Senate Bill 66: “Assault Weapons Ban of 2019”: ban all semi-autos

When stupid Liberals tell you that they only want "reasonable gun control laws" they are lying to you, just like they lie about everything else. That filthy ass law is a great example. Not even a pretense of the right to keep and bear arms.

If that piece of shit legislation ever became law it would mean tremendous civil disobedience and opposition.
This bill does not ban all semi automatic weapons. The OP fucked up.

You are nit picking. Typical for a dishonest Liberals.
Debunking horseshit claims about a bill banning ALL semi automatic rifles is not nit picking, retard. It makes a huge difference.

You poor rubes fell for the lie hook, line, and sinker, and now you're embarrassed. Too bad.

You are being dishonest with a statement like that. Your stupid statement is a great example of why we can't trust you stupid Liberals with our Constitutional rights.

It is significant infringement upon the right to keep and bear arms. You can't put lipstick on a pig and then claim that it isn't a pig.

It certainly bans anybody that doesn't have one of the 90% of the semi autos made from getting one. It bans getting a standard capacity magazine.

However, it doesn't ban the filthy government thugs from getting them nor does it prevent crooks from getting them because crooks don't obey the law.

I should not be bothered too much by a law like that. I would be "grandfathered" in on the 30 ARs that I own that are covered in the bill. I can enjoy my rights until the next stupid bill that the asshole Democrats manage to get pushed through takes them away.

However, It is the wrong thing to do. It is a great infringement on the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms and the Constitutional says very clearly that the right shall not be infringed. It is a blatant violation of the highest law of the land and should be opposed by every American.
once they give up their security teams guns, then let's talk. The mayor of NY said it on Tucker Carlson's show, he's better and more important than you and me.

This bill is like the 1994 AWB. It lists the specific makes and models which are banned. It does not ban ALL semi autos.

Even the most rudimentary reading of the bill makes this blazingly clear.

The topic title and the OP are histrionic lies.

The AWB didn't ban anything except certain features of some semiauto guns. .
The AWB did more than that. It banned specific makes and models of semi autos. It also banned high capacity magazines.

But it did not ban the sale of existing semi autos and magazines.
This is not a confiscation bill. It does not even ban all semi autos.
You're right -- it only bans semi-auto rifles and pistols that can accept an threaded barrel - which is all of them, exactly as described in the OP.
You can still get a semi-auto shotgun.
Wrong again!
Another lie.
The text of the bill CLEARLY states exactly what I said it states - mostly because I copied the text:

The term ‘semiautomatic assault weapon’ means any of the following,
- A semiautomatic rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any 1 of the following:
-- A threaded barrel (etc)
- A semiautomatic pistol that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any 1 of the following:
-- A threaded barrel (etc)

As every semi-auto rifle and pistol can accept a threaded barrel, the bill will ban them

Feel free to demonstrate otherwise.
This is not a confiscation bill. It does not even ban all semi autos.
You're right -- it only bans semi-auto rifles and pistols that can accept an threaded barrel - which is all of them, exactly as described in the OP.
You can still get a semi-auto shotgun.
Wrong again!

If it banned all semi autos, they would not have made a list of weapons that are banned, idiot. Did you even read the bill to which you linked?


You are being dishonest again. That is typical of you Liberals and that is the reason we can't trust you with our Constitutional rights.

That list covers about 90% of all the semi autos. You can argue that is not 100% but that only makes you look like a snake oil salesman.
This is not a confiscation bill. It does not even ban all semi autos.
You're right -- it only bans semi-auto rifles and pistols that can accept an threaded barrel - which is all of them, exactly as described in the OP.
You can still get a semi-auto shotgun.
Wrong again!
Another lie.
The text of the bill CLEARLY states exactly what I said it states - mostly because I copied the text:

The term ‘semiautomatic assault weapon’ means any of the following,
- A semiautomatic rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any 1 of the following:
-- A threaded barrel (etc)
- A semiautomatic pistol that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any 1 of the following:
-- A threaded barrel (etc)

As every semi-auto rifle and pistol can accept a threaded barrel, the bill will ban them

Feel free to demonstrate otherwise.
I posted the definition of threaded barrel in my first post, moron.

