Has Obama Made Us Into a Banana Republic?

Now we see what type of traitor you are. I guess the only thing that would make it better is if it were written to suit you.

A bit off topic, but if I were rewriting the constutition, it would look like this.

1) No Gerrymandering.
2) Eliminate the Senate.
3) Eliminate the Electoral College.
4) Public Funding of elections and STRICT limits on any and all campaign financing. No more legal bribery.
5) Rich people trying to weasel their way around #4 will get STIFF prison fines and sent to big-boy prison for the rest of their lives.

Great idea... drive the US directly down the Social Democracy drain.

LOL! A form of governance that had been thoroughly discredited by the 18th Century.

Now we see what type of traitor you are. I guess the only thing that would make it better is if it were written to suit you.

A bit off topic, but if I were rewriting the constutition, it would look like this.

1) No Gerrymandering.
2) Eliminate the Senate.
3) Eliminate the Electoral College.
4) Public Funding of elections and STRICT limits on any and all campaign financing. No more legal bribery.
5) Rich people trying to weasel their way around #4 will get STIFF prison fines and sent to big-boy prison for the rest of their lives.

1) Seems gerrymandering is only wrong when Democrats aren't doing it.

2) So a one house Congress?

3) I agree the EC needs to be gone but I doubt it's for the same reasons you think. I also bet you don't have a clue as to how the EC actually functions.

4) Taxes shouldn't fund elections.

5) Poor people not paying income taxes get the same penalty.
Great idea... drive the US directly down the Social Democracy drain.

LOL! A form of governance that had been thoroughly discredited by the 18th Century.

Actually, europe and Japan do better than we do. We wallow in pigshit clinging to our guns and bibles while the 1%ers turn us into a third world country.

ROFL! At what? And please... be specific.
Now we see what type of traitor you are. I guess the only thing that would make it better is if it were written to suit you.

A bit off topic, but if I were rewriting the constutition, it would look like this.

1) No Gerrymandering.
2) Eliminate the Senate.
3) Eliminate the Electoral College.
4) Public Funding of elections and STRICT limits on any and all campaign financing. No more legal bribery.
5) Rich people trying to weasel their way around #4 will get STIFF prison fines and sent to big-boy prison for the rest of their lives.

1) Seems gerrymandering is only wrong when Democrats aren't doing it.

2) So a one house Congress?

3) I agree the EC needs to be gone but I doubt it's for the same reasons you think. I also bet you don't have a clue as to how the EC actually functions.

4) Taxes shouldn't fund elections.

5) Poor people not paying income taxes get the same penalty.

1) Gerrymandering is wrong no matter who does it.

2) Yes, a single house of congress. No bullshit with confernece committees.

3) I know exactly how it functions. It reduces presidential elections to 10 states and ends up with situations where a guy who didn't win the vote getting to be president. Four times, in fact. The last time, so fucking disasterous we may never recover.

4) Why not? I personally don't like rich people buying our politicians, and I'm not sure why you do.

5) Poor people pay taxes, even if they don't pay income taxes.
Now we see what type of traitor you are. I guess the only thing that would make it better is if it were written to suit you.

A bit off topic, but if I were rewriting the constutition, it would look like this.

1) No Gerrymandering.
2) Eliminate the Senate.
3) Eliminate the Electoral College.
4) Public Funding of elections and STRICT limits on any and all campaign financing. No more legal bribery.
5) Rich people trying to weasel their way around #4 will get STIFF prison fines and sent to big-boy prison for the rest of their lives.

1) Seems gerrymandering is only wrong when Democrats aren't doing it.

2) So a one house Congress?

3) I agree the EC needs to be gone but I doubt it's for the same reasons you think. I also bet you don't have a clue as to how the EC actually functions.

4) Taxes shouldn't fund elections.

5) Poor people not paying income taxes get the same penalty.

1) Gerrymandering is wrong no matter who does it.

2) Yes, a single house of congress. No bullshit with confernece committees.

3) I know exactly how it functions. It reduces presidential elections to 10 states and ends up with situations where a guy who didn't win the vote getting to be president. Four times, in fact. The last time, so fucking disasterous we may never recover.

4) Why not? I personally don't like rich people buying our politicians, and I'm not sure why you do.

5) Poor people pay taxes, even if they don't pay income taxes.

1) Tell that crap to someone that hasn't seen a district in his state gerrymandered to create a majority minority district to ensure a minority gets elected.

2) So you oppose debate?

3) It's actually 13 States. You would know that if you truly knew.

4) You do as long as those politicians run the government the way you like it run.

