means nothing because your existence means nothing. I'm tired of paying for the leeches that won't work and tramps that spread their legs for any dick that comes their way.

Well, that post was an illustration of poor sentence structure.
Actually, my existence does mean something, All existence means something. I suggest you read the Bible.

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31

Are going to continue to "wow us" with more posts? :biggrin: I sure hope so. :popcorn:

Only to an idiot that can't understand simple English.

Interesting how you relate your value to sparrows. Since sparrows aren't worth much, neither are you. I do stand corrected. Everyone is worth something. You are a good source for which to make fun and that's worth something.

:clap: Bravo! Bravo!
Do you have anymore? :laugh:
Only for people whose value actually means something. You aren't one of them.

Bummer. Hey, how about now?
View attachment 39110

Interesting how your profile says male yet you post a picture of a female. I got it now. You're a pussy.
Now we see what type of traitor you are. I guess the only thing that would make it better is if it were written to suit you.

A bit off topic, but if I were rewriting the constutition, it would look like this.

1) No Gerrymandering.
2) Eliminate the Senate.
3) Eliminate the Electoral College.
4) Public Funding of elections and STRICT limits on any and all campaign financing. No more legal bribery.
5) Rich people trying to weasel their way around #4 will get STIFF prison fines and sent to big-boy prison for the rest of their lives.

It's a good thing commies like you didn't exist when the Constitution was written.

BTW, how do rich people "weasel around the 4th Amendment?" Why should the amount of money you have justify imposing steeper sentences? That would be a clear violation of the 14th Amendment.
People like Joe aren't worried about the 14th Amendment unless it means giving the children of illegal criminals citizenship.
Well, that post was an illustration of poor sentence structure.
Actually, my existence does mean something, All existence means something. I suggest you read the Bible.

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31

Are going to continue to "wow us" with more posts? :biggrin: I sure hope so. :popcorn:

Only to an idiot that can't understand simple English.

Interesting how you relate your value to sparrows. Since sparrows aren't worth much, neither are you. I do stand corrected. Everyone is worth something. You are a good source for which to make fun and that's worth something.

:clap: Bravo! Bravo!
Do you have anymore? :laugh:
Only for people whose value actually means something. You aren't one of them.

Bummer. Hey, how about now?
View attachment 39110

Interesting how your profile says male yet you post a picture of a female. I got it now. You're a pussy.

So you're gay.
Well, that's OK. I didn't know. Otherwise I would have posted this:
images.jpg simmons.jpg

Well, I have early meetings tomorrow morning. But let's do this again. OK Con 65?
Only to an idiot that can't understand simple English.

Interesting how you relate your value to sparrows. Since sparrows aren't worth much, neither are you. I do stand corrected. Everyone is worth something. You are a good source for which to make fun and that's worth something.

:clap: Bravo! Bravo!
Do you have anymore? :laugh:
Only for people whose value actually means something. You aren't one of them.

Bummer. Hey, how about now?
View attachment 39110

Interesting how your profile says male yet you post a picture of a female. I got it now. You're a pussy.

So you're gay.
Well, that's OK. I didn't know. Otherwise I would have posted this:
View attachment 39112

Well, I have early meetings tomorrow morning. But let's do this again. OK Con 65?
No but you must be posting a female's picture as a male.
Great idea... drive the US directly down the Social Democracy drain.

LOL! A form of governance that had been thoroughly discredited by the 18th Century.

Actually, europe and Japan do better than we do. We wallow in pigshit clinging to our guns and bibles while the 1%ers turn us into a third world country.

Sorry to disillusion you, turd, but economic growth is lower in Europe and Japan, and unemployment is higher. So who's going down the road to being a third world country?
Great idea... drive the US directly down the Social Democracy drain.

LOL! A form of governance that had been thoroughly discredited by the 18th Century.

Actually, europe and Japan do better than we do. We wallow in pigshit clinging to our guns and bibles while the 1%ers turn us into a third world country.

Sorry to disillusion you, turd, but economic growth is lower in Europe and Japan, and unemployment is higher. So who's going down the road to being a third world country?

