Has Trump ever taken responsibility?

Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).
I think that 100% is. He took responsibility for a better economy? Do you mean negative responsibility? If Trump says Hydrox doesn’t work and needs more research the press would call it a miracle drug and that it works great. Cannot trust our press at all these days. Trump doesn’t bash himself. I agree. The press does enough for him.

Taking responsibility is not the same as taking credit. Taking responsibility for policies or actions that did not go well.

Has he ever?
Yes. When he fires people that he hired that didn’t work out. LOL. Admitting defeat or error is not who he is. I ll Give you that. Most CEOs are like that too. Ever see Jeff Bezos or Jamie Dimon admit they are wrong?

So essentially what you are saying is taking responsibility for mistakes is "not who he is" - in other words, he does not take responsibility.
He does but not for adverse actions or what some perceive to be adverse actions. He took responsibility for our deficit and was frustrated with it for example.
Responsibility for what?

I watched the liberal assholes this morning saying the messiah obama had a plan for an epidemic, he was quoting out of a 1990s movie

Hi Bear, good to see you again :)

Responsibility for things that didn't go well. "The buck stops here" type of responsibility.
Once again he banned people from war torn countries and the liberals used him over it.

Did he take responsibility for any mistakes or things that didn't go well?

That's not the same as things others criticized him for, because if he didn't think he did anything wrong - he doesn't need to take responsibility.

What things haven't gone well since he was president? Before coronavirus he had the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, highest GDP numbers, low inflation, etc. He's taken responsibility for that.

10 days after the first covid19 case in the US he banned all commercial travel from China, where it originated. Liberal media called him a xenaphobe for that. He took responsibility for this.

So by all means, what bad things does he need to take responsibility for because he was directly responsible for it happening? Or does it only count for you if its something BAD and he takes responsibility for it?

I'm getting tired of people jumping into threads without reading them. Through out the course of this thread I several times gave examples.
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).

What does he need to take responsibility for? What has he done wrong?

And where is the proof of Obama taking responsibility for Obamacare? Obama fucked up so much during his 8 years he BETTER have taken responsibility for something. Did he accept responsibility for fast and furious? Benghazi? I'm not reading through 24 pages of TDS bullshit. I googled it myself and found nothing. Not a single time where Obama said that Obamacare was the disaster that it was or that it was illegal as it was eventually ruled, that FAF was a clusterfuck or Benghazi was his administrations fault. So by all means, where is it or STFU.

Oh brother. I already gave several specific examples of things that did not go well. This isn't about Obama but, as one example - the roll out of ACA was very bad and confusing. He took responsibility for it.

Since you don't bother to read the thread before commenting - I'll reiterate.

One example of something Trump did badly was the roll out of his "Muslim ban" which left everyone flatfooted, caused chaos at airports where airport security had no idea what to do, left people stranded and unable to get home.
“Everyone” or those coming from hostile countries? I didnt mind the ban but I am biased.

The policy - the ban itself - is not the point. We can argue that til kingdom come. The point of failure was in it's roll out.
Responsibility for what?

I watched the liberal assholes this morning saying the messiah obama had a plan for an epidemic, he was quoting out of a 1990s movie

Hi Bear, good to see you again :)

Responsibility for things that didn't go well. "The buck stops here" type of responsibility.
Once again he banned people from war torn countries and the liberals used him over it.

Did he take responsibility for any mistakes or things that didn't go well?

That's not the same as things others criticized him for, because if he didn't think he did anything wrong - he doesn't need to take responsibility.

What things haven't gone well since he was president? Before coronavirus he had the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, highest GDP numbers, low inflation, etc. He's taken responsibility for that.

10 days after the first covid19 case in the US he banned all commercial travel from China, where it originated. Liberal media called him a xenaphobe for that. He took responsibility for this.

So by all means, what bad things does he need to take responsibility for because he was directly responsible for it happening? Or does it only count for you if its something BAD and he takes responsibility for it?

I'm getting tired of people jumping into threads without reading them. Through out the course of this thread I several times gave examples.
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).