5) People like me pay both income taxes and the ones you think excuse poor people from paying income taxes. I thought you were for equality. That mean the rich person and poor person alike should pay the equal percentage.
1) Tell that crap to someone that hasn't seen a district in his state gerrymandered to create a majority minority district to ensure a minority gets elected.

2) So you oppose debate?

3) It's actually 13 States. You would know that if you truly knew.

4) You do as long as those politicians run the government the way you like it run.

5) People like me pay both income taxes and the ones you think excuse poor people from paying income taxes. I thought you were for equality. That mean the rich person and poor person alike should pay the equal percentage.

1) I think that's bad too. I think that we've regulated minorities into a few districts (they still don't represent their percentage of the population.) in order to make it easier for Republicans to get all white districts they can run in.

2) NOthing wrong with 'Debate". There is a problem when laws are tied up by a body which is not representative of the people and a minority of 41 can tie up all action.

3) Actually, I was being generous with 10. By October, they usually put all the resources in FL and OH, as all the other states are decided by that point. My list of Swing States are FL, OH, VA, NV, CO, and IA. ANd that's being generous.

4) I think rich people have bought both parties. It's still wrong.

5) I'd no problem with making the poor pay income taxes if you eliminated sales taxes, property taxes, social security, Medicare, fees, licences, tolls, sin taxes, and all the things poor people end up paying that often is more as a percentage of income than the rich pay now.
While at the same time most on the right are advocating that SNAP, Section 8, and Medicaid be 'done away with,' such is the stupidly of those blindly adhering to failed conservative dogma.

I advocate bleeding hearts like you find ANYONE you think is owed such things and write a check on their behalf from your account. The government isn't needed for them to get what you think they are owed. All they need is those who say they are owed something to fund it personally.
That is a great strategy for your ideal government

You want it........you do it yourself

You want to go to war? You go first
You want schools? Build your own
You want roads? Build them yourself

Why should people who do not want government services have to pay for them?

Since declaring war and funding a military is a delegated power of government, no problem with funding such things. Since schools are a reserved power of State governments, no problem funding them. Since social welfare, healthcare, etc. has no delegated federal authority, you fund them bleeding heart.
God...what a useless response

Government does what We the People need doing at the level that is most effective to do it.
Playing the opt out game does not comply with what our founders expected

Our founders didn't expect the government to do for people what the people should be doing for themselves.

This We the People don't need the government doing for him. Apparently, you're so worthless doing for yourself you have to have them do it for you. So sad.
Because many older Americans lived in poverty, FDR gave us Social Security. Your hero, Reagan, was all for it because, as a Democrat, he supported FDR. Pity he fell under the influence of a bunch or rich men who were to become his kitchen cabinet.
I advocate bleeding hearts like you find ANYONE you think is owed such things and write a check on their behalf from your account. The government isn't needed for them to get what you think they are owed. All they need is those who say they are owed something to fund it personally.
That is a great strategy for your ideal government

You want it........you do it yourself

You want to go to war? You go first
You want schools? Build your own
You want roads? Build them yourself

Why should people who do not want government services have to pay for them?

Since declaring war and funding a military is a delegated power of government, no problem with funding such things. Since schools are a reserved power of State governments, no problem funding them. Since social welfare, healthcare, etc. has no delegated federal authority, you fund them bleeding heart.
God...what a useless response

Government does what We the People need doing at the level that is most effective to do it.
Playing the opt out game does not comply with what our founders expected

Our founders didn't expect the government to do for people what the people should be doing for themselves.

This We the People don't need the government doing for him. Apparently, you're so worthless doing for yourself you have to have them do it for you. So sad.
Because many older Americans lived in poverty, FDR gave us Social Security. Your hero, Reagan, was all for it because, as a Democrat, he supported FDR. Pity he fell under the influence of a bunch or rich men who were to become his kitchen cabinet.

Pity Reagan supported FDR before he wised up.

Another pity is the Social Security system itself. Just another example of certain people benefitting more from a system than they put in.
Since I pay the taxes that fund the programs they use, I am.

The 1% who control 43% of the wealth provided far more than the 43% in investments so the labor could actually have a job to do. When those you say should be handed more provide the investments and the opportunities for others to have a job, they'll get more.

Guy, Investments are GAMBLING. The investor is a parasite who's convinced you he's a vital organ.

Seriously, we could replace "investors" with carefully managed government enterprise financing and be much better off. The Europeans and Japanese have done it.

Then I suggest you move to Europe or Japan and get the fuck out of MY country you Liberal, traitorous piece of shit.