And the bill lists what makes and models of semi autos are banned. If ALL makes and models were banned, they would not make a list of the ones that actually are.

Are you totally lacking in common sense!?!?

I'm done with you. Read the bill, for fucks sake.
This bill is like the 1994 AWB. It lists the specific makes and models which are banned. It does not ban ALL semi autos.
Correct - - it does not ban semi-auto rifles and pistols that cannot accept a threaded barrel.
Which ones are those?
Oh - there are none.
The original AWB banned certain semi autos. It listed them.

Does anyone claim the original AWB banned ALL semi autos?


And neither does this one. Only a complete idiot would say it does.
I posted the definition of threaded barrel in my first post, moron.
And I explained why the inclusion of said definition has no relevance, in my first response to you, retard.
This bill is like the 1994 AWB. It lists the specific makes and models which are banned. It does not ban ALL semi autos.

Even the most rudimentary reading of the bill makes this blazingly clear.

The topic title and the OP are histrionic lies.

This stupid bill is much broader and covers almost everything that makes a semi auto a semi auto. You should oppose it because it is an oppressive law that infringes greatly upon our Constitutional rights. You do know we have a Bill of Rights, don't you?

Maybe not. Liberals are just as ignorant of the Constitution as they are of History, Economics, Biology, Climate Science and Ethics.
This bill is like the 1994 AWB. It lists the specific makes and models which are banned. It does not ban ALL semi autos.
Correct - - it does not ban semi-auto rifles and pistols that cannot accept a threaded barrel.
Which ones are those?
Oh - there are none.
Impenetrable stupidity.
What's that?
You cannot present an intelligent, reasoned response?
Thought not.
I accept your concession.
This is not a confiscation bill. It does not even ban all semi autos.
You're right -- it only bans semi-auto rifles and pistols that can accept an threaded barrel - which is all of them, exactly as described in the OP.
You can still get a semi-auto shotgun.
Wrong again!

If it banned all semi autos, they would not have made a list of weapons that are banned, idiot. Did you even read the bill to which you linked?


You are being dishonest again. That is typical of you Liberals and that is the reason we can't trust you with our Constitutional rights.

That list covers about 90% of all the semi autos. You can argue that is not 100% but that only makes you look like a snake oil salesman.
Years ago the Democrats got busted attempting to ban Americans from buying AMMUNITION for weapons.

Buried deep in a bill that was curiously supposed to be about preventing average Americans from being able to buy 'MISSILES' was a small paragraph that defined BULLETS as 'MISSILES'. (The NRA can be thanked for pouring over the document and finding it.) Once discovered the bill suffered a very quick and very SILENT death, one almost un-noticed (unreported) completely by the American people.

'Dishonest'? You just described agenda-driven Socialist Democrats.
The original AWB banned certain semi autos. It listed them.
Does anyone claim the original AWB banned ALL semi autos?
And neither does this one. Only a complete idiot would say it does.
If only you could read, eh?
Tell us: Which semi-auto rifle/pistol cannot accept a threaded barrel?
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This is not a confiscation bill. It does not even ban all semi autos.
You're right -- it only bans semi-auto rifles and pistols that can accept an threaded barrel - which is all of them, exactly as described in the OP.
You can still get a semi-auto shotgun.
Wrong again!

If it banned all semi autos, they would not have made a list of weapons that are banned, idiot. Did you even read the bill to which you linked?

Nazi Germany never made any list.

They just started confiscating weapons after they shoved their so called "Gun Control" bill through.

Then came the cattle cars and gas ovens.
All semi autos?...look out folks they want your guns because if they regain power they will turn the nation over to the UN...we will lose our sovereignty without a shot....they will burn the constitution they claim Trump keeps violating....get to the polls next year or lose the nation...that is how serious this is....
------------------------------- agree but any American that hasn't seen this kinda stuff coming 40 or more years ago has no thinking ability Rambunctious .
All semi autos?...look out folks they want your guns because if they regain power they will turn the nation over to the UN...we will lose our sovereignty without a shot....they will burn the constitution they claim Trump keeps violating....get to the polls next year or lose the nation...that is how serious this is....
If they pass this shit, it's time to declare the union dissolved.

Lock and load.

Let's kill some commies.


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