What does he need to take responsibility for? What has he done wrong?

And where is the proof of Obama taking responsibility for Obamacare? Obama fucked up so much during his 8 years he BETTER have taken responsibility for something. Did he accept responsibility for fast and furious? Benghazi? I'm not reading through 24 pages of TDS bullshit. I googled it myself and found nothing. Not a single time where Obama said that Obamacare was the disaster that it was or that it was illegal as it was eventually ruled, that FAF was a clusterfuck or Benghazi was his administrations fault. So by all means, where is it or STFU.

Oh brother. I already gave several specific examples of things that did not go well. This isn't about Obama but, as one example - the roll out of ACA was very bad and confusing. He took responsibility for it.

Since you don't bother to read the thread before commenting - I'll reiterate.

One example of something Trump did badly was the roll out of his "Muslim ban" which left everyone flatfooted, caused chaos at airports where airport security had no idea what to do, left people stranded and unable to get home.

It was already shown to not be a muslim ban, that was a CNN thing so he has no need to apologize for that. Hell his base and most of the country supported it.

Got anything else?

Again - do you bother to read what is posted? The ban itself is not the point. The policy is not the point. Where he failed was in it's chaotic roll out. That is the point.
Responsibility for what?

I watched the liberal assholes this morning saying the messiah obama had a plan for an epidemic, he was quoting out of a 1990s movie

Hi Bear, good to see you again :)

Responsibility for things that didn't go well. "The buck stops here" type of responsibility.
Once again he banned people from war torn countries and the liberals used him over it.

Did he take responsibility for any mistakes or things that didn't go well?

That's not the same as things others criticized him for, because if he didn't think he did anything wrong - he doesn't need to take responsibility.

What things haven't gone well since he was president? Before coronavirus he had the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, highest GDP numbers, low inflation, etc. He's taken responsibility for that.

10 days after the first covid19 case in the US he banned all commercial travel from China, where it originated. Liberal media called him a xenaphobe for that. He took responsibility for this.

So by all means, what bad things does he need to take responsibility for because he was directly responsible for it happening? Or does it only count for you if its something BAD and he takes responsibility for it?

I'm getting tired of people jumping into threads without reading them. Through out the course of this thread I several times gave examples.
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).

What does he need to take responsibility for? What has he done wrong?

And where is the proof of Obama taking responsibility for Obamacare? Obama fucked up so much during his 8 years he BETTER have taken responsibility for something. Did he accept responsibility for fast and furious? Benghazi? I'm not reading through 24 pages of TDS bullshit. I googled it myself and found nothing. Not a single time where Obama said that Obamacare was the disaster that it was or that it was illegal as it was eventually ruled, that FAF was a clusterfuck or Benghazi was his administrations fault. So by all means, where is it or STFU.

Oh brother. I already gave several specific examples of things that did not go well. This isn't about Obama but, as one example - the roll out of ACA was very bad and confusing. He took responsibility for it.

Since you don't bother to read the thread before commenting - I'll reiterate.

One example of something Trump did badly was the roll out of his "Muslim ban" which left everyone flatfooted, caused chaos at airports where airport security had no idea what to do, left people stranded and unable to get home.
“Everyone” or those coming from hostile countries? I didnt mind the ban but I am biased.

The policy - the ban itself - is not the point. We can argue that til kingdom come. The point of failure was in it's roll out.
I do not recall it being a failure
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).
I think that 100% is. He took responsibility for a better economy? Do you mean negative responsibility? If Trump says Hydrox doesn’t work and needs more research the press would call it a miracle drug and that it works great. Cannot trust our press at all these days. Trump doesn’t bash himself. I agree. The press does enough for him.

Taking responsibility is not the same as taking credit. Taking responsibility for policies or actions that did not go well.

Has he ever?
Yes. When he fires people that he hired that didn’t work out. LOL. Admitting defeat or error is not who he is. I ll Give you that. Most CEOs are like that too. Ever see Jeff Bezos or Jamie Dimon admit they are wrong?

