Has the United States become a Terrorist Organization; Killing Americans over Turtles

Attempting to Massacare Americans Over Turtles: Terrorism or not?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 6 33.3%

  • Total voters
Not true, Joe. The mainstream media didn't report the story early on. It took the protestors taking videos on their phones and putting it on youtube for the story to get out. FOX NEWS and others eventually reported but used the original videos by the citizens defending Bundy. The entire story was mishandled from the beginning and the mainstream media suggested there was an attempt by the fed govt to keep the story from reaching the public.

In the future, it would be far better for the govt to allow the media to do their job so that people can find out the facts to the story. This has been a theme with the administration and it isn't working well for them. ( no transparency )

On the other hand, Mr. Bundy should not be rallying up American citizens to come out west for a stand off. That is inviting trouble. He needs to settle the matter in court. If he isn't satisfied he can take it to the Supreme Court. We are a nation of law abiding citizens and that is how we do it here.

NOTE* Tom Collins the democrat county commissioner in Clarke County should be fired immediately. His comments about they had better make funeral arrangements were uncalled for and downright chilling. He is going to have to be fired. They cannot keep a loose cannon like Collins around.
I think the rancher and his militia buds, who disrupted the enforcement of the rule of law, are more like terrorist.
Let's all be honest, in the absence of MSM, had the Alternative Media not been there they would have gone full Ruby Ridge on them.

The fact that the feds arrived in full military gear should be TERRIFying enough.

A) The msm was there. Fox is part if the msm. They just occupy the part of the msm that feeds into the hysteria that drives your thinking.

B) The msm was present at Ruby Ridge, and Waco for that matter.

C) If Mr. Bundy hadn't allowed his thousand heads of cattle to illegally graze on govt land, and ignored govt requests to pay grazing fees which add up to $1million, he wouldn't have had any issues.

I do find it amusing that the Rubes were all willing to throw down their lives to protect the privilages of a rich guy to make money at their expense.

I think it's a metaphor for what the whole GOP has turned into.

Which rich guy are you talking about?
Why does Koch Industries sponsored Americans for Prosperity have their dogs in this hunt?

Koch Industries, Inc.| Companies

Matador Cattle Company, a division of Koch Agriculture Company, operates three ranches: Beaverhead near Yellowstone National Park in Montana, Spring Creek in the scenic Flint Hills of Kansas, and the historic Matador Ranch in Texas.

Acquired between 1941 and 1952 by Fred C. Koch, the ranches total about 425,000 acres under management, including about 240,000 deeded acres. They wean about 9,000 calves annually and support more than 11,000 head of cattle.


T-publicans thought this fight was about some little pissant farmer in Nevada - hah!
The Koch Bros. are doing exactly the same thing Bundy is doing except they're obeying the law by paying to use our land but-----but if Bundy doesn't have to pay to use our land then-----then Koch Industries won't have to pay us to use 185,000 acres of our land.

If the United States Government has not become a Terrorist Organization, then what exactly is a Terrorist Organization?

If one entity wishes to massacre a group of People under the guise of saving turtles on a mere whim, does that entity not qualify as a Terrorist Organization?

Drama Queen
This takes the fucking cake.

A guy fleeces the American Public for a million bucks and you guys want to rush down and stop law enforcement.

What's next? You gonna spring Bernie Maddoff?

LOL Just looked up Madoff. This is the 'prison' in which he is incarcerated:


He'll be there for life, but it doesn't look like a very harsh environment.

Rich people have a criminal code and prison system all to themselves, why they couldn't go to a regular prison, they just aren't able to handle it with real criminals...
Not true, Joe. The mainstream media didn't report the story early on. It took the protestors taking videos on their phones and putting it on youtube for the story to get out. FOX NEWS and others eventually reported but used the original videos by the citizens defending Bundy. The entire story was mishandled from the beginning and the mainstream media suggested there was an attempt by the fed govt to keep the story from reaching the public.

In the future, it would be far better for the govt to allow the media to do their job so that people can find out the facts to the story. This has been a theme with the administration and it isn't working well for them. ( no transparency )

On the other hand, Mr. Bundy should not be rallying up American citizens to come out west for a stand off. That is inviting trouble. He needs to settle the matter in court. If he isn't satisfied he can take it to the Supreme Court. We are a nation of law abiding citizens and that is how we do it here.

NOTE* Tom Collins the democrat county commissioner in Clarke County should be fired immediately. His comments about they had better make funeral arrangements were uncalled for and downright chilling. He is going to have to be fired. They cannot keep a loose cannon like Collins around.

That wasn't my point.

This guy is a rich rancher. He can easily afford to pay the grazing fees for using lands that the taxpayer is paying to uphold and maintain.

And he has gone to court to settle tihs. The courts have found against him, repeatedly.

Instead, this became one of those rallying cries for the crazy nutters who hate government. They like the benefits of living in a civilized, organized nation, they just don't like playing by the rules and paying their taxes.
According to Dennis Lynch, independent journalist, FOX was the only news crew present.

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