Has the retaliation started in Syria?

Follow @ELINTNews

BREAKING: Many Russian warplanes scrambled and heading towards the Med Sea where warships that fired tomahawks at Syria are located

Yeah.. It's 9:36 Central here and NO cable news operation is following this "story".. Put DOWN the tweeters and let me know when the war starts.

#ELINTNEWS ---- Russian "disinformation" from same drunk FSB sources that Steele used for the dossier???

You do know that it's Sunday evening and all of the networks are on auto-pilot, right?

NO news cable news network is EVER on "auto-pilot". They have anchors and a live news room ready to go..

And they're NOT there. Not even a CRAWLER message on the screen..

US is not the only country who can strike. There are others....Israel for example. I do hope cool heads prevail over there in Israel.
Follow @ELINTNews

BREAKING: Many Russian warplanes scrambled and heading towards the Med Sea where warships that fired tomahawks at Syria are located

Yeah.. It's 9:36 Central here and NO cable news operation is following this "story".. Put DOWN the tweeters and let me know when the war starts.

#ELINTNEWS ---- Russian "disinformation" from same drunk FSB sources that Steele used for the dossier???

You do know that it's Sunday evening and all of the networks are on auto-pilot, right?

NO news cable news network is EVER on "auto-pilot". They have anchors and a live news room ready to go..

And they're NOT there. Not even a CRAWLER message on the screen..
BBC is reporting the attacks now.

Strikes hit Syrian airfield - reports
Follow @ELINTNews

BREAKING: Many Russian warplanes scrambled and heading towards the Med Sea where warships that fired tomahawks at Syria are located

Yeah.. It's 9:36 Central here and NO cable news operation is following this "story".. Put DOWN the tweeters and let me know when the war starts.

#ELINTNEWS ---- Russian "disinformation" from same drunk FSB sources that Steele used for the dossier???

You do know that it's Sunday evening and all of the networks are on auto-pilot, right?

NO news cable news network is EVER on "auto-pilot". They have anchors and a live news room ready to go..

And they're NOT there. Not even a CRAWLER message on the screen..

Once again, FOX News:

Airstrikes hit Assad air base after deadly chemical attack, state TV reports

Like I just said -- it's probably Israel knocking back Hesbollah.. And every tin foil Twit on the Tweet box is improvising themselves a USA -- Russia Grudge match..
Now --- there COULD be action in Syria. But if it's a Hesbollah forward base for Iran NEAR the Lebanese border --- It;s more likely ISRAEL flying in to do the damage. They do that occassionally to brush back Iran from being that close.

Problaly Israel is doing the bombing.......too bad.....hope they will stop

Don't they know it's a false flag? of course they do
Follow @ELINTNews

BREAKING: Many Russian warplanes scrambled and heading towards the Med Sea where warships that fired tomahawks at Syria are located

Yeah.. It's 9:36 Central here and NO cable news operation is following this "story".. Put DOWN the tweeters and let me know when the war starts.

#ELINTNEWS ---- Russian "disinformation" from same drunk FSB sources that Steele used for the dossier???

You do know that it's Sunday evening and all of the networks are on auto-pilot, right?

NO news cable news network is EVER on "auto-pilot". They have anchors and a live news room ready to go..

And they're NOT there. Not even a CRAWLER message on the screen..
BBC is reporting the attacks now.

Strikes hit Syrian airfield - reports

About time. They're usually faster than CNN and MSNBC.
US is not touching that.

Not at this moment.

And we hope not ever.
Follow @ELINTNews

BREAKING: Many Russian warplanes scrambled and heading towards the Med Sea where warships that fired tomahawks at Syria are located

Yeah.. It's 9:36 Central here and NO cable news operation is following this "story".. Put DOWN the tweeters and let me know when the war starts.

#ELINTNEWS ---- Russian "disinformation" from same drunk FSB sources that Steele used for the dossier???

You do know that it's Sunday evening and all of the networks are on auto-pilot, right?

NO news cable news network is EVER on "auto-pilot". They have anchors and a live news room ready to go..

And they're NOT there. Not even a CRAWLER message on the screen..

Once again, FOX News:

Airstrikes hit Assad air base after deadly chemical attack, state TV reports

Like I just said -- it's probably Israel knocking back Hesbollah.. And every tin foil Twit on the Tweet box is improvising themselves a USA -- Russia Grudge match..
One more time.

BBC is reporting strikes in Syria.

Strikes hit Syrian airfield - reports
Yeah.. It's 9:36 Central here and NO cable news operation is following this "story".. Put DOWN the tweeters and let me know when the war starts.