So essentially what you are saying is taking responsibility for mistakes is "not who he is" - in other words, he does not take responsibility.
He does but not for adverse actions or what some perceive to be adverse actions. He took responsibility for our deficit and was frustrated with it for example.

Where did he take responsibility for the deficit?
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).
I think that 100% is. He took responsibility for a better economy? Do you mean negative responsibility? If Trump says Hydrox doesn’t work and needs more research the press would call it a miracle drug and that it works great. Cannot trust our press at all these days. Trump doesn’t bash himself. I agree. The press does enough for him.

Taking responsibility is not the same as taking credit. Taking responsibility for policies or actions that did not go well.

Has he ever?
Yes. When he fires people that he hired that didn’t work out. LOL. Admitting defeat or error is not who he is. I ll Give you that. Most CEOs are like that too. Ever see Jeff Bezos or Jamie Dimon admit they are wrong?

So essentially what you are saying is taking responsibility for mistakes is "not who he is" - in other words, he does not take responsibility.
He does but not for adverse actions or what some perceive to be adverse actions. He took responsibility for our deficit and was frustrated with it for example.

Where did he take responsibility for the deficit?
by signing for it,,,
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).
I think that 100% is. He took responsibility for a better economy? Do you mean negative responsibility? If Trump says Hydrox doesn’t work and needs more research the press would call it a miracle drug and that it works great. Cannot trust our press at all these days. Trump doesn’t bash himself. I agree. The press does enough for him.

Taking responsibility is not the same as taking credit. Taking responsibility for policies or actions that did not go well.

Has he ever?
Yes. When he fires people that he hired that didn’t work out. LOL. Admitting defeat or error is not who he is. I ll Give you that. Most CEOs are like that too. Ever see Jeff Bezos or Jamie Dimon admit they are wrong?

So essentially what you are saying is taking responsibility for mistakes is "not who he is" - in other words, he does not take responsibility.
He does but not for adverse actions or what some perceive to be adverse actions. He took responsibility for our deficit and was frustrated with it for example.

Where did he take responsibility for the deficit?
During his Town Hall on Fox News.
Responsibility for what?

I watched the liberal assholes this morning saying the messiah obama had a plan for an epidemic, he was quoting out of a 1990s movie

Hi Bear, good to see you again :)

Responsibility for things that didn't go well. "The buck stops here" type of responsibility.
Once again he banned people from war torn countries and the liberals used him over it.

Did he take responsibility for any mistakes or things that didn't go well?

That's not the same as things others criticized him for, because if he didn't think he did anything wrong - he doesn't need to take responsibility.

What things haven't gone well since he was president? Before coronavirus he had the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, highest GDP numbers, low inflation, etc. He's taken responsibility for that.

10 days after the first covid19 case in the US he banned all commercial travel from China, where it originated. Liberal media called him a xenaphobe for that. He took responsibility for this.

So by all means, what bad things does he need to take responsibility for because he was directly responsible for it happening? Or does it only count for you if its something BAD and he takes responsibility for it?

I'm getting tired of people jumping into threads without reading them. Through out the course of this thread I several times gave examples.
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).

What does he need to take responsibility for? What has he done wrong?

And where is the proof of Obama taking responsibility for Obamacare? Obama fucked up so much during his 8 years he BETTER have taken responsibility for something. Did he accept responsibility for fast and furious? Benghazi? I'm not reading through 24 pages of TDS bullshit. I googled it myself and found nothing. Not a single time where Obama said that Obamacare was the disaster that it was or that it was illegal as it was eventually ruled, that FAF was a clusterfuck or Benghazi was his administrations fault. So by all means, where is it or STFU.

Oh brother. I already gave several specific examples of things that did not go well. This isn't about Obama but, as one example - the roll out of ACA was very bad and confusing. He took responsibility for it.

Since you don't bother to read the thread before commenting - I'll reiterate.

One example of something Trump did badly was the roll out of his "Muslim ban" which left everyone flatfooted, caused chaos at airports where airport security had no idea what to do, left people stranded and unable to get home.
“Everyone” or those coming from hostile countries? I didnt mind the ban but I am biased.

