Has the United States become a Terrorist Organization; Killing Americans over Turtles

Attempting to Massacare Americans Over Turtles: Terrorism or not?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 6 33.3%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
If the United States Government has not become a Terrorist Organization, then what exactly is a Terrorist Organization?

If one entity wishes to massacre a group of People under the guise of saving turtles on a mere whim, does that entity not qualify as a Terrorist Organization?
Has the United States become a Terrorist Organization; Killing Americans over Turtles
yes, the death toll was massive and only a statistic....
No one has been killed, dude. Histrionics just make your point even less intelligible.

Let's all be honest, in the absence of MSM, had the Alternative Media not been there they would have gone full Ruby Ridge on them.

The fact that the feds arrived in full military gear should be TERRIFying enough.
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No one has been killed, dude. Histrionics just make your point even less intelligible.

And hold on, by your standard, since no one was killed, you should stop calling the Patriot Militias "terrorists," as one of the titles of the threads on USMB has loudly proclaimed. Shouldn't you go use you moderation powers and change the title of that thread since you feel this way?
No one has been killed, dude. Histrionics just make your point even less intelligible.

And hold on, by your standard, since no one was killed, you should stop calling the Patriot Militias "terrorists," as one of the titles of the threads on USMB has loudly proclaimed. Shouldn't you go use you moderation powers and change the title of that thread since you feel this way?

1. I don't believe that I've ever called "patriot militias" "terrorists".

2. We don't moderate based on our opinions, or how we "feel". We moderate based on the rules of this message board. There's no rule against being wrong - otherwise it's likely everyone of your threads would have been deleted.
No one has been killed, dude. Histrionics just make your point even less intelligible.

Let's all be honest, in the absence of MSM, had the Alternative Media not been there they would have gone full Ruby Ridge on them.

The fact that the feds arrived in full military gear should be TERRIFying enough.

You're welcome to be as "TERRIFIED" as you like, but you shouldn't be surprised when no one takes you seriously because everything seems to terrify you.

What you think would or could have happened has no standing in conversation.
As a side note, it's a little amusing that someone with the screen name "The 2nd Amendment" would be so terrified of a few guns.
The spotted owl was first. The turtle crowd is just a 'me to' copy cat movement to fight speciesism.

If the United States Government has not become a Terrorist Organization, then what exactly is a Terrorist Organization?

If one entity wishes to massacre a group of People under the guise of saving turtles on a mere whim, does that entity not qualify as a Terrorist Organization?

Your premise is entirely flawed. The US government does not wish to massacre anyone because of turtles or cattle. They are trying to enforce the law regarding grazing cattle on public land. Trying to equate that with terrorism is intellectually dishonest hyperbole. You know that. No one is buying your hysterics, except those who choose to because it fits their agenda. :rolleyes:
No one has been killed, dude. Histrionics just make your point even less intelligible.

Let's all be honest, in the absence of MSM, had the Alternative Media not been there they would have gone full Ruby Ridge on them.

The fact that the feds arrived in full military gear should be TERRIFying enough.

A) The msm was there. Fox is part if the msm. They just occupy the part of the msm that feeds into the hysteria that drives your thinking.

B) The msm was present at Ruby Ridge, and Waco for that matter.

C) If Mr. Bundy hadn't allowed his thousand heads of cattle to illegally graze on govt land, and ignored govt requests to pay grazing fees which add up to $1million, he wouldn't have had any issues.
This takes the fucking cake.

A guy fleeces the American Public for a million bucks and you guys want to rush down and stop law enforcement.

What's next? You gonna spring Bernie Maddoff?
This takes the fucking cake.

A guy fleeces the American Public for a million bucks and you guys want to rush down and stop law enforcement.

What's next? You gonna spring Bernie Maddoff?

LOL Just looked up Madoff. This is the 'prison' in which he is incarcerated:


He'll be there for life, but it doesn't look like a very harsh environment.
These rightwingnut loons are hilarious. One minute it's a Chinese solar farm, the next turtles. Anything to avoid what is the real issue, and that is a deadbeat rancher that is overgrazing public lands, and not paying for his grazing. And the 'militias' that rushed down there are simply looking for their Horst Wessel. They are following the same script that the Brown Shirts did. Time for the government and fellow citizens to lean on the assholes real hard.
No one has been killed, dude. Histrionics just make your point even less intelligible.

And hold on, by your standard, since no one was killed, you should stop calling the Patriot Militias "terrorists," as one of the titles of the threads on USMB has loudly proclaimed. Shouldn't you go use you moderation powers and change the title of that thread since you feel this way?

Shouldn't you be respecting the moderators here for the time they have to spend wading through some of this trash? Americans are not lawless and Bundy's rhetoric was over the top imo. The matter should be settled in a court of law not out there on the open plains of Nevada... This is not the wild west. People could have been hurt. Two wrongs do not make a right.

The comment to Doc was very rude. He doesn't misuse his moderating powers and you know it.
No one has been killed, dude. Histrionics just make your point even less intelligible.

Let's all be honest, in the absence of MSM, had the Alternative Media not been there they would have gone full Ruby Ridge on them.

The fact that the feds arrived in full military gear should be TERRIFying enough.

A) The msm was there. Fox is part if the msm. They just occupy the part of the msm that feeds into the hysteria that drives your thinking.

B) The msm was present at Ruby Ridge, and Waco for that matter.

C) If Mr. Bundy hadn't allowed his thousand heads of cattle to illegally graze on govt land, and ignored govt requests to pay grazing fees which add up to $1million, he wouldn't have had any issues.

I do find it amusing that the Rubes were all willing to throw down their lives to protect the privilages of a rich guy to make money at their expense.

I think it's a metaphor for what the whole GOP has turned into.

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