Has Trump actually requested a recount in any state?

Even a state where it is so close that he doesn't have pay for it. (Not that he is actually gonna reimburse any state even if he legally has to do so)

Not yet. I don't believe he can do that until the election is canvassed and certified. Right now, Georgia is the only state destined for an automatic recount because of the margin of vote separation.
WI is in that ballpark too but I have learned that the Trump campaign will actually have to pay for that recount if they request it. (and I wouldn't lift a finger for his campaign until that check clears).
The other states are outside the margin for an automatic recall. Elected officials are free to tell them to go pound sand and they are free to try and force it in court. But they better have a valid reason with concrete proof.
Otherwise, out those lawsuits go.

In WI, an automatic recount is triggered when the margin of the vote is <0.25%. A recount can be triggered if the margin is <1.0%, but it has to be paid for by the party requesting the vote.

The cost is $3 million. The Trump campaign has not put up the money.
Must not be worth it to them. Maybe the trumpers on here can start a Go-Fund-Me page.

We Patriots would come up with that in 48 hours

Mr. President....if you need help please don't hesitate to let us know. It's not JUST YOUR fight.

I'm sure you suckers...erm...patriots would. You really believe this man is your savior.
Problem is, that money would all go to fund his legal issues...especially the ones he's going
to face when he's out of office.
So like any good bananna republic---the communist dems plan on going after trouble even out of office to punish him for daring to stand up to him. I am still donating money to him....screw the evil fascist communists.

I don't think any Democrat or Republican will give him the time of day once he's left office. He's going to be too busy dodging the Manhattan DA and the NY AG.


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