Oh fuck off. Your country my ass.
Exactly who in the hell do you think you are?
I'll tell you what I think you are based on your posts, you claim to love the Constitution, yet seem ignorant of the fact that the Constitution was written with diversity of ideas/opinions in mind.
And you have the ignorance to tell people to get the fuck out of your country, I mean, who in the hell are you?
1) Tell that crap to someone that hasn't seen a district in his state gerrymandered to create a majority minority district to ensure a minority gets elected.

2) So you oppose debate?

3) It's actually 13 States. You would know that if you truly knew.

4) You do as long as those politicians run the government the way you like it run.

5) People like me pay both income taxes and the ones you think excuse poor people from paying income taxes. I thought you were for equality. That mean the rich person and poor person alike should pay the equal percentage.

1) I think that's bad too. I think that we've regulated minorities into a few districts (they still don't represent their percentage of the population.) in order to make it easier for Republicans to get all white districts they can run in.

2) Nothing wrong with 'Debate". There is a problem when laws are tied up by a body which is not representative of the people and a minority of 41 can tie up all action.

3) Actually, I was being generous with 10. By October, they usually put all the resources in FL and OH, as all the other states are decided by that point. My list of Swing States are FL, OH, VA, NV, CO, and IA. ANd that's being generous.

4) I think rich people have bought both parties. It's still wrong.

5) I'd no problem with making the poor pay income taxes if you eliminated sales taxes, property taxes, social security, Medicare, fees, licences, tolls, sin taxes, and all the things poor people end up paying that often is more as a percentage of income than the rich pay now.
1) In my State, we have 7 districts. One blue and six red. District 1, which is red, is slightly over 70% white and almost 22% black. It runs along the coast from the NC to Georgia. Other than a slight offset it's a rectangle. District 2, which is red, is 69% white, and 27% black. Other than a slight offset around the State's capital, it's a square. District 3, which is red, is 76% white and 21% black. It's more of a rural farming area that is very large due to population being spread out. It's a "country" district. It's shape is a rectangle in the NW corner. District 4, which is red, is 76% white and 20% black. It's adjacent to District 3 in the NW corner and is shaped much like a square. District 5, which is red, is 65% white and 32% black. It's located just north of center. Much like Districts 1 and 2, it's rather square. District 7, which is also red, is a newly created District that SC received due to reapportionment from the 2010 census. No data was available. Other than a slight offset, it's much the shape of a rectangle running along the border of NC near Wilmington to Fayetteville. I left District 6 for last. It's the only blue District in the State. It's 40% white and 57% black. Unlike the red districts, it's very oddly shaped. Refer to the offset references for Districts 1, 2, and 7. It has multiple offsets and was created because a bunch of whiners claimed they were being discriminated against.

2) Since the Senate is the most deliberative body in the world, seems you do have a problem with debate since you want them gone. There's a problem when laws you support aren't passed due to the opposing party. When the side you support starts doing what they claimed the other side did was wrong when they no longer hold the majority number, suddenly it's OK to do so. Don't believe me. There are plenty of responses on questions here and other similar sites where members of your side say "so what".

3) What you were by saying 10 was wrong. Let's break it down. It's actually 11 instead of 13 with NJ with 14 being the last one needed. Funny thing is 8 of those 11 largest went for Obama in 2012. That was a change from the 2008 election when it took more.

4) Interesting thing is many on the left want to tie corporations solely with those on the right.

5) I have no problem with poor people not paying any of those taxes as long as they don't use any of the programs funded by them. That's my issue with them not paying income taxes now. They are beneficiaries of programs funded by federal income taxes yet pay none of them. A bigger problem is those many vote for support continuing that while having a desire to raise income taxes on those that fund the programs they receive. Until every person pays the same percentage in all taxes, except sin taxes as that is a choice not because you simply live in society, claiming you think things should be fair is foolish. If I make 10 times what someone does, my income taxes should be 10x what theirs is. If they make $20,000, their income taxes should be $2000 while mine making 10x as much ($200,000) should be $20,000. Mine at $200,000 shouldn't be what it is while they pay nothing.
Since I pay the taxes that fund the programs they use, I am.

The 1% who control 43% of the wealth provided far more than the 43% in investments so the labor could actually have a job to do. When those you say should be handed more provide the investments and the opportunities for others to have a job, they'll get more.

Guy, Investments are GAMBLING. The investor is a parasite who's convinced you he's a vital organ.

Seriously, we could replace "investors" with carefully managed government enterprise financing and be much better off. The Europeans and Japanese have done it.

Then I suggest you move to Europe or Japan and get the fuck out of MY country you Liberal, traitorous piece of shit.

