Has President Trump Won Over The RINOs?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
As hard as Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell fought him his first two years in office, and McCain and Romney trashed him, Trump is now seen as the fortress between America and it's destruction. For awhile it looked like maybe the GOP had gotten what it wanted out of Trump in federal judges, lower taxes and regulations. But they didn't want a Wall. They didn't want their cozy trade deals tinkered with much less ripped to shreds. They were happy with the cheap labor wetbacks flowing over the border gutting our labor rates. Along comes Trump and dumps NAFTA in the dumpster. Puts tariffs on China! WHAT? Tariffs cause chaos in world trade they screamed and soundly denounced him. But wait, not only did the tariffs work, they brought China to the table. Now the RINOs were in a tough spot...they had to side with Trump or look like traitors. So they knuckled under.
He built the Wall....they didn't stop him. He told Japan to built more assembly plants here or suffer the consequences. They obeyed. Who is this guy they wondered? And then he started campaigning for them and they won races they were losing before he showed up. Has Trump won over the RINOs...he sure as hell has. They may still dislike his style but being cowards, they know better than to confront him. McConnell said no more stimulus last month. Today he is selling more checks to needy Americans. Mitch has an election of his own in November. He no longer wants to risk Trump's wrath. Ryan is gone, McCain is dead and Romney might as well be. Trump wins, like always. :wink_2:

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I think the rioters are winning over the RINOs for Trump.....thanks ANTIFA and BLM....

And national dems are rooting them on.....Maybe they know the inevitable outcome in November and are choosing to try to relive their failed "revolution" in the 60's. Pelousy says: "people will do what people will do...." talk about a kiss of death.
As hard as Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell fought him his first two years in office, and McCain and Romney trashed him, Trump is now seen as the fortress between America and it's destruction. For awhile it looked like maybe the GOP had gotten what it wanted out of Trump in federal judges, lower taxes and regulations. But they didn't want a Wall. They didn't want their cozy trade deals tinkered with much less ripped to shreds. They were happy with the cheap labor wetbacks flowing over the border gutting our labor rates. Along comes Trump and dumps NAFTA in the dumpster. Puts tariffs on China! WHAT? Tariffs cause chaos in world trade they screamed and soundly denounced him. But wait, not only did the tariffs work, they brought China to the table. Now the RINOs were in a tough spot...they had to side with Trump or look like traitors. So they knuckled under.
He built the Wall....they didn't stop him. He told Japan to built more assembly plants here or suffer the consequences. They obeyed. Who is this guy they wondered? And then he started campaigning for them and they won races they were losing before he showed up. Has Trump won over the RINOs...he sure as hell has. They may still dislike his style but being cowards, they know better than to confront him. McConnell said no more stimulus last month. Today he is selling more checks to needy Americans. Mitch has an election of his own in November. He no longer wants to risk Trump's wrath. Ryan is gone, McCain is dead and Romney might as well be. Trump wins, like always. :wink_2:

You answered your own question. Not won over, just ran off ore threatened into silence by the cult and the threat of the tweet. Not a very courageous lot, I must say.
mass infections and rising deaths. The Chinese caused a pandemic, and Cuomo helped that US death rate
rioting in the streets. Antifa and the democrats, so what, they can burn their urban plantations down if they like.
the economy in tatters. The Chinese caused a pandemic, duh.
racists rampant. Antifa and the democrats, so what, they can burn their urban plantations down if they like.
cops killing black people. Nope. Black people killing black people.
military thugs teargassing moms and clubbing vets. Nope. The US military is not involved.
a decaying president lying his ass off. Nope. A presidential hopeful hiding in his basement. President Trump is doing just fine.
America can take at least 4-more years of greatness!
You answered your own question. Not won over, just ran off ore threatened into silence by the cult and the threat of the tweet. Not a very courageous lot, I must say.

I always answer my questions...that's called posting. I couldn't agree more the RINOs are cowards...I thought I made that clear. Who cares what they are and what the President has done to them?...the result is the same.
mass infections and rising deaths. The Chinese caused a pandemic, and Cuomo helped that US death rate
rioting in the streets. Antifa and the democrats, so what, they can burn their urban plantations down if they like.
the economy in tatters. The Chinese caused a pandemic, duh.
racists rampant. Antifa and the democrats, so what, they can burn their urban plantations down if they like.
cops killing black people. Nope. Black people killing black people.
military thugs teargassing moms and clubbing vets. Nope. The US military is not involved.
a decaying president lying his ass off. Nope. A presidential hopeful hiding in his basement. President Trump is doing just fine.
America can take at least 4-more years of greatness!
All that happening under trumps watch. If he was the answer to our problems, we wouldn’t have the problems right now.
As hard as Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell fought him his first two years in office, and McCain and Romney trashed him, Trump is now seen as the fortress between America and it's destruction. For awhile it looked like maybe the GOP had gotten what it wanted out of Trump in federal judges, lower taxes and regulations. But they didn't want a Wall. They didn't want their cozy trade deals tinkered with much less ripped to shreds. They were happy with the cheap labor wetbacks flowing over the border gutting our labor rates. Along comes Trump and dumps NAFTA in the dumpster. Puts tariffs on China! WHAT? Tariffs cause chaos in world trade they screamed and soundly denounced him. But wait, not only did the tariffs work, they brought China to the table. Now the RINOs were in a tough spot...they had to side with Trump or look like traitors. So they knuckled under.
He built the Wall....they didn't stop him. He told Japan to built more assembly plants here or suffer the consequences. They obeyed. Who is this guy they wondered? And then he started campaigning for them and they won races they were losing before he showed up. Has Trump won over the RINOs...he sure as hell has. They may still dislike his style but being cowards, they know better than to confront him. McConnell said no more stimulus last month. Today he is selling more checks to needy Americans. Mitch has an election of his own in November. He no longer wants to risk Trump's wrath. Ryan is gone, McCain is dead and Romney might as well be. Trump wins, like always. :wink_2:

He has cowed the GOP, not converted them. When Trump is gone there will be no trace that he was ever in the GOP.

Conservative George Will interview:
"Who do you plan to vote for in November?" Page asked the columnist via Zoom.​
"Biden," Will replied immediately.​
"Have you voted for a Democrat before?" she continued.​
"Never," Will said, adding, "I've nothing against Democrats. But I've never had the occasion to vote for one.​
All that happening under trumps watch. If he was the answer to our problems, we wouldn’t have the problems right now.

You cretins investigated him, harassed him, lied about him, threatened him. laughed at him and even impeached him. None of it made any difference...he ain't afraid of you weakling ninnies...he built and ran dozens of hotels, golf courses, casinos......he is the KING of multi-tasking and you're terrified of him and rightly so.
All that happening under trumps watch. If he was the answer to our problems, we wouldn’t have the problems right now.

You cretins investigated him, harassed him, lied about him, threatened him. laughed at him and even impeached him. None of it made any difference...he ain't afraid of you weakling ninnies...he built and ran dozens of hotels, golf courses, casinos......he is the KING of multi-tasking and you're terrified of him and rightly so.
Country sucks right now. He is useless.
He has cowed the GOP, not converted them. When Trump is gone there will be no trace that he was ever in the GOP.

Conservative George Will interview:
"Who do you plan to vote for in November?" Page asked the columnist via Zoom.​
"Biden," Will replied immediately.​
"Have you voted for a Democrat before?" she continued.​
"Never," Will said, adding, "I've nothing against Democrats. But I've never had the occasion to vote for one.​

George Will? You mean the scrawny old bookworm who'd rather be right than president? I'd rather be president. Will and his ilk got us Obamunism...he should be arrested and hanged.

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