Hasn’t DeSantis really done Martha’s Vineyard a favor….won’t it improve as it becomes more diverse?

“Our diversity is our strength”…..right?
Illegals make America better so there’s no reason Martha’s Vineyard won’t become better…right?

They need to build a low income high rise for illegals right across from Joe Biden's home.
Dude, what does that have to do with DeSantis's illegal smuggling? LOL! Nothing at all.

It isn't "smuggling" , its being done in the open.

And its perfectly 100% legal.

BTW, the Biden Regime has been shipping Illegals from the border to various conservative areas for years on night flights at 3 a.m.
They need to build a low income high rise for illegals right across from Joe Biden's home.

They need to provide the Illegals with squeegees so the people can provide a great service by cleaning the windows of the people's cars when they stop at red lights.
DeSantis is certainly doing the Illegals a favor

Would you rather be in some barrio in the south Texas or Martha's Fucking Vineyard?

Just a lot nicer place to chill, plenty of rich people there with change to spare if they are looking to panhandle.
Most illegals will work for a living and not panhandle.

So expect your next cook, bus person and landscaper to be Hispanic.

  • Domestic Transporting: Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii) makes it a crime for any person, with knowledge or reckless disregard of the alien’s illegal immigrations status, to transport an alien within the United States by any means of transportation.
  • Harboring: Under Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iii), it is a crime for any person, with knowledge or reckless disregard of the alien’s illegal immigrations status, to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection an alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation.
Biden admin has been doing that from Day 1. Sanctuary cities do this as well. You would need arrest most Democrats so please do.
On TV it was pointed out that top liberals, like Pennsylvania's own Uncle Festerman, want to open up the prison gates and allow 1/3 of the criminal out including 2nd degree murderers and Chomos.

Maybe building housing for some of them on MV might be a good idea too? After all, the Liberal Elite think its a good idea for the rest of us.
Most illegals will work for a living and not panhandle.

So expect your next cook, bus person and landscaper to be Hispanic.
Yeah, yeah, we know….you lefties have completely replaced those black folk you claim to cherish.
  • Domestic Transporting: Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii) makes it a crime for any person, with knowledge or reckless disregard of the alien’s illegal immigrations status, to transport an alien within the United States by any means of transportation.
  • Harboring: Under Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iii), it is a crime for any person, with knowledge or reckless disregard of the alien’s illegal immigrations status, to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection an alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation.

That's awful!

All those midnight flights......when is Biden being charged?
No crime there, nobody on social services, no social service offices, no trash, Modello bottles and baby shit filled diapers lining the roadways, no stray pit bulls running the streets, no Dodger/Raider fans….Martha’s Vineyard is about to “PROGRESS”.
candycorn what will happen to Martha’s Vineyard now that Raider fans are moving in…will it improve?
Abbott and DeSantis are making mistakes with this. The bleeding heart liberals in these blue states will get these migrants the lawyers they need to get citizenship.
Legal citizenship in the USA is a five years process, at least. Longer if not impossible if the applicant is a criminal. "Illegal alien" is not the best way to start, nor likely the lawful and successful way.

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