Has the retaliation started in Syria?

If Israel wants to fight alone.....

be our guest

America will not be there with you


try to find a diplomatic solution Israel.

No more warmongering!
one more thing....

no more false flags Israel....


According to official information of the Russian Defense Ministry, a blow to the Syrian airbase was inflicted by two Israeli F-15s. They, not flying to the territory of Syria, fired 8 missiles. Five missiles were shot down by ground-based air defense weapons, three reached the airbase.

A complex military-political situation. Geography in the region is so dense that Israel can attack Syria even from its territory. But Russia, obviously, is not ready to directly destroy Israeli military equipment in Israel.
I'm trying to understand what's going on as much as anyone, I live in an hour drive away from the place and we usually know what's going on, but with this even the Israelis are not sure about the details.
Even the Russians and Syrians don't usually behave this way - blaming every possible direction in the same breath and not being sure what weapon exactly is attacking them.

Here're some bits of information I've found relevant to the context:

1. Seismic activity in Iran since April 1st
2. Worldwide coordinated cyber attacks in the recent days
3. French (and possibly already Saudi) strategic exchange of positions with the US.
4. Egypt behavior and joint Saudi efforts.

Could be Israel singlehandedly, but looks more like a joint effort to jam Russian systems from multiple directions -to reassure western allies that they can take and deal with the positions held by the US when they leave.
I think the confusion is not necessarily bad, think about who is confused besides the average media consumer, and who sees the picture clearly now. The ball is not in the US field anymore, so don't panic and do as much good things as possible.
Follow ancient wisdom folks.

According to official information of the Russian Defense Ministry, a blow to the Syrian airbase was inflicted by two Israeli F-15s. They, not flying to the territory of Syria, fired 8 missiles. Five missiles were shot down by ground-based air defense weapons, three reached the airbase.

A complex military-political situation. Geography in the region is so dense that Israel can attack Syria even from its territory. But Russia, obviously, is not ready to directly destroy Israeli military equipment in Israel.
As if you can believe the RDM..lol!

Maybe the information is correct..maybe not. Seems a lot of damage for 3 missiles.

Syria says strike on military base carried out by Israeli warplanes

I was just thinking: "What a shithole" :eek:

Take out the water tank, and that place is done. What desert is that? (Pardon my ignorance and laziness.)

I was just thinking: "What a shithole" :eek:

Take out the water tank, and that place is done. What desert is that? (Pardon my ignorance and laziness.)
It's the Syrian Desert east of the Homs Governate in one of the districts within Syria. About 100 miles from Damascus.
Others want to get in on the action...

US Mulls 'Coordinated' Response to Syria Gas Attack
April 10, 2018 - The United States on Tuesday consulted with allies in preparation for possible expanded military action in Syria following the latest suspected deadly chemical weapons attack on a Syrian rebel-held village.
"We are looking for a coordinated response, whatever that response might be," said State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert about possible U.S. military action in Syria. President Donald Trump has warned those responsible will pay a "big price" for Saturday's attack in eastern Ghouta that killed at least 40 people. Over the past day, Trump has talked repeatedly with his British and French counterparts about a possible response to the attack. Trump has blamed the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, as well as Assad's backers in Iran and Russia. Assad denies the allegation. A global chemical weapons watchdog on Tuesday said it would send a team to investigate the incident.


U.S. troops drive on a road leading to the tense front line with Turkish-backed fighters, in Manbij, northern Syria​

At the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday, Russia vetoed a U.S.-drafted plan that would have set up a commission to investigate and assign blame for the chemical weapons attack. As the U.S. mulled its response, the White House said Trump canceled a trip to Latin America, which was to begin Friday, so that he could "oversee the American response to Syria." Defense Secretary Jim Mattis also called off domestic travel plans.

No details

White House officials refused to say whether the response included the possibility of prolonged U.S. military action in Syria or would amount to more than just a "one-off" airstrike. "The president and his national security team thought it was best that he stay in the United States while all these developments are taking place," said press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The U.S. is already deeply involved in the seven-year-old Syrian civil war. Over 2,000 U.S. troops are in Syria. A U.S.-led coalition has launched thousands of airstrikes there, mostly against Islamic State and other extremist rebels. Almost exactly a year ago, the U.S. launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian government airbase in retaliation for another chemical weapons attack.


A Russian military helicopter flies over a desert in Deir el-Zour province, Syria​

But too intense a response to the latest attack risks escalating the Syrian civil war and exacerbating military tensions between major world powers that all have proxies on the ground, according to analysts. "There's no easy answer here," retired Admiral Michael Mullen told VOA contributor Greta van Susteren on Tuesday. "It's delicate, it's dangerous. I worry that it could expand fairly rapidly." Trump has said he would like to pull U.S. troops from Syria, citing progress in fighting Islamic State. Many in the U.S. foreign policy community, including Mullen, disagree with such a withdrawal. "The couple thousand troops that we have there are a stabilizing force," Mullen said. "I think [they] need to be there until it's very obvious that they shouldn't be there or that they don't need to be there anymore." It's unclear what an expanded U.S. military campaign in Syria would look like, including what the targets would be or which U.S. allies would be involved.

Options appear few
Trumptards crowing about 2 weak expensive attacks that killed nobody. LOL Syria's Assad undermined Trump twice. LOL That's double the defiant chemical attacks under Obama. They know removing Assad is handing Syria to ISIS Muslims.

Threatening leaders of other countries always forces them to defy our wishes. Bush's threats turned Iran & North Korea into nuclear powers under his administration.

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