Oh fuck off. Your country my ass.
Exactly who in the hell do you think you are?
I'll tell you what I think you are based on your posts, you claim to love the Constitution, yet seem ignorant of the fact that the Constitution was written with diversity of ideas/opinions in mind.
And you have the ignorance to tell people to get the fuck out of your country, I mean, who in the hell are you?

I'm one of those that funds this country unlike the parasite and leeches you think should get for nothing what you demand I pay for.

I'm the one that said get the hell out. Don't like it, you fuck off.
Since I pay the taxes that fund the programs they use, I am.

The 1% who control 43% of the wealth provided far more than the 43% in investments so the labor could actually have a job to do. When those you say should be handed more provide the investments and the opportunities for others to have a job, they'll get more.

Guy, Investments are GAMBLING. The investor is a parasite who's convinced you he's a vital organ.

Seriously, we could replace "investors" with carefully managed government enterprise financing and be much better off. The Europeans and Japanese have done it.

Then I suggest you move to Europe or Japan and get the fuck out of MY country you Liberal, traitorous piece of shit.

Oh fuck off. Your country my ass.
Exactly who in the hell do you think you are?
I'll tell you what I think you are based on your posts, you claim to love the Constitution, yet seem ignorant of the fact that the Constitution was written with diversity of ideas/opinions in mind.
And you have the ignorance to tell people to get the fuck out of your country, I mean, who in the hell are you?

I'm one of those that funds this country unlike the parasite and leeches you think should get for nothing what you demand I pay for.

I'm the one that said get the hell out. Don't like it, you fuck off.

You fund the country, says you! What makes you think you "funds this country" more than I or any other poster? Because you say so? I doubt you do, I highly doubt you do.
Since I pay the taxes that fund the programs they use, I am.

The 1% who control 43% of the wealth provided far more than the 43% in investments so the labor could actually have a job to do. When those you say should be handed more provide the investments and the opportunities for others to have a job, they'll get more.

Guy, Investments are GAMBLING. The investor is a parasite who's convinced you he's a vital organ.

Seriously, we could replace "investors" with carefully managed government enterprise financing and be much better off. The Europeans and Japanese have done it.

Then I suggest you move to Europe or Japan and get the fuck out of MY country you Liberal, traitorous piece of shit.

Oh fuck off. Your country my ass.
Exactly who in the hell do you think you are?
I'll tell you what I think you are based on your posts, you claim to love the Constitution, yet seem ignorant of the fact that the Constitution was written with diversity of ideas/opinions in mind.
And you have the ignorance to tell people to get the fuck out of your country, I mean, who in the hell are you?

I'm one of those that funds this country unlike the parasite and leeches you think should get for nothing what you demand I pay for.

I'm the one that said get the hell out. Don't like it, you fuck off.

You fund the country, says you! What makes you think you "funds this country" more than I or any other poster? Because you say so? I doubt you do, I highly doubt you do.

I never claimed I funded it more than someone else. I claimed I funded it which is more than almost half of the country can say when it comes to income taxes, the biggest funding source.

Doubt what you want motherfucker. What you think means nothing because your existence means nothing. I'm tired of paying for the leeches that won't work and tramps that spread their legs for any dick that comes their way.
Hey, Transformation baby. and just think...... some of you voted for it. yeehaaa

When I was growing up we used to make fun of countries in Central and South America for the flimsy governments that were run by two-bit dictators who made up the script as they went along. In fact, we made so much fun of these operations that Woody Allen made a movie in 1971 called Bananas which parodied the governments and their haphazard operations. It is probably considered insensitive today to even refer to our southern friends in such terms. More importantly, the question is: How much are we becoming a similar operation?

This is not to state that the root cause of this problem is President Obama. Presidents have been at odds with Congress regarding the powers of the presidency since time began (1789). Early on it was more a process of defining who could do what. In recent times, it has seemed to people and scholars on both sides of the aisle that executive power has expanded at the expense of the Congress with a short turnaround in the mid 1970’s in the aftermath of Watergate. However, the current president has exerted executive power to the 10th degree bringing us the edge of a constitutional crisis.

Since January 2011 when Mr. Obama no longer had a majority in both houses of Congress, he has told the Congress on too many occasions that he will do what he wants and they cannot stop him.

Instead of attempting to negotiate a deal with the Republicans who very actively want to structure a multi-faceted immigration reform program, Mr. Obama told them to stick it in their ear and “legalized” five million people here in America illegally.

That caused 26 states to sue him and have the program put on hold. He followed that up by negotiating an agreement with a dangerous adversary, Iran, and made blatant he intends to circumvent the Congress.

