Hasn't Mueller Heard? No one has to obey subpoenas anymore....

Trumpanzees continue to display their fear over Mueller and the investigation.
Every time you speak or post I hear this loud 'POP'...as you pull yet another lie, another insult, another personal attack out of you ass, rather than anything of substance / fact.

I guess you have not figured out that no one takes you seriously anymore, sweetie. With you it's the 'SSDD'. None of it factual, none of it contributing to serious discussions.

Who told you know one has to obey his subpoenas?

Why do you want the investigation to stop? Are you more afraid Drumpf is going to get caught than stopping foreign governments from dictating who becomes the american POTUS?

Why did Drumpf back out on his bold promise to meet with Mueller? Drumpfs a pussy that cant back up his own talk.
Stop? The investigation should never have STARTED.

That must mean you're okay with the fact that Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. Good to know, comrade (you traitor).
No, that means VARAK OBAMA was ok with it.

Not only did he meddle in several nation's elections - including ours - he knew about the Russians back in 2014 and allowed them to keep doing it.

Yep. Also, O was meddling in israel elections but not a peep about that.
Probably because Israel is not part of the US and has nothing to do with Russians hacking the US elections.

So you're saying that O can meddle but other countries aren't allowed?
Who told you know one has to obey his subpoenas?

Why do you want the investigation to stop? Are you more afraid Drumpf is going to get caught than stopping foreign governments from dictating who becomes the american POTUS?

Why did Drumpf back out on his bold promise to meet with Mueller? Drumpfs a pussy that cant back up his own talk.
Stop? The investigation should never have STARTED.

That must mean you're okay with the fact that Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. Good to know, comrade (you traitor).
No, that means VARAK OBAMA was ok with it.

Not only did he meddle in several nation's elections - including ours - he knew about the Russians back in 2014 and allowed them to keep doing it.

Yep. Also, O was meddling in israel elections but not a peep about that.
Probably because Israel is not part of the US and has nothing to do with Russians hacking the US elections.

LOL, way too funny. Evidently it's okay if we (meaning Mr. Ears) do it, but not okay if someone else does it.....dumbass.
Trump has rejected Mueller's kind invitation to sit down and 'chat' ... Leaving Mueller to consider fighting to subpoena the President to force him to talk.

Silly co-conspirator....hasn't he heard? No one has to pay attention to / comply with subpoenas anymore.

Hillary's IT guy got immunity then pleaded the 5th. Hillary's aides were given immunity, refused to testify, and protected from indictment..

Hillary refused to testify under oath and Obstructed Justice by violating a subpoena...

Paige, Strzok...

Mueller doesn't have the balls to subpoena the President...especially when Rosenstein is about to be Impeached...and he himself being looked at.

He just implicated Russians so its time to cut his losses, wrap it up, and run before he gets indicted.

Trump resists Mueller interview, leaving decision on subpoena before fall elections
Trumpanzees continue to display their fear over Mueller and the investigation.

There is no fear of mueller. It is the corruption that he is involved in that is serious. The truth will come out.
Stop? The investigation should never have STARTED.

That must mean you're okay with the fact that Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. Good to know, comrade (you traitor).
No, that means VARAK OBAMA was ok with it.

Not only did he meddle in several nation's elections - including ours - he knew about the Russians back in 2014 and allowed them to keep doing it.

Yep. Also, O was meddling in israel elections but not a peep about that.
Probably because Israel is not part of the US and has nothing to do with Russians hacking the US elections.

LOL, way too funny. Evidently it's okay if we (meaning Mr. Ears) do it, but not okay if someone else does it.....dumbass.
Its not ok for anyone to hack the US elections. Now my question is how long will you stand by your sentiment if Cuba gets nuclear weapons?
Who told you know one has to obey his subpoenas?

Why do you want the investigation to stop? Are you more afraid Drumpf is going to get caught than stopping foreign governments from dictating who becomes the american POTUS?

Why did Drumpf back out on his bold promise to meet with Mueller? Drumpfs a pussy that cant back up his own talk.
Stop? The investigation should never have STARTED.

That must mean you're okay with the fact that Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. Good to know, comrade (you traitor).
The only thing this investigation has shown us, is how traitorous democrats are.

Fuck the democrats. That's not what I care about and not what this investigation is about.

This investigation is about a hostile foreign power attempting to influence our elections. Do you not care about that? Or do you only care about scoring political points for your team?
Stop? The investigation should never have STARTED.

That must mean you're okay with the fact that Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. Good to know, comrade (you traitor).
No, that means VARAK OBAMA was ok with it.

Not only did he meddle in several nation's elections - including ours - he knew about the Russians back in 2014 and allowed them to keep doing it.

