Has Obama Made Us Into a Banana Republic?

That's very tangible.

We know what it costs to live reasonably comfortably- shelter, food, medical, maybe a creature comfort or two.

The difference is, I don't want the rest of us paying for it while the person who benefits from that labor - the rich - get to live the good life.

If a Walmart Employee is only making $7.50 and the rest of us are covering him with SNAP and Section 8 and Medicare, that is all manner of fucked up.

I'm sorry you lack the human decency to see that.
While at the same time most on the right are advocating that SNAP, Section 8, and Medicaid be 'done away with,' such is the stupidly of those blindly adhering to failed conservative dogma.

I advocate bleeding hearts like you find ANYONE you think is owed such things and write a check on their behalf from your account. The government isn't needed for them to get what you think they are owed. All they need is those who say they are owed something to fund it personally.
That is a great strategy for your ideal government

You want it........you do it yourself

You want to go to war? You go first
You want schools? Build your own
You want roads? Build them yourself

Why should people who do not want government services have to pay for them?

Since declaring war and funding a military is a delegated power of government, no problem with funding such things. Since schools are a reserved power of State governments, no problem funding them. Since social welfare, healthcare, etc. has no delegated federal authority, you fund them bleeding heart.
God...what a useless response

Government does what We the People need doing at the level that is most effective to do it.
Playing the opt out game does not comply with what our founders expected

Our founders didn't expect the government to do for people what the people should be doing for themselves.

This We the People don't need the government doing for him. Apparently, you're so worthless doing for yourself you have to have them do it for you. So sad.
Our subservience to the capitalist has made us a banana republic
Banana republics come about when govt starts leeching off otherwise-productive capitalists, and using their ill-gotten gains stolen from those capitalists to strengthen themselves far beyond anything needed to protect the people's rights (which is all government was originally intended to do).

As I said above, we've got the government part pretty well started. But the people have yet to get used to going along with the strong-arm dictators and their minions.
Another failure on your part

Banana Republics were a partnership of Capitalists, the Military and Government to manipulate the workforce for maximum profit

Kind of like today's Republucans
Since I pay the taxes that fund the programs they use, I am.

The 1% who control 43% of the wealth provided far more than the 43% in investments so the labor could actually have a job to do. When those you say should be handed more provide the investments and the opportunities for others to have a job, they'll get more.

Guy, Investments are GAMBLING. The investor is a parasite who's convinced you he's a vital organ.

Seriously, we could replace "investors" with carefully managed government enterprise financing and be much better off. The Europeans and Japanese have done it.
Since I pay the taxes that fund the programs they use, I am.

The 1% who control 43% of the wealth provided far more than the 43% in investments so the labor could actually have a job to do. When those you say should be handed more provide the investments and the opportunities for others to have a job, they'll get more.

Guy, Investments are GAMBLING. The investor is a parasite who's convinced you he's a vital organ.

Seriously, we could replace "investors" with carefully managed government enterprise financing and be much better off. The Europeans and Japanese have done it.

Then I suggest you move to Europe or Japan and get the fuck out of MY country you Liberal, traitorous piece of shit.
While at the same time most on the right are advocating that SNAP, Section 8, and Medicaid be 'done away with,' such is the stupidly of those blindly adhering to failed conservative dogma.

I advocate bleeding hearts like you find ANYONE you think is owed such things and write a check on their behalf from your account. The government isn't needed for them to get what you think they are owed. All they need is those who say they are owed something to fund it personally.
That is a great strategy for your ideal government

You want it........you do it yourself

You want to go to war? You go first
You want schools? Build your own
You want roads? Build them yourself

Why should people who do not want government services have to pay for them?

Since declaring war and funding a military is a delegated power of government, no problem with funding such things. Since schools are a reserved power of State governments, no problem funding them. Since social welfare, healthcare, etc. has no delegated federal authority, you fund them bleeding heart.
God...what a useless response

Government does what We the People need doing at the level that is most effective to do it.
Playing the opt out game does not comply with what our founders expected

Our founders didn't expect the government to do for people what the people should be doing for themselves.