Hmmm, why doesn't that work for Venezuela or Russia or Brazil? They all have abundant natural resources. Sweden also has abundant natural resources.
Pity Reagan supported FDR before he wised up.

Another pity is the Social Security system itself. Just another example of certain people benefitting more from a system than they put in.

Actually, Social Security was just fine until Bush and Reagan decided to raid it to pay for $200 hammers and $600 toliet seats and planes that can't fly in the rain.
2) Since the Senate is the most deliberative body in the world, seems you do have a problem with debate since you want them gone. There's a problem when laws you support aren't passed due to the opposing party. When the side you support starts doing what they claimed the other side did was wrong when they no longer hold the majority number, suddenly it's OK to do so. Don't believe me. There are plenty of responses on questions here and other similar sites where members of your side say "so what".

actually, the Senate is fucking worthless. Truly and utterly worthless. Besides giving equal votes to places like Wymoning, which shouldn't even BE states, it's got stupid rules like the filabuster where a minority can hold up legislation. It was copied from the House of Lords in the UK, but the UK had the good sense to make the HOL ceremonial at a certain point.

3) What you were by saying 10 was wrong. Let's break it down. It's actually 11 instead of 13 with NJ with 14 being the last one needed. Funny thing is 8 of those 11 largest went for Obama in 2012. That was a change from the 2008 election when it took more.

New Jersey is not a swing state. New Jersey hasn't voted for a Republican President since 1984. The problem is not the largest states. The problem is that the largest states aren't really in play, so the election comes down to the smaller 'Swing States". So instead of running an election in the whole country with a popular vote, which is the way we SHOULD do it, we end up pandering to a few swing states.

Better system. Popular vote, and if no one gets 50% +1, you have a run off election between the top two. In fact, we should do this for all public offices, which would break the back of the awful two-party system.

4) Interesting thing is many on the left want to tie corporations solely with those on the right.

Mostly because the worst ideas of the right- Free Trade, Union busting, right to work, de-regulation - are the ones corporations support over the interest of the people.

. If I make 10 times what someone does, my income taxes should be 10x what theirs is

Because you get 10 times the benefit of being a member of this society, so you SHOULD pay a lot more. The income tax worked at it's best when it MADE the rich pay 93% top marginal rates, and we had estate taxes that kept a small percentage of families from accumulating too much wealth.

Our wealthiest, most prosperous period in history was from 1945- 1976. The rich paid their fair share, most of the work force was unionized. Then we listened to the rich saying they were Soooooooooo oppressed by being made to pay their fair share.
It's a good thing commies like you didn't exist when the Constitution was written.

BTW, how do rich people "weasel around the 4th Amendment?" Why should the amount of money you have justify imposing steeper sentences? That would be a clear violation of the 14th Amendment.

Are you fucking kidding me. Rich people who steal millions from pension funds get cushy sentences at Club Fed, while poor people who steal a slice of pizza go to big boy prison.

We should send them ALL to big boy prison. Put the rich in the same cells with the poor.
2) Since the Senate is the most deliberative body in the world, seems you do have a problem with debate since you want them gone. There's a problem when laws you support aren't passed due to the opposing party. When the side you support starts doing what they claimed the other side did was wrong when they no longer hold the majority number, suddenly it's OK to do so. Don't believe me. There are plenty of responses on questions here and other similar sites where members of your side say "so what".

actually, the Senate is fucking worthless. Truly and utterly worthless. Besides giving equal votes to places like Wymoning, which shouldn't even BE states, it's got stupid rules like the filabuster where a minority can hold up legislation. It was copied from the House of Lords in the UK, but the UK had the good sense to make the HOL ceremonial at a certain point.

Coming from someone that is worthless, too damn bad. Don't like that it exists, go through the process to have it done away with.

3) What you were by saying 10 was wrong. Let's break it down. It's actually 11 instead of 13 with NJ with 14 being the last one needed. Funny thing is 8 of those 11 largest went for Obama in 2012. That was a change from the 2008 election when it took more.