The policy - the ban itself - is not the point. We can argue that til kingdom come. The point of failure was in it's roll out.
I do not recall it being a failure

The roll out was anything but smooth. Even his own agencies were caught by surprise with no direction or time to implement changes.

Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).
I think that 100% is. He took responsibility for a better economy? Do you mean negative responsibility? If Trump says Hydrox doesn’t work and needs more research the press would call it a miracle drug and that it works great. Cannot trust our press at all these days. Trump doesn’t bash himself. I agree. The press does enough for him.

Taking responsibility is not the same as taking credit. Taking responsibility for policies or actions that did not go well.

Has he ever?
Yes. When he fires people that he hired that didn’t work out. LOL. Admitting defeat or error is not who he is. I ll Give you that. Most CEOs are like that too. Ever see Jeff Bezos or Jamie Dimon admit they are wrong?

So essentially what you are saying is taking responsibility for mistakes is "not who he is" - in other words, he does not take responsibility.
He does but not for adverse actions or what some perceive to be adverse actions. He took responsibility for our deficit and was frustrated with it for example.

Where did he take responsibility for the deficit?
by signing for it,,,

Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).
I think that 100% is. He took responsibility for a better economy? Do you mean negative responsibility? If Trump says Hydrox doesn’t work and needs more research the press would call it a miracle drug and that it works great. Cannot trust our press at all these days. Trump doesn’t bash himself. I agree. The press does enough for him.

Taking responsibility is not the same as taking credit. Taking responsibility for policies or actions that did not go well.

Has he ever?
Yes. When he fires people that he hired that didn’t work out. LOL. Admitting defeat or error is not who he is. I ll Give you that. Most CEOs are like that too. Ever see Jeff Bezos or Jamie Dimon admit they are wrong?

So essentially what you are saying is taking responsibility for mistakes is "not who he is" - in other words, he does not take responsibility.
He does but not for adverse actions or what some perceive to be adverse actions. He took responsibility for our deficit and was frustrated with it for example.

Where did he take responsibility for the deficit?
During his Town Hall on Fox News.
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).
I think that 100% is. He took responsibility for a better economy? Do you mean negative responsibility? If Trump says Hydrox doesn’t work and needs more research the press would call it a miracle drug and that it works great. Cannot trust our press at all these days. Trump doesn’t bash himself. I agree. The press does enough for him.

Taking responsibility is not the same as taking credit. Taking responsibility for policies or actions that did not go well.

Has he ever?
Yes. When he fires people that he hired that didn’t work out. LOL. Admitting defeat or error is not who he is. I ll Give you that. Most CEOs are like that too. Ever see Jeff Bezos or Jamie Dimon admit they are wrong?

So essentially what you are saying is taking responsibility for mistakes is "not who he is" - in other words, he does not take responsibility.
He does but not for adverse actions or what some perceive to be adverse actions. He took responsibility for our deficit and was frustrated with it for example.

Where did he take responsibility for the deficit?
by signing for it,,,

you need to just face it that your TDS is so severe nothing will satisfy you,,,
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).
I think that 100% is. He took responsibility for a better economy? Do you mean negative responsibility? If Trump says Hydrox doesn’t work and needs more research the press would call it a miracle drug and that it works great. Cannot trust our press at all these days. Trump doesn’t bash himself. I agree. The press does enough for him.

Taking responsibility is not the same as taking credit. Taking responsibility for policies or actions that did not go well.

Has he ever?
Yes. When he fires people that he hired that didn’t work out. LOL. Admitting defeat or error is not who he is. I ll Give you that. Most CEOs are like that too. Ever see Jeff Bezos or Jamie Dimon admit they are wrong?

So essentially what you are saying is taking responsibility for mistakes is "not who he is" - in other words, he does not take responsibility.
He does but not for adverse actions or what some perceive to be adverse actions. He took responsibility for our deficit and was frustrated with it for example.

Where did he take responsibility for the deficit?
During his Town Hall on Fox News.

This Town Hall?

Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).
I think that 100% is. He took responsibility for a better economy? Do you mean negative responsibility? If Trump says Hydrox doesn’t work and needs more research the press would call it a miracle drug and that it works great. Cannot trust our press at all these days. Trump doesn’t bash himself. I agree. The press does enough for him.

Taking responsibility is not the same as taking credit. Taking responsibility for policies or actions that did not go well.

Has he ever?
Yes. When he fires people that he hired that didn’t work out. LOL. Admitting defeat or error is not who he is. I ll Give you that. Most CEOs are like that too. Ever see Jeff Bezos or Jamie Dimon admit they are wrong?

So essentially what you are saying is taking responsibility for mistakes is "not who he is" - in other words, he does not take responsibility.
He does but not for adverse actions or what some perceive to be adverse actions. He took responsibility for our deficit and was frustrated with it for example.

Where did he take responsibility for the deficit?
by signing for it,,,

you need to just face it that your TDS is so severe nothing will satisfy you,,,

I hold Trump to the same standard you hold Obama to.
Responsibility for what?

I watched the liberal assholes this morning saying the messiah obama had a plan for an epidemic, he was quoting out of a 1990s movie

Hi Bear, good to see you again :)

Responsibility for things that didn't go well. "The buck stops here" type of responsibility.
Once again he banned people from war torn countries and the liberals used him over it.

Did he take responsibility for any mistakes or things that didn't go well?

That's not the same as things others criticized him for, because if he didn't think he did anything wrong - he doesn't need to take responsibility.

What things haven't gone well since he was president? Before coronavirus he had the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, highest GDP numbers, low inflation, etc. He's taken responsibility for that.

10 days after the first covid19 case in the US he banned all commercial travel from China, where it originated. Liberal media called him a xenaphobe for that. He took responsibility for this.

So by all means, what bad things does he need to take responsibility for because he was directly responsible for it happening? Or does it only count for you if its something BAD and he takes responsibility for it?

I'm getting tired of people jumping into threads without reading them. Through out the course of this thread I several times gave examples.
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).

What does he need to take responsibility for? What has he done wrong?

And where is the proof of Obama taking responsibility for Obamacare? Obama fucked up so much during his 8 years he BETTER have taken responsibility for something. Did he accept responsibility for fast and furious? Benghazi? I'm not reading through 24 pages of TDS bullshit. I googled it myself and found nothing. Not a single time where Obama said that Obamacare was the disaster that it was or that it was illegal as it was eventually ruled, that FAF was a clusterfuck or Benghazi was his administrations fault. So by all means, where is it or STFU.

Oh brother. I already gave several specific examples of things that did not go well. This isn't about Obama but, as one example - the roll out of ACA was very bad and confusing. He took responsibility for it.

Since you don't bother to read the thread before commenting - I'll reiterate.

One example of something Trump did badly was the roll out of his "Muslim ban" which left everyone flatfooted, caused chaos at airports where airport security had no idea what to do, left people stranded and unable to get home.
“Everyone” or those coming from hostile countries? I didnt mind the ban but I am biased.

The policy - the ban itself - is not the point. We can argue that til kingdom come. The point of failure was in it's roll out.
I do not recall it being a failure

The roll out was anything but smooth. Even his own agencies were caught by surprise with no direction or time to implement changes.

It had zero impact on me or my travels and I was traveling a ton for work then. I honestly never saw it firsthand. Did you?
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).
I think that 100% is. He took responsibility for a better economy? Do you mean negative responsibility? If Trump says Hydrox doesn’t work and needs more research the press would call it a miracle drug and that it works great. Cannot trust our press at all these days. Trump doesn’t bash himself. I agree. The press does enough for him.

Taking responsibility is not the same as taking credit. Taking responsibility for policies or actions that did not go well.

Has he ever?
Yes. When he fires people that he hired that didn’t work out. LOL. Admitting defeat or error is not who he is. I ll Give you that. Most CEOs are like that too. Ever see Jeff Bezos or Jamie Dimon admit they are wrong?

