Has police abuse of power lesson through the years or gotten worse?

My friend who’s in his 80s, a good family man and devoted Christian was not this type of man back in the day. When he was young, he hung out with a bad crowd and ran numbers and did all kinds of illegal things. He said there was not one cop that couldn’t be bought. He grew up seeing them go into stores and other establishments collecting money from the owners. He also bribed a few. He never met one decent cop and this inspired him tremendously to become a policeman. He said he knew that if he was a policeman, he would be able to get away with just about anything. He tried to become a policeman but wasn’t accepted (too short, not sure the reason). It seems like police abuse of power is an ongoing thing with no ending. I remember when I worked in New York, over and over I heard employees and sometimes managers say that the bad attitudes in an office is a reflection of their supervisors or person running the place. (if your boss’ behavior is unscrupulous, the employees will learn to be the same way). In Floyd's situation, the murderous cop was in trouble a few times before for using excessive force and got reprimanded (a slap on the risk) - This cop shouldn't have been sent back out into the streets; instead, he should have been given a desk job and some counsiling - this would had prevented Floyd's death.

wrong---you just proved you know nothing of the military...I've read and researched the military for over 40 years--I was in for 8
...these situations are DYNAMIC--look up the definition of that if you don't know what it means
....sometimes friendly fire is NOT split second---they last more than 10 minutes......

Yeesh ... did I touch a nerve or something ... we were discussing the police ... and how we want them to respond when they're being shot at ...

There's a guy handcuffed on the ground ... the officer spent nine minutes with his knee on the guy's neck ... what God-forsaken military were you in that didn't require you to spare a man's life when he begged for it? ...

Did you spend nine minutes with your sofa cushion? ... didn't think so ...
The incident happened in a democrat state in a democrat city and the Officer was arrested. Meanwhile about 103 Police Officers died in the line of duty so far in 2020. Who ya gonna call?
wrong---you just proved you know nothing of the military...I've read and researched the military for over 40 years--I was in for 8
...these situations are DYNAMIC--look up the definition of that if you don't know what it means
....sometimes friendly fire is NOT split second---they last more than 10 minutes......

Yeesh ... did I touch a nerve or something ... we were discussing the police ... and how we want them to respond when they're being shot at ...

There's a guy handcuffed on the ground ... the officer spent nine minutes with his knee on the guy's neck ... what God-forsaken military were you in that didn't require you to spare a man's life when he begged for it? ...

Did you spend nine minutes with your sofa cushion? ... didn't think so ...
hahahhahahah--touch a nerve??? ok!!??? hahahahahah
......like I said he made a mistake--like when parents leave their kids in hot cars--then they go away for HOURS without realizing it
I never had a friend who was in his 80's and a "good family man and a good Christian" but was a crook at heart. I did know a kid who worked undercover narcotics and was engaged to be married. His fiance talked him into going back on patrol which was less dangerous and within a week he was shot and killed by a maniac he stopped for a traffic violation. I had two other friends and co-workers who were shot and killed in the line of duty so don't go parading the anecdotal account of some 80 year old former bookmaker to try to make a case that all Cops are crooked. It's insulting and it's ignorant. .
I never said or implied that "all" cops are crooked; however, I do believe many are - obviously, you have a problem with what I posted, get over it!
Read your own freaking post. Your 80 year old "expert" claimed he "never met one decent cop". I met a thousand decent Cops including a kid who died way before his time. So far 103 brave Police Officers died in the line of duty in 2020. Whatever your personal bias against Police Officers based on the questionable recollections of an 80 year old man, your post is insulting.
You need to read my "freaking" post again. Out of a few people who responded to my post, you were the only one that didn't get the point, and they understood my topic, and replied respectfully. Let's break this down to give you some clarity, you feel insulted over someone else's experience with cops : he never met a decent cop - so what? that's his experience back when he was young. Your experience is that you met a thousand decent cops... g..o..o..d..y for you. I doubt that my friends experiences with cops is powerful enough to influence the whole wide world against cops. No matter how insulting you feel about what my friend said, it's not going to change his past experience with cops. You don't make any sense going on and on about this; if anyone is insulting, it's you as if what you are saying to me is going to be some type of major change in history. You have your experiences as does he, and onone has to like or care about either of the experiences, so get over it and move on.

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