#ELINTNEWS ---- Russian "disinformation" from same drunk FSB sources that Steele used for the dossier???

You do know that it's Sunday evening and all of the networks are on auto-pilot, right?

NO news cable news network is EVER on "auto-pilot". They have anchors and a live news room ready to go..

And they're NOT there. Not even a CRAWLER message on the screen..

Once again, FOX News:

Airstrikes hit Assad air base after deadly chemical attack, state TV reports

Like I just said -- it's probably Israel knocking back Hesbollah.. And every tin foil Twit on the Tweet box is improvising themselves a USA -- Russia Grudge match..
One more time.

BBC is reporting strikes in Syria.

Strikes hit Syrian airfield - reports

And once again as your article says from the BBC...

Details are still emerging and it is not clear who is responsible.

No Russian jets flying to ENGAGE the US Med fleet. No US Jets under attack from SAM sites in Syria. Great you found SOMETHING. But don't be a tool for the idiots making shit up.. .
You do know that it's Sunday evening and all of the networks are on auto-pilot, right?

NO news cable news network is EVER on "auto-pilot". They have anchors and a live news room ready to go..

And they're NOT there. Not even a CRAWLER message on the screen..

Once again, FOX News:

Airstrikes hit Assad air base after deadly chemical attack, state TV reports

Like I just said -- it's probably Israel knocking back Hesbollah.. And every tin foil Twit on the Tweet box is improvising themselves a USA -- Russia Grudge match..
One more time.

BBC is reporting strikes in Syria.

Strikes hit Syrian airfield - reports

And once again as your article says from the BBC...

Details are still emerging and it is not clear who is responsible.

No Russian jets flying to ENGAGE the US Med fleet. No US Jets under attack from SAM sites in Syria. Great you found SOMETHING. But don't be a tool for the idiots making shit up.. .

Did you notice the question mark after the title?

All I'm doing is relaying what I'm hearing.
Those "idiots" COULD be ACTUAL Russian Kremlin trolls HOPING to start a panic attack.. Not the imagined type that buy $1.50 ad on Facebook with a picture of Ms Clinton dressed as the Devil... Pope just said the Devil doesn't exist anymore. She's actual just on an extended "excuse tour".
NO news cable news network is EVER on "auto-pilot". They have anchors and a live news room ready to go..

And they're NOT there. Not even a CRAWLER message on the screen..

Once again, FOX News:

Airstrikes hit Assad air base after deadly chemical attack, state TV reports

Like I just said -- it's probably Israel knocking back Hesbollah.. And every tin foil Twit on the Tweet box is improvising themselves a USA -- Russia Grudge match..
One more time.

BBC is reporting strikes in Syria.

Strikes hit Syrian airfield - reports

And once again as your article says from the BBC...

Details are still emerging and it is not clear who is responsible.

No Russian jets flying to ENGAGE the US Med fleet. No US Jets under attack from SAM sites in Syria. Great you found SOMETHING. But don't be a tool for the idiots making shit up.. .

Did you notice the question mark after the title?

All I'm doing is relaying what I'm hearing.

Yep.. Somethings going on. "red phones" are busy tonight.
Sad if this is the USA. Only a real fucking moron would believe President Assad would launch a chemical attack KNOWING that the USA is fixing to pull out AND that victory is VERY close.
Would actually be a smart move to pass Intel about that Iranian forward deployment and let Israel handle it. That way it STAYS a "proxy" war and not a super-power confrontation.. They have Hesbollah -- we have Israel. NOBODY wants Hesbollah there. Not even Egypt, Jordan or the Saudis.

Would be amazing if Jordan/Egypt/Saudi JOINED Israel to push Hesbollah back. What does Putin do then?
No War!

Nobody wants war!

Nobody believes false flags of chemical attacks in Syria anymore!

American troops out of Syria NOW!
Breaking News Update


Jack Posobiec
New: Trump and Macron agreed to coordinate a strong, joint response on Syria

Nice! Let the IDF get in the first punch to draw out the Syrian's offensive capability, then the US and France hits them hard.



They haven't hit anybody hard since Napoleon.
No War!

Nobody wants war!

Nobody believes false flags of chemical attacks in Syria anymore!

American troops out of Syria NOW!

How was the chemical attack on those civilians a "false flag"?

Oh wait: The Joos did that, right? :laughing0301:
Assad doesn't use chemical weapons. That's an AP fabrication.

Last time, Russian bombs hit an ISIS chemical weapons depot. You know, the time when Trump rained down 8 million dollars worth of missiles on an empty airfield? That was sorely disappointing.

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