So essentially what you are saying is taking responsibility for mistakes is "not who he is" - in other words, he does not take responsibility.
He does but not for adverse actions or what some perceive to be adverse actions. He took responsibility for our deficit and was frustrated with it for example.

Where did he take responsibility for the deficit?
by signing for it,,,

you need to just face it that your TDS is so severe nothing will satisfy you,,,

I hold Trump to the same standard you hold Obama to.
so do I,,,I just dont let it consume my life because I know my opinion doesnt mean shit and ranting day in and day out makes me look like a mentally ill moron like you do now,,,
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).
I think that 100% is. He took responsibility for a better economy? Do you mean negative responsibility? If Trump says Hydrox doesn’t work and needs more research the press would call it a miracle drug and that it works great. Cannot trust our press at all these days. Trump doesn’t bash himself. I agree. The press does enough for him.

Taking responsibility is not the same as taking credit. Taking responsibility for policies or actions that did not go well.

Has he ever?
Yes. When he fires people that he hired that didn’t work out. LOL. Admitting defeat or error is not who he is. I ll Give you that. Most CEOs are like that too. Ever see Jeff Bezos or Jamie Dimon admit they are wrong?

So essentially what you are saying is taking responsibility for mistakes is "not who he is" - in other words, he does not take responsibility.
He does but not for adverse actions or what some perceive to be adverse actions. He took responsibility for our deficit and was frustrated with it for example.

Where did he take responsibility for the deficit?
During his Town Hall on Fox News.

This Town Hall?

Yeah. Did you watch it. He said he was disappointed he could not get the surplus but he took over a bad situation. He still took responsibility for not achieving the surplus and explained why he didn’t. Did you actually watch it? If not, do so.
Responsibility for what?

I watched the liberal assholes this morning saying the messiah obama had a plan for an epidemic, he was quoting out of a 1990s movie

Hi Bear, good to see you again :)

Responsibility for things that didn't go well. "The buck stops here" type of responsibility.
Once again he banned people from war torn countries and the liberals used him over it.

Did he take responsibility for any mistakes or things that didn't go well?

That's not the same as things others criticized him for, because if he didn't think he did anything wrong - he doesn't need to take responsibility.

What things haven't gone well since he was president? Before coronavirus he had the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, highest GDP numbers, low inflation, etc. He's taken responsibility for that.

10 days after the first covid19 case in the US he banned all commercial travel from China, where it originated. Liberal media called him a xenaphobe for that. He took responsibility for this.

So by all means, what bad things does he need to take responsibility for because he was directly responsible for it happening? Or does it only count for you if its something BAD and he takes responsibility for it?

I'm getting tired of people jumping into threads without reading them. Through out the course of this thread I several times gave examples.
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).

What does he need to take responsibility for? What has he done wrong?

And where is the proof of Obama taking responsibility for Obamacare? Obama fucked up so much during his 8 years he BETTER have taken responsibility for something. Did he accept responsibility for fast and furious? Benghazi? I'm not reading through 24 pages of TDS bullshit. I googled it myself and found nothing. Not a single time where Obama said that Obamacare was the disaster that it was or that it was illegal as it was eventually ruled, that FAF was a clusterfuck or Benghazi was his administrations fault. So by all means, where is it or STFU.

Oh brother. I already gave several specific examples of things that did not go well. This isn't about Obama but, as one example - the roll out of ACA was very bad and confusing. He took responsibility for it.

Since you don't bother to read the thread before commenting - I'll reiterate.

One example of something Trump did badly was the roll out of his "Muslim ban" which left everyone flatfooted, caused chaos at airports where airport security had no idea what to do, left people stranded and unable to get home.
“Everyone” or those coming from hostile countries? I didnt mind the ban but I am biased.

The policy - the ban itself - is not the point. We can argue that til kingdom come. The point of failure was in it's roll out.
I do not recall it being a failure

The roll out was anything but smooth. Even his own agencies were caught by surprise with no direction or time to implement changes.

It had zero impact on me or my travels and I was traveling a ton for work then. I honestly never saw it firsthand. Did you?