ALL of it here:
Has Obama Made Us Into a Banana Republic - Bruce Bialosky - Page 1

I think he wants a Falafel Caliphate.
Guy, Investments are GAMBLING. The investor is a parasite who's convinced you he's a vital organ.

Seriously, we could replace "investors" with carefully managed government enterprise financing and be much better off. The Europeans and Japanese have done it.

Then I suggest you move to Europe or Japan and get the fuck out of MY country you Liberal, traitorous piece of shit.

Oh fuck off. Your country my ass.
Exactly who in the hell do you think you are?
I'll tell you what I think you are based on your posts, you claim to love the Constitution, yet seem ignorant of the fact that the Constitution was written with diversity of ideas/opinions in mind.
And you have the ignorance to tell people to get the fuck out of your country, I mean, who in the hell are you?

I'm one of those that funds this country unlike the parasite and leeches you think should get for nothing what you demand I pay for.

I'm the one that said get the hell out. Don't like it, you fuck off.

You fund the country, says you! What makes you think you "funds this country" more than I or any other poster? Because you say so? I doubt you do, I highly doubt you do.

I never claimed I funded it more than someone else. I claimed I funded it which is more than almost half of the country can say when it comes to income taxes, the biggest funding source.

Doubt what you want motherfucker. What you think means nothing because your existence means nothing. I'm tired of paying for the leeches that won't work and tramps that spread their legs for any dick that comes their way.

Well, that post was an illustration of poor sentence structure.
Actually, my existence does mean something, All existence means something. I suggest you read the Bible.

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31

Are going to continue to "wow us" with more posts? :biggrin: I sure hope so. :popcorn:
Then I suggest you move to Europe or Japan and get the fuck out of MY country you Liberal, traitorous piece of shit.

Oh fuck off. Your country my ass.
Exactly who in the hell do you think you are?
I'll tell you what I think you are based on your posts, you claim to love the Constitution, yet seem ignorant of the fact that the Constitution was written with diversity of ideas/opinions in mind.
And you have the ignorance to tell people to get the fuck out of your country, I mean, who in the hell are you?

I'm one of those that funds this country unlike the parasite and leeches you think should get for nothing what you demand I pay for.

I'm the one that said get the hell out. Don't like it, you fuck off.

You fund the country, says you! What makes you think you "funds this country" more than I or any other poster? Because you say so? I doubt you do, I highly doubt you do.

I never claimed I funded it more than someone else. I claimed I funded it which is more than almost half of the country can say when it comes to income taxes, the biggest funding source.

Doubt what you want motherfucker. What you think means nothing because your existence means nothing. I'm tired of paying for the leeches that won't work and tramps that spread their legs for any dick that comes their way.

Well, that post was an illustration of poor sentence structure.
Actually, my existence does mean something, All existence means something. I suggest you read the Bible.

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31

Are going to continue to "wow us" with more posts? :biggrin: I sure hope so. :popcorn:

Only to an idiot that can't understand simple English.

Interesting how you relate your value to sparrows. Since sparrows aren't worth much, neither are you. I do stand corrected. Everyone is worth something. You are a good source for which to make fun and that's worth something.
Hey, Transformation baby. and just think...... some of you voted for it. yeehaaa

When I was growing up we used to make fun of countries in Central and South America for the flimsy governments that were run by two-bit dictators who made up the script as they went along. In fact, we made so much fun of these operations that Woody Allen made a movie in 1971 called Bananas which parodied the governments and their haphazard operations. It is probably considered insensitive today to even refer to our southern friends in such terms. More importantly, the question is: How much are we becoming a similar operation?

This is not to state that the root cause of this problem is President Obama. Presidents have been at odds with Congress regarding the powers of the presidency since time began (1789). Early on it was more a process of defining who could do what. In recent times, it has seemed to people and scholars on both sides of the aisle that executive power has expanded at the expense of the Congress with a short turnaround in the mid 1970’s in the aftermath of Watergate. However, the current president has exerted executive power to the 10th degree bringing us the edge of a constitutional crisis.

Since January 2011 when Mr. Obama no longer had a majority in both houses of Congress, he has told the Congress on too many occasions that he will do what he wants and they cannot stop him.

Instead of attempting to negotiate a deal with the Republicans who very actively want to structure a multi-faceted immigration reform program, Mr. Obama told them to stick it in their ear and “legalized” five million people here in America illegally.

That caused 26 states to sue him and have the program put on hold. He followed that up by negotiating an agreement with a dangerous adversary, Iran, and made blatant he intends to circumvent the Congress.

ALL of it here:
Has Obama Made Us Into a Banana Republic - Bruce Bialosky - Page 1

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