Has Sweden Had Enough?

Let's hope so. I think big changes are coming to Europe. The Invaders won't like it very much!

Far-right poised for big wins in Sweden election
They are not invaders. They were welcomed in by the ruling class.

Swedes are totally :cuckoo:............

Sad but true.:dunno:

But they sure can sing ...

That far right party with Neo-Nazi connections isn't running against Swedish socialism. They don't want to roll back universal healthcare, free tuition or their Social Security programs. They don't want to abandon paid family leave or their stringent environmental regulations.

What they are running against, this far right party with Neo-Nazi connections is anti-immigration, exclusion of all who are not pure Swedish stock. In other words, they are running on a platform of Master race superiority.

Is it any wonder the far right in this country, a country of immigrants, is pleased by the Swedes success?

If the moderate ruling class pursues policies that bring too many immigrants who are highly different from the local culture, people will turn away from the moderates to the extremists, particularly if a significant portion of that immigrant population is fundamentally hostile to the local culture.

This is a failure of the liberal elites who run countries.
Is American culture in dire straits? Is your town in danger? Are you afraid you might see breakfast burritos as a threat to American cuisine?

Why are Right Wingers so afraid of a culture shift? NASCAR gonna go away? Wrestlemania threatened? Are people going to wear more sombreros and less camouflage?
Maybe over simplified, but Muslims fought and squandered resources in their own countries, so now they get to import all of that to other countries? It is not a locational problem it is a cultural problem. Bring the culture to other places is a threat to those places as behaviors do not change.
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i mostly dislike the population growth but also see no reason for more foreigners with unamerican thinking Nosmo . See one of the 'muslims' on the board that i know of , he will vote to restrict gun rights and he will work against gun rights as one example Nosmo .
Let's hope so. I think big changes are coming to Europe. The Invaders won't like it very much!

Far-right poised for big wins in Sweden election
They are not invaders. They were welcomed in by the ruling class.

Swedes are totally :cuckoo:............

Sad but true.:dunno:

But they sure can sing ...


well...................that is debatable ... :21:

Empirical fact.

as i always point out , its mostly going to affect the youngsters / millenial types [in the USA] if i have my math right and thats the only silver lining Fnecco .
I've traveled extensively in Europe in my day ... I have no desire to go back. What they do to their own countries after I'm gone is up to them.

Ultimately, Americans have saved Europe twice (three times if you count The Marshall Plan). It's time to let them sort our their own shite from now on.
Why do people keep referring to party’s who are rightly concerned about immigration and want to address it, ‘far right’ and extremists.
They are simply applying common sense, imho.

Concerned about immigration is dog whistle for violent white-supremist looking to torture and kill darkie. Everyone knows that.
Why do you believe whites are the only people who dont have a right to their own land? That's very racist of you. "Darkies" have their own land. Why is it so important to you that they colonize the USA?
Why do people keep referring to party’s who are rightly concerned about immigration and want to address it, ‘far right’ and extremists.
They are simply applying common sense, imho.

Concerned about immigration is dog whistle for violent white-supremist looking to torture and kill darkie. Everyone knows that.
Why do you believe whites are the only people who dont have a right to their own land? That's very racist of you. "Darkies" have their own land. Why is it so important to you that they colonize the USA?

It was sarcasm. Apologies. Humor is weird on a message board.
These are not Swedes, and never will be. They are foreign colonizers in Sweden. Nothing good will come of this.

Why do people keep referring to party’s who are rightly concerned about immigration and want to address it, ‘far right’ and extremists.
They are simply applying common sense, imho.

Concerned about immigration is dog whistle for violent white-supremist looking to torture and kill darkie. Everyone knows that.
When does concern spill over into something darker?
Let's hope so. I think big changes are coming to Europe. The Invaders won't like it very much!

Far-right poised for big wins in Sweden election
Yet another with it’s roots in the new-Nazi movement is doing well...and this is good?
You're right. But it is the natural backlash when the globalists communists work so hard to destroy another western nation. Why is it so bad that any nation wants to preserve its race, culture and nationality.
Let's hope so. I think big changes are coming to Europe. The Invaders won't like it very much!

Far-right poised for big wins in Sweden election
Yet another with it’s roots in the new-Nazi movement is doing well...and this is good?
Just quit with the nazi crap. Anyone that believes in the sovereignty of their own country is now labeled nazi. It’s ridiculous. It’s only labeled as such as it goes against a nwo/global society. It is old and outrageous.

New Order
The New Order, or the New Order of Europe, was the political order which Nazi Germany wanted to impose on the conquered areas under its dominion. The establishment of the New Order had already begun long before the start of World War II, but was publicly proclaimed by Adolf Hitler in 1941...

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