No. But it affected people I work with.

Which is neither here nor there. It may not have effected you, but it affected thousands of other people, including the people tasked with implementing it who were caught be surprise. It's a stretch to call that roll out in any way "well done".
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).
I think that 100% is. He took responsibility for a better economy? Do you mean negative responsibility? If Trump says Hydrox doesn’t work and needs more research the press would call it a miracle drug and that it works great. Cannot trust our press at all these days. Trump doesn’t bash himself. I agree. The press does enough for him.

Taking responsibility is not the same as taking credit. Taking responsibility for policies or actions that did not go well.

Has he ever?
Yes. When he fires people that he hired that didn’t work out. LOL. Admitting defeat or error is not who he is. I ll Give you that. Most CEOs are like that too. Ever see Jeff Bezos or Jamie Dimon admit they are wrong?

So essentially what you are saying is taking responsibility for mistakes is "not who he is" - in other words, he does not take responsibility.
He does but not for adverse actions or what some perceive to be adverse actions. He took responsibility for our deficit and was frustrated with it for example.

Where did he take responsibility for the deficit?
During his Town Hall on Fox News.

This Town Hall?

Yeah. Did you watch it. He said he was disappointed he could not get the surplus but he took over a bad situation. He still took responsibility for not achieving the surplus and explained why he didn’t. Did you actually watch it? If not, do so.
TDSers don't watch actual press conferences they let CNN tell them what to think.
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).
I think that 100% is. He took responsibility for a better economy? Do you mean negative responsibility? If Trump says Hydrox doesn’t work and needs more research the press would call it a miracle drug and that it works great. Cannot trust our press at all these days. Trump doesn’t bash himself. I agree. The press does enough for him.

Taking responsibility is not the same as taking credit. Taking responsibility for policies or actions that did not go well.

Has he ever?
Yes. When he fires people that he hired that didn’t work out. LOL. Admitting defeat or error is not who he is. I ll Give you that. Most CEOs are like that too. Ever see Jeff Bezos or Jamie Dimon admit they are wrong?

So essentially what you are saying is taking responsibility for mistakes is "not who he is" - in other words, he does not take responsibility.
He does but not for adverse actions or what some perceive to be adverse actions. He took responsibility for our deficit and was frustrated with it for example.

Where did he take responsibility for the deficit?
During his Town Hall on Fox News.

This Town Hall?

Yeah. Did you watch it. He said he was disappointed he could not get the surplus but he took over a bad situation. He still took responsibility for not achieving the surplus and explained why he didn’t. Did you actually watch it? If not, do so.

So...he took responsibility by blaming his predecessor.
Responsibility for what?

I watched the liberal assholes this morning saying the messiah obama had a plan for an epidemic, he was quoting out of a 1990s movie

Hi Bear, good to see you again :)

Responsibility for things that didn't go well. "The buck stops here" type of responsibility.
Once again he banned people from war torn countries and the liberals used him over it.

Did he take responsibility for any mistakes or things that didn't go well?

That's not the same as things others criticized him for, because if he didn't think he did anything wrong - he doesn't need to take responsibility.

What things haven't gone well since he was president? Before coronavirus he had the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, highest GDP numbers, low inflation, etc. He's taken responsibility for that.

10 days after the first covid19 case in the US he banned all commercial travel from China, where it originated. Liberal media called him a xenaphobe for that. He took responsibility for this.

So by all means, what bad things does he need to take responsibility for because he was directly responsible for it happening? Or does it only count for you if its something BAD and he takes responsibility for it?

I'm getting tired of people jumping into threads without reading them. Through out the course of this thread I several times gave examples.
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
Taking responsibility for a lie created by the media isn't part of being a good leader.
Are you saying all his bad policy rollouts ad outcomes are lies created by media?
You might have to list them because I don't think anything he's rolled out is bad....maybe bad for Anti-American Democrats who side against their own country in favor of China and Russia....but not bad for me.