New Jersey is not a swing state. New Jersey hasn't voted for a Republican President since 1984. The problem is not the largest states. The problem is that the largest states aren't really in play, so the election comes down to the smaller 'Swing States". So instead of running an election in the whole country with a popular vote, which is the way we SHOULD do it, we end up pandering to a few swing states.

Better system. Popular vote, and if no one gets 50% +1, you have a run off election between the top two. In fact, we should do this for all public offices, which would break the back of the awful two-party system.

This isn't about swing states moron. It's about the biggest ones being able to decide the election without any of the others having to be a part.

I don't argue that there are better systems. That's the the premise of the original questions. Pay attention. As far as how to handle less than 50%, many states already do that including mine.

4) Interesting thing is many on the left want to tie corporations solely with those on the right.

Mostly because the worst ideas of the right- Free Trade, Union busting, right to work, de-regulation - are the ones corporations support over the interest of the people.

So corporations are OK as long as they support what you consider good leftists ideas?

. If I make 10 times what someone does, my income taxes should be 10x what theirs is

Because you get 10 times the benefit of being a member of this society, so you SHOULD pay a lot more. The income tax worked at it's best when it MADE the rich pay 93% top marginal rates, and we had estate taxes that kept a small percentage of families from accumulating too much wealth.

Our wealthiest, most prosperous period in history was from 1945- 1976. The rich paid their fair share, most of the work force was unionized. Then we listened to the rich saying they were Soooooooooo oppressed by being made to pay their fair share.

My example did just that. Someone making 10x more paid 10x more. You seem to be saying someone benefitting 10x more should pay 50x more. Coming from someone that amounts to nothing, I can understand why you would pay nothing.
Pity Reagan supported FDR before he wised up.

Another pity is the Social Security system itself. Just another example of certain people benefitting more from a system than they put in.

Actually, Social Security was just fine until Bush and Reagan decided to raid it to pay for $200 hammers and $600 toliet seats and planes that can't fly in the rain.

A system like SS can't be fine. It greatly over benefits those of lower income and greatly under benefits those with higher incomes. Someone contributing at 5x the yearly amount because they have a high income doesn't get 5x the yearly distribution as someone with a low income. I know you like that because you think the wealthy owe the poor.

You forgot how Clinton raided it in order to claim he balanced the budget.
A system like SS can't be fine. It greatly over benefits those of lower income and greatly under benefits those with higher incomes. Someone contributing at 5x the yearly amount because they have a high income doesn't get 5x the yearly distribution as someone with a low income. I know you like that because you think the wealthy owe the poor.

You forgot how Clinton raided it in order to claim he balanced the budget.

except he didn't. Clinton ran surpluses. Had we kept up with his common sense budgeting, we'd have plenty of money in the trust fund right now.

Of course the wealthy owe the poor. Who do you think they got wealthy at the expense of?
Doubt that Republicans want to bring back slavery. What a couple of idiotic asses you both are

no. you just want to keep minorities from voting, push gays back into the closet and create a permanent pool of cheap labor to feed the top 1%.... we've been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

good to know you're still dumb as toast.

Bitter Pillian is getting loonier by the day.

I suspect she needs more B-12 in her diet.

I wonder how she'll pay her bills when her looks are gone and she can't earn a living on her back anymore

That day arrived long ago, bub.

i was giving them the benefit of the doubt

Doubt that Republicans want to bring back slavery. What a couple of idiotic asses you both are

no. you just want to keep minorities from voting, push gays back into the closet and create a permanent pool of cheap labor to feed the top 1%.... we've been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

good to know you're still dumb as toast.

Bitter Pillian is getting loonier by the day.

I suspect she needs more B-12 in her diet.

I wonder how she'll pay her bills when her looks are gone and she can't earn a living on her back anymore

again with the projecting. the women who make a living on their backs are the women in your world. knock wood... i've done ok keeping the looks and i still make more with a decent career than you ever will.


Please, you're stupid as shit, that's what I was referring to, obviously. You missed that being stupid as shit and all

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