Hasta La Vista Assault Weapons Ban (Feinstein Bill Shot Down)


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Elizabeth Sheld
March 19, 2013

After a meeting yesterday with Harry Reid (D-NV), Sen. Dianne Feinstein learned that her controversial assault weapons ban mess will not be part of the gun control bill package heading to the senate floor next month.

The AWB could be offered up as an amendment, but the bill was already considered a long shot, as senate democrats will be facing a competitive election cycle for 2014. Many face constituents back home who do not support such legislation.


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Hasta La Vista Assault Weapons Ban
Now if only that same logic could be applied to New York and Andrew Cuomo.
Been a tough few days for Libby Feinstein. First Cruz schooled her and made her look stupid the other day and now her own dear Harry cuts her off at the pass. What a douche.
I wonder why Liberals have nothing to say about this? What about the ch... ch... children?
Now if only that same logic could be applied to New York and Andrew Cuomo.

Cuomo should be put on a rail, tarred and feathered then run out of Albany, along with every Democrat politician that assisted in this blatant violation of the Second Amendment against the citizens of New York State.
By GOA staff
Mar. 21, 2013

In case you missed it, an interesting exchange took place in the Senate Judiciary Committee last week.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz politely asked gun-control crazy Dianne Feinstein how she would feel about applying her minimalist view on the Second Amendment to other parts of the Bill of Rights.

Feinstein went into orbit. "I'm not a sixth grader," she huffed. Invoking her extensive Senate history of spitting on the Constitution, she made it clear that she didn't appreciate being reminded of the Constitution’s restrictions on her legislative will.

Feinstein suggested that Congress should pass anti-gun legislation without considering the Constitution, in the expectation that the courts will sort it out. Notwithstanding the fact that Feinstein and every other senator had taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution.

So here's where we are: In a few weeks, after Easter recess, Harry Reid will move to proceed to some gun control proposal, probably the Veterans Gun Ban (S. 54). He'll then use his privileged recognition to set up a whole lot of votes intended to get Democrats reelected in 2014.


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Reid knew that an open vote on Frankensteins idiotic bill might spell doom for democrat Senators in the south and west.

Though he may be a sociopathic crook, Reid is no fool.
Been a tough few days for Libby Feinstein. First Cruz schooled her and made her look stupid the other day and now her own dear Harry cuts her off at the pass. What a douche.


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