Yep. Also, O was meddling in israel elections but not a peep about that.
Probably because Israel is not part of the US and has nothing to do with Russians hacking the US elections.

So you're saying that O can meddle but other countries aren't allowed?
President Obama didnt meddle in US elections dummy.
That must mean you're okay with the fact that Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. Good to know, comrade (you traitor).
No, that means VARAK OBAMA was ok with it.

Not only did he meddle in several nation's elections - including ours - he knew about the Russians back in 2014 and allowed them to keep doing it.

Yep. Also, O was meddling in israel elections but not a peep about that.
Probably because Israel is not part of the US and has nothing to do with Russians hacking the US elections.

LOL, way too funny. Evidently it's okay if we (meaning Mr. Ears) do it, but not okay if someone else does it.....dumbass.
Its not ok for anyone to hack the US elections. Now my question is how long will you stand by your sentiment if Cuba gets nuclear weapons?

Of course but why is it ok for O to meddle in israel?
No, that means VARAK OBAMA was ok with it.

Not only did he meddle in several nation's elections - including ours - he knew about the Russians back in 2014 and allowed them to keep doing it.

Yep. Also, O was meddling in israel elections but not a peep about that.
Probably because Israel is not part of the US and has nothing to do with Russians hacking the US elections.

LOL, way too funny. Evidently it's okay if we (meaning Mr. Ears) do it, but not okay if someone else does it.....dumbass.
Its not ok for anyone to hack the US elections. Now my question is how long will you stand by your sentiment if Cuba gets nuclear weapons?

Of course but why is it ok for O to meddle in israel?
Because its not the US. Why isnt it ok for N. Korea or Cuba to have nukes?
That must mean you're okay with the fact that Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. Good to know, comrade (you traitor).
No, that means VARAK OBAMA was ok with it.

Not only did he meddle in several nation's elections - including ours - he knew about the Russians back in 2014 and allowed them to keep doing it.

Yep. Also, O was meddling in israel elections but not a peep about that.
Probably because Israel is not part of the US and has nothing to do with Russians hacking the US elections.

So you're saying that O can meddle but other countries aren't allowed?
President Obama didnt meddle in US elections dummy.

Technically he did.
Loath to Meddle in Election, Obama Delayed Blaming Russia for D.N.C. Hack
No, that means VARAK OBAMA was ok with it.

Not only did he meddle in several nation's elections - including ours - he knew about the Russians back in 2014 and allowed them to keep doing it.

Yep. Also, O was meddling in israel elections but not a peep about that.
Probably because Israel is not part of the US and has nothing to do with Russians hacking the US elections.

So you're saying that O can meddle but other countries aren't allowed?
President Obama didnt meddle in US elections dummy.

Technically he did.
Loath to Meddle in Election, Obama Delayed Blaming Russia for D.N.C. Hack
"Loath to meddle.." means he didnt meddle dummy. You even have it in your post. How did you miss that?
That must mean you're okay with the fact that Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. Good to know, comrade (you traitor).
No, that means VARAK OBAMA was ok with it.

Not only did he meddle in several nation's elections - including ours - he knew about the Russians back in 2014 and allowed them to keep doing it.

Yep. Also, O was meddling in israel elections but not a peep about that.
Probably because Israel is not part of the US and has nothing to do with Russians hacking the US elections.

So you're saying that O can meddle but other countries aren't allowed?
President Obama didnt meddle in US elections dummy.

Yeah.....he did.


During Israel’s 2015 elections, the Obama administration — led by Secretary of State John Kerry — illegally intervened when they attempted to defeat the reelection of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by covertly funneling State Department grants to opposition groups. The Obama administration detested Netanyahu due to his refusal to cave into Palestinian demands, a group that even refused to recognize the existence of Israel.

Obama’s State Department gave $350,000 to a group called the “One Voice Movement (OVM),” for supporting “peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine.” However, the State Department then used leftover funds to organize an effort against Netanyahu’s reelection. OVM contracted out a group called “V15,” which in turned hired five campaign experts from the U.S., including Obama’s field director from his last presidential campaign. As the Weekly Standard’s Jim Swift wrote, “once the infrastructure was built, it was used in an attempt to topple the government of one of America’s closest allies.”

An investigation by the U.S. Senate found that the “State Department failed to adequately guard against the risk that resources built with government grants would be deployed for political purposes.” As with most investigations of Obama scandals, emails documenting this illegal election activity were destroyed. And, as usual, no one was held accountable.

Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples
Yep. Also, O was meddling in israel elections but not a peep about that.
Probably because Israel is not part of the US and has nothing to do with Russians hacking the US elections.

LOL, way too funny. Evidently it's okay if we (meaning Mr. Ears) do it, but not okay if someone else does it.....dumbass.
Its not ok for anyone to hack the US elections. Now my question is how long will you stand by your sentiment if Cuba gets nuclear weapons?