Post 265 of this thread. And - it's not about the policies themselves (obviously we will disagree there) - it's about how they were rolled out and implemented that was badly done.
Anyone can be critical by being an armchair QB.
Try making suggestions on how to improve on something everyone seems to have been surprised by....including House Democrats who were busy impeaching Trump even though many of them had already been briefed on the virus.

Sure...but let's see....when did you ever do that? You had no problem being critical of Obama without offering improvements so that doesn't wash.

Clinton was able to work, and was handling the crisis in Kosovo during his impeachment. That is no excuse.

In addition, both examples I provided of badly done rollouts and policies were prior to impeachment. Do you have anything to say related to those examples?
Clinton had a problem with going overseas and throwing his weight around. I was deployed to Somalia when he took over the operation. In no time it quickly turned to shit. Instead of a peace-keeping mission, it turned into a armed forces expeditionary mission....a hunt for a warlord. Bill Clinton helped assassinate dozens of tribal leaders when they were trying to sue for peace. So the place turned into a Hornet's nest for us. When I first got there we could walk down the street unmolested , but after Bill Clinton...we had to wear armored vests and travel in tactical formation. We discovered why every other country sent their troops with fully armored APCs....and we were the only ones driving around in un-armored vehicles.

When it comes to Obama....we can all agree his roll-out of Obamacare was a total disaster. My suggestion to him would be not to fuck with the system that was working....but he was trying to take over 2/3rds of the economy through Single-payer health care. We can both admit Obama was a socialist but was afraid of it getting out. The issues I had with him are too numerous to list....and not one of them had to do with the color of his skin.

Lets take that one. I agree with you on that.

Now fast forward to the current administration. How did the roll out of Trump’s “Muslim ban” go?
It wasn't a Muslim ban.....it was a ban of people from specific regions that posed a threat to the US.

Aren't you wishing the Dems had listened to him about stopping some of these disease carrying illegals now?
Some think alot of this virus came into the US during those caravans from Central America. I also think this isn't the first flare-up. Senior citizens have been dying in greater numbers the last 3 winters.....most of them from lung infections. I think this is the 3rd cycle of the coronavirus.

I am questioning the stats for sure

Wrong thread dude this isn't about the corona virus.
I am saying he does take responsibility. He is the most open President we have ever had. With his tweets and constant press conferences.

That is not taking responsibility.

When has he ever taken responsibility for something? (ie not credit for).

What does he need to take responsibility for? What has he done wrong?

And where is the proof of Obama taking responsibility for Obamacare? Obama fucked up so much during his 8 years he BETTER have taken responsibility for something. Did he accept responsibility for fast and furious? Benghazi? I'm not reading through 24 pages of TDS bullshit. I googled it myself and found nothing. Not a single time where Obama said that Obamacare was the disaster that it was or that it was illegal as it was eventually ruled, that FAF was a clusterfuck or Benghazi was his administrations fault. So by all means, where is it or STFU.

Oh brother. I already gave several specific examples of things that did not go well. This isn't about Obama but, as one example - the roll out of ACA was very bad and confusing. He took responsibility for it.

Since you don't bother to read the thread before commenting - I'll reiterate.

One example of something Trump did badly was the roll out of his "Muslim ban" which left everyone flatfooted, caused chaos at airports where airport security had no idea what to do, left people stranded and unable to get home.
“Everyone” or those coming from hostile countries? I didnt mind the ban but I am biased.

The policy - the ban itself - is not the point. We can argue that til kingdom come. The point of failure was in it's roll out.
I do not recall it being a failure

The roll out was anything but smooth. Even his own agencies were caught by surprise with no direction or time to implement changes.

It had zero impact on me or my travels and I was traveling a ton for work then. I honestly never saw it firsthand. Did you?

No. But it affected people I work with.

Which is neither here nor there. It may not have effected you, but it affected thousands of other people, including the people tasked with implementing it who were caught be surprise. It's a stretch to call that roll out in any way "well done".
If it stopped one terrorist form coming into the US it is a success in my book. Again, I traveled at least 3x per week and never had an issue. I just Didn’t see it. I do See your POV.

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