Has There Ever Been A US President That's Had Two Attempted Assassinations?

Trump is probably the first to have two different assassins fire bullets at him. With less than two months to go before the election there is still time for a third.

I sure hope not because I'm afraid that eventually they'll be successful.

Still hasn't!

It happened to Trump earlier today.
If that many crazed maniacs really want DJT dead, then it's only a matter of time.
The collective Right will do nothing more than cry victim even harder afterwards about how we should or need to do something about those evil Leftists

The Left will collectively laugh out loud then continue to seize control.
Is there anyone who can raise a respectable rebuttal to that fact?

Probably, but we never heard of it because they were thwarted.

Trump is probably the first to have two different assassins fire bullets at him. With less than two months to go before the election there is still time for a third.
Gerald Ford
Two different women shot at Ford just 17 days apart.
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Reagan had two as well I think..
One shor him and the other got stopped long before he ever got a shot off.

I guess that I should rephrase my question to how many former US presidents have been shot at more than once. Gerald Fold definitely qualifies. So does Andrew Jackson.
I can't think of any. I think that Trump is the first one in US history.

Apparently many, including successes, attempts, and foiled plots. But apparently no one more often than Barry Obumma.
  • December 2008: A United States Marine, 20-year-old Kody Ray Brittingham, stationed at Camp Lejeune, wrote that he had taken an oath to "protect against all enemies, both foreign and domestic." In a signed "letter of intent," he identified President-elect Obama as a "domestic enemy" and the target of Brittingham's planned assassination plot.[117] A search of his barracks uncovered a journal containing white supremacist material.[118] In June 2010, Brittingham was sentenced to 100 months in federal prison.[119]
  • April 2009: A plot to assassinate Obama at the Alliance of Civilizations summit in Istanbul, Turkey, was discovered after a man of Syrian origins carrying forged Al Jazeera TV press credentials was found. The man confessed to the Turkish security services details of his plan to kill Obama with a knife. He alleged that he had three accomplices.[120]
  • November 2011: 21-year-old Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez was influenced by conspiracy theories and fringe religious viewpoints to attempt to murder Obama. Having traveled from his native Idaho, he hit the White House with several rounds fired from a semi-automatic rifle. No one was injured, but a window was broken.[121] He was sentenced to 25 years in prison.[122]
  • 2011 to 2012: The far-right terrorist group FEAR plotted to carry out a series of terror attacks which included assassinating Obama.[123] The plot was foiled when four members of the group were arrested on murder charges and one, Michael Burnett, agreed to co-operate with authorities in return for a lighter sentence.[124]
  • October 2012: A mentally ill man named Mitchell Kusick of Westminster, Colorado, was arrested after confessing to his therapist that he intended to kill Obama with a shotgun at a campaign stop in Boulder, Colorado.[125]
  • April 2013: Another attempt was made when a letter laced with the toxin ricin was sent to Obama.[126]
  • May 2013: Ricin-laced letters were sent to Obama and New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg vowing to kill anyone who tried to take away the sender's guns. The letters in this case were sent by actress Shannon Richardson, who tried to frame her husband Nathan for the crime.[127]
  • June 2013: Two white supremacists, Glendon Scott Crawford of Galway, New York and Eric Feight of Hudson, New York, were arrested for a plot to kill Muslim Americans and other perceived enemies of Israel with a homemade "radiation gun", described by Crawford as "Hiroshima on a light switch".[128] It later emerged that Crawford had suggested using the device against President Obama as well as several other targets.[129]
  • February 2015: Three men from New York City were arrested by the FBI after telling undercover agents about their plans to kill Obama and join Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.[130]
  • October 2018: A package that contained a pipe bomb was sent to former President Obama at his home in Washington, D.C. The package was intercepted by the Secret Service.[131][132]
  • April 2019: Larry Mitchell Hopkins, a member of the United Constitutional Patriots militia, was arrested on April 20 after he allegedly confessed that his militia were training for a planned assassination of Obama and Hillary Clinton.[133]

Has There Ever Been A US President That's Had Two Attempted Assassinations?

No. Not to my knowledge. Any links to the contrary???

I want him to stay off the golf course until after the election.

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