Of course but why is it ok for O to meddle in israel?
Because its not the US. Why isnt it ok for N. Korea or Cuba to have nukes?

No, we're talking about election meddling. Not nukes.
No, that means VARAK OBAMA was ok with it.

Not only did he meddle in several nation's elections - including ours - he knew about the Russians back in 2014 and allowed them to keep doing it.

Yep. Also, O was meddling in israel elections but not a peep about that.
Probably because Israel is not part of the US and has nothing to do with Russians hacking the US elections.

So you're saying that O can meddle but other countries aren't allowed?
President Obama didnt meddle in US elections dummy.

Yeah.....he did.


During Israel’s 2015 elections, the Obama administration — led by Secretary of State John Kerry — illegally intervened when they attempted to defeat the reelection of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by covertly funneling State Department grants to opposition groups. The Obama administration detested Netanyahu due to his refusal to cave into Palestinian demands, a group that even refused to recognize the existence of Israel.

Obama’s State Department gave $350,000 to a group called the “One Voice Movement (OVM),” for supporting “peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine.” However, the State Department then used leftover funds to organize an effort against Netanyahu’s reelection. OVM contracted out a group called “V15,” which in turned hired five campaign experts from the U.S., including Obama’s field director from his last presidential campaign. As the Weekly Standard’s Jim Swift wrote, “once the infrastructure was built, it was used in an attempt to topple the government of one of America’s closest allies.”

An investigation by the U.S. Senate found that the “State Department failed to adequately guard against the risk that resources built with government grants would be deployed for political purposes.” As with most investigations of Obama scandals, emails documenting this illegal election activity were destroyed. And, as usual, no one was held accountable.

Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples
Israel is not the US dummy.
Yep. Also, O was meddling in israel elections but not a peep about that.
Probably because Israel is not part of the US and has nothing to do with Russians hacking the US elections.

So you're saying that O can meddle but other countries aren't allowed?
President Obama didnt meddle in US elections dummy.

Technically he did.
Loath to Meddle in Election, Obama Delayed Blaming Russia for D.N.C. Hack
"Loath to meddle.." means he didnt meddle dummy. You even have it in your post. How did you miss that?

Are you claiming that the ROOSKIES hacked the DNC server???? That they leaked incriminating evidence showing corruption and criminality of the DNC? Is that what you are claiming???
Probably because Israel is not part of the US and has nothing to do with Russians hacking the US elections.

LOL, way too funny. Evidently it's okay if we (meaning Mr. Ears) do it, but not okay if someone else does it.....dumbass.
Its not ok for anyone to hack the US elections. Now my question is how long will you stand by your sentiment if Cuba gets nuclear weapons?

Of course but why is it ok for O to meddle in israel?
Because its not the US. Why isnt it ok for N. Korea or Cuba to have nukes?

No, we're talking about election meddling. Not nukes.
No we are talking about russians meddling in the US elections. Not the US meddling in other countries elections.
Probably because Israel is not part of the US and has nothing to do with Russians hacking the US elections.

So you're saying that O can meddle but other countries aren't allowed?
President Obama didnt meddle in US elections dummy.

Technically he did.
Loath to Meddle in Election, Obama Delayed Blaming Russia for D.N.C. Hack
"Loath to meddle.." means he didnt meddle dummy. You even have it in your post. How did you miss that?

Are you claiming that the ROOSKIES hacked the DNC server???? That they leaked incriminating evidence showing corruption and criminality of the DNC? Is that what you are claiming???
No thats what the indictment is claiming and your pussy leader Drumpf is too afraid to support
Who told you know one has to obey his subpoenas?

Why do you want the investigation to stop? Are you more afraid Drumpf is going to get caught than stopping foreign governments from dictating who becomes the american POTUS?

Why did Drumpf back out on his bold promise to meet with Mueller? Drumpfs a pussy that cant back up his own talk.
Stop? The investigation should never have STARTED.

That must mean you're okay with the fact that Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. Good to know, comrade (you traitor).
Why didn't Obama stop it? It happened on his watch.
Who told you know one has to obey his subpoenas?

Why do you want the investigation to stop? Are you more afraid Drumpf is going to get caught than stopping foreign governments from dictating who becomes the american POTUS?

Why did Drumpf back out on his bold promise to meet with Mueller? Drumpfs a pussy that cant back up his own talk.
Stop? The investigation should never have STARTED.

That must mean you're okay with the fact that Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. Good to know, comrade (you traitor).
Why didn't Obama stop it? It happened on his watch.
See the link below.

Loath to Meddle in Election, Obama Delayed Blaming Russia for D.N.C. Hack

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