This We the People don't need the government doing for him. Apparently, you're so worthless doing for yourself you have to have them do it for you. So sad.

Founders provided a foundation for future generations to address their own problems
We the People need government to do what needs doing and that includes helping those who need help
Our founders didn't expect the government to do for people what the people should be doing for themselves.

Who gives a fuck what a bunch of slave rapists in powdered wigs thought?

It's 2015. Time to live in the here and now.

So you hate the Constitution they wrote? I guess that's why you ignore it. So sad you can't keep a job and have to rely on the government to support you.
I advocate bleeding hearts like you find ANYONE you think is owed such things and write a check on their behalf from your account. The government isn't needed for them to get what you think they are owed. All they need is those who say they are owed something to fund it personally.
That is a great strategy for your ideal government

You want it........you do it yourself

You want to go to war? You go first
You want schools? Build your own
You want roads? Build them yourself

Why should people who do not want government services have to pay for them?

Since declaring war and funding a military is a delegated power of government, no problem with funding such things. Since schools are a reserved power of State governments, no problem funding them. Since social welfare, healthcare, etc. has no delegated federal authority, you fund them bleeding heart.
God...what a useless response

Government does what We the People need doing at the level that is most effective to do it.
Playing the opt out game does not comply with what our founders expected

Our founders didn't expect the government to do for people what the people should be doing for themselves.

This We the People don't need the government doing for him. Apparently, you're so worthless doing for yourself you have to have them do it for you. So sad.

Founders provided a foundation for future generations to address their own problems
We the People need government to do what needs doing and that includes helping those who need help

The government does not need to force one honorable person to help leeches. If you want to help a leech, prove you care by doing it voluntarily with you own money.
So you hate the Constitution they wrote? I guess that's why you ignore it. So sad you can't keep a job and have to rely on the government to support you.

Haven't taken anything from the government since I was in the Army, thanks.

And, yes, it's a pretty shitty constitution that no other nation would use as a model. Even with amendments, it still sucks.
Exactly, he admitted he has a problem getting fired. He blames his bosses for firing him. I told him he should start by thinking about his attitude. Can you imaging actually being around someone like Joe all day? He'd make Mother Teresa want to off herself

I've got a great attitude. I just don't think you should illegally fire long term employees because they have medical issues, which is what they did.
So you hate the Constitution they wrote? I guess that's why you ignore it. So sad you can't keep a job and have to rely on the government to support you.

Haven't taken anything from the government since I was in the Army, thanks.

And, yes, it's a pretty shitty constitution that no other nation would use as a model. Even with amendments, it still sucks.

Now we see what type of traitor you are. I guess the only thing that would make it better is if it were written to suit you.
Exactly, he admitted he has a problem getting fired. He blames his bosses for firing him. I told him he should start by thinking about his attitude. Can you imaging actually being around someone like Joe all day? He'd make Mother Teresa want to off herself

I've got a great attitude. I just don't think you should illegally fire long term employees because they have medical issues, which is what they did.

Being a lazy, dumbass isn't a medical condition.
I thought things were supposed to be equal? Seems even the armed forces have their share of shitheads.

Hey, if you want to have "equality", then we need wealth redistribution. That would be equality.

Wealth distribution isn't equality. It's giving someone who did less more than they deserved and allowing those who did more to keep less. I bet you would like that because you'd get more than what you deserve or have ever earned.
Now we see what type of traitor you are. I guess the only thing that would make it better is if it were written to suit you.

A bit off topic, but if I were rewriting the constutition, it would look like this.

1) No Gerrymandering.
2) Eliminate the Senate.
3) Eliminate the Electoral College.
4) Public Funding of elections and STRICT limits on any and all campaign financing. No more legal bribery.
5) Rich people trying to weasel their way around #4 will get STIFF prison fines and sent to big-boy prison for the rest of their lives.

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